HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958 Ordinance No. 001BY AUTBORITY ORDilf.AlfCE lfUllBEJl _!.z.. SERIBS OP 1958 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F OR A SPECIAL MtmICIP~Bl&CTIOlf POR THI BLBCTIOR OF llBllBBRS OF A CHARTER CONVEN'l'ION; FOR THE NOIUNATJCW 01' llBlllmRS TBBRBOP; FOR TBB COllPLBTIOI -OF A CHARTER, DELIVERY 1'0 THE CI.DK OTTS C?TY OP ElfGLDOCI>, PUBLICATIOI TBBRBOP WrTH A CALL FOR A SPECIAL ELBCTIOll:;.. POR TBB PAYJlllT OF UPDSBS POil THI CllARTBR C ONVENTION: FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ~IKATIOllS POR TID CllARTBR COlfVBlfTIOlf; CALLilfG A SPECIAL ELECTIO.N FOR APPROVAL OR REJBCTION W A CBABTBR; PROVIDIIG FOR POLLIIG PLACES, JUDGES AND CLfil:UCS FOR SAID ELKCT101f; ill> DECLARIIG AK BllBRGDCY. WJJBRBAS, at tbe recular aunicipal election held on loveaber 5, A.D. 1957, tbe followinc queation waa carried bJ a majority of tboae votin1 thereon: and, "Should tbe City of EA1lewood, Colorado, take atep• to call and elect a Cbarter Convention to draft a Bo.. Rule Charter wbicb will later be adopted or rejected by tbe qualitied electors?" WJmR•&S, tbe CitJ Council i• required bJ aaid vote, by ordinance, to call a apecial election, to be conducted aa provided by law, of tbe qualified elector• of tbe CitJ of EA1lewood, Colorado, for tbe election of 21 taxpayers wbo •ball bave been qualified elector• witbin tbe lillita tbereof for at least five years, wbo •ball conatitute a Charter Convention to tr ... a Cbarter for aaid city in barllODJ with Article XX of tbe Conatitution of Colorado. •OI, TRBRBl'c:mE, BS IT <IU>AIDD BY TBB CITY COUEIL OP TRB CITY OP a-11 ·••CXI>' CCl..08.&DO: Section 1. A apecial aunicipal election of tbe City of Bnclewood, Colorado, i• hereby called, to be beld on Tueaday, tbe 18th day of llarcb, A.D. 1958, between tbe hours ot 1:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. of aaid day for tbe purpose of tbe lection at larce ot 21 taxpa1era, wbo •ball bave been qualified electors within tbe liaita of tbe Ci.ty of Enclewood, Colorado, for at leaat five years, wbo shall conatitute a Charter Con•ention to fr ... a Cbarter for •aid City of Bnclewood in b&rllODJ witb tbe proviaion• of Article XX of tbe Conatitution of Colorado. Section 2. Candidates for tbe position of Charter Convention Keaber •ball be nollinated by petition, •icned by at least 25 qualified electors residin1 within tbe CitJ of KD1lewood, Colorado, wbicb said petition• shall be circulated and •icned not 110re tban 45 day• prior to tbe day of election and aball be filed witb tbe Clerk of tbe City of BD1lewood, Colorado, not leas than 25 days prior thereto. Section 3. Tbe Charter Convention •ball .. et on Friday, tbe 21st day of llarcb, A.D. 1958, at 8:00 P.M. at tbe City Council Cbaabera, City Ball, &Dclewood , Colorado, and aball ... t fro• ti .. to ti .. thereafter until a proposed Charter baa been coapleted, provided tbat aaid Charter aball be coapleted within 60 daJ• after tbe da·te of tbe election of tbe .. abera of tbe Charter Convention and •ball be •icned by tbe officer• and .. abera of tbe Convention and delivered to tbe Clerk of tbe Ci t7 of &nclewood, who aball publiab tbe ••• in full, wi tb bis official certification , in tbe official newapaper of •aid City of Baclewood three ti .. • and a week apart, the firat publication beiDI witb tbe call for a special election, at wbicb ti .. qualified elector• of aaid City of BD1lewood sball by vote expreaa their approval or rejection of said Charter. Section 4. Tbe officers and .. aber• of tbe Charter Convention sball receive no coapensation, except that tbe reasonable expenaea of tbe Cbarter Convention •ball be paid out of tbe treasury of tbe City of Bnclewood upon tbe order of tbe Preaident and Secretary thereof, and tbe ezpenaes of tbe election for tbe Charter Convention and of Charter vote shall be paid out of tbe treasury of tbe City of Enclewood, upon tbe order of tbe City Council. Section 5. Tbe Clerk of tbe City of BD1lewoocl aball 1ive notice by publiabin1 in the official newapaper of the City a liat of all noainationa to tbe office of .. aber of tbe Charter Convention filed witb bia, •ucb publication to be aacle one ti .. only and at least aix days before tbe election, in tbe for• in wbicb aucb noainationa •ball appear upon tbe official ballot, and by posting or causing to be poated conapicuoualy a printed or typewritten li•t containing tbe naaes of each candidate, in one or 110re public places in each election precinct of