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26, 27, 3 2 , AND 37, SER IES OF 1 9 12 , ORDINANCE NUMBER 4, SERIES OF 1917, ORDINANCE
1.1. Wrongs t o Ch i ldren. I t shall be unlawful for any person having the
care, custod y, control, con f idence of , or influence over any child to wiDfully cause
or permit the life of s u c h c hi l d to be e ndangered, or the health of such child to be
injured, or the morals o f su ch ch i ld to b e impaired; or to willfully cause or permit
such chi l d to be placed in s uch a situation, business, or occupation that its life
he alth, or morals sual l b e e ndang ered ; or to willfully or negligently deprive of
necess a ry food, clothi n g or s h e l ter, o r i n any other manner injure such child
unnecess a rily.
1.2 . Hiring Children Under Fourteen During School Hours. It shall be
unl a wful for any person, fi rm , or corporat ion to take , receive, hire, or employ any
child und er the age of f our te en (14) year s to labor in any smelter, mill, mine,
factory, or in or about any business or employment whatever within the City of
Eng l ewood, during its sc hool ho u rs of any school day.
1.3 . Minors in Bi ll i a r d Par lo rs and Pool Halls. It shall be unlawful
for any person who kee p s, c o nduct s, o r ope rat es any billiard or pool table for profit,
or who k eeps, conducts, o r oper ate s a n y room or roo~ wherein is kept, used, or
operated f o r p r o fit any b i lliard or pool table o f any kind whatsoever, to permit or
allow a ny mino r under the age of eighteen (18) to play thereon or to use any such
t a ble, or to be, remain in, or fre quent any such room.
1.4. Minors Unde r the Age o f Twenty-One Years in Gambling or Drinking
Houses. I t shall be u nlaw f ul i>r any person who is the proprietor or keeper of a
t avern t o employ or pe rmit any minor under the age of twenty-one years (21) to
frequent o r be in or abou t such place , unless accompanied by a parent, or to drink
a ny intox i cating liquo rs or beer or any other fermented malt beverage in or about
the s a me, or to enga ge or part i cipate in any game of billiards, or any game, bet,
or wa ge r wit h any card s o r any other gambling device, or any other game whatsoever
in o r about such pl a ce .
1.5 . Duty t o Post Sign . It shall be the duty of any person who is the
p ropr ie tor or keeper o f a tavern to post conspicuously in his place of business
1.6. Unl a wfu l t o Allow Children on Streets After Certain Hours. It
sh a ll be un lawful for any pare nt, guardian, or other person having care or custody
of a ny chi ld u n der the age of sixteen (16) years to allow or permit any such child
t o b e o r re ma in u p on any street , alley , or other public place subsequent to the
h o ur o f e l e v en (11:00 ) o'clock P.M., or prior to the hour of five (5:00) o'clock
A.M., except f o r lawf ul employment or un l ess such child is accompanied by the
paren t, guardi a n, or other person of the age of twenty-one (21) years having per-
mi ss i on o f the parent o r gu ardi an to have the custody and care of such child; or
b y auy pe rs o n between th e ages of eighteen (18) years and twenty-one (21) years
h av i n g i n h i s or her possession written permission from the parent or guardian
to h ave the care or c us to dy o f such child; provided that, on Friday and Saturday
nights, t h e curfew ho u r f or c h i ldren between the ages of fourteen (14) years and
sixte en (16) ye a rs sh all be extended to the hour of eleven-thirty (11:30) o'clock
1 .7. Tattooing of Minors. It shall be unlawful for any person to
t a tto o an y minor in t h e C ity of Englewood or its police jurisdiction.
1 .8. Unl aw f ul Purchase for Minor. It shall be unlawful for any person,
whether f o r remunerati on or not , to procure for any minor any article which the
minor is forbidden by law to purchase .
2.1. Unlawful for S econd-Hand De ale r s to Deal Wtth Minors . It shall be
unlawful for any second-h and deal e r , j unk-shop keeper, or hou s e-to-house second-
hand buyer to purchase from, s ell to , or in any manner deal wi th any minor under
the a ge of eighteen (18 ) y e a r s , exc e pt t h at such licensees may purchase old rags and
waste paper from mino rs u nde r the age o f eighte e n (18) years. This section shall
app ly to employees, age nts, o r servant s of the aforementioned dealers.
2.2. Purchase of Bicycle Parts from Mlnors Prohibited. No person deal-
ing in bicycles or bicycle parts shall purchase any bicrcles, or parts of bicycles,
or bicycle frames, or bicycle accessories from any mino~.
2.3. Unlawful to Sell Liquor Near Schools.
sell, offer, or expose for sale or gift, beer or any
li~uors within a distance of five hunured (500) feet
or parochial school, said distance to be computed by
nearest property lines; provided, however, that this pr
affect the rights of any person, firm, or corporation n
or license to conduct such business within the restrict
nor shall this prohibition prevent the renewal upon the
license in effect at this time autho1·izing such busines
area hereby established.
shall be unlawful to
ous, spiritous, or malt
many private, public,
ect measurement from the
hibition shall not
w holding a lawful permit
d area hereby established;
expiration thereof of any
within the restricted
3.1. Children not Permitted on Streets After Certain Hours. It shall
be unlawful for any child under the age of sixteen (16) years to be or remain upon
any street, alley or other public place subsequent to t e hour of eleven (ll:OO)
P.M., or prior to the hour of five (5:00) A.M., except or lawful employment or
unless there exists a reasonable necessity therefor; or, unless such child is
accompanied by the parent, guardian, or other person of the age of twenty-one (21)
years having permission of the parent or guardian ~o na e tne cus~ody and care of
such child; or by any person between the ages of eighte n (18) and twenty-one (21)
years having in his or her possession written permissio from the parent or
guardian to have the care or custody of such child; pro ided, that on Friday and
Saturday nights, the curfew hour for children between t ages of fourteen (14)
and sixteen (16) years shall be extended to the hour of leven-thirty (11:30)
o'clock P.M.
