HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 035. ·-=-. ~ . • • • • • Introduced •• a Bill by councilman Braun n AU'l'llOlllft OaDlllAllCB m. 35, SDIU 01' 1961 • All OllDDIAllCB MIWDDIG OltDlllNICB m. 22, nua OJ' lHl, mICll MWl>D o 11 • • ... m. 2, sma OP 1953, OP m om»D'N1:81 OI' m ·.·c1n OJ' •&mlOOD, CDLCa!YX>, Jm(MJI AS '1118 • BLSC'llllCAL CODr AllD aDDLlm ALL 08DDIPl8CD OR •ARIS OP OllDDIAllCIS D CIOlll'LIC'l' B .. D. 8ection 1. Para«Jrapb 3 of Section 7, entitled ·-ination for Licenae• whicb re.cl• •• followaa •!'be gr..S. ••de by each peraon taJd.ftCJ tbe ••mi.nation •hall be certified within 48 hoar• by the -•inin9 board.• be repealed, and the followincJ lanpacJe be adoDted and aamtitated for Hid itanp'apb 3 c-Section 71 •'Jbe 4Jrade ••de by each peraon takin9 tbe -ination eball 1Mi certified by th• State -iniftCJ Board.• Section 2. Paragraph 1 of Section 8, •titled •Licenae a.quired• which r•IMI• u followaa •-..ry peraon, fina or corporation •hall, before inatallin9 wiring or -intaining any electrical wiring, de.tee, appliance, or ellQ!pment, for which a perait i• recaaired, in the City of SD91MIOOd, Color-*», Hear• froa th• City Clerk a liomH aathoriaing hill or it to do aach work.• be repealed, and the following lanpa9e be IMtoDte4 and eabetituted for aaid ParacJrltph 1 of Section 81 •-..ry peraon, firm or corporation •hall, before inatallin9 wiring or -intainin9 any electrical wiriDCJ, d.wioe, appliance, or equip- _t, for aicb a perait i• recaaired, in tbe City of SD91MIOOd, color.SO, aecare frca the Bailding Department a lioena• authoria- iftCJ hill or it to do each work.• .. Seation 3. Sabaection (a) of Section 8 entitled •LiaenH a.quired• which reada •• followaa •(a) Slectrical Licena• Cl••• Aa An Blectrical Licenae Clua A or Ma•ter Blectrician'• LicenH •hall entitle th• licen-to contract for the in•tallation of electrical wirincJ or any elec- trical apparatu mere aach inatallation reqairea tbe i•-oe of a puait an4er the proviaiona of thi• Ordinwe. All aach work ahall be done in accordance with the tUM and provi•ion• of thi• Ordinance and only by, or wader, tbe direct auperviaion of an •lectrical Licenae Cla•• B Licea•••. Bae annual f• for an Blectrical LiceDH Cl••• A ahall be f50.00 for tbe period frm Janaary 1 to Janaary 1, Hid licena• f• to be pro-rated when i••aed during the cour•• of the year and for a period of le•• than twelve montha.• be r911ealed, and the following lan9QA9• be ..SOpt.S and aubatitated for ••id SabHCtion (a) of Section 81 •(a) Blectrical LicenH Cl••• Aa An •lectrical Licena• Cl••• A or ... ter Blectrician'• Licena• •hall entitle the licen-to contract for the inatallation of electrical wirincJ or any elec- trical apparatu• where aach inatallation recauir• the i••uance of a puait under the proviaiona of thi• Ordinance. All aach work ahall be done in accordance with th• terma and proviaiona of thia Ordinance and only by, or under, the direct auperviaion of an •lectrical Licen•• Cl••• B licenaH. !be annual fM for an Blectrical Licenae Cl••• A ahall be f50.00 for a period from January 1 to January 1, -id licen•• f .. to be pro-rated when ianed daring the cour•• of the year and for a period of l••• than twelve month•, only when aaid licenae baa not been in effect any portion of the preceding calendar year.• Section 4. Sabaection (c), Paragraph 3 thereof, of Section 8 entitled •LicenH lteqaired•, the firat aentence of which read••• followaa •sv.ry peraon engaged m learning and •••i•ting in the inatallation of electrical wiring, or equipment, •hall be required to obtain an apprentice permit from the City Clerk.• be repealed,and the following lanpage be adopted and aabatitated for aaid firat aentence of Sabaection (c), Paragraph 3 thereof of Section 81 I : r, I •sv.ry per90n engag .. in learning and •••i•ting in the inatalla- tion of electrical wiring, or equii-ent, •hall ))e required to obtain an apprentice peraait from the Building Departaent.• Section 5. Subaection (c), Paragraph 5 thereof, of Section 8 entitled •Licenae a.quired•, which read••• followaa •11o licenM or permit •hall be i•....S by the city clerk until he •hall obtain written approval from the electrical inapector, auch approval to certify the applicant ha• paaaed the required ex1111ination for electrical contractor or elect:rician.• be repealed, and the following language be adopted and aubatituted for •aid Paragraph 5, Subaection (c), of Section 81 •11o licen•• or permit •hall be i••ued by the Building Inapector until it •hall obtain written approval froa the electrical inapector, auch approval to certify the applicant ha• paaaed the required examination for electrical contractor or electrician.• Section 6. Subaection (c), Paragraph 6 thereof, of Section 8 entitled •LicenM llequired•, which r-d• •• followaa •& tmporary permit, upon approval of the electrical inapector, -Y H i•aued to a journeyman electrician to M>rk with a licenaed electrician by the State of COlorado. '11aporary permit• will be void after next quarterly ex-ination date. Pee for tmporary perait• •hall be Pive Dollar• ($5.00) for uch perait.• be repealed, and the following language ))e adopted and aubatituted for aaid Paragraph 6, Subaection (c), of Section 81 •& temporary permit, upon approval of the electrical inapector, -Y be i••ued to a journeyman electrician to .ork with a licenaed electrician by the State of Colorado. 'l1111orary permita will H void after next examination date. PM for t1mrorary permit• aball be Piv• Dollar• ($5.00) for each permit.• Paaaed on Pi.rat Reading by th• City Council of tbe City of 8n91....,od, Colorado, thi• 6th day of llovember, A.D., 1961, and ordered pabl18bed in fall in the lpgl!WpOd BHald and !nt•rpri••· P•••ed on Pinal Reading by th• City Council of tbe City of SIMJlMJDOd, Colorado, thi• 20th day of llovember, A.D., 1961, and ordered pabliabed in full in the BpglP004 Btrald ap4 BntvpriH. AllBSTa I, a. o. -umg~ity Clerk-'l'reuurer, City of sn9l-..ood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered pabliahed •• a bill in th• Bngl.wood Herald and Bnterpri•• at a regular wting of the City Council held on the 6th day of llov-1>er, A.D., 1961, and that at luat 7 day• after above publication •• a bill the above ordinance wa• approved, adopted and ordered publiahed in Aid legal newapaper by the Ci-Council at a regular wting held on the 20th day of &ovember, A.D., 1961, a• Ordinance llo. 35, Seri•• of 1961, of aai~ City. AftB8T1 . ~:a . . .