the City of Baclewood, one or 110re of wbicb aball be duly placed wbere sucb election is to be beld. Section 8. A apecial election aball be beld in tbe City of Enclewood, Colorado, on Tueaday , July 8, 1958, between tbe boura of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M., at wbicb ti .. qualified elector• of aaid city aball by vote express their approval or rejection of tbe Charter fr ... d bJ tbe Charter Convention. Section 7. Tb• polliDI place•, jud1••, and clerks for the special election tor tbe .. aber• of tbe Cbarter Convention and tbe election on the proposed Cbarter are de•icnated aa follow•: I I I WARD l Precinct 1 -The City Hall , 334 5 South Bannock St. rs . Maud Green, 2901 So. Cherokee Mrs . Ed ith Cameron , 2865 So. Bannock Mr s . Ethel Brownewell, 3098 So. Cherokee Mrs. Ma rga r et Benn , 2717 So. Cherokee Mrs. Nellie Payne , 3291 So. Bannock Precinct 2 -The Masonic Temple, 3500 So. Sherman Mrs. Mildred Badger , 3311 So. Grant Mrs. Barbara Robbins , 3431 So. Logan Mrs. E lda Williams , 3410 So. Sherman Mrs. Beatrice Collins, 3132 So. Bannock Precinct 3 -The Denver Truck Exchange, 2797 So. Broadway Mrs. Vera Gillpatrick, 2796 So. Bannock Mrs. Nell Maddox, 2830 So. Bannock Mrs. Margaret Jones , 3012 So . Sherman Mrs. Gr ace Smith , 3032 So. Broadway WARD 2 Precinct 4 -Resi d ent Garage , 2900 So. Corona Mrs. F r ancis Turner , 3031 So . Pearl Mrs. John Japp , 2824 So. Logan Mrs . Ni na Bolton, 3036 So. Pearl Mrs. Vi v i an Hudiburg , 1195 E. Bates Ave. Precinct 5 -Charles Hay School , 318 5 So. Lafayette Mrs. Ina Parker, 3190 So. Humboldt Mrs. He len Bauer , 3190 So. Franklin Mr s. Nell Stutler , 3110 So. High Mrs. Al i c e S tephenson , 313 5 So. Gilpin Precinct 6 -The Wa s h i n g ton School, 318 5 So. Washington Mrs. Mabel Sinclair , 3269 So. Pennsylvania Mrs. Sall ie Otto, 3390 So. Washington Mrs. Beat r ice Wask i ewic, 3324 So. Ogden Mrs. I r ene Ri ddle , 3301 So. Ogden WARD 3 Precinct 7 -Flood Jun i or High Sc hool, 3650 So. Broadway Mrs. Pauli n e Helmer , 3711 So. Acoma Mrs. Mildred Binkley, 3765 So. Acoma Mrs. Grac e Hollberg , 3561 So. Huron Mrs. Dorothy Rowland , 3673 So. Broadway Precinct 8 -The Hawthorne School , 4100 So. Bannock Mrs. Glenadean Thomas, 4201 So. Fox Mrs . Shirley Wert i n , 3906 So. Cherokee Mrs. Zula Hollingsworth, 4267 So. Broadway M1 ·s. Dorothy Romans , 3854 So. Bannock Precinct 9 -The High School, 3800 So. Logan Mrs. Maud Fidier, 4043 So. Pennsylvania Mrs. Barbar a Was mundt, 4096 So. Grant M1s. Bi llie Schlageter, 4015 So. Lincoln Mrs. Chalmerse Parker , 3396 So. Grant WARD 4 Precinct 10 -Cherre lyn School, 4 5 00 So. Lincoln Mrs. Vi rginia Sobiella, 4 5 75 So. Clarkson Mrs. Dorothy Volmer , 4547 So. Clarkson Mrs. Rosemary Draper , 4676 So. Sherman Mrs. Helen Jobski , 4617 So. Clarkson Precinct 11 -Dunc a n School, 48 5 0 So. Pennsylvania Mrs . Ma r ian Buechner , 4700 So. Pearl Mrs . Anna Johnson , 4788 So. Lincoln Mrs . Marian Olsen , 4828 So. Lincoln Mrs. Emma Freeland, 4837 So. Lincoln Precinct 12 -Sinc la ir Junior Hi gh School, 300 W. Chenango Mrs. Char lotte Robinson, 4319 So. Bannock Mrs. Max i ne Peiffer , 4397 So. Fox Mrs. June Hively , 5 02 5 So. Huron Mrs. Al i c e Garrison , 32 5 W. Belleview Section 8. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares this Ordinance is necessary for t he im mediate preservation of the public peace, health, saf ety and convenience. Section 9. In t he op inion of the City Council an emergency exists; there- fore , this Ordinance shall take e ff ect and be in force from and after its final passage and publication. 83 Passed on First Reading by the Ci ty Council of the City of Englewood , Colorado, this 16th day of De cember , A.D. 1957, and ordered published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. Passed on Final Reading by the Ci t y Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 20th day of January , A.D. 195 8 , and ordered published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise . _.,,.. .._ ~ --,, Mayor ATTEST: I, J. L. Barron, City Clerk o f the City of Englewood, Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoi ng Ordinance was i ntroduced and read in full and ordered published as proposed Ordi nance for the mee t ings of December 16th, 1957 and January 20th, 1958, held by the City Counc i l of the City of Englewood, Colorado on said dates and same was pub l ished in the En g lewood Herald and Enterprise, January 23, 1958, as Ordinance No. 1, Series of 195 8 . ~ ~ (. 7---7 City Clerk I I I