HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937 Ordinance No. 001,t .,q
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ll AJll.ljlJ!lll
ORDIJIABCB BO. 1 I BmlDS w 193'1 ·
ARTICLS l -· Detinitiona
llCTIOI 1. WbereYer in tbi• Ordinance tbe tollowing tezmL• are ueed, tt.y 1ball
liiii llie meanina• re1pect1Yely aecribed to tbea in tbi• aeotion.
P.ll•' OLHlg ... 1. hery way eet apart tor public traYel except too' patu. Ji1. ~ery way aet apart tor public uee witbin a block tor loo&l oonYeD•
enoe uoept toot patb8 and atreete. .
pt!ya•1 Road or Rriy1e1. hery road or driYeway not open to tbe 111e ot tbe
puillc tOfiurpo••• o,-Yebicular travel.
ISo~ 8Sr11t. Any atreet or tborouabtare tbat .cannot legally be entered-,
Yeblol11 wl,bout tlrat ccaing to a full •top.
BR!Q!x. TbaS portion ot a atreet or histm&y between tbe re1u·larl7 .e1tala-ilihed curb line• ot 'ba' p&rt improYed and intended te be uaed tor ~•biou
lar traTel.
1413alk. !bat p&Yed portion ot a 1tr1et between tbe curb itne• and ttie ad-
aaeDt property line1 wbicb tbe mWlioipal autboritiea ba•• eet apart tor Sb•
uae ot pedeatriana. It aball not . 1no1'1d• tootpa'ba Oil portiona of ~·~lio
biahwaya outeid• ot tba 'biokly. aettled part-ot tbe oitr wbJ.cb are .worn onl7
by Sr•••l &Dd are not ~Dved b7 tbe city.
ilflllk rarjiP1• tbat wipaied portioa ot a 1tree' between tbe cur~ line• &ad
Iii idJaceni property linea.
Ip!•£1,0Sio9. !be area •~ced witbiA. tba prolozigation or connection ot tbe
tiieM our'i line• or, it none, 'un ot .Uie. la'eal boundary li.nea .. ot two or
more 1tr1et• or bigbw&ya wbicb Join one another at an angle,,, wbe .tb.er or not
one aucb atreet or hiatmay oro11e1 tbe otber. cEt••plk. Tba' portion ot a roadw&y ordinarily incl.Llded wi .tbin .. i.tie. .. prol•DI•
al on or connection ot curb and propert7 liD•• at interaectiona, or.any otb.er
portion ot a roadway clearly indioated tor .. ped11trian .oroaaing b7 .liua or
otber narkins• on tba aurtaoe.
sattSY Zoae. Tbe area or apace ottioially aet apar• withia a , roadway tor tbe
exoiual•• uae ot pedeatr1an1 and wbich 19 .proteoted or i• eo m1.rked or indioa-
ted by 11ga1 aa to 'be plailal7 Yiaible at all tiaea wb.ile aet ·apal'\ u a 1ateS7
•••· Where a 1atety zone 11 along a atreet oar track or between track• tbe ·
neareat rail or rail• aball be boWldariea tber•ot unla•• otherwiae. 1peoilio•ll7
de11-n& ted.
Jtbiol•· hery deTioe in, upon or by wh1-ob any p1raoii or proper.ty a or •1
tie iranaported or drawn upon a public higbwa7 exo1pt deYicee moved by bWINl
power or uaed exoluaiYely upon atationary rail• or tracke. gtor ~:t.Aiol1. Bvery Yebicle, a• b.erein defined, wbicb ia .ae~-propelled.
fet\ car• •Yery Ylbiole traYelling escluaiYely upon r&ila other tban O&ra
o lra n1 uaed in wb&t 1• comnonly known aa railroad operation.
A9'b9ri1t41'!£1•as..v Vtb.icle. Veb.iolt• ot tbe ~ire Department, police ~•biol••
aiid auo6 iiitiul&noe• ana emergency Yeb.1cl11 ot aunio1pal .departJDenta .or publio
••r•ice corporatio111 u an deaianated and autbor.ized bJ tbe Cbiet ·of Police. '''''•&• Any peraon afoot. --'A•~ Any peraon wbo ia in actual pb7aical control ot a Yebicle.
•tr••x• Pedeatriana, ridclen o.r. .herded aaillall., Yebiole•., atr••' oar1 and .
conyeyano•• eitber 11ncly,. or together wbile .. uaina any atreet t.or pur-
ot traYel.
·11&.bleif•1Al• tbe pr1Til•s• ot ttie iDDediate uae ot tbe atreet or b.iab.wa7. rl . 1iie 1tan41DC ot . a Yebiole, wbetbar occupied or not, upon a road•y,
o bel'1f •• tban t911Poraril7 tor tbe p11rpo••·Of and wbil• aotua117 ensaced 1D
loa4ina or unloading or iD obedience to trattic regulat ione or t~attic 11gn1
or 1i1nal1.
orticifl Traffic stfD•• All 11gn1, narki~• and deYicea. otber tban .aignala,
noi lnoonal8ienl w h th1a Ordiaanoe, plaoed or erected by authority ot a
public body or ottioial ba•i.n& Juriadiction, tor tbe purpoae of 1uidiD1, dir•o'-
1 , warni111 or re ul&tiaa trattio.
• All aianala not inooD81atent witb th11 Ordiaanoe ~p.,..a*o•X4!~0Lr..ue~r~e~o..,.e..:r.•,uca~u-.hority ot a publio body or otticial tiaviag Juriadiotion
tor •b.e purpoae ot 1uidina, directing, warniaa or resulatina trattio.
fntf19 CllKPl 11flll• Any device, wbetber MDll&llJ, electrically or meoballiC•
&lij opera~ed. 'Y wiilob trattic alternately directed to atop and proceed.
Polio• O'tiott• ..,•r1 ottioer ot tbe Municipal Polio• Department or.any ottloer
or peraon au liori&ed to direct or reg~late trattic or to make arre•'• tor vio-
l&tione ot trattio re1ulation1.
ARTICLE II -· Authority of Police
llQTIOB 2. Police to Direct Trattic.
It aball be the duty ot the Cbiet ot Police to enforce tbe proYiaiona ot · thil
Ordinance. Ofticera ot tbe Police Department are hereby autnorized to direot
all traffic either in peraon or by meana ot Yiaible or audible aignala in
contormance witb tbe proYiaiona ot tni• Ordinance, provided tb.&t in tbe •••nt
r •.l ·2 8 '') ...... ~
of a tire or otaer emeraency or to expedite traffic or 1afeguard pede1-
triane, •fficere ot tbe Polioe or ~ire Department may direct trattic,
aa condition• may require, notwitlHtanding the proviaiona ot tbia Or•
3. Cbiet ot Police, Authorized to Adopt ~rsency Re1~la*ion1.
Cbiet ot Police 11 hereby empowered to make and entoroe re1ulation1
aeoeaaary to lllllke ettectiYe the proviaion• ot thia Ordinance and :to make
and entoroe temporary regaalationa to coyer emeqenciea , or apecial .. oondi-
tiona: provided euob regulation. are promailp•ecl i11 writing, •ianed by
bill ~d matn-.iaed in hie oftice aa public recorda.
llC'fIOB 4. Obedi&nce to Police.
ii •ball be unlawful tor any person to retu1e· or tail to comply with any
lawtul order, 1ignal or direction of a police ottioer.
SICTfHI 5. Public -.Ployeea to Obey Traffic Reaulationa. ~ i proviaiona ot tbi• Ordinance eball apply te tbe operator of any ve•
tliole owned by or ueed in the eervtoe of tbe u. 8. Go•ernment, tbe State
ot Colorado, or the City ot •nslewood, and it aball be .unl&wtul ,tor any
aucb operator to violate any ot tbe proviaiona ot tbi• Ordinanae,.exoept
u o\beniae permitted in thia Ordi.D&noe.
llC!i! 6. Bxuiptioaa to au tborized Bmer1enoy Vehicle•. i provi1iona ot tbia Ordinance regulating the movemen .t, park.ins and
atandiag ot vebiclea •ball not apply to authorized . emergency vebiclea
aa detined in t bi• Ordiaance wbile tbe driver ot aucb vehicle ia oper-
atiag tbe eame in an emergency in tbe neceaaary performance ot public
duty. Tbia exemption aball not., bow.ever, protect tbe dr!Yer ot any
aucb vehicle trom tbe conaequences .of . an unneceaaar7 and , reckleaa dis-
regard ot tbe eatety ot otbera.
QCTIQI 7. Peraona Propellina Puab Carta or Ridina to Obey Traffic Regula .~iona.
-.ery peraon propell1Di any pu1b oart or ridina a bioyole or an aniMift.l
upon roadway, and •~ery peraon driving any animal,. aball be aubJect to
tbe proviaiona of thie Ordinance applicable to the operator of· any ~•
biol•, exoept thoae prov 1.e ion• of tbi• Ordinance wi tb ret.erenoe . to tbe
equipment ot vetliclea and except tboae provieiona wbiob by . tbeir very
nature can bave no applioatioa.
ARTICLB III ~-Trattio Signe and Sigaala.
gcxf~' 8. Traffic Signe and Sienala. a Tbe Cbiet ot Polio• aball determine and deeignate .tbe character and
'YP• ot all ottioial trattio a 11n• and aignal•; and be •ball pl&.oe and
-intaia tbe aaae. All 11ana and aignala tor a particular pupoae ·a ball
ao tar &8 practicable be uniform aa to type and location. .
(~) •o proviaion ot tnia Ordinance tor wbiob atana are required aball
be enforced aaa1n1t &ll allea•d violator, it, at tbe 'iae &nd pl&oe of
tbe alleaed viola,ion, tbe 1i1n herein required or autbori&ed i• not in
p~oper poaition and auttioiently legible to be •••n by an ordiaarilJ
obaerT&nt pereon. Whenever a particular aeotion doea not atate tbat
•icaa are required or authorised, 1uoh aection aball be etteotive without
11101 beins erected.
QCTW 9. Obriience to Trattic Sign• and Signal•.
ab&ll be unlawful tor any operator or tor tbe moto~n ot a111 .atreet
oar to .diaobey tbe in•t~uotiona ot any otticial tratfio •18n .or.•i1nal
placed in accordance with the proviaion• of thia ordinance, unlea• otber•
wiae directed by a police officer.
Uctf~ 10. Trattic Control 81.ao&l Le••nd. . ~ Wbene~er trattic at an interaeotion i• controlled -{ trattio oon-
trol •ian&la extlibitiaa colored liabta or tbe worda, •Go , •Caution•,
•atop,• aaid light• and terme aball indio••• a1 tollowa except a1 pro-
vided 1D Section 16: .
