HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 031I
Introduced aa a Bill b7 Councilan llart1n
m AU'l'llORift
ORDillAllCB RO. 31, SBRIBS OP 1961
Lota 25 to "5 inclusive, Block 8, Stra7er'• Bl'oad•1 Be1Cht•
or the weat aide or 3000 South L1nooln Street, all 1n the
Cit1 ot Bnglewood, Arapahoe Count1, Colorado.
VBBRBAS, application baa been ade tor the reson1ng ot cert&U propert1 berein-
atter deacr1bed troll R-2-B (Residence) to T (Tranaitional) d1atr1ct claaaiticat1on
•• bere1natter aet torth, and the Cit1 Planning and Zoning Comaiaa1on baa rec~nded
approval ot aucb change in soning; and
VBBRBAS, public notice baa been given ot auch propQaed resoning bJ one publi-
cation J.n the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a newspaper ot general circulation
within the Cit1 and the ottlcial newspaper ot the C1t7, at l••t tltteen (15) da7a
before the public bearing on aucb resoning, and notice ot auch proposed resoning
baa been poated on the propert1 tor t1tteen (15) conaecut1ve da7a prior to aucb
bearing, aa required b7 ordinance; and
VBBRBAS, public hearing waa held pursuant to the atoreaa1d notice b7 the c1t1
Council ot the c1t1 ot Englewood 1n the Council Chubera ot the c1t1 Ball, 3345
South Bannock Street, Bnglewood, Colorado, on the 16th da7 ot October, A. D. 1961,
at tbe hour ot 8:00 P.11., at which hearing no persona appeared to protest or oppoae
the proposed change in soning; and
VBBRBAS, the public neceaait1, convenience, general weltare and good soning
pract1cea Juat1f7 the c~ in son-ot the here1natter deacr1bed propert1 tram
R-2-B (Residence) to T (Transitional) district claaa1t1oat1on aa hereinatter aet
llOlf TllBRBPORB, BB rr ORDAillBD Br '1'llB cm COUllCIL OP' TllB cm OF BIOLBWOOD,
Section 1. '1'he soning ot the here1natter deacr1bed propert1 located within
the Clti of lijglewood, Colorado, 1a hereb7 changed traa R-2-B (Residence) to T
('lranait1onal) district claaa1tication aa bereinatter aet torth, to-wit:
Lota 25 to 45 inclusive, Block 8, Stra1er•a Broadwa1 Be1ghta, or
the west aide ot 3000 South Lincoln Street, all 1n the Cit1 ot
Bnglewood, Arapahoe Count7, Colorado.
Section 2. '1'be C1t7 Council hereb7 tinda, detel'llinea and declares that the
here~ in son1ng ia Juatit1ed b7 the public neceaa1t7, convenience,
.. mral weltare and good soning practices.
Paaaed on P'irat Reading b7 the C1t7 Council ot the C1t7 ot Bnglewood, Colorado,
th1• 16th da1 ot October, A.D. 1961, and ordered publ1•hed in tull 1n the Bnglewood
Herald and Bnterpriae.
Paaaed on P'inal Reading bJ the c1t1 Council ot the C1t1 ot Bnglewood, Colorado,
tb1• 6th da7 ot Rovellber, A. D. 1961, and ordered published 1n tull 1n the Englewood
Herald and Bnterpr1ae. ·
I, B. o. Beauaani; Cit1 Clerk-Treasurer, C1t1 ot BnsJ.ewood, Count1 ot Arapahoe,
State ot Colorado, do hereb1 cert!!) that the above and toreso1ng ordinance waa
introduced, read, paaaed and ordered published aa a bill 1n the Englewood Herald
and Bnterpriae at a regular ••ting ot the C1t7 Council held on the 16th da;r ot
October, A. D. 1961, and that at l••t 7 da7• atter abow publ1oat1on aa a bill the
above ord1nanoe •• approved, adopted and ordeNd publ1abed 1n u1d legal newapaper
bJ the c1t1 Council at a regular -ting held on the 6th da7 ot Rovellber, A. D.
1961, aa Ordinance Ro. 31, Serie• ot 1961.
tit-~ . .. .. .