HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 023I Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Brownewell BY AU'l'BORITY ORDINANCE NO. 23, SBRIBS OP 1961 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THB MAYOR OP THB CITY OP BNGLBWOOD, OOLORADO, TO BXBCUTB, ON BBBALP OP SAID CITY, AND AU'l'HORIZING AND DIRBC'l'ING THE CLBRK OP 'l'BB CITY OP BNGLBWOOD TO A'l"l'BST, ON BBBALP OP SAID CITY, A OONTRAC'l' WITH '1'BB UBITBD STATBS DBPAR'DtDT OP TBB INTBRIOR, BURBAU OP RBCLAllATION, CON- TRACT NO. 14-06-700-3123, BHTITLBD "CONTRACT FOR TRMJSPORTATION OP WATBR FOR CITY OP BBGLBWOOD, COLORADO, THROUGH TBB OOLORADO-BIG THOMPSON PROJBCT, COLORADO", ARD A CONTRACT WITH THE NORTBBRl1 COLORADO WATBR CONSBRVANCY DIS- TRICT FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OP CITY WATBR 'l'BROUGB PBATURBS ARD PACILITIBS OWNBD AND OPBRATBD BY TBB DISTRICT. WBBRBAS, the City of Bnglewood, Colorado i• the owner of certain condi- tionally decreed water rights in the Praaer River Baain, the water from which is necessary as a part of the municipal water aupply of the City of Bnglewood, and WBBRBAS, the United States, acting through the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, is the owner of an irrigation and power project known as the Colorado-Big Thompson Project and The Northern Colorado Water Conaervancy District i• the owner of certain Bast Slope facilitie• which conatitute a part of the distribution system of the said Diatrict, and WBBRBAS, the facilities of the United State• and The llorthern Colorado Water Conservancy Diatrict are suitable for the tranS1DOuntain tranaportation of the water of the City produced from it• conditional deer .. •, and WBBRBAS, C:ontracta with the United State• and 'l'he Borthern Colorado Water Conaervancy District have been negotiated, and the term• thereof agreed upon1 NOW 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADBD BY '1'llB Cift COUBCIL OP '1'llB CITY OP DIGLBMOOD, OOLORADOs Section 1. That the Mayor of the City of BnglMllOod, Colorado, be, and he i• hereby authorized and directed, to execute, on behalf of ••id City, and the Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado be, and he is hereby authorized and directed, to atteat, on behalf of •aid City, Contract Bo. 14-06w700-3123, United State• Department of the Interior, Bureau of Recl-tion, entitled "Contract for Transportation of water for City of Bnglewood, Colorado through the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado", a copy of which contract i• to be attached to this Ordinance in the records of the City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and the Mayor of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado be, and he i• hereby authorized and directed, to execute, on behalf of said City, and the Clerk of the City of Bnglewod, Colorado be, and he ia hereby authorized and directed, to atteat, on behalf of said City, a contract with The lforthern Colorado Water Conservancy Diatrict for the tranaportation of City water through facilities owned by aaid District, a copy of which contract i• to be attached to this Ordinance in the record• of the Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado. Section 2. Following the execution of said described contracts, the City of Bnglewood. Colorado shall be bound by all of the term• thereof. Section 3. 'l'he City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, hereby f inda and determinea that this Ordinance is necessary for the preaervation of public property. health. peace and aafety of the inhabitant• of th• City of Sft9l.• '°ad ror the r-aon that the Uni.ted State• or Ameri.c:a baa reciu••ted ~l lift """ n tnmin 11 mn 11 JVt11t11 1-IJ r111&n or tnn ract tn1t until the execution of the same. activitiea for the development of the condi- tional deer••• of the City cannot conaence and a full year of time could be lost. Therefore, thi• ordinance •hall become final and take effect from and after final reading and publication. Paaaed on Pirst Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglawood. Colorado, thia 7th day of August. A.D. 1961, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Passed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, thi• 2lat day of Auguat. A.D. 1961, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ~ ~~L~~iJY· A'l'TBSTs /'""'" Mayor ' .... ~ U •..• & I, B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk-Treasurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed aa a bill in th• BnglftlOOd Herald and Bnterpri•• at a regular -•ting of the City council held on the 7th day ·of Auguat, A.D. 1961, and that at leaat 7 days after above publication aa a bill, th• above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in aaid legal n.wapaper by the City council at a regular ... ting held on th• 2lat day of Auguat, A.D. 1961, aa Ordinance Bo. 23, Seri•• of 1961, of aaid City. A'l'TBST1 Contract Mo. 14-06-700-3123 URITBD STATBS DBPAR'l'MBHT OP 'l'BB IHTBRIOR BURBAU OP RBCLAMATIOH ?TRACT POR TRAllSPORTATION OP WATBR POR Cift OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, 'IBROUGll 'l'llB COLORADO-BIG 'l'IDIPSOB PROJBC'l', COLORADO TRIS COBTRAC'l', Made thi• day of , 1961, in purauance of the Act of June 17, 1903 (32 Stat. 388), and act• amendatory thereof or auppl-ntary thereto, between '1'llB URITBD STATBS OP AMBRICA, hereinafter atyled the United Stat:ea,.acting through th• Contracting Officer, her•l:n•fter deaipated, and 'ftl• City of DIGLBWOOD, a municipal corporation, of th~tate of COlorado, acting by and through it• duly authorized Mayor and City Clerk, hereinafter referred to as "The City", and the BOR'l'llBRlf COLORADO WATBR OORSBRVAHcr DISTRICT, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado with it• principal place of business in Loveland, Colorado, herein atyled the Diatrict. 