~ or •ao•--Wben Green or •oo• •icD&l ia giTen, trattio tacina
al.nai •Y proceed; exoept tbat vetlio.&ll.ar t•ttic a ball yield
the ricbt ot way to pedeatriana and vebiclea lawtull7 within a
croaawalk or tbe interaection at 'be time auob .114saal .i1 exhibited.
f•l~" o' •~\w•··Wben Yellow or •oa.utiiGJl• .aia•la ia fiven, fa ioac ••••ball ow w :a -.t•l~ ,attp~··~ 1 ·:110' Jr•~
oeed ta'4\ tll &dro•• t ... interaeotion until tne Green or •oo• 1tinal 11
given. . ft! 01c••top•--Wben Red or •&,OJ)• •icnal 1• aiTen, trattio tacinc e • na ab&ll co.me to a tull atop before enteriqa tbe neare1ti
croa1walk at tbe 1nteraection or at aueb otber poin' aa ..,Y be de•i1·
nated by tbe Chief of Police, and remain atand1D8 until Oree .or •oo
•ianal i• giTen.
(b) fbe . operator of a vebicle or ••r•et oar in,endinc 'o turn to tbe
left at an interaeotion wbere trattio i1 controlled by 'rattio 11cn&l1
or by a police ottioer aball proceed to make auoh left •urD with proper
care to avoid aooident and only upon tbe •oe• •icnal, wile1a otberwiae
direc,ed by a polio• ottioer.
(o) ~oeptina aa otberwiae provided in tbia ordinance, it •ball ~· un-
l awful to 1tart any Tebicle or atreet car wben ata~diaa at tbe approaob
to an7 interaeotion, or to proceed into or aero•• any auob 1n,9'11eo,1on,
wben taciac eitber a 7ellow or red traffic •ianal li&bti or a oaut1on or
''op .trattic -aigD&l or any one or more ot tbem di1played t01•tber.
llQTIOJ 11. Di•play and Uee of Unau•hori&ed 11-08 and 11-a&l• Probibited £ eball be wilawtul tor any peraon to plaoe. or .-1ntain o~ to di•play
upon or in Ti•• ot any atreet any unotticial •i1a. •iln&l or d••ice wb.icb
paarporta to be or i• an imitation ot or reaeabl•• aa7 ottioi&l trattic
a1gn or a1gaal, or wniob. attempt• to direo' tbe . .aoTe .. at ot traftic or
which bid•• trom Tiew or interfere• with tb.e ettec,1Tene11 ot any otticial
aign or aigna.l. B'Yery aucb. pro b.ibited atan, 11111&1 or de~ioe 11 · b.ereby
declared to be a pu~lic nuiaance and tbe Cnlet ot Polio• ia hereby empowered
to remoTe tb.e aame ~ithout notice.
SICTI~ 12. Interference witb. Sign• and lignala Prohibited. t aball be unlawtul tor any peraon to defaoe, inJ&ire, aoTe, obatruct or
intertere witb any ottieial 'rattic 11.an or •ilnal.
llCTX~ 13. Chiet ot Police Authorized to Dea1gnate Croeawalk8.
he Cbiet ot Police ia bereby authorized to eatabliab, deaign&t• and .. iD•
tain croaawalka, by appropriate deTicea, marka or linea, upon ~be .a11rtaoe ot
tbe roadway, at interaeotiona where in .hi• opinion tbere · 1• particular
danger to pedeatriana croaaing the .roadway and a' auob .otb.er plaoea aa be
"llAY deem neceaaary.
J!f'IQI 14. Cbiet ot Police Au,borized to Deaignate S&t•tJ Zone• and Lanea tor
ttio and to limi'. 'be Uae ot Certain Vebiolea in Park and Alo111 Deaignated
Higbwaya. .
(a) Tbe Cbiet ot Police i1 hereby empowered to e1t&bli1h aatet7 .zonea ot
aucb kind and charac,•r and at 1uch place• aa be may d•• neoe11ary tor tb.e
frotection ot pedeatriana. · : -·.
b) The Cb.let ot Polio• ia authorized to mark laau· tor ·trattio on i'r•et
p&Tementa a' auob. place• aa he may deem adTiaable· oonai1,ent wltb. •b• pro-
Tiaiona ot tb.i• Ordinance, and b.e may indicate lane• tor lett turna.
(c) Tb.e Cbiet ot Polioe •ball ba•e tbe authority by order, except wbere
•uch opera,ion and u.e aa bereinatter mentioned i• authorized by ordinance,
'o prohibit tbe u1e or operation ot 'ruoka, bu•••· borae-drawn and co ..
meroial ••hicle• in parka, alona bouleY&rda, atop .atr••'• and •tr••'• in
reatrioted buain••• areaa, and elaewbere, &Ad to deatanate and liatt •aa.
rou'•• tor truck• and int•r-•t•t• and in~atat• bueea in •nterinc and
le&'YiDI tbe Cit7; ProTided that it ab&ll be walawtlll. l• uae or operate &PJ
aucb. ••b.iole, except a aight •••ina ••hiole, in any public park or aloDfS
any parkway or 'culeTard.
ARTICIZ IV•• Pede•triaaa• Ri1bta and Dut1ea.
gcT'P is, Pedeat:tiaJll' Rigb.t-ot-ay.
a) The operator ot any Tebiole aball yield the rtabt.ot-wa.7 to a ped•••
trian oroaaina the roadway wi,b.in any marked croaawalk or wi,bin any UD•
marked cro•awalk at tbe end ot a block, exoept at inter11ction1 where the
JIOTement .ot traffic i• beina resulated by p0lioe oftioei-e or traffic coa-
trol a1giala, or at any point wnere a pedea,rian 'unnel or overhead oro••ins
baa been proTided.
(b) Whenever any Yebicle ba• atopped at a ... rked oro11walk .or at &DJ · inter•
••ction to permit a pede•trian to oro1a the road•7 it •ball be unl&wtal
tor the operator ot any other Tebicle ·&pproaob.108 trom..tbe rear to a.er.
take and p&•• •uob. •topped Teb.icle. ·
(c) ~••ry pedeatrian cro.aaing a ro&d•&J at any point. otbar tban .witbin a
"llArkad or ""Mrked croe••lk •ball yield . the riab.'·ot-•y to , vebiol••~ apon
tbe roadway, pro• ided tbat tbia pro• i•ion a ball no .t relie.T,e the dri-.er. ot a
••hicle trom tbe duty to exeroi•• due care tor tb.e aa~ety . ot pede•triana.
ISCTIO• 16. Pedeatrian•' Risbt and Dutiea at Con,rolled Interaectiona •. It inter1ection• wbere . traftic ia controlled by trat.tic control ai1nal1 or
by police otticera, operator• ot vehicle• aball yield tb.e ~ight-ot-way to
pedea tr tana oro•e ing the roadway on a ar.een or. •oo• 11.gaal., and in all
other oa••• pedeatriana aba.ll not cro•• an inte.rae.ction controlled by
trattio control 11gnal1 or by police ottioera unleae ·on .a green or •Go•
•ign&l ·
81CTIOS 17. Pecleatriana to Uae ·Bight Halt ot Croaewalkl.
Jedeatriana a ball mo•e, wb.enever practioab.le., upon ... tl:fe . rigb.t b&.lt ot oro•••
SSCTIO• 18. Pedeetriana Solioi-iag Bidea.
ii •ball be unlawful tor any peraon to atand in a roadway for tbe purpo••
ot •oliciting a ride t~om tbe operator ot any pr1Tat• vehicle.
ABTICI.11: v ~-Street care and Bailr.oad Train•.
llf!l~ 19. P&aaina Street care. ~ lie operator ot a Teb.icle aball not OTertake and paaa upon the lett &DJ
1treet oar prooeeding in tb.e aame direction, wb.etbar ao,ually in motion
or temporarily a' reat. Thi• prov11lon ab.all not apply OD oA•~ .. , atreeta
nor to tbe paeaing ot a 1treet car QD a aiagle traok .~ine, wbicb traok i•
to the rigbt ot tb.e center. ot the etreet.
(b) !be operator ot a ••biol• overtaking aay atreet oar 1toppecl or abou•
to atop tor tbe purp••• ot reoei•1Ja.' or 4ieoa..rging any pa11easer .aball atop
d" ~. ~~"' .. , r :~ ..• )
•uch Yehicle to tba rear ot the neare•t runniq. board or do.or. o.t auch
1treet oar an4 keep it •ta,ionary Wltil &QI' auoh lJ&•••as•r baa · boarded
1uob •treet oar or r•obed a place ot aatety, exoep.t tbat where a
•atet7 zone baa b .. a eetabli•b•d, a Yehicle need not be . etopped before
pa1•iag any auob ati-eet oar but may prooee.4 paat eaacb •·'reet car at
a •P••• not sreater tban i• reaeonable and aat•, not exo•••ing the
rate ot tea (10) ail•• per hour, and with due oaution tor .the. aatety
ot peel•• 'r1aaa. Thia proYi• ion •ball not apply t .o p&••·ing. upon the
left of &DJ ••reet oar on a one-way 1treet.
gctf9 ao. Dr1.,1aa oa s'r••t car tracu. a It 1ball be unlawful tor the operator of aay 'Vehicle pr.oceediDI
apoa any 1treet.oar tr&oka in. front of a 1treet car upon a public
•treet to tail to remoTe auoh Yebicle trca tbe . uaoka. aa .. aoon .aa pDao-
tio&ble after •tanal from tbe operator of •uob etreet oar.
(b) Wbea a 1treet oar baa 1tarted to oroae an inter1eotion, no
operator 1ball driY• upon or acro11 tbe car track8 .within th• inter-
aeotion in front ot tbe •treet oar.
llCiffl 21. l>riYiq TbroL11h Satety Zone Prohibi'•'·
1b&ll ~· w:al.&wflll tor tb• operaMZ" of a Yebiole at any tiae. to
drin tlall ....... •T•r =or ~tbroQ8h"an~r,part t1 ot &r.aatety. son• .aa defined
in thia ordinance.
•cttp 12. Boardina . or Aliah,ing from 8.treet Car• or Vehicle•.
aball be unlawful tor any peraon to board or ali1bt from any. atreet
oar or Yehicl• while auch •treet oar or Yehiole ia in motion. . . gqrffl 23. Unlawful Ridiaa.
lball be unlawful for any peraon to ride or .for. tbe driYer .. or Oper•
a'or to perai' tbe aame to be done on any •'reet ·oar or Yehicle upen ·
an7 portion thereof not deetcned or intended tor the uae . ot p&•aenger1.
Tbia proY i •ion aa.11 no' apply to employee elli8ced in the neoeaeary
diacbar1• ot dut7 or riding within truck bodiea in •pace intended for
llCTtyl 24. ..ilroacl Train• and Street car1 Bot to Block Street1.
