HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951 Ordinance No. 009S!ll'IOB l, B Y A U T H 0 R I T Y. ------------- .Q,EQl_NANQE !!2.· g. -----s B B I E s or 1951 • ------- " AN ORDINANC E ADOPTI NG VOTING Mh.CHI NES FOR ALL KUNICIPAL ELECTI ONS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORAD O, BO '.'.II GENERAL AND SPECIAL, AND DEFINING THE BOUNDA- RI ES OF ELEC TI ON PRE CINCTS IN TI-n 1: CITY OF ENGLE WO OD , COLORADO, F OR ALL GENERAL AND SPECIAL MUNI CIPAL ELEC 'rIONS; and REPEA LING OF ORDINANCES ALL PARTS OF ORDI- NAN CES IN CONF LICT HERE WITH ." BE IT ORDAIN ED BY TH E CITY COUNCIL OF TH E CITY OF ENGLE WOOD, COLORADO: That voting ~.a ohinea be, and they are hereby, adopted tor use at all tuture general and special elections in t he City of Englewood, Colorado, in accordBDce with and pursuant to Section l and Sec- tion 3, Chapter 185, 1947 Session Lawa of Colorado, and amendments thereto. SICTICll 2, Th~t said machines tor use at all elections sh a ll be leased from the County of Arapahoe,or the City and County of Denver , at a rental fixed by the said City and County or County otticials, aaid machines having heretotore been adopted for general elections in the County ot Arapahoe, and tultill the requirements or voting machines as set forth in Section 2, Chapter 185, 1947 Sesaion La•• ot Colorado. SECT ION 3. That pursuant to Section 5, Chapter 185, 1947 Session Laws or Colorado, the election precincts with in the City of Englewood , Colorado, are hereby altered. changed in boundary and established to be as tollowa, to-wit: PRECINCT NO. l Seginning at the intersection of the center line ot South Broadway and the center line ot Yale Avenue; thence West along the centPr line ot VI eat Yale Avenue to the center line ot South Elati Street; thence South along the center line ot South Elati Street to the center line of West Bates Avenue; thence West along the center line ot West Batea Avenue; thence \'/est alon g the center line extended, to the Vl est City limits ot the City ot Englewood; thence southerly alone.; the '.V est oity limits ot the City ot Englewood to it• po i nt of intersection with the center line of Weet Dartmouth Avenue; thence East along the center line ot 'Nest Dartmouth Avenue to the center line ot South Broadway; thence orth alon g t he center line of South Broadway to the center line ot Yale Avenue, the point. ot beginning. PRECINCT NO. 2 deginning at the intersection ot South 3road•ay and Yale ATenue. thence East along the center line or East Yale Avenue to the center line of South Logan Street; thence South along the center line or South Log an Street to the center line ot !ast Dartmouth Avenue; thence uest along the center line of East Dartmouth Avenue to the center line ot South Broadway; thence Nort h along the center line or south Broadway to the center line ot Yale Avenue, the point ot beginning. P~ INCT NO. 3 ~eginni n g at the intersection of the center line ot South Broadllay with the center line ot J artmouth Avenue; thence #est along the center line ot West Dartmouth Avenue to the West city limits or the City or Englewo od; thence louth along the West city 11.mita ot th e Cit y of Englew ood to the intersect ion of said We st city limits with the center line ot West Legigb Avenue ; thence East ..&loag the center line of West Lehigh Avenue to the center line ot South Broadway; t h ence North along the center line ot South Broadlray to the center line of Dartmou th Avenue, the point or beginning. PRECINCT NO. 4 Beginning at the pbint of intersection of the center line of South Broadway with the center line of Dartmouth Avenue; th ~nce East along the center line of East Dartmouth Avenue to t he center line or South Clarkson Street; thence South along the center li~e ot South Clarkson Street to th~ center line ot East ~anafield Avenue; thence ~est along the center line or East ~ansfie ld Avenue to the center line of South Broadway; thence Worth along the c enter line of Sout h Broadway to the center line ot Dartmouth Avenue, the point of beg inning. PRECINCT 1'0. 