3.2. Unlawful for Minor to Make False Stateme
Credentials for Purpose of Gaining Admission to Prohibit
unlawful for any minor to make false statements; OL to f
hibit any fictitious or false registration card, identif
other document; or to furnish, present, or exhibit s uch
issued to a person other than the one presenting the sam
gaining admission to pool or billiard rooms or other pro
the purpose of procuring the sale, gift, or delivery of
including beer, li~uor, or wine.
t or Present False
d Places. It shall be
rnish, present, or ex-
cation card, or note or
ocument or documents
, for the purpose of
ibited places, or for
rohibited articles,
3.3. Unlawful Services of Others. It shall b! unlawful for any minor
to engage or utilize the services of any other person, w ether for remuneration
or not, to procure for such minor any article which the inor himself is for-
bidden by law to purchase.
3.4. Unlawful for Minors to Frequent Pool Root. It shall be un-
lawful for any minor under the age of eighteen (18) year to be found in a pool
or billiard room which is open to the public except when accompanied by a parent
or guardian.
4.1. Maintaining Gambling Devices, Playing Gam ling Devices, Betting
on Games Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to set up, have, or
keep any keno table, faro bank, shuffleboard, bagatelle, laying cards, or other
instrument, device , or thing whatever, whereon or with wh'ch any money, liquor,
or other article shall in any manner be played for; or to play for money, or
any valuable thing at any game with cards, dice, or with ny article, device, or
thing whatever, which may be used for the purpose of play ng or betting upon or
winning or losing money or other property; or to bet on a y game others may be
4.2. Keeping a Gambling House. It shall be un
to keep a disorderly or gambling house or to permit or su
keno table, or other instrument or device whatsoever, use
or games of chance, to be set up or used in the City of E
wherewith any game or games of chance may be played for m
of value, in any room, building or tenement in his posses
awful for any person,
fer any faro bank,
for playing any game
glewood, whereon or
ney or other article
ion or under his
4.3. Confiscation of Gambling Devices. It sha~ be the right of the
Chief of Police, and all members of the Police Department of the City of Englewood
to seize and take any cards, tables, checks, balls, wheels, or devices of any
nature or kind, used or kept for the purpose of gambling o playing at any game
of chance, without warrant or complaint, and to convey the same before the
Police Magistrate of the City of Englewood, who shall order the same destroyed.
4.4. Unlawful to Keep Place for Fighting Animals. No person, firm,
corporation, partnership, owner, or dealer shall keep or cause to be kept any
place where any fowls or any animals are suffered to fight upon exhibition, or
for sport upon any wager.
4.5. Maintaining Lotteries Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any
person or persons to set up, maintain, or carry on in the City of Englewood any
lottery or chance for money or gift distribution.
5.1. Unl aw f ul to Sell. No person, association, or corporation shall,
within the City of E nglewood , manufacture for sale or gift, sell or keep for sale,
or sell t o another, or permit another to keep for sale, or sell, any intoxicating
liquor, bee r , ma lt l iquor, or wine, on any premises owned or controlled by him,
her or it, witho ut a duly issued license therefor.
5.2 . Unlawf ul to Take Orders. It shall be unlawful for any person,
a s soc iat i on , or corporation to solicit or take any order or orders for any purchase
or p urc h ases of intox i cating liquors in any manner whatsoever, except as in this
o rdina nce p r o vided.
5 .3 . Unlawful to Handle. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry
on or about his p erson, or for any person, association or corporation to engage or
employ any other p e r s on to so carry, in any quantity, any intoxicating liquors for
the pur pose of selling, barte ring, exchanging, giving away, or illegally deliver-
ing the s a me in the Ci ty of E nglewood.
5 .4. Officers S e arch--Seizure--Arrest--Private Residence Exempted.
Any po l ice officer h av i ng pe rsonal knowledge or reasonable information that
intox icating liquors are being kept in violation of law in any place, shall search
sucb suspected place, and if s uch o ff i cer or person finds upon the premises intoxi-
cating liquors he shall se i ze the s am e, together with the vessels in which they are
conta ined, a n d all implements and furn i ture used in connection with such liquors in
the il l ega l k eeping, barga i ning , selling , exchanging, giving away or carrying the
same, a nd a ny wagon, automobile , vehicle, contrivance, thing or device used in con-
veying s a i d liquors or kept for the purpose of violating any of the provisions of
this ord i nance, and s hall arr es t any person or persons in charge of such place, or
ai d i n g i n an y manner i n carrying on the business conducted in such place. Provided,
howev e r, t h at no searc h shall be made of a private residence kept as such unless it
or s o me par t of it is u se d in connection with or as a store, shop, hotel, boarding-
house, r ooming-house, or place of public resort. Any search made pursuant hereto
sha ll b e on sworn affi davit and by search warrant.
5.5. Liquors Seized--Destruction Directed After Conviction. If any
intoxicating liquors are f ound or seized, the same and the vessels in which they
are contained shall be ke p t by t h e Police Department, and, upon conviction, in
such proceed ings, the jud gme n t en tered shall find such liquors to be unlawful and
shall direct their destruction .
. 6. No Pro pe r t y Rig ht s in Goods Seized. There shall be no property
rights of any kind whatso e v e r in any liquors, vessels, appliances, fixtures,
furniture, implements, wagons, auto mobiles, vehi c les, or any other things or devices
used or kept for the pur pose o f violating any of the provisions of this ordinance;
and any appli a nces, fi xtures, f urniture , implements, wagons , automobiles, vehicles,
contrivances or other things or devices used and seized shall , upon conviction in such
proceedings, be ordered by the Police Ma g istrate to be disposed of, as personal
property is sold under execut ion, and th e proceeds thereof shall be applied first
in the payment of the c o sts o f the prosecution and of any fine imposed, and the
balance, if any, paid into t h e g e ne r al fu nds o f t he City.