1ball be unlawful tor the directina officer or the operator ot &DJ
,, ... or 1treet railway train or car to direct the .operation. ot or
to operate the aaae io 1uob a nanaer aa to preYent the 118e of .any atreet
tor purpo••• ot traYel for a period ot time longer than fiY• minutea,
except tbat thi1 proYiaion ahall not apply to train. or care in motion
other tb&n tho•• •nc .. •d in ••i tchiag. It alla.ll be unlawt.al for any
atreet railway train or car to •top witbin :aa ·1nteraeotion .or .on a
oro••·•lk tor the purpoae of receiYiag or dia.aU.l'liN paaaeq.era ex-
oept in oaaea of rea1oaabl• neoeaei,7.
AftfI~-VI a••11d:L 'tut .•• d ............. 1. ~·. r •0 •1 •' •.• , •• •. ·r Al' ~ •• .. .. -~-..,.._ f t .~ ~"'.A .... ~ .. ' •• -•..
25. 8'8.ndi~ and Parking Probibited in Speoitied Plaoea.
•1 It aball be UAlawtul tor the opera,or ot a vehicle 'o •'&nd or
park •Lich 'Vehicle in any of tbe follo•inl· .plaoea · exoept wbea. .necea-
1a17 to aYoid oonflic' with other trattio or in ooapli&Dce with the
direction• ot a police officer or trattic control •1111 or .a.ifsnal:
ll Within an in,er•ection.
2 On a oroaa-walk.
3 Between a aafety aone and tbe adJaoent curb .or within twen,y-
fiYe (2S) fee' of 'ba' point .on tbe aur.b imaediately oppo•i'• tbe
rear end of ·a aatety zone ·unleae the Cbiet ·ot Police aball 1nd1·
oat• a different le~th by aig1111 or markiqli. · · · · · · · ·
(4) Within tbirt7 (30) feet ot tbe property line at tbe approach
. to any interaection where atreet oar atop• are autborized or per•
ai,ted and no 1atety &one 11 proYided.
(5) Wi,hin twenty (20) feet ot any tla•hiag b1aooa., atop .atan or
tr&ttio control eigaal located at the •id• ot tbe .roa•wa7. .
(6) Witbin tit•e•n (15) feet ot tbe driveway en,ranoe to an7
tire e\ation.
71 Witbin two and one-balf (at) teet ot any tire hy4ran,.
8 In tron' of an alley, or a pr1Yate dr1Yew&y uaed aa euch.
9 On a aidtwalk or 1idewa.lk parking. .
10) Alongaide or oppoaite .any 1tree' excayation or oaatruc-
tion when auoh ataading or parking would ol>a -tr1.1ot tre.ttic. .
(11) On the roadwa7 •ide of any vehicle .•topped or parked at
tbe righ' t.Acl .eds• or CLlrb of a •treet (Double Parking) except
when neceeeary tor 'be lo&dilic or unloading of paaaenaera .or mer-
eb&Adiae. .
(11) At aoy place wb.ere official traffic. •lane . baYe been erec-
ted probibiting •t&nding or parking.
(13) Within tit'y (50) feet ot the neareat rail .of a ., ... or
interLlrb&n railway croaeing.
(14) In tront ot or adJacent to eucb .portiona ot achoola, .
1obool buildin&• and •chool playground• •• may be deaignated and
marked by the Chief ot Police, on achool day• trom 8:00 o'clock
A. •· to 4:00 o'clock p. •· (15) In front ot thea,re entrance• durina .publio uae wbere dee-
tana ted and marked by •l>propr i .a te a igna •
(i!) In front of tbe entrance to any buildina where there ia
a public &••embl .. • of one hundred (100) pereona or more where
deeigna'ed and marked by appropriate •igna. :· ,,
(17) On any bridge or viaduct, ·or in a aub•y, or in or .. on· the '\'1
approach•• thereof.
Deaignation ot Prohibited Parkinc Space.
Tbe C~iet ot Police ai.11 deeignate ·tbe place and widtb of epaoe required
to be deelgnated where parking is probibited in tbie ac•, and it 1hall be
unlawful tor any peraon, pereona, co-partnerabip,·tirm or corporation,
other tban the Cbiet ot Police, to mark, paint, deeignate, or by ei1n or
•icn• to attempt to prohibit parking.
(b) f!Pcir. · Bo vecle aball be lett atanding in aucb a ·JD&nDer aa to obetruct any ·
cro1awalk, and no repair 1b&ll be done to any vehicle 'D any 1idewalt,
atreet or alley, except for neceaeary emer1ency repaira.
(c) L'~ng of ~f•t Vfhiele1. It ab& e UD awuooo any parked vebicle while aucb parked vebicle
ia 1et in any gear ottier tb&D neutral or to aecure a11y 1ucb vebicle in aucb
a manner aa to prevent tbe towning or moving ot tbe 1ame wben neceaeary by
tbe Police or •ire Department•.
(d) Jlovi~ Pafk'f febiolea. It •ball ~ un aw u tor any peraon, exoeptias tbe opel'8tor or an officer
or employee ot tbe City of Bnglewood in tbe performance of duty, to unnecea-
aarily move or cha.age the poaition ot any parked vebicle; provided tbat any
pereon wbo by any means eb&ll move a parked vehicle and leave it in any
place or po1ition prohibited by tbi1 ordinance 1ball be guilty of a violation
ot tbia ordinance and ahall be tined in a aum ot not l••• tban ten dollara
BULB 50. 1. Moving o! vebiclea trom one location to another in order to
~· tbe intent and purpoee of tbe two bour parking. ordinance will not be
tolerated. Police Otticere are ordered to entoroe &ml report any and all
gcTI~ a6. Standina tor Loading or Unloadina in Certain Place•. ·
a) Tb• Cbiet ot Police aball have auttiority to determine tbe location ot
paaaenger zone• and loading zonee and 1ball erect and maintain appropriate
11ga. indicatiag tbe aame.
(b) It •ball be unlawful tor tbe operator ot a •ebicle to atand or park eucb
vebicle tor a period ot t _ime lonaer tban i• neoeaaary tor tbe G))edi tioaia
loading or wiloading ot paeeengere in any place marked a1 a pasaenaer &one.
(o) It aball be unlawful tor tbe operator ot a ••biol• to atand, or park
1uob a vehicle tor a period of time longer tban 11 neoe11ary tor tbe expe-
ditioua loading or wiloading of paaaencere, or tor tbe expeditioua wiload-
tng and deli•ery or pick-up and loading ot material•, in any pl&oe ~rked
ae a loading zone. In no case ehall tbe atop tor loading or unloadirc ot
•terial1 exceed fifteen ( 15') minute• duri111 tbe bour1 be•wee·n nine (9)
o'clock A. M. and tive (5) o'clock P. K. excepting on apecial written per-
mieaion ot tbe Cbiet ot Police.
@ICTJ°I 27. Chief ot Police Authorized to Deeignate Bua Stope, Taxicab•,
ifbeeeins Vebiclee and Bxpreea Stande.
(aJ Tbe Chiet ot Police ia hereby autborized to eatablieh bua 1topa and
atanda tor 1igbt1eeing vehicles, taxicab• and expreaa vebiclee, and every
1uch atop or 1tand aball be deeignated by appropriate 11gn1. . ·
(b) Signe deeignating intra-City Bua Stopa eb&ll be erected and maintained
b y tbe Bua Operating Company, and the Bua Operatina Company may, by paintiaa
tbe curb or otberwiee, deaignate tbe apace required tor 1ucb bua atop, 1ub-
Ject to tne appro•al ot tne Cbiet of Police.
SIQTIQI 28. Otber Vehicle• Prohibited trom Parking in Bua Stops, Taxicab, llxpreea
and 81.ahtaeeing Vehicle Stands. ·
It aball be unlawtul tor ·the operator ot any vehicle, otber tban a bua, to
atand or park in an officially deaignated bue 1top; or tor anyvebicle, otber
tban a taxicab, to atand or park in an officially deeignated taxicab 1tand:
or tor any •ebicle, otber tban an expreaa vehicle, to 1tand~or park in an
otticially deaignated expre•• etand: or for any •ebicle, otber than a •ilb'•
aeeing •ebicle stand: except tb&t the operator ot any paaaenger Yebicle 11&1
temporarily atop in any eucb atop or atand tor tbe purpoee ot, and wbile
actually engaged in, the loading or unloadins of paaeengere.
QCTipt 29.
uae1, Taxicabs, :Bxpreae and Sigbtaeeing Vebiclee Prohibited
from parking except in Designated a-..de.
It 1h&ll be unlawful for the operator ot any bua, taxi_cab, expreaa or eigb'·
-.eeia8 vebicle to atand or J.•ark upon any atreet at any place otber tbat at
a bu1 :1top, taxicab atand, expre11 vehicle or a 1igbtaeeina vehicle atand,
re1peoti•ely, except tbat tbis provi1ion aball not prevent tbe operator
ot any 1ucb vebicle from tempoziarlly ••opping in accordance with other •'op•
Pina or parkinc regulations herein provided at any place tor tbe purpo1e ot,
aad wbile actually engaged in, loadina or .unloading paa1ensere.
QCTIO' 30. P&rkiq Prohibited in Certain Plaoee.
a) It •ball be wilawtul for any operator to atop, atand or .park any vebicle
upon a etreet, other tban an alley, in euch •nner or under a.ucb condition•
aa to leave available leea than ten (10) feet ot the width of tbe roadway tor
tree movement ot vehic ular traffic, except tb&t an operator ma.y atop tempor-
arily during tbe actual loadtcg ·or unloading ot paaeengere o~ when necea1a17
in obedience to trattic regulation• or traffic 11.an• or. aignale or a police
(b) Parking in alleya aball be unlawtul exceptina during tbe neceaaary and
axpeditioua loading and unloading ot mercbandi••· In no caae •ball any ve-
b1ole be parked in an alley 10 ae to interfere witb tbe tree movement ot
tra!f ic tnrougb the alley.
~ +"'285
SBCTIOB 31. Parting Time Limited in De1i1nated Pla o••·
An o~era,or ot a Yebicle aball not park auob Yebicle tor lonaer tban
two (2) boLU'1 at any time between the bour1 ot nine o'clock A. K. ·
and ti•• o'olotk P. •· on any day except Sunday• and 1•1al boliday1,
~n any 1treet in tbe tollowina deeor i bed d11trict; On botb 1ide1
ot So~tb Broadway from Girard S'reet South to tbe Bortbern edge ot
the bridge oYer Little Dry Creek.
§ICTIOI 32· larking Tia• Probt)ited ln Deaignated Placea.
Parking or vehicles ia prohibited entirely, Sundays and legal holidays
included, in the following De1cribed .Area: On Soutb Side ot Bait
Jlf.mpden Ave., between Broadway and Alley, be,ween Broadway and Lincoln
S19TI~ 33. All·li1bt Parking Prohibited.
e ball be unla wful for the operator .or any Yehicle to park aucb ve-
hicle on any 1treet for a period ot time longer tban two boure between
the boure ot two o'clock A. K. and aeYen o'clock A. K. of any day;
p rovided, bowever, tbia paragraph ab.all not be taken to apply to au-
thorized emergency Yehiclea and tbe Yebiclea of Pby1iciaaa and all
otber per1on1 permitted by law to practice tbe treatment of di1eaee1;
Provided aucb Yebicle i1 appropriately de1ignated.