2. WITHBSSBTB, That for and in consideration of the mutual agreement• herein contained, the parties hereto do convenant and agree aa follow•: 3. The United State• is the owner of an irrigation and power project known •• the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, conatructed by the United States in the State of Colorado under the proviaiona of the Pederal Reclamation Law•: and The City claims it has decreed water right• which will permit it to divert water annually up to the decreed amount through it• Hamilton cabin Creek Ditch: Bxtenaion and Bnlargement of Hamilton cabin Creek Ditch: Cabin Creek Reservoir: and Meadow Creek Reservoir located in northwestern Colorado in the general vicinity of Lake Granby owned and operated by the United States as a feature of the Colorado-Big 'l'hompaon Project: and The City proposes to coftatruct certain diversion work• which will enable The City to deliver The City's water into said Lake Granby: and the United States is willing to accept water and to deliver like quantities minus lo•••• on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth in this contract. 4. Por the purpose of this contract the following definitions shall obtain: (a) "Project Water Supply" is defined as the water yield of the preaently constructed works of the Colorado-Big 'l'hompaon Project, together with the water yield of any works to be constructed in the future by the United States. water rights yet to be obtained for the project from Strawberry Creek and Meadow Creek shall be Junior to 'l'he City's right described in Article 3 hereof. (b) "Unused Capacity" is that capacity of the work• of the Colorado-Big 'l'hompaon Project not required for the "Project Water Supply". (c) •water Year• aha11 mean th• per:lod from lfov-.ber 1at to the auc:ceeding October 31•t of .. ch calendar y .. r. S. The United States agrees that if and when it has unused capacity it will accept in Lake Granby from The City not to exceed in any one year Th• City'• decreed trans-mountain diversion entitl ... nt and will release water as hereinafter provided, leas water lo•••• of not to exceed Pive (5) percent. However, no releases will be made to The City unless it has water delivered or available for delivery into Lake Granby in a quantity suffi- cient therefor. 6. The City will finance and construct, or make arrangements for the uae of, all work• necessary to deliver water into and receive water from the project system, including measuring devices at the points of inflow and re- lease. 11 I ' I I I 7. It i• understood and agreed among the parties hereto that the cap- acity in all features of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project ia committed first to project water. Purther, The City shall have no right to the use of capacity in any project works to the detriment of project operations. In View thereof, The City may desire to provide both inflow and terminal storage regulation to receive maximwn benefits under the provisions of this contract. 8. This contract shall be Junior in priority to any other contract heretofore executed by the United States for the uae of unused capacity in the Colorado-Big Thompson Project. 9. When The City gives notice to the Regional Director, Region 7, Bureau of Reclamation, Building 46, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado, that it is prepared to make the initial delivery cf water into Lake Granby under the terms of this contract, it shall concurrently forward a check payable to the order of the United States of America, aa an advance payment in the amount of Two Bunc:lred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for each calendar month from the scheduled date of initial delivery of water hereunder to the next succeeding November lat, such amount to be credited toward the water charge in the state- ment rendered to The City under Article 15 hereof. 10. Por each water year, The City ahall pay to the United States an advance payment of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) on or before November lat following the date of initial delivery of water into Lake Granby by The City. Such charge shall be credited toward the water charge in the statement ren- dered to The City under Article 15 hereof. If at any time after the first Three (3) full water years of actual service The City baa requested release of more than Three Hundred (300) acre-feet in any water year, The City will, on or before each November lat thereafter make an additional advance payment to the United States of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per acre-foot for water in excess of Three Hunc:lred (300) acre-feet releaaed to The City in the water year i.Jmaediately preceding, which amount shall be credited toward the charge for water released in addition to Three Hundred (300) acre-feet in the statement rendered to The City under Article 15 hereof. 