5 .7. Intoxica ting Liquors of Every Kind Covered. This ordinance shall
be construed liberally t o i nclude with i n its provisions intoxicating liquors of
every kind and character, whi c h now ar e in use o r which in the future may come
into use as a beverage, n o matte r by what name they may be known or called, and
no matter how small the p ercentage o f alcohol they may contain, and no matter what
other ingredients may be use d i n t hem.
5.8. Unlawful to Posses s or Consume Intoxicating Liquors in Public Places.
(a) It s hal l b e unlaw f ul for any person to drink or to have in his
possess ion or under his control in any public place any intoxi-
c a ti n g l iquor in any container of any kind or description
whi c h is no t sealed or on which the seal is broken. Provided,
howe v er, that no t hin g in this section will permit anyone under
the age of eight een (18) years to have in his possession any
intox icating li q uor o f any k i nd in any manner whatsoever.
(b) The wo r d ''container " shall include any decanter , flask, bottle,
jar, t h e rmo s bottle or jug.
{c) The word "seal " shall mean the regular and original seal
a ppl ied by order of the United States Government over the cap
of eac h and every container o f intoxicating beverages.
(d) "Publ i c Place " shall i nclude and is not limited to, any pool
room, sidewalk, street, alley, park, field house, stadium or
ba ll park.
5.9. Intoxication: Drug Addiction; Disorderly Conduct.
(a) It s hall be unlaw f ul for any person under the influence of
alco hol , or any narcotic drug, stimulant, or depressant,
to be on any street , thoroughfare, or other public place
within the City of Englewood.
(J•• 3 I ... >·
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person under the influence of
alcohol, or any narcotic drug, stimulant, or depresant,
in any private house or place to be drunk, turbulent,
violent, menacing or disorderly to such an extent as to
jeopardize p erson s or property or to menace the public
peace and safety.
(c) All law enforc eme nt officers are authorized and empowered
to arrest or cause to be arrested with or without process,
any persons found violating the provisions of this section.
5 .10. Dancing . Public dancing shall not be permitted in the same
room where the bar is located from which malt, beer, wine, or intoxicating
liquor is sold.
6.1. Definition of "Prostitution" and "Prostitute".
(a) The term "prostitution" includes the offering or receiving
of the body for sexual intercourse or other physical sexual
acti v ity for hire.
{b) The term "prostitution" also includes the indiscriminate or
promiscuous offering or receiving of the body for sexual
interco ur se or other physical sexual activity without hire.
(c) A "prostitute" is one who engages in prostitution as
defined in this section.
6.2. Definitions o f "Bawdyhou se" or "House of Assignation", or "House
of Prostitution ".
(a) A "bawdy house" or ''ho use of assignation" is a house or place
kept for the shelter and convenience of persons desiring un-
lawful sexual intercourse or other unlawful physical sexual
activity and where suc h intercourse or activity is practiced.
(b} A "house of prostitution" is a house or place kept or resor-
ted to for the purpose o f prostitution.
6.3. Definition of "Lewd Act".
(a) The term "lewd act" shall include an appearance in the state
of nudity or in any i ndecent or lewd dress.
(b) The term "lewd act " shall also include indecent exposure and
exposure of the private parts.
(c) A "lewd act" is an indecent, wanton, and lascivious act
committe d in the presence of another or in a place open to
the public view.
6. 4. Definition of "Meretricious Display''. "Meretricious Display"
includes any act, sign, gesture, or manifestation which allures, or is calculated
to allure, e ntice, or is calculated to entice by false show, gaudiness, tawdry
ornamentation, or lascivious suggestion for purposes of prostitution.
6.5 . Offenses Rel at i ng to Prostitution.
person to:
It shall be unlawful for any
(a) Commit or offer or a gree to commit a lewd act or an act of
(b) Secure or offer another for the purpose of committing a lewd
act or an act of prostitution;
(c) Be in or near any place frequented by the public, or any
public place, for the purpose of inducing, enticing, or pro-
curing another to commit a lewd act or an act of prostitution;
(d) Make a meretricious display in or near any public place, any
place frequented by the public, or any place open to the
public vi e w;
(e) Trans port knowingly any person to any place for the purpose
of committing a lewd act or an act of prostitution;
(f) Recei v e, or offer, or agree to receive knowingly any person
into any place or building for the purpose of performing a
lewd act, or an act of prostitution, or to permit knowingly
any person to remai n in any place or building for any such
purpos e;
(g) Direct or off er or agree to direct any person to any place or
building for the purpose of committing any lewd act or act of
(h) In any manner aid, abet, suffer, permit, or participate in the
doin g of any of the acts prohibited by Sections 6.1 to 6.5
a bove .
6.6. Solici tation of Drinks.
(a) It s hall be unlawful for any woman to frequent or loiter in
a ny t avern, cabare t, or night club, with the purpose of
s oliciting men to purchase drinks.
(b) It sha l l b e unlaw f ul for the proprietor or operator of any
s u ch establ is hm e nt t o allow the pre s ence in s uch establishment
of an y woman who violates the provisions of this section.
6 .7. Pornogr aph. I t shall be unlawful for any person to possess or exhibit
to sell or offer for sa l e or to circ ulate or distribute any indecent or lewd book,
picture or other thing wha t eve r o f an immoral or scandalous nature, or to exhibit,
perform or present any i ndece n t, i mmoral or lewd play, motion picture, lecture,
demonstra tion, or ot h e r re p rese ntation .
6.8. Ind ecent Ac t s; Use of F i lthy Language. It shall be unlawful for
any person to commit a ny i ndece nt or f ilt hy act in any place within this City or
to utter any filthy word or an y abusiv e or filthy language in the hearing of other
persons publicly, or to mak e any obscene gesture to or about any other person
6.9. Unlawful t o Regi ster Fic t itious Name. It shall be unlawful for
any person to write or c aus e t o be wr i tten, or knowingly permit to be written, in
any register in any hotel, lodg ing hou se, rooming house, or other place whatsoever
here transients are accommo date d in the C ity of Englewood, any other or different
name or designation th a n t h e tru e name of the p e rson so r e gistered therein, or the
name by which such person is ge n e rally known.