SIC!Ir 34. Standing or Parking Clo1e to Curb. a) Bxcept when neceeeary in obedience to traffic regulations or
trattic 1igna or 1ignala, tbe operator ot a vehicle aball not atop,
atand or park such vehicle in a roadway, otber tban parallel with the
edge ot tbe roadway, headed in the direction ot traffic, and wi'b the
curbaide wheels ot the Yehicle within twelve incbea or the edge or the
roadway, except wben, and only 10 lona a1 una~oidably nece11ary.tor tbe
loading or unloadlDC of mercbandi1e, or wben tbe owner or occupant of
the premiae1 ia gr&Ated a 1peoial annual permit to bave ~•biolea back-
ed &1&inat the curb or 1ide of the etreet in front ot bi• premi1e1.
Sucb annual permit may be i11ued by tbe Cbief of Police in 1pecial in1tance1
where, in bia opinion, euch permit or privilege i1 neceeaary in tbe
conduct ot bu1in••• and will not aerioualy interfere witb trattic or
tbe right• ot otbere, and may be revoked by him at any time.
(b) Bo operator with hie ••bicle parked aa herein provided 1ball enter
or re-enter tratfic tberewitn without tirat giving an adequate, vi1ible
111nal ot bi• intention 10 to do.
llCTI~ 35. Parking Vehicle tor Sale or Storage Prohibited.
a) It aball be unlawful tor any pereon to park upon a 1treet any Ve•
bicle dieplayed tor aale. .
(b) Bo owner or occupant ot any pla c e ot bu1ine1a 1ball autfer any
wagon, cart, carriage, dray or other vebicle, wbetber lett tor 1afe•
keeping, repair or otberwi1e., to be or remain on ttle eidewalk, 1treet
or alley adJoining or in front of any euob place.
llCTJi' )6 •. U1ing Vehicle tor Primary Purpo1e ot Diaplayina Advertiaing
It e ball be unl a wful tor any peraon to operate or to park any vehicle
on any atreet tor tne primary pLlrpoee of diaplaying adve~tiaing except
upon epecial written permit of the Cbiet ot Police.
ARTICLS VII --Operation ot Vebicle1.
@ICTiff 37. Stop Before Bntering a Stop Street. a) !be Cbiet ot Police aball have tbe power to designate certain 1treet1
or parte tbereot ae •stop Streete,• and certain 1treeta or parts tnere-
ot aa •ttiru Streeta.•
(b) ~Yery operator ot a Yehicle, street ca~ o• otber conveyance travel-
ing upon any etreet interaecting any Stop Street or Thru Street 10 .de1-
ignated 1b&ll completely atop aucb vebicle, atreet car or conveyance at
tbe pl&ce where euch atreet meete the prolongation ot tbe neareat pzop-
ert7 line of 1ucb Stop or Tbru Street, aubJeot, however, to tbe dt••eti,n
t ··any f t1'9f~ic control eign or 1ignal or any police ottioer at aucb inter•
(c) Tb• Chiet of Police .ia hereby authorized and required to place and
maintain or cauae to ~· placed and maintained on each and every 1treet
intereecting a Stop or Tbru Street deaignated above, and at or near the
property line ot tbe Stop or Thru Street, appropriate aign1 up on tbe
etreet (and, in addition thereto, may place and maintain any appropriate
device• or marka in the roadway), 1uch aigne, devices or marka to bear
the word ~Stop• and to be located in auob poeition and to be provided
witb .lettere of a aize to be clearly legible from a distance of at lea1t
one bwidred teet along the atreet interaeotina the &•op or Tbru Street,
All aucb signa ab&ll be illwainated at nigbt or 10 placed ae t~ be illum-·
ioated by the headlights ot an approacQing motor vehicle or by 1treet
SICTI~ 38. Operation ot Vebicle1 on Approach ot Autboriaed lblergency Ve-
U;pon the approach ot any authorized emergency vehicle or vehicle• givinc
aUdible signal by bell, eiren or exbauet wbiatle, tbe opertltor ot every
otber vebicle aball iDIDediately drive tbe •am• to a po1ition ae near ae
po11ible and parallel to tbe ri1bt hand edge or curb ot tbe 1treet.
c c2.?
clear of any inter1ection, and 1b&ll 1top and remain in euob poaitioa UD•
til the authorized emergency Yehicle or Yehiole• •ball h&Ye pa1led, wile11
otbenriae directed by a police officer; and tbe operator ot eYer7 atreet
car aball immediately atop 1ucb oar clear ot any inter1eotion and keep
it in auch po1ition until tbe autboriaed emer1enoy Y•hiole or Tehiole1
•ball b&Te pa11ed, unle11 otherwi1e directed by a police ottioer •
llQtIQI 39. ~ollowina Yire Apparatu1 Prohibited.
It a ball be u.nlawtul tor tbe operator ot any Yehiole, other tb&il one on
ottici&l buaine••· to tollow clo1er tb&D ti•• bauadred (500) teet any tire
appare.tua traYeling in reaponae to a tire alarm or to driYe into or atop
any Tehicle within !iY• hundred (500) teet where lire apparatua ba1 1t0Jp•
· ted in anawer to a tire alarm. lllQTir 40. cro1aing J'ire Ho1e. o 1treet car or Yebiole eball be driTen over any unprotected· bo1e or ap.
paratue ot tbe Yire or other Kunioipal deparblent when laid down on an7
etreet, priyate driYeway or atreet car track without tbe con1ent ot tbe
department official in charge.
PCT~f 41. Unlawful to Dri'Ye Throuah Proce1aion •.
•ball be wilawtul for tbe operator of any Tehiole or 1treet car to dri'Ye
between tbe vebiclea comprieina a tuneral, or other authorized proceaeion
wbile tbey are in motion, proTided tbat aald Tehiole• are c0Daplououal7
de1ignated. Bach Yebicle in a tunera.l 'prooeaeion •ball d11pla7 a white
flag or ribbon and ebail bave ita beadligbta burning. Tbia proviaion •ball
not apply at intereectiona where traffic ia controlled by traffic oon•rol
1ignal1 or police officer•.
81CT1ff 42. Limitations on U Turna.
a) It eball be unlawful tor tbe operator ot any Tebicle to turn IUOb Te•
hicle 80 aa to proceed in tbe Oppoaite direction Wlleaa aucb ao'Ye .. nt CAil
be made in aafety and witbout backiac or othea-wiae 1n,erterin1 witb otber
traffic or at interaection• where trattic i1 oontroled by meob&nioal ·111-
nala, proTided tbat aucb turn• are prohibited in 1ubwa7a, on bride••• Yi&•
duot1, tbru-atreeta, atop atreeta, one-1&7 •treet• and . atr••'• in tbe one-
bour and ••o-nour parking di1tricta, a1 pr~1ded .in .8eotion 31 ot •b11
(b) It eball be unlawful tor the operator· ot any Tehiole to turn auch
~ebic~e in tbe' oppoeit direction except•' re1ular .1treet lnter••otiona.
QCTift 43. Limitation• on Backing.
e 01erator of a Tebicle ab&ll not back tbe as.ma unle11 aDd only •o
tbe extent that auoh moTement ie neceeaar7 and can be made in· ••tet7.
gci1r 44. ~terina and llmerging trom Alle7 or PriY••e Driv••Y· a) The operator of a Tehicle emer1ing from an alley or priY••• dri••-
11&7 aball completely stop eucb Tebicle immediatel7 prior to dr.iYilJI on-
to a aidewalk or onto the aidewalk area extending aoroaa aucb alle7 or
~r1Tate driYeway.
(b) It amll be unlawtul to enter or le&Te any alle7 or pr1Y••• dr~T••
•Y otber tban turnicg to tbe right.
81CTIO! 45. Vehicle• ah&ll not be Driven. or Ridden on Sidewalk. ~e operator c t a Tebicle ab&ll not dri'Ye within or upon any aidew&lk
area except at a permanent or te11porar7 driTew&y. Ridin1 b1oycle1 upon
or along 11dewalk8 •hall be unlawful.
46. O~truotion to Operator'• View 'or DriTing Jlecbaniam.
a) It eball be wilawtul for the operator of an7 Tebiole to •riYe ttle
aame wben aucb Tehicle ia 10 loaded, or when there i1 in tbe .troni 1 .. ,
of 1ucb Tehicle, auob number o~.pereona . aa to obatr&1et ~be Tiew ot the
operator to tbe front or •idea, or to interfere wttb ~Ule p operator'•
tree and ready control oTer the driTiag Mobaniaa of tbe Tebio.le or bi•
ability to 1i1nal witb bia arm.
(b) It eball be unlawful tor any paa1enaer in a Yebiole or atreet oar
to ride in 1ucb position aa to intertere witb tbe opeia,o·r•1 Yiew &bead.
or to tbe 1ide1, or to intertere witb ttae ~tor•• tree and read7
control oYer tbe driYing mecbaniem ot the Tebiole, or to ob8truot tbe
Tiew ot other• ot aignala given by the operator.
(c) It 1hall be unlawful tor any operator to driYe any vebicle witb
any 1ign, po1ter, streamer, or other non-tranaparent material upon or
acro1s tbe front windahield, aide•winga, tront aide or rear window• ot
auch Tehicle, otber tban euch aa required by law. ·
(d) Bo owner or operator aball di1pla7 upon any part of any Yebicle,
any official or other deeignation, 1i1n or in1i1nia of or purporting
to be of any public or qu&a'i public corporation, municipal, 1tate or
national department, or governmantal aubdiTiaion, without the autborlt7
thereof; or any in1ignia, badge, •tan or emblem or di1tinction 111erk ot
any organization or aociety or which be i• not a bona tide member or
otherwiae autboriaed to diaplay.
(e) ~Tery motor Tebicle eball be equipped witb a rear Yi1ion mirror.
llCTIOI 47. Clin1ing to KoTing Vebiclee.
It aball be wil&wf'ul tor any peraon traTeliq &ipon &Ja7 bicycle, ao\or•
cycle, ooaeter, aled, roller akatea, or any toy vebicl~, to oli.Jll to
or attach hiaaelt or bia Yebicle to any otber moving vehicle or atree•
oar upon any roadway.
. '
n8'' c.,.
QY:Ift 48. RidilJC on Bt.ndle Ban and 8\unt Rid.inc Pl'Ohi'b1ted.
aa.11 be u.nlawtul tor $Q ppentor '.'OC all)l lttora1•~~•r utoroj'ole; ,,
wbeb ·rid~ afoD .~ •'r••'· 'o oar197 an,y otber peraon upon the
bandle bara, frame or tank of any aucb veniole, or tor any otber
peraoa ao 'o ride upon any euch vebicle, tano7 and atunt riding
t benon •ball be unl&wtul. pct. 49.