11. Operations under this contract will coaaence upon receipt of the notice and remittance mentioned in Article 9 above and will continue there- after for a period of Porty (40) years. 12. Whenever The City is ready to receive water under the terms of this contract it shall so notify the Manager of the District, which shall be the agent of the United States for the purpose of administering water here- under while it ia being transported through project facilities that have been tranaferred to the District for care, operation, and maintenance. The District ahall request releaaea from project work• operated by the United States for pending water orders by The City at the earlieat time• such water can be transported through aaid facilities without aubatantial inter- ference with project operations. • 13. There shall be no charge or credit to The City for passing The City' a water through project power facilitiea, and all revenue• derived therefrom shall accrue solely to the United Statea. 14. The charges to be paid by The City annually per acre-foot of water released under the terms of this contract will be Two Hundred and Thirty-Five percentum (235") of the sum of the following it-•: a. The coat per acre-foot for power to pump The City' a water. The rate for power uaed for thi• purpoae will be the weighted average rate per kilowatt-hour for couaercial firm electric energy marketed during the f iacal year ending the previoua June 30th from the Weatern Diviaion, Miaaouri River Basin Project. b. An amount toward coat• of adminiatration, operation, maintenance, and replac .. ent of tho•• project features operated at the joint expenae of the United State• and the Diatrict, exclusive of the Willow Creek Paciliti•• (Willow Creek Reservoir and Dam, Willow Creek Pumping Plant, Willow Creek Feeder canal and Conduit, Willow Creek Power Linea and SWitch- yard, and appurtenance• related to the•• feature•) and exclusive of direct electric energy charge• for project pumping. Such amount shall be computed by dividing aaid coat• for the f iacal year ending the previoua June 30th by the number of aare-f .. t of water carried through the Adam• Tunnel during the aame fiacal year. c. An amount toward coat• of the adminiatration, operation•, maintenance, and replacement coat• of thoae project feature• operated and maintained by the Diatrict. Such amount ahall be computed by dividing the water year operation and maintenance coats of the tranaferred project work• by the number of acre- f .. t of water carried throu9h the Ad••• Tunnel l during the water year, aaid operation and -intenance coat• of all project feature• tranaferr,..., to the Diatrict to be the 8Ulll of •adminiatrative and indirect coata• and •direct operation and -intenance coata• •• deter11ined by th• annual audit of the account• of the Diatrict. .. ---& ·.. ·. . : ~ : 6 15. on Dec-.ber lat next after the date of the initial delivery of water into Lake Granby hereunder, and each Decellber lat thereafter during the term of thi• contract, the United State• ahall render a atat ... nt in writing to The City showing the acre-feet of water releaaed to The City dur- ing the previous water year hereunder, and the total charge for auch service computed as provided in Article 14 hereof, and toward auch total amount due from The City there shall be credited the advance payment theretofore paid and the additional charges paid in advance by The City. If there is any balance due the United States, aaid balance ahall be paid in full by The City within Sixty (60) days after the date of the atatement rendered by the United States. In the event The City baa overpaid its account with the United States, the over-payment may be credited on next year'• installment, or, at the option of The City, refunded to The City. 16. Por the purpo•e• of this contract only, it i• agreed that Porty- 'l'Wo and One-Pourth percentum (42.25") of the revenue• received from The City ahall be credited to the Diatrict'• ahare of the annual operation and main- tenance coata of the project. 17. The book• and record• of the United Stat•• pertaining to the charge• mentioned in Articles 14 and 15 hereof alaall be open for inapection by The City at any time during regular buain••• hour•1 and in th• event The City, t h e United State•, and the Diatrict cannot agr .. •• to the correctness of any auch charge•, or aome it• thereof, then the matter •hall be referred to the Secretary of the Interior of the United State• and hi• deciaion with reapect to the matter~ in diapute •hall be final upon th• partie• hereto in the abaence of fraud, mistake, or bad faith. 