6.10. Unlawful t o Ren t t o P ersons o f Opposite Sex Unless Registered as
Husband and Wife or Paren t and Mi no r Ch ild.
(a) It s h a ll b e unlawful for the proprietor, manager or other
person in charge o f any such hotel, lodgi~house, rooming
house, or other place where transients are accommodated, to
rent, or t o su f fer or permit to be rented, or assigned to or
pri va te ly o cc up ie d j ointly by persons of opposite sex any
roo m or r oo ms in s uch hotel, lodging house, rooming house, or
ot h er p l ac e wher e t r ansients are accommodated, unless such .
persons shall b e re gi stered as husband and wife, or as parent
and minor c hild .
(b) It s hall be unlaw f ul for such proprietor, manager, or other
pe rsons i n charge o f such hotel, lodging house, rooming house,
or other place wher e transients are accommodated, to receive
a n y pers ons a s gue s ts therein, notwithstanding such registra-
tion, i f h e s hall have reasonable cause to believe such
persons n o t t o b e hus band and wife or parent and minor child,
a n d when su ch guests, or either of them, are unknown to him,
it s hall b e unlawful for him to receive them as guests without
first re qu iri ng s ome reasonable evidence of such relationship.
6.11. Unlawful f o r Two P ersons of Opposite Sex to Occupy Hotel Room
Together; Exceptions. I t s hall b e unlaw f ul for any persons of opposite sex, except
husband a nd wife or pare n t and minor c hild to occupy jointly and privately any
room or rooms in any dwel l ing unit, apar t ment, lodging house, hotel or rooming
house, or any other place where trans ient s are accommodated.
6.12. Unlawfu l to Let Room Mo re Than Once Between 6 P.M. and 6 A.M.;
Exceptions. It shall b e u n law f ul fo r any person to let for sleeping or lodging
purposes any room, or r ooms in any dwelling unit , apartment, lodging house, hotel,
or rooming house, or any othe r place where trans i ents are accommodated, more than
once between the hours of six o'clock i n the evening and six o'clock i n the morn-
ing of the next day, e x ce pt t o bona fi d e travelers with baggage.
6.13. Indecent Exh i bi t ion s o f Animals.
(a) It s hall b e unlaw f ul for any person to exhibit any stud horse
or b u ll o r other animal indecently.
(b) It s h a ll b e unlaw f u l f or any person to let any male animal
to any fe ma l e an i ma l or animals unless the same be done in some
place wh olly e n c lose d and out of public view.
7.1. Vagrants. T h e follow i n g persons shall be deemed vagrants in the
City of Englewood:
(a) An y person having no lawful means of employment and having no
lawf ul means o f s upport realized solely from lawful occupations
or so u rces; or, a n y p e r s on who lives idly and without visible
means o f s upport.
f . 5
(b) Any person found loitering or strolling in, about, or upon
any street, lane, avenue, alley, or other public way or public
place, or at any public gathering or assembly, or in or
around any store, shop, or business or commercial establish-
ment or on any private property or place without lawful
business, conducting himself in a lewd, wanton or lascivious
manner in speech or behavior.
(c) Any p erson upon who se person or in whose possession shall be
foun d any instrument, tool, or other implement for picking
locks or pockets, or any implement that is usually employed
or that reasonably may be inferred is designed to be employed
in the commission of any felony, misdemeanor, or the violation
of any ordinance, who shall fail to account satisfactorily for
the possession of the same.
(d) Any person wandering abroad and occupying, lodging, or sleep-
ing in any vacant or unoccupied barn, garage, shed, shop, or
other building or structure, or in any automobile, truck,
railroad car, or other vehicl~ without owning same or without
permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession
of the same, or sleeping in any vacant lot during the hours
of darkness and not giving a satisfactory account of himself.
(e) Any person wandering abroad and begging; or any person who
goes about from door to door of private homes or commercial and
business establishments, or places himself in or upon any
public way or public place to beg or receive alms for himself.
(f) Any person who is a common drunkard, found in any place where
beer or other intoxicating liquor is sold or kept for sale.
(g) Any person who wanders about the streets, alleys, or other
public ways or places, or who is found abroad at late or un-
usual hours in the night without any visible or lawful business
and not giving a satisfactory account of himself.
(h) Any person who shall engage in any fraudulent scheme, device,
or trick to obtain money or other valuable things from others;
or any person who aids or assists such trick, device or scheme.
(i) Any person who asks or receives any compensation, gratuity or
reward for practicing fortune-telling, palmistry, or clair-
(j) Any person who keeps a place where lost or stolen property is
concealed .
(k) Any person found peeking or looking into any private room or
dwelling house, or trespassing upon the premises of other
persons without lawful business thereon.
(1) Any person who shall be the keeper, proprietor, exhibitor, or
user of any gambling table or device, or who shall assist ~
attend at any gambling table or device; or, any person who,
for the purposes of gambling or gaming, travels about from
place to place or frequents places where alcoholic beverages
are sold, railroad cars, trains or depots, or buildings or
structures, whether occupied or vacant.
(m) In the prosecution of any person charged with violating
Section 7.1 her e of, it shall be sufficient to show three (3)
prior c onvictions of drunkenness during the next previous
six (6) months.
7.2. Penalty for Vagrancy. Any person who shall be convicted of being
a vagrant according to the terms of this article, shall be guilty of a violation
of this ordinance and subject to the penalty provided therefore .
. 3. Loitering Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to be upon any public way or place of public nature in such manner as to:
(a) Interfere with the free and unobstructed use of such public
way or place of public nature by any other person or persons; or,
(b) T o be profane, l ewd or wanton in speech or behavior in such
public way or place .
. 4. Unlawful Congregation. It shall be unlawful for any persons to
congregate in any public way or place, or in or around any store or shop, or at
any public gathering or assembly and conduct themselves in a profane, lewd, or
anton manner.
8.1. Cruelty to Animals Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person,
firm, or corporation to overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, overwork,
torture, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, mutilate, or kill needlessly,
or to carry or transport in any vehicle or otherwise in a cruel and inhuman manner,
any animal or to cause any of these acts to be done.