Uae ot Coaatere,·Roller Skate• and Siailar Dev i ••• R•••ric•
at.11 be unlawful tor any pereon upon roller 1kate1, or · riding in
or 'by meam ot any coaater, to-vebiole or 11ailar device ., to 10 DJ>OD
any roadway except while neceeearily cr~aaing a atree' o• a oroaewalk.
llCTllf 50. Motor Vebiclea Lett Unattended, Brake• to b• Be' and Kagine
opped. ·
•o per1on ba'Y ing control or cbarge of any aotor vebiole a ball · allow
1ucb vehicle to atand on any atreet unattended by bill without fir•'
aettiDg tbe brake• thereon and atopping tbe aotor of a&id vehicle and,
when left 1tandina upon a pero6ptible ·•ra4e, witbou' talrlailaa tbe
tron' wbeela ot such vebicle to tbe curb or to tbe 1ide ot 'b• 1treet
or blctmay. ·
PC1Ift 51. Liabt1 and Brakes. a) Lttbt1 op ft!191 Vebiclee. During tbe period between one•balf
bour a er 1un1e and one-balf bour before 1unri1e, and •url .. a tog
or atorm, and at all other times and place• wben and wbere tbere 11
not autticient li1bt to clearly reveal per1on1 or obJeot1 SOO teet
diatant, all motor vehicle• shall dieplay one red lisbt viaible SOO
feet from tbe rear and two wbite aide or be&dliabta located on oppo-
11 te 1ide1 ot tb.e car Tiaible 500 teet ahead: except tbat 1treet
oare, aotoroycle1 and b~cyolea •ball be required to di1play only one
beadligbt, and in addition, vebiole• with bodi•• or loada ei1bty in-
chee or more in widtb ab&ll carry clearance llsbta on botb aide•
plainly Tiaible from front and rear; and all other ••biol•• on wheel•
or rwanera, inoluding horeedrawn, motoroyolea and bt9"01••• aball
diapl&y one red light at tbe rear. It 1b&ll .be a viol&tioa of tbi•
aectioa to dri•• witb only one beadli1bt in o~er&tion excepting aa
herein otberwiae permitted. All beadligb"8 •bl&ll be of white or amber
l i sbt or intermediate abadea. Vebiole1 and atreet oare it&bted witb
beadliahta, &I herein proTided, lball baTe 'be rigb,•ef•laJ &t CrOll•
ina• over Tebiolea not diaplayiag headl1-t1. Only au,bori&ed emer-
1enoy vebicle1 may carry on tb.e tront lwo red aid• li1bt1 or red be&d-
11-bta. Vebiolea otber tban motor vebiol•• ... , in lieu of red light•
in tbe rear di1play any kind ot reflective type of •tsaala tbat may be
approTed b7 the Cbiet ot Police aa beicg tb.e equiTalent of red ligbta.
!be Cbiet ot Police aball ba'Ye the authority to d .. ianate proper tillaa
and jlaoea tor tbe impection ot all euch ligbt1 and atsnala. In all
oaaea where a reflector type o! red tail lisbt ia required by State
Law, it aball be required uader tbie Ordinanoe.
('b) Wfbf• 'f !fff! Jeh~Qj•t· Whenever a vehicle 11 parked or 1top1>-ed on a 1 ree ~ •• w enigbt1 are required ae in Section . (5l)(a},
tbere •ball be d11played upon auch vehicle one or more laape proJeoting
a white lisbt Tiaible under normal abloepberic oonditiona troa a di•-
-.noe of SOO teet to tbe front ot aucb ••biol• and proJe,otiJIC a red
li1bt viaible under like conditiona !rom a diet&nce ot 500 feet to tbe
rear, except ti.t 1u·ch parking li1ht or 11.ahta need not 'be diaplayed
upon any Tebicle atopped or parked in accordance with other provi1ioa1
ot tbi1 Ordinance upon any etreet deaignated by tae Cbie! ot Polioe
wbere tbere i• autfioient ligbt to reveal any peraon or obJeot within
a diat&nce ot 200 !eet upon auob atreet.
(o) MJy~pf of !ij~f' •pd B~ue· 11o•or veniole b•dli•bt• 1ball produce • c en to reve~ o Jeo'• 200 teet &bead and aball
be permanentl7 adJu.ted and equipped in auob ... nner aa will eliminate
all 11.&re; and a ll motor Yebicle• are 1ubJeot to and auat oarry 'be
.... in1pection required by the State Jlotor Tebiole law• ot the State
ot Colo~do. ·
.(d) tt''l:'e Jnkll• ZTery motor Tebiole, ab&ll be provided witb ad••
qa&'• ra 1 In 100 working order, 1Llttioient to ooa,rol 1uob aotor
Yebicle at all time•, and tbe brake• ot 1uob motor vebiol .. aball be
maintained with auttioient power and ettioieDOJ when applied to briaa
1uob aotor vebicle, wben runni&'ll at tbe tollowlnc 1peed1, 'o a full
atop troa tbe point where tbe brake i• applied, withiA .tba tollcnrins
di•tance1: 10 aile• per bour, 7 feet: 20 ail•• per bour, as feet:
30 ail•• per hour, 56 feet.
52. De!ectiTe Vehicles, Smoke, Noiae.
a) It 1hall be unlawful tor the owner, u1er, driTer or operator ot
any vebicle to driTe or ope~te the aame or permit it to be done, upon
an7 a\reet wnile tbe vehicle or any part thereof i1 deteotiTe or o~t
ot order or repair attecting or hindering ita ••fe and efficient oper-
'(b) It •ball be unlawful to uae, operate or driTe any Tebicle emittiaa
exoe1aiTe uaoke or tumee or tb&t 11 in auoh a 1tate of repair ae to be
UADeoeaaarily noiay in it• operation, nor aball any ••bicle be uaed or
operated with any Wllleoeesary aoiae or .with aDJ noi1e wbataoever lik•lJ
to d11turb the public. ·
(o) •o Tehiole aball be uaed or operated while .ao loaded with material
tbat tbe load eball be unneceeearily.noiey. ·
(d) towing di1abled Teniclee, no vebicle unle•• confined to track•
•ball ta11 .more tban one otber diaabled Yebicle. Tbe connection •ball
Dot be l onger tb&ll aixteen (16) feet.
~ ? .
llCT. 53. Incompetent DriYere. a) It aball be unlawful tor any peraon under the age ot eixteen 7eara,
or t or any pereon phy1ically or mentally di1abled or incapacitated in &117
particular temporarily or permanentl7, to operate or drive a motor ve-
hicle upon the 1treet1 ot the City ot Rnglewood proYided auch diaability
or incapacity ie eucb &a to interfere with the ready &ad eate operation
ot the 1ame.
(b) It aball be unlawful tor the owner, or any person h&Ying charge or
control of &Ay motor Yehicle to permit any prohibited person a1 in 1ub-
aection (a) •o operate or drive the 1ame. . .
SICT~ 54. Pereona Under tbe Influence ot Intoxicating Liquori, or Barcotic
rµa1. . ·
(a) It 1ball be unlawful tor any pereon who is an habitual user of nar-
cotic drugs, or any person who 11 under the influence ot intoxicating li•
quor or any narcotic drug, to drive any vehicle upon any 1treet or other
public way: provided, however, tbat only the odor ot liquor on the breath
ab&ll not be autticient evidence of intoxication.
~ Any per1on oonY~cted ot a Yiolation ot thia aeotion ab.all be pun-
iahed by impriaonment in Jail tor a period ot not le•• than ten day1 nor
more tban ninety daya, or by a fine ot not leaa tban twenty-t!Ye doll.a!'•
(t25.oo) nor more tban tbree hundred dollar• Ct300.oo), or by both euoh
tine and 1apri1onment. On a 1eoond or 1ub1equent oonviotion, an7 per1on
10 conyioted 1ball be puni1hed by 1apri1oament tor a period ot not le11 ·
tban ljt. day• nor more ninetT da71 •Del/or in the diacretion ot the court,
,by a tine ot not more tbaa Iii'•• lnA4••• dollars (t300.oo); and it eball
be unlawful tor any court to 1uepend auob t1ne1 and penalties iapoaed
upon 1ecoad and 1ub1equent conYiotiona: and it aball be unlawtul tor
tbe Chiet of Police or any one under hi.JI, when a aecond or 1ubaequent
otten1e hae been charged, to tail or ref&&ae to tile a complaint in or
pro•eoute aaid aecond or aubaequent otfeaae in tbe Police Coui-t; and it
•ball be wilawtul tor any peraon, conyioted tor tbe tbird time, to driYe
or operate any motor Tebicle in tbe City ot Bnglewo°' lor a period ot
11x montb8 trom tbe date of auob oonYiction, and any peraon, driviac or
operating a Yebicle in Yiolation tbereot, upon conviction ab&ll be pun-
iahed by impriaonmeat tor a period ot not l••• tban thirt7 (30) daye.
All Tiol&tiona under ebie aection 1ball be tried to tbe Court.
§ICTIOf 55. Reckle1a Drivinc.
a) Any per1on who driYel any Yebiole upon a bighway O&rele11ly and
beedle11ly in wilful or wanton diareaard ot tbe .richt1 .or 1atety ot
Otbere at & epeed Or in & ... DDer 80 0&a .to ead&ag~r or be likel7 to en•
cl&~er any pe~aon or property, •ball be •uilty ot reokl••• driviac.
(bl Any peraon wbo i1 oonytoted ot reokleae driYing, ae berein detiaed,
1ball be puni1bed by iapriaonment in. Jail tor a period ot not le••
tban tiYe (J) daye nor more tban ninety (90) day1, or ~7 a o tine ot ~·'
l••• tban twent7-tiYee25.oo)dollar1 nor aore tban three bwidred dollar•
(t300.oo),,or by botb auoh tine and iapriaoament. On a 1eoond or eub•
aequent coDYiotion, any per.on 10 oonYioted aball be p1111iab.ed b7 iapri•-
onment tor a period ot not lea1 tbaA ten day1 nor aore tban ninety day1
and/or in tbe diecretiOD ot the court, by a tine et DOt le1e than tift7
dollar• <tso.oo) nor more tban three ·huadred dollar1 (t300.oo); and it f
•ball be unlawtul tor any peraon, oonTioted tor the third t1 .. , to driYe
or operate any motor Yehiole in tbe City ot ~lewood tor a p~iod ot
11.x montba trom tbe date ot 1uch oonYiotion, and any per1on coavioted ot
Yiolating this prohibition eb&ll be puni1hed by iapriaomaent tor a
period ot not leae tban thirty (30) da71. All Yiol&tiona under tbi•
1eotion 1ball be tried to tbe Court.