18. a. If any payment required to be made to the United States i• not paid when due, The City shall pay a penalty of One-Half of One percentum (0.5") per month from the date of delinquency. b. No water shall be released by the United State• hereunder during any period in which The City i• delinquent in any of the payments required of The City. The refuaal to release water purauant hereto shall in no wi•• reduce or modify 'l'he City's obligations to pay for water releaaed prior to the &otice of Delinquency from the United Stat••· c. Bo waiver at any time by the United Stat•• of it• right• with reapect to default or any other matter ariaing in connection with thi• contrac~ shall be deemed a waiver with reapect to any aubaequent default or matter. All rights of action for breach of thia contract are reserved to the United States a• provided in Section 3737, Reviaed Statutes of the United States, as amended (41 u.s.c.15) 19. If The City within a period of Bight (8) year• ,.. from the date of the execution of this contract has not requested the initial acceptance of water into Lake Granby hereunder, then, at the end of said Bight (8)-year period, this contract shall automatically terminate without any further notice to The City: PROVIDBD PURTBBR, that if, at any time after the initial delivery of water into Lake Granby hereunder, The City shall fail to request the release of any water lmreunder for Three (3) conaecutive years, thi• con- tract shall automatically terminate at the end of aaid Three (3)-year period without any further notice to The City. If, after a period of Pifteen (15) years fran the initial delivery of water into Lake Granby hereunder, The City has not delivered, or had available for delivery, into Lake Granby the full amount of its decreed rights in any one year, then the United St•tes may, after considering all tlle reasons therefor advanced by The City and the District, have the right to reduce the maximum amount it will receive in Lake Granby to the greatest number of acre-feet delivered by The City during any one of the preceding Fifteen (15) years. 20. In addition to all the other terms, conditions and covenants con- tained within this contract, it is specifically understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that the right• of The City hereunder are, sub- ject to the following terms, conditions and limitations, to all intents and p urposes as though set forth verbatim herein, and made a part hereof by reference, to-wit: a. All the provisions of Section 13fc) of the Boulder Canyon Project Act, approved December 21, 1~28 (45 ~tat. 105 7 ). o. ~iae pruv1s1ons of Section 14 of the Colorado River Storage Project Act, approved April 11, 1956 (70 Stat. 105). c. The terms and provisions of that certain contract No. llr-1051 , including amendments thereof, dated July 5, 1938, between the . United States of America and the Northern Colorado Water Conser- vancy District of Loveland, Colorado. d. The Pinal Judgment, Pinal Decree and Stipulations Incorporated therein in the consolidated cases of the United States of America v. The &orthern Colorado Water Conservancy District, et al., Civil Nos •. 2782, 5016 and 5017, in the united States District Court for the District of Colorado. I I 21. Hotwithatanding any other pxovision of this contract to the contrary, the Contracting ufficer shall have the unlimited right to cancel and terminate this contract at any time upon aixty (60) day' a ad•hoenotice in ''writing to 'l'he City if any, or all, of the following conditions occur: a. The Contracting Officer determine• that further release of water to The City hereunder will be detrimental, injurious, or contrary to the operating requirement• for the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, or the operation of the Green Mountain Dam and Reservoir in accordance with the Pinal.nfudgment, Final Decree and Stipulation• incorporated therein in the co°'Iaated caaes of the United State• of America v. 'l'he Borthern Colorado Water Conaervancv District, et al,, Civil Boa. 2782, 5016, and 5017, in the United State• District Court for the District of Colorado. b. Whenever any court of CGll>•tent jurisdiction ahall render a final judgment to the effect that the United Statea baa no right to accept or releaae water under thia contract1 or that the acceptance or release of water hereunder ia interfering with, or ia prohibited by, the righta of other lawful appropriator• of water from the Colorado River or any of it• tributaries. 22. If thia contract is terminated at any time for any, or all, of the cauaea aet forth in Article 21 above, and at the time of termination 'l'he City baa on deposit with the United State• funds Which are more than sufficient to pay for any water released for 'l'he City up to the date of termination, any such exceaa funds will be promptly refunded by the United State• to The City1 PROVIDED, BOWBVBR, if the termination is for any cause other than as aet forth in Article 21 above, any unused funds on hand will be retained by the United Statea to be applied by the United States on any damages incurred by the United State• by reason of the failure of 'l'he City to comply with the term• of thia contract. 23. 'l'his contract shall be binding upon the aucceaaora and aaaigns of the parties hereto, but The City shall not aasign thia contract, by operation of law or otherwise, to another party without the advance approval in wri~ing from the Contracting Officer and the District. Any attempted aaaignment without auch advance approval shall work an inlllediate automatic termination of this contract without any further notice to The City. 24. The expenditure of any money, or the performance of any work by the United States herein provided for, which may require appropriation• of money by the Congress or the allotment of funds ahall be contingent on such appro- priations or allotment being made. 