8.2. Starvation of Animals Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any
person, firm, or corporation having charge or custody of any animal to fail to
provide it with proper food, drink, and protection from the weather or to cause
any of these acts to be done.
8.3. Abandonme nt of Animals Unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any
person, firm, or corporation to abandon any animal, or to cause such to be done.
8.4. Unlawful to Keep Place for Fighting Animals. It shall be unlawful
for any person, firm, or corporation to keep or cause to be kept any place where
any fowls or any animals are suffered to fight upon exhibition, or for sport upon
any wager.
8.5. Supply of Food to Impounded Animals by Any Person Permitted. In
case any animal or animals shall be at any time impounded and shall continue to be
ithout necessary food or water more than twelve (12) consecutive hours, it shall
be lawful for any person from time to time and as often as it shall be necessary,
to enter into or upon any pound or corral in which any such animal or animals shall
be confined, and supply it with necessary food and water so long as it shall remain
so confined. Such person s hall not be liable to any action for such entry, and the
reasonable cost of such feed and water may be collected by him from the owner of
such animal.
8.6. Poisoning Do gs . It shall be unlawful for any person to poison any
dog or dogs or other pet or pets or to distribute poison in any manner whatsoever
with the intent or for the purpose of poisoning any dog or dogs, or other pet or
8.7. Frightening, Shooting, Killing, Trapping, Molesting, etc., Song
and Insectiverous Birds. It shall be unlawful for any person at any time within
the corporate limits of the City of Englewood to frighten, shoot at, wound, kill,
take, capture, ensnare, net, trap or in any other manner molest or injure any
robin, lark, whip-poor -will, finch, sparrow, thrush, wren, martin, swallow, snow-
bird, bobolink, red-winged blackbird, crow, raven, oriole, kingbird, mocking bird,
song-sparrow, or other song bird or insectiverous bird; or in any manner molest or
injure the nest eggs, or young of any such bird; or have in possession the nest,
eggs, young or body of such bird.
8.8. Unlawful to Possess, Etc., Dyed Baby Chicks, Etc.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to
possess, display, sell, or give away dyed, colored, or in any
way artificia lly treated baby chicks, ducklings, fowls,
rabbits, or any animals as pets, playthings, novelties or
(b) This section s hall not be construed to prohibit the display
by hatcheries, stores, owners, dealers, or person engaged in
the business of selling the same to be raised for food; but
no such hatcheries, stores, owners, dealers, or persons shall
sell or gi ve away baby chicks, ducks, fowls, rabbits, or any
animals as pets, playthings, or novelties.
8.9. Dog Fight -Causing Unlawful. No person shall cause, instigate,
or encourage any dog fight in any public place or private place within the City of
9.1. Definition of Anonymous Paper. An "anonymous paper", within the
meaning of thi s article, is hereby defin ed as any circular, pamphlet, card, or
dodger which does not contain the name of the individual sponsor thereof; or, if
sponsored by a co-partnership, the names of the members thereof; or if sponsored by
an association, the names of the president or other head officer; or, if sponsored
by a corporation, the name of the president or other head officer thereof.
9.2. Unlawful to Publish Anonymous or Hate-Inciting Paper. It shall be
unlawful to publish or distribute, or cause to be published or distributed within
the City of Englewood:
(a) Any anonymous paper, as herein defined;
(b) Any circular, pamphlet, card, or dodger, whether anonymous or
not, which incites, counsels, promotes or advocates hatred,
violences, or hostility against any person, or group of
persons residing in the City of Englewood by reason of race,
color, religion, or manner of worship.
() ?
9.3. Assembling to Commit Unlawful Act. It shall be unlawful for any
three (3) or more persons to assemble together in this City with an intent to
do an unlawful act; or, being assembled, mutually to agree or act in concert, to
do an unlawful act with force or violence against the property of the City or
the person or property of another, or against the peace and to the terror of
others; or to make any move or preparation therefore; or, being present at such
meeting or assembly, to fail to endeavor to prevent the commission of or perpe-
tuation of such unlawful act.
9.4 .. Assembling to Disturb Citizens or Travelers. It s hall b e unlawful
or three (3) or more person s to co.Iect in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes
or for any purpose, to the annoyance or disturbance of citizens or travelers.
9.5 . Unlawful to Disturb Religious Worship. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm, or corporation to disquiet or disturb any congregation or
assembly for religious worship by making a noise or by rude or indecent behavior,
or profane discourse within their place of worship, or so near the same as to
disturb the order of solemnity of the meeting.
10. l. Assault Defined. An "assault" is an unlawful attempt coupled
ith an apparent present ability to commit a bodily injury on the person of
10.2. Assault.
(a) It shall be unlawful to beat, strike, wound, imprison, or
inf lict violence on another where the circumstances show
malice .
(b) It shall be unlawful to assault another with intent to commit
murder, rape, mayhem, robbery, or larceny.
(c) It shall be unlawful to assault another with a lethal or
dangerous weapon, instrument, or thing with intent to commit
upon the person of another any bodily injury where no
considerab l e provocation appears or where the circumstances
or the assault show malice.
10.3. Assault on Child Under Sixteen (16). It shall be unlawful for
any person to assault any child under sixteen (16) years of age; or to take
indencent and improper liberties with the person of such child; or to entice,
allure, or persuade, or attempt to persuade any such child into any room, office,
or any other place for the purpose of taking any immodest, immoral, or indecent
liberties with such chi ld; or to take or attempt to take any such liberties with
the person of such child at any place.
It shall be unlawful to be in the proximity of any child under sixteen
(16) years of age in a state of indecent exposure with intent to assault or
ravish such child.
10.4. Disturbing the Peace; Using Offensive Language. It shall be
unlawful for any person to disturb or to tend to disturb the peace of others
by violent, tumultous, offensive or obstreperous conduct, or by loud or unusual
noises, or by unseemly profane, obscene, or offensive language, calculated to
provoke a breach of the peace; or by assaulting, striking, or fighting another,
or for any person to permit any such conduct in any house or upon any premises
owned or possessed by him or under his management or control, when within his
power to prevent, so that others in the vicinity are or may be disturbed thereby.