S.CTICS 5S-A. Iapowidiqa Vehiolea.
It •ball be witbin tbe diaoretion ot the 3~• ot tbe Police Jlaci1trate
Court to auapend any tine and/or 1entenoe ot iapri1onment iapoaed tor a
Yiolation ot Section 54 bereot, entitled •Peraon1 Under tbe Intluenoe et
Intoxicating Li•uor, or Barootio J>zi-.a,• and Section 5S bereot, entitled ,
"Reokle•• Driving,• it any peraon, upon oonviction ot any provi1iona ot
either ot 1aid aeotion1 ot thi• ordinance, 1ball agree 'o and 1hall per•
ait tbe impounding ot tbe vehicle operated by aaid Tiola.,or at tbe tillll
ot tbe otten1e complained ot in the City Oarac•. or auob otber sarace a•
may be deaignatcd by tbe Polio• Jlt.gi1trate Court, tor a period ot time
not to exceed fifteen (15) daJ• eora tir1t otten1e, and not le11 'ban
tbirty (30) days for a 1econd ottenae~ &Dd not l••• tban 'hir'y (30) nor
more than forty-five (45) daya tor a tbird &nd 1ub1equent ottenaea: tbe
nece11ary 1torage charges tor 'be period ot time 1uob Yebiole may be or-
dered to be impounded to be paid by the •io1ator a' tbe prevailing
atorage rate.
QCTISJ, 56. Speed.
ery peraon operating a Yehicle on tbe atreet1 or. higbway1 in the C1'7
ot ~nglewood •ball driTe the aame in a oaretul and prudent imLnner, at a
rate ot apeed no 1reater tban 1• reaeonable and 1ate, baYing regard• tor
tbe width, 1rat1e, 01.1rvea, coraera, trattio and &&ae ot tbe etree'•• and
all other attendant oircumatanoe1, 10 a1 not 'o endanger the lite, limb
or property ot any per•on, driYiq in esoeaa ot the following 1peed1
aball not be conaidered oaretul and pra&Clent driYiDI•
(a) ~itteen (15) mil•• per bour in alleya, and wben ia••ing •ohool built•
ina• or 1roUDd1 when aobool i• in ••••ion, during aohoel reoea1, or when
children are going to or leaYing acbool duriag opening and olo1iag boura.
.. ~ .. 289 .
(b) Twenty (20) mile• per bour in and through the Buiineaa Di•-·
triot: pro•ided, howeYer, tbat the epeed aball not ·exceed titteen ~(l5)
•ilea per bour along the pl~yground area1 in part., or el•ewhere u1ed
ae •uch, and clearly poated with appropriate 11an1. ·
Buaineaa Diatrict per'-ininc to . (b) of thia aection, defined '
~ tollowa~. South Broadway bounded on the Borth by J'loyd A•e. ~-,
l330o« Block and on the South by Jeffer1on (3600 Block), and ·
Baat and at one Block on all 1nter1ecting Street• in•
oludiDC •107d and Jefteraon AYenuea.
(c) Twenty-ti•• (25} ail•• per hour in reaidence and all other diat-
ricta ~c ept aa herein proYided. .
(d) !hrity (30) ailee per hour in and al~ag •stop Streeta.•
QCTIQf 57. llinimwn Speed.
a) It ab&ll be unlawful for any per1on to driTe at •uoh alow 1peed
aa to iapede or block the normal and rea1onabl• llOTe .. Dt ot trattio
escept when reduced 1peed i1 nece11ar7 for 1ate operation. .
(b) !rattle and police officer• are hereby authorized to enforce thia
proYialon by direction• to driYera and in the •••nt of wilful di1-
obedience to tbia pr0Yi1ion or retu1al to oompl7 with tbe direction
ot an ottlcer ln accordance herewith, the continued alow operation
by a driYer eball be unlawful and constitute a blockinc ot traffic and
a Yiolation of tbia Ordinance.
58. lhen Speed Lt.alt 1lot Applicable. .
apeed limit• aet forth in tbie act aball not apply to authorized
e .. raency ••biol•• wben operated in emergenoiea and tb.e driYer1
tnereof aound audible 1i1nal1 by bell, airen or eshau1t whistle. Tbl1
pro•i•i•n aball not relei•e the driYer of an authorized emergency
••hiole from ihe duty to driY• with d~• r .. ard tor the aatety ot all
peraon1 u1ing the atreet, nor aball it protect tbe driYer of any such
••hiole from the con1equence1 of a needlea1 and reckleae diaregard
of the 1atety ot othera.
SICT~ff 59· DriYe on Right Side ot Higbw&y. ~ Upon all bigbway1 ot autticient widt~, other tban one-way high·
waya, a Yebicle aball be driven upon the right balt ot the bigbway
except when the ri1bt balt 11 out ot repair and tor auch rea1on im·
p&aa&ble or when oYertaking and paaaing another Yebiole, aubJect to
tbe liaitationa aet torth in aectlon (62).
(b) IA dri•iaa upon tbe riabt 11alt ot a bilh•y, the driver aball
drive aa cloaely aa practicable to tbe r11ht band ed1• or ourb of
tbe bi1bway except when oyertaking •~ pa11ing another vehicle or when
f laoina a ••biol• in poaition to make a left taarn.
c) ID croE1ing a railroad riabt-ot-way on an interaection of bigh-
waye, the dri•er of a Yehicle aball at all time• cauae aueb Yebicle
to tre.Yel on tbe riaht balt of the highway wile11 auob rigbt b< i•
out ot repair and tor 1uoh rea1on impaaaable. Tbi1 proYiaion 1ball
not apply upon a one-way 1treet.
(d) In driYiDS upon a one-way higbway, the driYer 1ball drive a1
olo1el7 aa practicable to tbe r11bt·b&Dd •di• or ourb of tbe bi1mta7
except when overtaking or pa11ina or .tra•ellna parallel with anottier
Yebiole or wben placing a Yehicle in poaition to make a lett t&arn.
SIC~ 60. Special Regulationa Applicable on ltreeta and Rigbwaye
ned tor. Traffic. .
Wb.eneYer any atreet or bigbway baa been di•ided into clearly marked
lane• tor traffic, Yebiolea •ball normally be drlYen in tbe lane
neareat tbe .rigbt band edge or curb of tbe Aict.ay wheA aaid lane
ia ayail&ble tor traYel, except when oYertaking another Yebicle or
in preparation tor a lett t .urn.
gcTi• 61. O.ert&king a Yebicle.
cept aa otbeniae provided in tbil 1.ection, tbe following· r .ulea
aball so•ern the oYertaking and paaainc ot Yebiolea:
(a) The driver ot a Yehicle overtaking another vehicle prooeeding
in the aame direction eb&ll pa.ea to the lett thereof at a aate die-
tance and eball not aaain drive to the r11bt aide ot the bJ,atnray
until aat,aJ.y clear of euoh oYertaken Yebiole.
(b). Tbe dttYer of an oYertaken vehicle aball 11•• away to the rigbt
in fayor ot the overtaking ~ehicle on auitabl• and audible at.anal
aad 1b.&ll not increaee the apeed of hie ••biol• until completely
faaeed by the overtaking Yebiole.
c) In the eYent Yehiolea on a atreet or bi1bw&y are mo•iaa in the
aame direction in two or more aubatanti&ll7 oontiDuoua linee, tbe
proviaion1 of aubdiYieione (a) and (b) of tbia 1ection aball not be
conaidered aa prohibiting the vehicle• in one 1uoh line 0Yertakin1
or paa1iag the •eb .clea in another 1uch line •i'b•r upon the right
or tbe left, nor eball the proYieiona of 1ubdiYi11on (&) and (b)
of tbl1 1eotion be conatrued to prohibit a driYer OYertaking and
passing upon the right another vehicle wbicb 11 skins .or about. to
make a left turn.
(d) Tbe driYer of an o•ertaking motor Yebiole wben traveling out.
aid• ot a buaineea or re1idence d11tric' and wider o-tber oonditiona
when neoe11ary to in1ure eafe operation 1~11 •1Yt ~udlbl• warnina
with born or other warning deYice before i-a•lac or attempting to
paae a Yebicle proceeding in tbe aaae di~eotion.
e::<. 7 /
SJCTI~ 62. Limitation• on Driving on Lett Side or Hi1bway.
e driver ot a vebicle eball not drive to tbe lett aide of tbe aide ot
tbe center line ot a highway in overtaking and paa1ing another vehicle
proceeding in the 1ame direction unlee1 aach lett aide 11 clearly vie-
. ible and ia tree of oncoming traftio tor a 1utticient d11,anoe ahead to
permit auch overtaking and paaaing to be completely made without imped-
ing the eate operation of any vehicle approacbina trom tbe oppoaite
direction or any vehicle overtaken, nor aball tbe driver of a vehicle
in any event drive to tbe lett aide of tbe center line ot a bigbway
when approaching the creet of a grade or upon a curve in the bigbway
where the driver'• view along the bigbway ia obatructed within a .die-
tance of tive hundre~ (500) feet. · ·
§ICTIO! 63. Jollowing too Cloaely.
f e driver ot a motor vebicle ab&ll not follow another vehicle more
cloaely ib&n ia reaaonable and prudent b&ViDI dpe regard to tbe 1peed
ot 1uoh vehicle• and tbe traffic upon and coDdition ot the highway • .
SICTI~I 64. Bi1ht-of-Way between V~bicle1.
a) J!biclea Appfo19bi91 an Ip}tr110Siof• Ivery driver of a vehiole
approaoblD1 the nteraeotion o a ~tret 1ball yield tbe rigbt of way
at euch inter1ection to any vehicle approaohinc troa the right, and
when two vehicle• approach the aam inter1ection at the aame time, the
,~_river ot the vehicle on the lett aball decreaae the 1peed to ten (10)
~•ilea per bour and bave bi• vehicle wader control before crosaing aucb
intereection, and it aball be hie duty to yield to tbe vehicle on tbe
"" right: provided however, tbat at interaeotiona where trattic ofti·cere
~ \&re atationed or/and tra .i:'tic control •1-nal1 are inetalled and opera-
tina, traftio a ball 1n 0Ye in conformity with tbe direction• g1Yen by 1aid
otficera and/or tbe 1i1nal1 given by aaid .,rattic control 1ignal1.