5 .deginning at the intersection ot the cen•er line of South Broad•ay with the center line ot Lehigh Avenue; thence Wes• along the center line ot West Lehigh Avenue to the eat Oity limit• or the City of Englewood; thence along the Weat city limit• ot the Cit7 ot Englewood to the-* ot intersect ion ot aaid oity limit• with the center line ot eat Quincy Avenue; thence East along the center line ot West Quincy Avenue to the center line ot South Broadway; thence North along the center line ot South Broadway to the cent er line ot Lehigh Avenue, the point of beginning. P~INCT RO. 6 Beginn i ng at the point at intersection ot the center line ot south Broadway with the center line ot Manatield Avenue; thence East along the cent er line or East Manatield Avenue to the center line ot south Clarkson Street; thence South along the center line or South Clarkson Street to the center line ot East Quincy Avenue; thence West along the center line ot East ~incy Avenue to the center line ot. South Broad9ay; thence North along the center line ot South Broadway to the center line or Manatield ATenue, the point ot beginning. S!CTIOS 4. S!CTICB 5. SlDl'Imf 6. PRECEIWCT WO. 9. Beginning at the inter•eotion or the center line ot South Broadway and the center :: .:. line ot Quincy ATenue; thence Wemt along the center line or West Quincy Avenue to the ~V est city 11mit• ot the City ot Englewood; thence South along the Weat city limit• or t'8••11••x•hb the City ot Englewood to the point or intersection ot •aid city lim.ita •1th the center t:t line ot .?eat Layton Avenue; thence East along the oenter line ot Weat Layton Avenue to the center line or South Broadway; thence lforth along the center line of' South Broadway to the center line ot Quincy Avenue, the point or beginning. PRroINCT lfo. 8 Beginning at the point or intersection ot the center line ot South Broadway with the center line of' ~incy Avenue; thence East along the center line of' Ea8t Quincy Avenue to the center line or South Clarkson Street; thence south along the center line or South Clarkson Street to the center line of East Union Avenue; thence West along the center line ot East Union ATenue to the center line or South Washington street extended; thence South along the extended center line of South Washington Street to the center line of' Ea•t Layton ATenue; thence West along the center line of East Layton ATenue to the West line and ex- tended \l est line of' Eldo SUbdivision; thence North along the Weat line and extended West line of' Eldo SUbdiTi•ion to the center line ot East Union Avenue; thence West along the cent er line ot South Broad1ray; thence North alor.g the center line ot South Broadway to the center lien or Quincy ATenue, the point ot beginning. PllCINCT WO. 9. Beginning at the intersection or the center line or East Amherat Avenue and the center line or Sout h Logan Street; thence South along the center line or South Logan Street to the center line or East. Dartmouth Avenue; thence Eaat along the center line aad extended cente r line ot East Dartmouth Avenue to the center line ot South UniTeraity Boulevard; thence North along the center line of South University BouleTard to the North city limit• ot the Cit y or Englewood; thence West and South along the North city limits or the CMy of' Englewood to t he point of intersection or said city limits with the estended center line ot East Dartmouth ATenue; thence \'l est along the center line or East Dartmouth ATenue to the center line or South Franklin Street extended; tbenoe North along the center line ot South ranklin Street,~ataL exJended center line ot South Franklin Street to the center line ot Eaat Amberat Avenue; thence Vlest along the center line of East Amherst ATenue to the center line or South Downing Street; thence North along the center line or South Downing Street to the center line ot F.ast Yale Avenue; thence West along the center line or East Yale •Temeto the center line ot South Clarkson Street; thence South along the center line ot South Clarkaon Street to the center line and extended center line ot E .. t Bate• ATenuej. thence West along the center liae and extended center line ot East Bate• ATenue to the cen- ter line of' South Pennsylvania Street; thence North alont the center