'l'he failure of the Congreaa to appropriate funds, or the failure of any allotment funda, ahall not, however, relieve The City from any obligations under this contract, nor give The City the right to terminate this contract as to any of it• executory features. Ro liability shall accrue against the United States in caae of auch fund• not being appropriated or allotted. 25. In connection with the performance of work under thia contract, The City, in this article termed the contractor, avreea aa followa1 (a) The contractor will not discriminate a9ainat any employee or applicant for employment becauae of race, creed, color, or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicant• !'re mployed and that .aployeea are treated during .. ployaent, wit1\out re9ard to their race, creed, color, or national ori9in. aucb action •hall include, but not be limited to, the followin91 ... loywaant, uppMiDCJ, d..otion or tranafer1 recruitment or recruit.mat lldYerti•ift9J layoff or termination1 rate• of pay or other foma of cmpenaation1 and selection for trainin9, including appr•tioeahip. '1'be contractor •9Z'-• to poat in oonapiauou placea, available to employ .. • and applicant• for mployment, notice• to be provided by the contractiftCJ officer HttincJ forth th• proviaiona of thia nondiscrimination clause. (b) The contractor will, in all aoliedtationa, or advertise- ments for employee• placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicant• will receive consideration for aaployment without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. (c) The contractor will aend to each labor union or representative of worker• with which he baa a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or underatanding, a notice, to be provided by the agency contracting officer, advising the aaid labor union or worker•' representative of the contractor'• commitment• under thi• section, and shall post copies of the notices in conapicuoua place• available to employees and applicant• for employment. (d) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Order No. 10925 of March 6, 1961, and of the rules, regulations, and relevant order• of the Preaident•a Conaittee on Bqual Employment Opportunity created thereby. --8 . (e) The contractor will furnish all information and report• required by Bxecutive Order Ho. 10925 of March 6, 1961, and by the rules, regulations, and orders of the aaid Conaittee, or pur•uant thereto, and will permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the contracting agency and the Comnittee for purposes of Investigation to ascertain compliance with auch rules, regulations, and orders •. (f) In the event of the contractor'• non-compliance with the nondiscrimination clauaea of thia contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or ordera, this contract may be cancelled in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for further government contract• in accordance with procedures authorized in Bxecutive Order Ho. 10925 of March 6, 1961, and such other aanctiona may be impoaed and r-edies invoked as provided in the said Bxecutive Order or by rule, regulation, or order of the Preaid~• COlmnittee on Bqual Blllployment Opportunity, or as otherwise provided by law. (g) The contractor will include the proviaiona of the foregoing paragraphs (a) through (f) in every subcontract or purchase order unless ex-pted by rulea, regulations, or orders of the President's Comnittee on Bqual Bmployment Opportunity issued pursuant to aection 303 Bxecutive Order Ho. 10925 of March 6, 1961, ao that such proviaions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor. Th• contractor will take such action with respect to any aub- contract or purchase order as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such proviaiona, including sanctions for non-compliance: Provided, howey1r, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or i• threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor aa a reault of such direction by the contracting agency, tht contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 26. The City warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a comniasion, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, excepting bona fide employees or bona fide established conanercial or selling agencies maintained by 'l'he City for the purpose of securing business. Por breach or violation of this warranty. theGovernment shall have the right to annul this contract without liability or in its discretion to deduct from the contract price or considera- tion the full amount or such comiaaion, percentage, brokerage or conti~gent fee. 27. Ho Member of or Delegate to Con9res• or Resident Conmiaaioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise herefroa, but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. IR WI'l'RBSS WBBRBOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures the day and date first above written. SBAL Attest: SEAL Attest: UHITBD STATBS OF AMERICA sr. ______________ ___ Contracting Officer '1'BB CI'l'r OP BHGLBNOOD, CX>LORADO ~~~7, BY. Mayor TBB NORTBBRH CX>LORAOO WATBR OOHSBRVAH<:r DISTRICT BY. _______ _ I, B. o. Beausang, City Clerk-Treasurer, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Contract Ho. 14-06-700-3123. City Clerk-Treasurer