10.5. Vendors Not to Obstruct Public Ways. It shall be unlawful for
any person engaged in the sale of newspapers, magazines, or other goods or
merchandise, to make any unnecessary sound or noise, to obstruct any sidewalk or
other public place, or to disturb or impede others.
10.6. Vendors Not to Advertise. It shall be unlawful for any person,
to advertise the sale of goo ds, wares, merchandise, shows, carnivals, or services
by means of a radio, phonograph, speaker or device in any public or private place
or from the air, except in a building and in such a manner so as not to annoy or
disturb persons outside the building.
10.7. Operation of Speaker Device. It shall be unlawful for any person
to operate a radio, phonograph, television, spe~er or sound device at such a
time and in such a manner as to annoy or disturb others.
10.8. Unnecessary Noise. It sha ll be unlawful for any person to operate
a horn, signal, whistle or other nois e or sound making device except when neces-
sary for the protection of life or property.
. .JN I}.>-\ ~ \, \ ~ l. 'l:J '
11.l. Unlawful to C a rr y Conc e aled Weapons; Forfeiture of Concealed Weapons.
(a) It s hall be unlawful for any person to wear under his clothes,
or c onc e ale d about h is person, or to display in a threatening
manner, any dange r ous or deadly weapon including, but not by
wa y of l imi tatio ns , a ny pistol, revolver, sling shot, cross-
knuck l es, o r knu c kle s of lead, brass, or other metal, or any
bow ie k n ife , dirk , dag ger, or any knife resembling a bowie
knife, o r any other dangerous or deadly weapon.
(b) It shall b e unlaw f ul f or any person, firm, corporation or
associ at i on to se ll , offer to sell, display, use, possess,
or c arry any knife or knives having the appearance of a
poc k et k n ife, the blade or blades of which can be opened
by a f lick o f a but t on, pressure on the handle , or other
mec hanical contrivanc e . Any such knife is hereby declared to
be a dan gerous or d e adly weapon within the meaning of Section
11 a bove , and shall b e subject to forfeiture to the City of
Eng l e wood as prov i d e d by Section 11.2 below.
(c) Ever y p erson convicte d of any violation of this Section shall
forfeit to the Ci ty of Englewood such dangerous or deadly
weapons s o conceale d or displayed.
(d) Nothi n g in this Sec t i on shall be construed to forbid United
States Mar s hals , s her i ffs, constables, and their deputies
and any regular, s pec i al, or ex-officio police officer or
any other law enforcement officer from carrying or wearing,
whi l e on duty , such weapons as shall be necessary in the
pro p er d ischarge o f their duties.
11.2. Disposi t ion of Con fiscat ed Concealed Weapons. It shall be the
duty of every police officer, u p on making any arrest and taking such a concealed
eapon from the person of the o f f en d er to deliver the same to the minicipal judge,
to be held by him unti l t he fi nal det ermination of the prosecution for said offense;
and upon a finding of g u i lt , it shal l then be the duty of said municipal judge to
deliver said weapon f orthwith to t h e Chief of Police who shall make disposition of
the weapon.
11.3. Unlawful to Possess, Carry or Use Dangerous or Deadly Weapons.
It shall be unlawful f o r any person to have in his possession, except within his own
domicile , or to carry or u se a revolver or pistol of any description, shotgun, or
rifle which may be use d f o r t he explosion of cartridges, or any air gun g as -operated
gun or spring gun, or any instrument, toy or weapon commonly known as a "peashooter",
"slingshot", or .. beany", o r any bow made for the purpose of throwing or projecting
missiles of any kind by any mean s whatsoever, whether such instrument is called by
any name set forth abov e or b y any other name; provided that, nothing in this
Section contained shall pre vent the us e o f any such instruments in shooting galleries
or in any private grou nds or residence under circumstances when such instrument can
be fired, discharged or ope rated in such a manner as not to endanger persons or
property, and also in suc h manner a s to prevent the projectile from traversing any
grounds or space outside t h e li mits o f s uch gallery, grounds or residence; and
further provided, that not h ing he r e i n c o nt ained shall be construed to prevent the
concealed carrying of an y t ype o f g un , whatsoever, when unloaded and properly
cased, to or from any r an ge or gallery .
11.4. Regulatio n s P e rtaini ng to the Sale of Certain Weapons. It shall
be unlawful for any second-hand dealer o r pawn-broker, or any other individual,
.firm, or corporation e n g a ge d in the wholesale or retail sale, rental or exchange
of any of the weapons hereinafter name d t o display or place on exhibition, in any
show window, or other wi ndow , f acing upon any street of the City of Englewood, any
pistol, revolver , or other f ire arm,wi.th barrel less than twelve (12) inches in
length, or any brass o r meta l k nuckl es , or any club loaded with lead or other
eights, or any black-j ack o r b i llyclu b.
11.5. Recor d to b e Ke pt of S ales of C e rtain Weapons Covered by Section
11.l and 11.4.
(a) Every second-h a n d de aler, pawnbroker, or other individual
firm, or c o r porat i o n e ngaged i n the sale, rental, or exchange
of any we apons d esc ri bed in Section 11.1-2 or 4 shall keep a
recor d o f each suc h we apon purchased, sold, rented, or ex-
changed a t re tail .
(b) Said rec o r d s hall b e made at the time of the transaction, in a
book ke p t f or that purpose, and shall include the name of the
person to whom or fr o m whom such weapon is purchased, sold or
rente d , or with who m e xchanged; his age, physical description,
occupati o n, res ide nc e, and if residing in a city, the street
and number wher e he r esides; the make, caliber, and finish of
the firearm, toge the r with the number or serial letter thereof,
if a n y ; t h e date o f t h e purchase, sale, rental, or exchange of
such weapo n; and t he name of the employee or other person
making such purc hase, s ale, rental, or exchange.