(b) Vebicl~~'frigg a Stop of Tf'oYCf ssr1•~· The driver ot any ve-
hicle, who a opped a1 requ re byaw abe entrace to a e'op or
'-> through 1treet, ma.y then proceed into or aoroaa aaid atop or tbroucb
1tre1t ,aad ·1ball have tbe eame inter1eotional ri1bt-of-way and dutiea ,1 ~
"'<::: aa provided in Section 64, paragraph (a) of thia Ordinance. r
( c) Vetiict• Turp1H ~tt a~ ap f P'fr••9f''f• The driver ot a Yebiole r ' within annter1eo on nten lngournohe left •ball yield to anyc >f · ,
Yebicle approaching from the oppoaite direction whiob i• within the ·
intersection or 10 clo1e thereto ae to coneSitute an iDDediait b&&ard,
bus aaid driver baYin& 10 yielded and b&Yio,a given a viaible 1ign&l
when aad a• provided by law may make 1uob lett turn, and other ••biol••
approaobinc tbe interaeotion trom 1aid oppoaite direction •ball yield So
·the driver •king tbe l•tt turn. •> '!f':H Rigbf•fi•f'!· Any driver or operator, while exceeditia the
•peed ~ or v o t ii& any otber provi•ion of tbia Ordinance 1b&!l
b&ve no right-or-way wbat1oever. ·
(•) Street car~. Street care ab&ll have tbe prete.rential r11bt•Of•
way, except aaerein otherwi1e provided, but tbe peraon in cb&rge tbere-
ot 1ball exerciee proper care not to inJure pedeatriane, vebiclea, the
occupants or content• thereof, and the driver in control ot any vehiole
in tront ot a etreet oar aball i11111ediatel7 turn out on •ignal trom the
moto~ or pereon in control of the atreet oar, it po11ible to do ao.
§IQTI~ 65. Bxception1 t o Right-or-way. a) The driYer ot a Vehicle entering a public highway trom an alley or
a private road or drive aball yield the right-of-way to all vehicle•
apiroaching on aucb public. highway.
(bJ Tbe driver ot a vehicle upon a hi1hway shall yield the right-of-way
to authorized emergency vehicle• when tbe latter are operated in emer-
gencie• or in tbe line ot public duty and the driver• tbereot sound
audible •i1nal1 by bell, 1iren compr•••ion and exbauat whietle. Tbi•
provi1ion 1ball not operate to relieve the driver ot an authorized emer-
gency vehicle trom tbe duty to drive with due regard tor tbe aatety of
all per1on1 uaing the highway, nor aball it protect the driver of any
. euob vehicle trom tbe con1equence1 ot an arbitrary and unnecea1ar1 ex-
erciae of 1ucb right-of-way.
SICTil.66. Turning at Interaectiona.
driver ot a vebicle intending to turn at an intereeotion •ball do
10 a1 !ollowe unleee a different method ot turning ia direoted by an
otticer, or by buttons, marker• ~r 1igD1 at interaect1ona, in wbicb
event turna eball be .made in accordance witb the direction• of eucb
JmJ.rker1, buttons or aigne:
(a) Approach tor a right turn aball be 9&de Ln the lane or poaition
tor trattic neare1t to tbe right band aide ot tbe bigbway and the right
turn 1ball be made a1 cloeely ae practicable to tbe r11bt band curb or •di• or the hi.a bway.
(b) Approach tor a left turn ab&ll be made in tbe lane or poai~ion tor
traffic to the right or and neareet to the center line ot the highway,
and the lett turn ah&ll be made by paeains to the right of such center
line where it enter• the inter1ection and upon leaving tbe interaection
by pa1aiog to the right ot the center line ot the bigbway then entered.
(c) Approach tor a left turn upon a two-way 1treet into a oneway 1treet
ab.till be Aade in tbe lane or poaition tor trattic to the right ot and
neareat to the center line ot the higbway and by .paaaing to tbe right ot
aucb center · line where it enter• the interaection, while a lett t~rn troa
a one-way atret into a two-way 1treet 1ball be made by paaaing to tbe
ri1bt of tbe center line of tbe etreet beina entered upon leaving tbe
intersection. ·
c . 2Dl
S.CTIOI 67. u. Turn Prohibited Upon Curve or Approach to Creat ot Grade.
Tbe dr1Ter ot a vehicle 1hall not turn 1ucb vehicle arowid 10 ae to pro-
ceed in tbe oppo1ite direction upon any curTe or upon tb• approach to or
near the cre1t ot a srade or at any place upon a bigbway wbere the view
ot eucb vebiole i1 obetructed within a di1tance ot tive bundred (500)
teet along the higbway in either direction.
turD8 are alao probibited between intereectiona or at any authorized
trattio aignal wbile eucb eignal ie in opperation. Any operator ot
any vebicle upon making a U Turn looaea hie risbt-ot-Way.
BICT. 68. Stop Required Upon Approach ot Train~
eneTer any pereon driving a Yebicle approachea an interurban or ateaa
railway grade cro11ing and a clearly vi1ible and positive signal givee
warning ot the ilaediate approacb ot a railway train or car, it 1b&ll
be unlawful tor tbe driTer ot the vehicle to tail to atop the vehicle
and yield the rigbt-ot-way before traver1ins eucb grade croaaing.
BICXlft 69. Certain Vehicle• Kuat Stop at all Railway Grade Crosainga.
e operator of any atreet oar, 1igbtaeeins Tebicle, motor bua carryinc
pa1aencera tor bire or any acbool bua carrying any ecbool cbild, or any
motor truck carryi ~.g exploaive 1ub1tance1 or inflammable liquid• aa a
oargo or part ot a oar10, before croaaing at 1rade any track or track•
ot a 1team or interurban electric railway, sb&ll bring aucb Tebicle to
a tull atop not leaa tban ten (10) teet nor more tban (SO). teet from tbe
nearest rail ot aucb track, and while 10 stopped at.11 both look and lis-
ten in both direction• along euch track tor approaobing ateam or inter-
urban electric railway trains or car• before traveraing aucb croe1ing.
The provi1ion1 of thia .aection aball not be deemed to apply wbere trat-
tic control eignala are in operation and give indication to approaching
~•bicular traffic to proceed.
§JCT~ 70• Duty to Stop and Aid in BTent ot Aocident. a) Tbe driver ot any vebicle inTolved in an accident reaulting in in•
Ju17 or death to any peraon or damage to property at.ll imlledi&tel1 atop
1uoh eebicle at tbe 1cene ot 1ucb accident, and 1ball giTe bie name and
addre1a and registration .number ot bi1 vehicle to the peraon 1truck or
to tbe driver or occupant• ot any vebicle oollid•d with, and ahall ren-
der to any peraon inJured in aucb accident, reaaonable aaaiatanoe, in-
cluding tbe oarryina or 1uoh peraoo to a phy1ician or 1urgeon.tor tirat
aid, medical or eurgioal treatment, it it ia apparent tbat auob treat-
aent ia necessary or it it ia required by tbe inJured per1on.
(b) •Tery person convicted under tbia aection upon a obarge ot failure
to atop in oa1e ot an accident reaulting in inJury or death •t any pereon
aa herein provided eball be puniahed by iapri1onment in Jail tor a per-
iod of not leis tban thirty daya nor sore tban ninety daye, and/or, in
tbe diaoretion ot the court, by a tine .or not leaa tban one hundred
dollare (t100.oo) nor more than three bundred dollars . (t300.oo) or by
both auch fine and improeonment.
§ICTll 71. Duty to Report Accidenta.
e operator of any vehicle invol-ed to any desree in an accident re-
aultina i1r inJuriea or deatb to any person or peoperty dam&1ed .to an
apparent exteat of fifty dollara (tSo.oo) or more 1ball, within a
reaaonable time and not to exceed twent1-tour boLtre thereatter, . .make
a report in writing ot aucb accident to the neareat or tbe main police
beadquarter1 in thia City.
BICTIOI 72. Horne and Warning Devicea.
(a) BTery motor vehicle wben operated upon a highway ab&ll be equirped
witb a born or aound warning device in good working order, capable ot
eaitttna 1ound audible under normal conditiona troa a diatanoe ~ 200
teet or more; and it aball be unlawful, except ae otherwiae provided in
tbia aection, tor any vehicle to be equipped with, or tor any peraon to
uae upon a Tebicle, any 1iren or any oompre11ion or 1park plub wniatle
or any exbauat born or wbietle wbicb doea not produce an barmonioua
aoLmd, tor any peraon at any time to uae a .bora or 10Lmd warning de-
Tioe otherwiee tban ae a neceeeary warning, or to make a.ny Wlnesscesary
or unreaeonab ly loud or barab aound. . .
(b) lbery authorized emergency vehicle shall be equipped with a bell,
eiren or exhaust whistle of a type authorized and approved by the Cbief
ot Police.
(c) It ehall be unlawful for any vehicle, except an authorized emer-
gency vehicle, to be equipped with any sound .warning device or for the
operator to uee the same, which 11 authorized tor uae on any authorized
emergency veh Lole or which is eimilar thereto.
SICTI'if 73. Prevent i on ~r Noiae, Smoke, etc. Kuttler, Cut-outs Regulated.
a) Io person eball drive a motor vehicle on a highway unless such motor
vehicle 11 equipped with an adequate muffler in 1ood working order and
re:pair and in c onatant operation to prevent excessive or unuaual noiae.
(b} It aball be unlawful to uae a •muffler out-out• on any vehicle on
.a bigbway or ot her place, except in a garage, repair shop or other en-
cloeure when necessary tor &dJuating or repair1.
(o) Io ve hic l e ahall be driven or moved on any highway unleaa aucb
ve hicle ia 10 c on1tructed or loaded aa to prevent ite contents from
dropping, eitting, leaking or otherwise aacaping therefrom.
r~ t-; :.:t ._..,
QCTI~ 74. Signal on Starting, Stopping, Turning .· or Leaving tbe Curb
enrter the operator ot any vehicle shall extend bie arm out hori-
zontally tram the lett aide tbereof, it •hall be an indication tbat
the vebiole ia about to turn to the left it moving or about to enter
trattic it iarked; when hi• arm ia 10 extended inclining upward1, it aball
be an indication tbat the vehicle is about turn to tbe .right; wben hie
arm 1• 10 extended inclining downwards, it aball be an indication that
the vehicle ia about to slow down or atop. ~quivalent 1ignal1 mAy be ·giv-
en by artificial devicea plainly indicating wbat the vehicle ie about to do.
§ICTIO• 75. Garage Xeeper to Report Damaged ,Vehicles.
'hie per1on in charge of any garage or rep&ir 1bop to which i• brought
any motor vehicle which ehowa evidence ot baying been involved in an
accident or atruck by any bullet, •ball report the matter, within a
reaeonable time and not to exceed twenty-tour boura thereafter, to the
police Headquarters of thie City, giving the licen1e number, engine
number and the name and addreea ot the owner or operator ot eucb vehicle.
QCTII 76. Jl&g or Light at Ind of Load; ·
enel:er the load on any v ehicle eh&ll extend more than tour (4) feet
beyond tbe rear ot tbe bed or body thereot, exclusive of the end gate,
tbere sball be dieplayed at the end ot •Uch load, in sucb position a•
to be clearly visible at all timee from the rear ot suob vehicle, an
opened red flag not leas then twelve (12) &Dchea both in length and
widtb, except that between one-balt hour atter sunset and one-tnlt bour
before eunri•e there sball be di1played at tbe end ot auch load a red
light plainly visible under normal atmo•pheric conditions at leaet
200 feet trm the rear of such vehi·cle.
