HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 Ordinance No. 006m'IOlf lar B Y AU TH 0 R I T Y. ----------- .Q .R l21 N.! !! Q ! S E R I E S Of 1951. ---------li2· h... " AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING BLOCKS 42, 43, and 44, EVANSTON BROSDWAY ADDITION , AS A SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT; FIXING THE RATES AND CHARGES FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER THEREIN, AND PROVIDING THE MANNER OF LEVYING AND COLLECT- ING SUCH RAT gs AND CHARGES." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCI L OF TH E CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: 'l'hat there be, and there is hereby, eatabliabed in tbe City or Englewood, Colorado, a Sani- ta17 Sewer Diatriot designated aa Exten•ion ?fo. 13, Inglewood San1 taey Sewer. sgIOI! n. That the area designated as auch Extension Bo. 13 Sanitary sewer, is the property deacribed aa: Blocka 42, 43 and 44, Evanston •roadway Addition, being bounded on the ?forth by East Floyd Avenue; on the Weat by South Clarkaon Street; on the South''" East Girard Avenue; and on the Eaat bJ South Corona Street. SECTIOJ 3. The rates and charges tor installation ot Sanitary Sewer in •aid Extension Bo. l3 •hall be the •um ot j 85.44. per lot (a lot being defined ae 8*11 area 2~ teet in width and 125 teet in lengbt or the equivalent thereot). SECTIOI' 4. The rates and charges hereinabove fixed ab~ll be paid to the City Treasurer ot the City ot Eng l ewood in cash, or by t he signing or a ~ra11iaaory Inatallment lfote bearing interest OD or betore thirty (30) days tran the date of final passage and publication ot this Ordinance. Upon tailu.re to pay within the time herein aet torth or upon default ot the terms ot any Pro~iasory ~ote eaecuted hereunder, the City Clerk or the City r1 R ngle~ood shall certify to the Board ot County Commisaione ~s or Arapahoe County the rate• and charge• due, and said rates and chargea shall beca11e a lien upon the reRl property which is in detault. aerted by said Sanitary Sewer, and be collected in the same manner as though they were a part ot the general taJCea. SECTIOlf 5, The City Council hereby finds, det e rmines and declare• that thi• Ordinance is necessary tor the immediate preservation ot th e public peace, he alth, aatety and conYenience. 6. In the opinion ot the Ci ty Council an emergency exista; therefore, this Ordinance shall take ettect and be in torce from and after its fin al passage and publication. PASSED on First He a ding by the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Colorado, this 14th day ot ay, A. D. l~l, and ordered published in the Englewood Preaa. P uaed on Final Reading by the City Council or the City ot F:ngl.ewa>d, Colorado, this lltbstl day ot June, .A.. D. 1951. and ordered pu blished in tb e Englewood Preaa. ":'WllW'Cllt • • P"ir •t Publication May, 17, 1951. P'inal Publication J'une 14, 195 1. ST !l'E O~ COLOR A.DO ) COU1\TY OF ARAPAHOE ) SS: CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ) ~£~ 1191or I, E. E. Anderaon, City Clerk ot the City ot Englewood, County ot Arapahoe, State ot Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and taregoing Ordinance was introduced and Read in tull, and on Re solution was ordered published as proposed Ordinance tor the Meeting ot .,, 14th A. D. 1951. held by the City Council OD said Date and same was published May,17th May,24 th 1951. in the Engle11> od Preas, and for more than Ten Days thereafter and at a subsequent Meeting ot the City Council held June 11th, 1951. "AN ORDINANC E F.STABLI SH ING BLOCKS 42, 43 and 44, EVANST01' BROADWAY AD DITION, AS A SANIT 'Jff SEHER DisrRICT; FIXING TP.F RATF:S AND CHARGES FOR THE INSTALLATION OP' SEIER THER1UN, AND PROVIDING THE fl1ANNER OF LEVYING ~ COLL-li'CTING &JOH RATES A.ND CHARGF.S." was duly puae4 and adopted and published in tre Englewood Presa in its issue ot June, 14th, 1951. as required bJ the Statutea ot the Stat e ot Colorado. Ad~ V' --C~ity Cler.le.