HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 Ordinance No. 039Introduced •• a Bill by Council.men Wood• and llcLellan BY AUTllORift ORDDJABCB l10. 39, SBRIBS OP 1961 All ORDIBAllCB MBllDIS mtDIBMCB l10. 9, SBRIBS OP 1960. BS'l'ABLISBIBG A JOillT CDlllISSIOR BB'ftfBBR '1'llB Cift OP mGLBllOOD, COLORADO, ARD SalOOL DISTRICT mo. 1, UAPAmB CDUlft'I . COLORADO, TO· BB JCmoW11 AS '1'llB PARK AllD RBCRBA'l'IOR OClllISSIOB MID PllOVIDDG l'OR '1'llB lllllmSBIP AllD DU'l'IBS 'l'BDBOP BY RBPBALDG SllC'l'ICll 6 OP SAID ORDDlAllCB AllD BRAC'l'DIG A Raf SBC'l'IOB 6 PROVIDDIG POR A SPBCIAL PUllD Jal SAID CDllllISSIOR AllD BllAC'l'IllG A ... SBC'l'IOR 7 'l'BBRBOP PROVIDIS IOR 'IBB DU'IIBS OP SAID CDlllISSIOB. BB IT ORM)MAI BY '1'BB CITY COURCIL OP 'l'BB Cift OP DJG.Ik•t00D, COLORADO: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance Ro. 9, Serie• of 1960 of the Ordinance• of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, ia hereby repealed.· Section 2. Ordinance Bo. 9, Serie• of 1960 of the Ordinance• of the City of Bnglewood i• hereby amended by adding thereto a new Section 6, which •hall read •• followas •Section 6. There i• hereby created a apecial fund of the City of ·' · Bnglewood to be known •• the 'Park• and Recreation C:O-iaaion Pund' to which ahall be credited all gifta, bequeata. deviaea, and donation• for th• benefit of the Park• and Recreation Coamiaaion, receipt• from charge• by the C:O-iaaion for ••rvicea, allocation• by the City of Bnglewood to the COalniaaion from it• tax and revenue aourcea, and any and all other fund• from whatsoever aource derived for the apecif ic u••• and purpo••• of aaid Coaniaaion. Expenditure• •hall be made from the aaid fund for the purpoae of the diaa .. ination by the COalDiaaion in the prolDOtion and developaant of parka and recreation for the City of Bnglewood in cooP-ration with School Diatrict •1, Arapahoe County. Colorado. Appropriation• may be made from time to ti-for the aforenid purpo••• by the City council to th• order of the Parka and Recreation co ... iaaion to be expended by the aaid Coaaiaaion for the ·hereinabove object• and purpoaea. '1'h• Parka and Recreation en--taaion ahall keep a full and complete ••t of book• aa to all re- ceipt• and expenditure• and the apecial fund herein created shall be audited annually by an independent auditor. Any and all aaployeea and •mi>er• of the C:O-iaaion authorized to disburse fund• shall be bonded with a sufficient fidelity bond to cover all fund• ao handled.• Section 3. Ordinance Bo. 9, Serie• of 1960 of the Ordinance• of the City of Bngl.woocl, Colorado, ia hereby wnded by adding thereto a new Section 7, "'1ich shall read •• followas •a.ction 7. 'l'h• Parka and Recreation OOlmlliaaion shall have the following power• and dutieas (a) To recommend a joint policy of recreation. (b) To draw a recomaencled annual budget with an estimate of the anticipated revenue from all aourcea, including the amount of fund• required therefor from the City of Bn9l..aod, together with an eat.t..ate o~ expendi.turea ~or the n.xt ca19ftder year. whi.ch -i.d J1UGV•t 1h111 Ill 1U1111tt1G to thl c1ty 11nav1r prior to July 1 or each year·. (c) To plan a recreational program with the advi•• of the Park• and Recreational Director. (d) To have power• of recommendation for the position of Parka and Recreational Director, aa well aa recomnending releaae. if he fail• to carry out hi• duti•• and reaponaibiliti••· (e) '1'o adopt rule• and regulation• for the conduct of ita ... ting• and duti•• of ita officer• and coanitteea. (f) To carry out auch other function• and dutiea as lay be froa time to tia• deai91'Ated by identical reaolutiona of the City Council of th• City of Bnglewood and the Board of Bducation of School District llo. 1, Arapahoe County. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Color6do, this 20th day •f lk>vember, A. D. 1961. and ordered published in full in the Inglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. Passed on Pinal Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thi• 4th day of December, A. D. 1961, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bntereriae. £. ·11 I. B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk-Treaaurer, City of Bngl.wood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance waa introduced, read, paaaed and ordered publiahed aa a bill in the Bngl9WOOCS Berald and Bnterpriae at a regular ... ting of the City Council held on the 20th day of llovember, A.D •• 1961. and that at leaat 7 day• after above publication aa a bill the above ordinance waa approved, adopted and ordered publ.ia ~.ad .a.u aa.a.d legal n.wapaper by th• City Council at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of Dec.mer, A.D. 1961. a• Ordinance Ro. 39, Seri•• of 1961. of aaid City. A'l'TBST1 ... . :• ~