(c) Said reco rd book s hall be open at all times to the inspection of
any d u ly aut horized police officer of the City of Englewood.
,\i . 9
11.6. Unlawf ul t o Se ll Weapon s to Intoxicated Persons. It shall be un-
lawful for any person, firm, or corpo rati on to purchase, sell, loan, or furnish
any gun, pistol, or other firearm i n wh ic h any explosive substance can be used, to
any person under the influence of alcohol or any narcotic drug, stimulant, or
depressant, or to any person in a condition of agitation and excitability, or
to any minor under the age of 18 years.
11.7. Unlawful to T hrow Stones, Snowballs or Missiles. It shall be
unlawful for any person to throw any stone , snowball, or any other missile upon
or at any vehicle, bui lding, tree, or other public or private property, or upon
or at any person in any p ublic way or place, or enclosed or unenclosed ground.
11.8. Unlawful to Place Ob jects on Window Sills; Exceptions. It
shall be unlawful for any person to place any bottle, pitcher, vessel, utensil,
article, or thing whatsoe v er upon the window sill of any block or building where
such window and window sill are upon the side of a block or building immediately
abutting or fronting upon the sidewalk of any public street, unless said window
sill is guarded or protected by a wire s cree n or suitable devic e to prevent any
article placed thereon from falling off.
11.9. Unlawful to Possess Burgl ar's Tools. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm, or corporation to possess any nippers known as burglar's
nippers, any pick lock, skeleton key, key to be used with bit or bits, jimmy,
or any other burglars' instrumen ts or tools of whatever kind or description,
unless it be shown that such possession is innocent or for lawful purposes.
12.1. Resisting an Officer; Escaping; nes cuing a Prisoner.
(a) It shall be unlaw ful f or any person to resist any police
officer, any member o f the Police Department, or any person
duly empowered wi th police authority, while in the dis-
charge of h is duty, or in any way to interfere with or
hinder hi m in the di sc harge of his duty.
(b) It sh all be unlawful for any person to of fer or endeavor to
assist any pe rs on in the custody of a police officer, a
member of the Police Department, or a person duly empowered
with police authority to escape or attempt to escape from
such custody .
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to rescue any person
in the custody o f a police officer, a member of the Police
Department, or a p erso n duly empowered with police authority.
12.2. Duty of Citizens to Aid Police Officers. It shall be the duty
of all persons when calle d upon by any police o ffi cer, or any other member of
the Police Department to promptly aid and assist such officer or member in the
discharge of his duties .
12.3. Imperso natin g a n Officer. It shall be unlawful for any person
other than an official polic e officer of the City of Englewood to wear the uni-
form, apparel, or any other i n s ignia of office like or similar to, or a color-
able imitation of that adopted and worn by the official police officers of the
It shall be unlawful for any person to counterfeit, imitate, or cause
to be counterfeited, imit ated, o r colorably imitated, the uniform, apparel, or
insignia of office used by t h e Poli ce Department of the City of Englewood.
12.4. Unlawfu l to Ai d in Escape of Prisoners. It shall be unlawful
for any person to make available to , present to, or place within the reach of,
or to cause to be made available to, presented to, or placed within the reach of
any person confined under authority o f the City of Englewood, vinous, spiri-
tuous, or malt liquors, or any tool, imple ment , or other thing calculated to aid
in the escape of such person so confined or any other person confined under
authority of the City of E n glewood.
12.5. Escaping from jail . I t s hall be unlawful for any person, while
a prisoner in the jail, or in any othe1· place where prisoners are confined, or
otherwise in custody of and confined by t h e City of Englewood, to escape or
attempt to escape or to assist others to escape or attempt to escape from such
custody or confinement.
12.6. Aiding Escap ees from Ja i l. It shall be unlawful for any person
to assist or aid, or attempt to assist or aid any person in the custody of or
confined under the authority of the City of Englewood, to escape from jail, place
of confinement or custody .
13.1. Unlawful to In j ure or Des troy Public Property. It shall be un-
lawful for any person to eit her willfully, maliciously, wantonly, negligently or
in any other manner injure or d es troy real property or improvements thereto, or
movable or personal proper~y , belonging to the City of Englewood.
13.2. Unlawful to Injure or Destroy Private Property. It shall be
unlawful for any person to either wil lfull y, maliciously, or wantonly injure or
destroy real property or improvements theret o, or movable or personal property,
belonging to any person, persons, corporation, partnership, or association.
"'' v-
13.3. Unlawful to Destroy Posters.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to either willfully,
maliciously, wantonly, negligently, or in any manner tear down,
deface, or cover up any posted advertisement or bill of any
person, firm, or corporation when the same is posted or put in
harmony with the provisions of this ordinance and ordinances of
the City of Englewood.
(b) Any handbill, poster, placard, or painted or printed matter
which shall be stuck, posted, or pasted upon any public or
private house, store, or other buildings, or upon any fence,
power pole, telephone pole, or other structure without the
permission of the owner, agent, or occupant shall be deemed
a nuisance.
13.4. Protection of Gardens and Crops.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to trespass upon or to
permit any animal or fowl owned by or controlled by him to
trespass upon any garden or field of growing crops.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or lead any horse
or other large animal, or drive any vehicle, upon or over any
lawn or shrubs.
13.5 . Unlawful to Steal, Take or Carry Away. It shall be unlawful for
any person or persons to steal, take, or carry away, or attempt to steal, take, or
carry away, the personal goods or chattels of another without the consent of the
owner or possessor thereof.
13.6. Fraudulent Manipulation of Coin Service and Change Machines Unlawful.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to insert or attempt to
insert into the coin box or money receptacle of any coin opera-
ted machine or device, any slug, button, or other article or
substance, or to manipulate or operate in any manner whatever,
any mech anism or device connected or commonly used therewith, with
attempt to obtain goods or service therefrom without proper
payment therefor.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to insert o r attempt to in-
sert into the coin box or money receptacle of any coin operated machine or device,
any slug, button or other subst ance, with the attempt to obtain from such coin box
or money receptable a legal tender coin of the United States.
