HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944 Ordinance No. 004• BY AUTHORITY ORDINANCE NO. 4, SERIES OF 1944. AN ORDINANCE ENTil'l.ED, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 8 ,. 11, 13, AND 14 OF ORDINANCE NO .l, SERIES OF 1925, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, REGULATING THE INSTAll.ATION AND MAINTE- NANCE OF ELECTRICAL WIRES AND APPLIANCE S FOR SAFEGUARDING LIFE AND PROPERTY, PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTIO N THEREOF, LICEN SING ELECTRICIANS AND FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF." . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: SECTION 1. follows• That Sect! on 8 or said Ordinance ia hereby amended to re.ad as SICTI ON 8. FEES OF INS PECTION . .... ~· • 1 \; :c, ·895 Ap plication tor a permit to install electric wires, signs, and appliances shall be mad e to the electrical inspector by a licensed electrician ot the City of Englewood , firm, or corporation installing such wires arid appliances and the following fees sh all be paid to the city clerk: A minimum charge of $1 .00 tor installations tor 2 circuits or leas; tor 2 to 5 circuits, $1 .00 tor first 2 circui t s, 50 cents for each additional circuit. Five to 25 circuits, 12 .so !or the first 5 circuits, 25 cents tor each additional circuit. Twenty -rive t~ 50 circuits, f7.50 tor tiret 25 circuits, 10 cents tor each additional circuit. Fifty or mo re circuits, $1 0.00 for first 50 circuits, 5 cents for each additional circuit. Radio tra nsmitting or receiving station, $10.00. outlet, 50 cents for pne outlet and 10 cents tor each additional ottlet. Fixturee , 25 cents for first fixture and 5 cents tor each additional, drop fixtures the same. Fans, 50 cents for the first ana 25 cents tor each additional. Electric Range circuit, }l .OO. First machine, S l.00 Two to f1Te machines, $1 .00 for first machine 50 cents for each additional machine. The city clerk shall issue ~ receipt tor such tees, which receipt ehall be filed with the electrical inspector, who thereupon shall issue a permit and proceed to make ins pection as herein provided. SECTION 2. Tha t Section 11 of said Ordinance is hereby amended to read as tollowa: ........ ·~ EXAMINATION F OR 1-ICENSE. SECTIO N 11. Every person, before engaging in electrical wir~ng or elect- rical work, in the City of Englewoo•, ehall make application, in writing, to said Boa r d for examination, upon a form to be furnished by said Board, and shall tender with •aid application -n examination tee in the aum of Ten dollars($10 .00) which fee shall not be subject to refund whether said a ppl icant shall furnish proof to eaid Board that he had been a bona tide reeident and citizen or the City ot Englewood for at least thirty (30) daye proir to making said application. They shall furniah proof of residence tor a p eriod or at least thirty (30) days except those holding licenses at this time are in good standing at this date; provided, that in the ~vent that an emer g ency shall exist, the ~~ty Council shall declare such eaergenoy {Ind g rant.~emporary permi ts either with or without examination, upon auch terms and upon such time as the City Council may deem right, SECTION 3. That Section 13 of said Ordinance is hereby amended to read aa tollo~: SECTI ON 13. FEES FOR LICENSE. The initial tee for such license to engage in the business of inetalling electricl wiring and equipment shall' be $25.00 and the tee tor each yearly · renewal tor euch license shall be $25.00. Each license shall expire on the let day ot January of the year following the date of its issuance. SECTION 4. That Section 14 of said Ordinance is hereby amended to read as tollowa: SECTION 14 . lICENSES FOR FACTORY AND MILL ELECTRICIANS. A permit tee ot $1.00 tor thirty (30) days, or $5.00 tor each calender year ehall be charged tor any pe rson working tor a licensed Englewood Electri- cian, firm or corporation, who regularly employs a competent electrician in his or its work and any person who has paid the sum ot $1.00 tor a thirty. day permit may, upon the payment ot an additional $4.00 be granted a permit tor the calender year,· all ot said annual permits to expire on the tiret day ot Janua ry of the year following the 1seuance of said permit. Each person shall carry a card ot identification as follows: li cense number: -----~~------------~--- I am employed by the tollowing named Englewood Licens·ed Electrician. Signatur·e ot Electrician Thia p ermit is trans ferable from one 11ceneed electrician to anoth~r City of Englewood . ~! .... S ECTI ON s. By reason of the fact that it is necessary to the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the inhabitants ot the City of Englewood, this ordinance shall be in force ·and take effect immediately atter its final passage and publication, as required by law, and shall not be •• aubject to the reterendum provision of Chapter 97 of the law s passed at the 19th Session ot the General Assembly of the State of Colorado. Introduced, read and ordered published at a regular meeting this 13th day ot November, A.D. 1944. Finally passed, and ordered published this 11th day of December, A.D. 1944. d.~/l~~ Mayor ATTEST: ()(~-~ ~----c-i ty-c1erk/ ST ATE OF COlORADO ) COUN TY or AR APAHOE ) SS CITY OF ENGlEWOOD ) I , John F. Cameron, City Clerk and Recorder of the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorad·o, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was introduced, and read in full, and on resol- ution was ordered publiehed aa a proposed ordinance for the meeting ot No~ember 13th, 1944 held by the City Council on sai"d date and same was pu iiahed November !6th, 1944, in the Englewood Enterprise, and tor more than ten days thereaft·er and at a subsequent meeting or the City Council held December 11th, 1944, "AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 8, 11, 13, AND 14 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1, SERIES OF 1925, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF ELECTRICAL INS PECTOR, REGULATING THE INSTALLATION AND INTENANCE OF ELEC TIC AL WIRES AND APPLIANCES FOR SAFEGUARDING LIFE AND PROPERTY PROVIDI NG FOR THE INS PECTION THEREOF, LICENSING ELECTRICIANS ANF FIXING A PE NALTY FOR THE VI OLATIO N THEREOF. First publication November 16th, 1944. Final publication December 14th, 1944. I _n <: en "Tj co "'1 11· . ·1