HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958 Ordinance No. 012BY AU THORITY ORD I NANCE NO. 12 SEH IES OF 1958 AN ORD I NANCE ESTABL I SH I NG A P ROCEDU RE IN THE MUNICIPAL COU RT OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, RELAT ING TO TRI ALS BY JU RY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C I TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1 . In all trial s before o r in the Municipal Cour t of the City of Englewood, Colorado , in c a s es ari s ing under the ordinances or Charter of the said City or under the statutes of the St a te o f Colorado and Constitutions of the State of Colorado and the Unite d States, wherein a defendant shall have the right to trial by jury, s uch d efen dan t ma y demand a jury which shall consist of six jurors, or a less number not less than three if the same be agreed upon by the City of Englewood and the defendant, and t hereupon the said Court or a judge thereof shall issue a venire for the j ury, directed to any person authorized by ordinance or statute to serve writs or other process issued in cases in said unicipal Court, which shall be substanti ally in the following form: State of Co lorado ) City of Englewoo d ) County of Ar apahoe ) SS The People of the City of Englewood, State of Colorado, to greet1.ng : We command you to s u mmon persons of t he City of E _n_g_l_e_w_o_o_a---,--s~t-a~t~e~o-..f_,,C~o~l~o-r_a_,,d-o-,--.-to appear before me at on the day of , 19 , who are not of kin t o - defendant , to make a jury be t ween the City of Engl ewood, State o f Colorado, and said defendant in a plea of not g u i l ty to a charge of a violation of the Charter or one or more ordinances o f the said City of Englewood; becaus e the sa id de fendant has de manded trial by jury; and have you then a n d t here the names o f the jury, and this writ. Witness 111y hand and se al, this day of 19 (Seal) ----------~ Judge---Or-Tiie MunicipaT Court Section 2. In all cases where a person shall be summoned as a juror to try any case before the Municipal Court o f th e City of Englewood or a judge there o f, and shall fail to attend at the time and p lace appointed in such summons, the said Court or judge thereof sh all ha v e power t o issue an attachment, directed to any person authorized to serve warrants 01 a~~e~~ iu ca~es ~n said Municipal Court, comma nding him forth wit h to bring before such Court or judge the body of such juror so failing to atLend, t o show c ause why he should not be punished for contempt; and upon appearance of such juror on such attachment, it shall be aw ful for such Court 01· judge to punish hiin f or contempt or wholly discharge him if salisfacLory excuse is made . Section 3 . · I f a ny juror summone d shall be interested in the event of tbe case or kin to a defendant, o r sh all have expressed his opinion on the matter about to be tried, or sh all, f or a ny cause to be judged by the judge of the unicipal Court, be considere d as a p a rti al o r improper juror, the judge shall discharge such juror; and when, by such di sch a rge or the failure o f any juror to attend, the jury shall /not be complete, the judge shall dire ct any person authoriz- ed to ser ve writs or other process issued in case s in said Municipal Court to summon as many persons as shall be required to complete such jury, instantly, from a mong the bystanders or other persons in the City of Englewood, which summons shall be verbal; and the pers on so s u m.oned shall be bound to serve on such jury, and on refusal or failure to do so may be a ttach ed and punished for contempt. I n all cases arising u n de r the Charter or ordi n ances of the City of-.iEnglewood wherein a jury trial is h ad , each p a rty s hall be en t itled to three ~·emptory challenges. Section 4. Upon the jury returni ng their verdict of guilty, the judge shall record the same in the docket and sh all proceed to fix or determine the punishment, penalty or sent enc e and t o render judgment upon such verdict for the punishment, penalty or sentence s o determined by him and for costs; but if the jury return a verdict of not gui lty , the judge shall record the same, and dis- charge th e defendant or defendants without costs. ·,I I I Section 3. I n all trials be f ore or in the Municipa l Court of the City or Englewood, Colorado, in cases a rising under the Charter or ordinances of the City of Englewood wherein a defendant shall have the right to trial by jury, such defendant may waive trial by jury and proceed to trial by the Court, in which event the judge shall recor d s uch waiver and proceed to try the case if the plea be one of not guilty; and in the event of finding the defendant guilty, to fix or determine the punishment, pen alty or sentence and to render judgment upon such verdict for the punishment, penalty or sentence so determined by him and costs; but if the judge shall f ind the defendant not guilty, the judge shall record the same and discharge the defendant or de fe ndants without costs. Section 6. I f any pers on accused o f violating any of the provisions or ~he Charter or ordinances of the City of Englewood, Colorado, having a right to trial by jury shall confess himself g uilty, a judge of the Municipal Court, ithout a jury, shall hear the evidence and fix and determine the sentence, penalty or punishment, together with costs, and such judge shall enter judgment and issue execution thereon . Section 7. Each juror or mem ber of a jury panel who shall attend the unicipal Court shall recei ve as compens ation therefor the sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) for each day or part of a day in which he shall be in attendance. The cost of such jury and jury panel shall be assessed against the defendant in the event he shall be found g u ilty. Section 8. T h e City Council hereby finds, determines and declares this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, ealth, safety and convenience. Section 9 . In the opinion of the Ci t y Council an emergency exists; therefore, this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its final passage and public a tion. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, orado, this 31st day of Mar c h , A. D. 1958, and ordered published in the ewood Herald and Enterprise . Passed on Final Readin g by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 21st d ay of April, A.D. 1958, and ordered published in the ewood Herald and Enterprise . ~~-CL ---Mayor ~--~ ~ ATTES I, J. L. Barron, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, do ereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read in full and ordered pu blished as proposed Ordinance for the meetings of March 31st, 1958 and April 21st, 1958, held by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado on said dates and same was published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, April 24, 1958, as Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1958. 101