13.7. Unlawful to Hold Public Meetings in Parks Without Permit. It shall
be unlawful to hold any public meetings, addressed by one or more speakers and
attended by twenty-five (25) or more persons within the parks of the City of
Englewood , unless and until a permit therefor has been issued. Such meetings shall
be conducted in an orderly and law-abiding manner.
13.8. Livestock at Large. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit
any livestock to run or be at large and unattended within the City of Englewood.
Unattended animals in violation of the preceding section shall be ordered impounded
by the Chief o f Police in a pound or stable designated by the Police Department,
and tbe reasonable cost of transporting, feeding, and keeping said lives~ock shall
be paid by the owner of said livestock before the livestock is released.
14.1 . FI REWORKS.
(a )
No p e rson, firm, company, corporation, or association shall cast,
throw , or fire any squib, rocket, crack~r, torpedo, grenade, gun,
revolver, pistol, cap, or cartridge, or other combustible fire-
works of any kind in the City of Englewood.
No person, firm, company, corporation, or association shall ex-
hibit, or have in possession with intent to give away, or sell,
or offer for sale within the City of Englewood, any squib, -
rocket, cracker, torpedo, grenade, gun, revolver, pistol, cap
or cartridge, or other combustible fireworks of any kind in the
City of Englewood. P1ovided, however, that this section shall
not apply to the sale of any such article or articles by whole-
salers to each other , or to the sale of any such article or
articles at wholesale to merchants conducting business entirely
without the City of Englewood, or to the sale by wholesalers for
public demonstrations as hereinafter provided.
(c) Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to apply to the sale,
storage, or use of railroad track torpedoes, or other signalling
devices used by railroads, or to the sale, storage, or use of
U \ I
flashlight composition by photographers or dealers in photographic supplies, or to
prevent any public demonstratjon or display of fireworks of any kind if conducted
under proper police supervision after application made and permit issued by the
City Clerk for such demonstration. Said permit shall not be granted unless such
demonstration or display shall be of such a character and so located, discharged,
or fired, as in the opinion of the said City Clerk after proper inspection shall
not be hazardous to property or endanger any persons.
14.2. False Alarm of Fire-Giving. Any person who shall, in this City
intentionally make or gi ve a false alarm of fire, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, which shall be unlawful.
15.1. No owner, manager, operator, keeper, lessee, tenant, janitor or
any other employee or agent of such owner or manager, lessee or tenant of any
place where the game called pool or billiards is played, or of any place where is
or shall be kept or operated, or used, any pool table, billiard table, bagatelle
table, pigeon hole table, shuff leboard, shooting gallery, skating rink, bowling
alley, or pin alley or place where any games are played shall keep open or permit
to be open for use any such place on any day later than twelve o'clock midnight
and shall not open or permit to be opened any such place earlier than five
o'clock in the forenoon of any day.
16.l. Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit,
or aids or abets in the commiss ion of any act declared herein to be in violation
of the ordinances of this municipality, whether individuall~ or in connection with
one or more persons, or as a principal, agent, or accessory, shall be guilty of
such offense, and every person who falsely, fraudulently, forcibly, or willfully
induces, caused, coerces, requires, permits, or directs another to violate any
provision of this ordinance is likewise g uilty of such offense.
<~~ \C\~\
17. l. Penalty.
(a) Whenever in any section of this Ordinance, or any section
of a rule or regulation promulgated hereunder, the doing
of any act is required, prohibited, or declared to be un-
lawful and no definite fine or penalty is provided for a
viol ation thereof, any person, firm, or corporation who
shall be convicted of a violation of any such section shall,
for each offense, be fined in a sum not more than Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or imprisoned not to exceed ninety
(90) days.
(b} The City may, in its discre t ion, pro ceed against any violation or
violator of this Ordinance by abatement, injunction, or other
ci vil action, which remedies sh all be cumulative to the penal-
ties in Section 17.l (a).
17.2. Severability . If any sec tion, s ub-section, sentence, clause,
phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconsti-
tutional by any court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a
separate, distinct and inde pendent provi sion and such holding shall not affect
the validity of the remaini ng portion thereof. The City Council hereby declares
that it would have passed this Ordinance and each portion or portions thereof,
irrespective of the fact th at any one portion or portions be declared invalid or
17.3. Ordinances Re p ea led. Ordinance Numbers 4, 5 , 6, 9, 10, 13, 15,
16, 23, 26, 27, 32, and 37, Series of 1912, Ordinance Number 4, Series of 1917,
Ordinance Number 6, Series of 1939, Ordinance Number 3, Series oi 1943, Section
2, Ordinance Number 30, Series of 1912 , Sect ion 3, Ordinance Number 31, Series
of 1912, Section 1, Ordinance Number 36, Series of 1912, Section 14, Ordinance
Number 38, Series of 191 2 , Section 5, Ordinance Number 1 5, Series of 1943,
Sections 2 and 8, Ordinance Number 26, Series of 1954, and all other ordinances
and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
17.4. Title . This Ordinance is to be known as and cited as the
"Offenses Ordinance" of the City of Englewood, Colorado.
18. T he City Council hereby fin ds, determines, and declares this
ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace,
health, safety and convenience .
19. In the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists; there-
fore, this ordinance shall t a ke effect and be in force from and after its final
passage and publication.
Pass ed on First Re ading by tl1e City Council of the City of E nglewood,
Colorado, this 3rd day of September, A.D. 19j7, and ordered published in the
Englewood Herald and Enterprise.
Passed on Final Reading by the Cit y Council of the City of Englewood,
Colorado, this 7th day of October, A.D. 1957, and ordered published in the
nglewood Herald and Enterprise .
I, J. L. Barron, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, do hereby
ccrtif y that tl1 c above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read in full and
ordered published as proposed Ord in anc e for the meetings of Se ptember 3, 19 5 7 and
October 7, 19 5 7, held by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado on
said dates and same was published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, October
10. 1957, as Ordinance No. 33, Series of 1957.
•• . ·;., r 1.3