HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 030.. ~).-A-Cl . ...,,,-~ •••• Introduced aa a Bill by COancil.man Braun Br AU'l'llORI'IT ODillUICa BO. 30. sma OP 1961 All OltDDIA9CB l'IXDIG mB TAX LBW D Mil·t.8 UIOll MCB DOLLAR OP 'IBB ASWUD VAUIA'l'IO• or ALL 'IADB'·B PROPBRft WIBD ms Cift or BmLBllOOD. COLOllADO. IOR 'ftlB YMR 1961. WMMS. it i• the daty of th• City council of th• City of BnglMfOOd. COlorado. under the ebarter of .. id City and the Statute• of ti. State of cola.ado. to ..it• the annual levy for City purpo••• for the year 1961, da• and payul• in 19621 and •MMS. it i• neceaaary for an additional apecial levy to -intain the Pir-.i'• Penaion hnd at a reaaonabl• levelr aDd, WD.DS. it ia neceaaary for an lldditional apecial lny to pay intereat on water bond• iaaued aa a general obliption of the City of 8nglevood, COlor..SOr and 1 IMD8. tbe City council ha• duly oon•idered tbe ••timted walution of all of the tmble property within the City and tbe ..... of tbe City for •ch of .. id lwi .. , and ha• deter11ined that tbe l•in u beninafter Ht forth are proper and wi••• .,. maaoas, a I'I OJU»DIBD n ms CJft c~a·-· 11 ..... ., • ·-Gift • ml'rSIOOD, COLOllAD01 .: lfliion 1. 'lbat there be and there i• -..-, 1-&811 ,_ ... ,._ A. D. i, dQe and payable aa required by tbe 8ta••11 &11 .... ,,,_ A. 8. 1962. a tax of 8.5 aill• on the dollar for t:be llllNI •• ..... ., of Sngl.wood, COlorado. lflion 2. 'lbat there be and there i• llenllf l•a.I IW ... ,... A. D.l, due and payable aa required by tbe 8taWW &a ... :~ A. 8. 1962. a tax of .3 of a aill on the dollar for tbe •&sKPtB 1 1 t111& ... ,... of the City of Bngl.wood, COlorado. Stc:tion 3. ftat there be and there i• hereby 1-i.. lw tlle rear A. D. 1961, due and payable aa required::by the ltatgtea ia tM JM&' A. D. 1962, a tax of .4 of a mill on the dollar for the waUI' 8and a.I laMrllt Pand of th• City of Bnglewood, COlorado. a.st;J.on 4. ftat -ch and .,,.ry lny bereinallon Mt f•tla aball Ill levied upon each dollar of the a••••aed valuation of all t•.Ul• property within the corporate liait• of th• City of Bn9levood. COlorldo, anlll tlae Aid levi•• •hall be certified aa by law required. Paaaed on Pir•t Reading by the City council of tbe City of 8ngl.-all, COlorado. thi• 2nd day of October, A. D. 1961, and ordered pabliabed in full in the 'DellUOOd Herald and Bnt.!rpri••· Paaaed on Pinal a.ading by the City COancil of the City of Bn9levood, color.So, thi• 16th day of October, A.D. 1961, and ordered pabli•hed in full in the •glpood Herald and BnterpriH. Afta'l1 x. B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk-Tr-•urer, City o._.1.-ood, County of Arapahoe, State of COlorado, do hereby certify tbat t'iie·qo,,e ~ foregoing ordinance waa inu.taced, read, paaaed and ordered publi•hed aa a bill in the Bngl.uood Berald and Bnterpri•• at a replar wting of th• City council held on th• 2nd day of October, A. D. 1961, and that at 1-•t 7 day• after above publication aa a bill the above ordinance waa approved, IMSopted and ordered publiahed in Niel legal MW8paper by th• City Council at a regular ... ting held on th• 16th day of October, A. D. 1961, a• Ordinance llo. 30, Seri•• of 1961, of -id City. Alllft1