HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 033I Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Mile• BY AUTllORift ORDDIAllCB 80. 33, 8BRI88 OP 1961 All ORDlllAllCB ADOPIIllG TllB BUDGBT OP 'IBB Cift OP DIGLBWOOD, COLORADO, IOR '1118 PISCAL YBAR 1962. WDBAS,J!ur•wmt to the proviaiona of Part I of Article X of the Charter of the City o~lft!Dod, Colorado, adopted by the voter• on July 8, 1918, a ba49et for the f iacal year 1962 waa duly aubaitted by th• City 11ana9er to the City Clerk on &ept•ber 12, 1961, and waa conaidered by the City council at it• regular .. etin9 on &eptellbar 18, 19611 and WIRMS, a public hearing on the aaid budcJ•t waa held by the City Council within three w.ek• after ita aW.iaaion, on October 2, 1961, at the regular _.tiDCJ of th• City Council, regular notice of the ti.a• and place of aaid bearing bavin9 been publiahed within aeven day• after aW.iaaion of the bud- 9et, in the manner provided in the Charter for the publication of ordinanc••r 'and, WA.BAS, the council, after auch public hearin9 a.ended aaid budget and approved •-· -id ~nt not increaaing the total propoaed expenditure• by 110re than five percents _,., '1'BBllBPOllB, BB IT ORMDIBD BY '1'BB Cift OOUllCIL OP '1'BB Cift OF maLlllOOD, COLOMD01 Section 1. that the budget of the City of Bn9l.wood, Colorado for the fiacal year 1962, •• aW.itted by the City llanacJ•r and duly conaidered by the City Council after public hearing, and •• •ended by the City council, be and hereby ia adopted •• the bud9et of the City of Bn9lewood for the aaid fiacal year of 1962. Section 2. That the ••id budget •• -nded •hall be a public record in the office of the City Clerk and •ball be open to public inapection. Suf- ficient copi•• thereof •hall be made available for ~e u•• of the council and the public, the number of copies to be determined by the City llana9er. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by th• City council of the City 04'...91wood, Colorado, thi• 6th day of llovmaber, A.D., 1961, and ordered pdltahed in full in the Bnglwood Herald and Bnterpri••· · Paaaed on Piaal Reading by th• City Council of the City of Bn9l8'110od, ColorlMSo, thia 20th day of llovember, A.D. 1961, and ordered publiahed · in full in the Bngleuood Herald and BnterpriH. Gd.., e.~~4- A11•Ya // -llayCk.___ ~ x, B. o. Beau~City Clerk-'l'r-•urer, City o~ Bnglewood, county of Arapahoe, State o~ Q!Korado, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing orcH.unce waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered pabliahed aa a bill in the Sngl..ood Herald anc*nterpri•• at a r8C)Ular wtiftCJ of the City Council held on the 6th day of '°9-1tar, A. D., 1961, and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill, the above ordinance wa• approved, adopted and ordered pabliahed in nid 199al new8paper by ~ City council at a replar wting held on the 20th day of llov1mber, A.D., 1961, •• Ordinance llo. 33, Seri•• of 1961, of .. id City. A'ft'BST1 .. •1t1 . .. . • • •