line ot South Pennaylvania Street to the center lin e or East Amherat ATenue; thence West along the center line or East Amherat ATenue to the center line ot South Logan Street, the point or beginning. PRJCINCT NO. 10. Beginning at the point ot intersection ot the center line or South Clarkson Street with the center line of East Dartmeutb Avenue; thence South along the center line ot South Clarkaon Street to the •enter line of East Jetreraon Ayenue; thence East along the center 11ne o~ East Je~~ereon A.venue to the center line and extended center line or South La.f'ayette Street ( •bicb c ente r line is the East boundar7 or the Englewood city limit•); thence Worth along the center line and extended center line or South Lafayette Street to the center line ot East Floyd Avenue; thence West along the center line ot •ast Floyd Avenue to the center line or South ::arion Street; thence South along the center line ot South Marion Street to the center line ot East Girard Avenue; thence Ne•t along the center line or East Girard Avenue to the center line ot south Downing Street; thence North along the center line ot South Downing Street to the center line or Eaat Dartmouth Avenue; thence East along tl2 center line or East Dartmouth Avenue to the extended center line or South Latayette Street; thence South along the extende d center line of South Lafayette Street (the city limit•) to t he extended center line of East Eastman ATenue; thence East along the extend- ed center line or East Eastman Avenue (the city lim.ita) to the extended center line or South Franklin Street; thence South along the extended center line ot South Franklin Street (the city 11mita) to the extended center line ot East Flo1d Avenue; thence East long the extended center line or East Floyd Avenue ( the city limits) to the center line or South UniTer•ity Boulevsrd; thence North along the center line or South UniTeraity Boulevard to the extended center line ot ~:a•t Dartmouth ATenue; thence West along the center line ot East Dartmouth Avenue and extended center line ot E .. t Dartmouth Avenue to the center line ot South Clarkson Street, the point of' beginning. A.ll Ordinance or parts or Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The City Council hereby tinda, determines and declares that thia Ordinance is necessary tor the iDIDediate preservation ot the public peace, health, aatety and convenience. In the opinion or the City Council aa emergency exists; therefore, this Ordinance shall take etreot an d be in rorce rrom and atter ita final paasage and publication. Paased on First Read ing by the City Council of' the City at Englewood, Colorado, this llth day ot June, A. D. 1951, and ordere d published in the Englewood Preaa. PASSED on Final Re ading by the City Counc i l ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, this 9th day of' Ju~. A. D. 19 51. and ordered published in the Englewood Preas. "" J..'rllSJ!: First Publication Final Publication &r Jl'E OF COLOR.WO ) June 14th, JulJ'. 12th , COONTY OF ARAP AEOE ) SS: C I'l'Y OF ENGU/IO OD ) 1951. 1951. tlt__. -f fLlk Mayor. I, E. E. Anderaon, City Clerk ot the C1•1 ot !Bclewoo4, County at Arapahoe, State or Colorado, do hereby certify that the aboYe 1114 rarego1ag Ordinanoe •aa introduced and Read in rull, and on Resolution waa ordered publiahed *8 prapo .. 4 Or41nanoe tor the Me eting ot June 11th, A. D. 1951. held by the City Co .nail on said Date ad amae ••• publlahed .Tune , 14th, June 2lft, 1951. in the Englewood Preaa. and tor mcre •bu Tn 091• thereafter mcl at a aubaequent ~eeting or the City Council held July 9th, 1951. "Jlf ORDINAlfC! ADOPTIIG VOTilfG lUCHINES FOR ALL MUNICIPAL EIJ'l:TIONS OF TH F. CITY OF EIDLEWOOD, COLORADO, BO'l'H Gl'lU!RAL JlfD SPECIAL, AND DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF ELECTION PRECINCTS IN THE CITY OF !1'GLE'NOCD, COLCRJ..00, l"OR J..LL GEIERAL AND SPECIAL MUNICIPAL EUCTIONS; AND REPEALING OF ORDINANCFS ALL PAM'S 011' ORDINANCES II CONP'LICT rumEi7I'l'H ." was 4uly passed and adopted and published in the Englewood Preaa in it• iaaue ot July, 12th , 1951. as required by the Statutes of the State or Colorado. ~ p City Clerk.