ARTICLE VIII --Arreet and Procedure.
OCTI~I 77. Procedure Upon Arrest.
I a) In all caaea or arrest under Section ~. •peraone Under Influence
ot Intoxicating Liquor, or Narcotic Druaa,• and Section 55, 1ReDlcleaa
Driving,• tbe violators shall be kept in cuatody by the arr88$igg otti-
cere or by the Police Department unles• lawfully releae.ed on bond, un-
til trial, and trial aball be to tbe Court. In all otber cases of
arreat, where the violation is willful and deliberate or where it appeare
doubtful whether tbe violator will a ppear purauant to a written promiae,
the arresting officer or the Police Department 't/JAy hold .. the violator
in custody, unless lawfully released on bond, until be shall pay hie -
tine or until trial, a1 the case may be.
•(b) Wbenever any motor vehicle without a driver ia tound parked in
violation ot any of the parking re•trictiona ot tbie ~Ordinance, the
officer finding it may &ake its registration number, and any other in-
formation dieplayed on tbe vehicle wbicb may identify it and its user,
and affix conspicuously on the 'windahield or otber form providad by
the Chief ot Police, tor toe driver to anawer to tbe cbarge .. ainat
bim within three (3) days during boure and at a place apecitied in the
notice. Tbe ofticer eball aend one copy of such notice to tbe Trattic
iolatione Bureau. ·
•(b) Any driver ot a motor vebicle .•bo wi1tully neflecte or tail• to
appear and an1wer to the charges aet torth :tn a not ce affixed to aucb
vehicle by a police officer in accordance with thia 1ection, aball be
guilty ot a violation ot this act regardleee of the obar1e tor whicb
tbe notice wae originally i1sued. In 1uoh oaaea a .»•lice officer, upon
locatina tbe motor vebicle operated by •uch driYer at the tille of tbe
violation or violation• !or which notice wa1 given, and tor wbich•&id
violator tailed to appear, may order •aid motor vehicle l.lllpounded until
•uch time aa said vielator may appear in Traffic Violaliona Bureau and
pay such tine as may be imposed, or appear in the KYOicipal Court to
anewer •ucb charges as may be or have been preferred, The coat of tow-
ing such motor vebicle to the Garage, and atorage charges while •ai~ m
motor vehicle ie tberein impounded, ·are to be paid by such violator.
•(d) In all cases of arrest ae provided in subsection Ca~ bereot. ex-
cept wbere peraonal injury or death may reeult to any pereon or peraona
involvee in any acc t dent happening by reaeon thereof, and lieu ot tbe
written notice provided for in eection (b) bereot; whene.,er .. the arre1t-
ing officer is of the opinion that any violator ot the provisions ot
tbi1 ordinance may or will tail to appear in Kunioipal Court to answer
•uoh charges, or it noticed to appear in the Traffic Violations Bureau.
and pay •uoh tine as might be asaeaaed: then aucb alle1ed violator eball
be required to po1t bond in the sua of One Hundred Dollars (1100.00)
conditioned upon bia appearance a t tbe date and t~n• 1pecitied in
Violatione Bu reau on the day epecitied and pay the tine tnat •Y be
aeseaaed tor auch violation or violations. PROVIDID, HOW.VER, in lieu
ot the po1ting ot aaid bond eaid violator may agree to the iapoundiDC
ot the motor vebicle driven by him by the Chief ot Police to insure
hie appearance in Municipal Court to an•wer •aid charge or obaraes, or
to a p p ear at the Tratf ic Violations Bureau on the day specified and pay
such tine as may be aa1e~sed, the storage charge during auch iapound•
ing to be paid by eaid violator.•
c :. 2Ha
SBCTIOlT 78. Owner Prima Facie Reeponsible for Illegal Parking.
It any vebicle ie t'o&&nd gpon a • treet" or &dfllaa~y in Tiolation ot any pro-
v ie ion ot thi c Ordinance re1ulating the stopping, •-t&nding or parking of
Tehicles and the identity of tbe operator cannot be read.ily determined,
tbe owner or person in wboee name eucb vehicle ie regietered shall be
beld prima tacie reeponsible tor 1uch violation.
SWCTIOB 79. Clear i ng Driving Record.
•Tne driving record ot any peraon wider this ordinance •ball, unless otber-
~iee herein provided, automatically clear• itself on tbe tirst day of Jan-
uary ot eacn year, and no previoue violation or conviction, shall be con•
eidered in fixing, estimating or determining penalties or inhibit.iona here-
under: Provided, However, thia eection eball not be oonetrued to proh6bit
tbe impoaition ot euoh tine or penalty aa may be provided by tbie ordinance
tor an ottenae hap pe ning and occuring prior to January fir1t of any year,
wbere 1uob violator i• not apprebended or given notice to appear to an1wer
1ucb obarae or charges until eubeequent to aaid date.
80. Traff ic Violationa Bureau.
a) Tb• Police Magistrate 1b&ll authorize the Cbief of Police to eetab-
liab a Trattic Violatioaa Bureau, to ae1iet the Municipal Court witb the
clerical work ot trattic caeea. The Bureau 1ball be in charge of aucb
per1on1 aa t he Ch i ef ot ~lice may designate, and aball be open from 7 o'-
clock A. K. until 6 o'clock P l K., Sundaya and Legal bolidaya excepted, Tbe
dutie• berein proTided to be performed by said Traftio Violations Bureau
aball be pertormed by eucb police officer ae the Chief of Police may desig-
nate at the Police Building on auch days and during 1uch hours aa the Traf-
tic Violation• Bureau may be cloaed.
•(b) Pe~one who baye received notice a• proTided in .Section 77, may, within
the time 1peoitied in the notice, except ae otberwile pro"fided in tbia ordi-
naaee. appear •Dd anawer at tbe Traffic Violation• Bureau to the charge• set
tortb ,in •uob notice by paying a tine, and,, in writiu. ple.ading guilty to
tbe cbarge, waiving a bearing in Co~' and gi~ina power ti attorney to tbe
peraon in cbarge ot tbe Bureau to raake 1ucb plea and pay 1ucb tine in Court.
Ac c eptance ot tbe preacribed tine and power of attorney by tbe ,Bureau shall
be dee .. d coaplete aatiafaction..for tbe violation•, and tbe violator 1ball
be given a receipt wbicb ao 1tate1: Provided, however, it aball. be within ~'t
tbe diacretion ot the Jud~e of the Municipal Ccu1rt, to auap ~nd, tor reaaon-
&ble cause, any tine and/or coete that may be aa1ea1ed for a first ottenee
l io 1a tion of any of the proT1•1ona of thia ordinance, wbere 1aid Yiolation
a anawerable by appearance, and by the payme n t of fine upon a plea-,.of guil·
·tf, in tbe Trattic Violation• Bureau.
•(o) A written receipt 1ball be aiven to any peraon ma.king. payment to
the Bureau under tbi• eaotlon stating tbe date, the amount paid, by whom
paid, by wboa reoei-.ed &ad •b .. *b&t :acoount. Duplicate receipt• aball
be kept and preeerved by tbe BurefUA and •ball be and remain public records
tor two (2) year• froa tbe date tbereot. All 1ucb receipts and their du•
plioate1 aball be ••rially numbered, each receipt and ita duplicate to
bear ttle 1ame nWDber.
llQTISZJ 81. Dutiea ot Traffic Violation• Bureau.
he dutiea ot tbe Traffic Violations Bureau •ball be ae Yollow•¢
(a) I' •ball accept tinee, 11eue receipta, and represent in Court aucb
Tio l atora aa are permitted and deaire to pleade guilty, waiTe court
aJ>Pearance and give power of attorney.
(b) It a violator of tbe parking res trictiona .ot tbe Ordinance doea not
appear aa provided in aeotion 77, (b), tbe Trattic Violation• B~reau
aball aend to tbe owner ot the motor vehicle to which tbe notice waa
attixed a letter informi i.g bim ot tbe violation• and warninc bim tb&t be
will be beld reaponeible tor tbe appearance ot the o!teader.
(•) It tbe owner ot Tiolator doee not respond to a letter of warnina within
three (3) daya the Tratfic Violation• Bureau •ball baYe a notice aerved
in peraon on tbe o*ner requiring bi.JD to appear · and an1wer. to tbe charges
-..1oa t tbe operator ot n il vebicle.
(d) It any per1on wbo baa received a DGtice or •wamone aa pr.o~ided in
Section 77 (b) or Section 77 (o) taila to appear witbin tbe apecified
time, the Traf fic Violation• Bureau ehall tortbwitb ba~e a complaint
entered .. &in1t him and aecure aDd iaeue a warrant tor b11 arreet. Tbe
Traftic Violation• Bureau shall not accept tinea or bail trom such per-
aoD8 but eball consider them entirely under tbe Juriadiction ot tne Court.
(•) The Bureau eball keep record• and aubmit 1wraari&ed monthly reports
to tbe Municipal Court and ttle »ayor of all tbe finee collected by tbe
Trattic Violat i ons Bureau. Theae report• eball be publ.io . records and
preaerved ae aucb tor tbe period of tbree (3) year1.
(f) Toe Cblet ot P o lice 1ball provide in duplicate 1uitable torma tor
notifying violator• to appear and anawer cbaraea or Yiol&ting tbe pro-
Ti1iot,e ot thie Ordinance whicb a ball be in bowid books or pa.de. Tbe
duplicate notice• 1ball be turned over to and preaerved by the Traffic
Violation• Bureau until oaaee are finally diapoaed ot. Bo otticer or
peraon aball retract or change any torm or notice atter baTing been i1-
1ued and deliYered to or for any Tiolator, unleee witb the consent of
tbe Chief ot Police and a record made in writing and 11gned by aach
otticer or peraon a1 to tbe reaaone therefor, which record aball be
pre1ened witb ttie torms and notice to which it relatea ., ae a public re-
-; I
< r.n
c ·295
ARTICLB IX --Penaltie1, Bto.
t f!ATIQI 82 • Penal tiea.
y pereon who •hall Tiolate any proviaion ot thia ordinance or any rule or
regula t ion made and promulgated by the Chief of Police purauant thereto, ablall
be guilty or a violation ot thi1 ordinance and upon conviction tbereot, except-
ing aa otherwiae nerein provided, •ball be puniehed by a tine of not to exceed
three hundred dollar1 (t300.oo) or by impriaonment for not more than ninety
(90) daya, or by both auch tine and illpriaonment in the di1cretion ot the court.) +
Upon convict i on in the Municipal Court for a violation of any provision ot tbia
act where such violation ia a cau.ae tor euepenaion or revocation of an operator'•
or chau f feur'• lioenae under tbe l a wa of tbia State; it •hall be the duty ot
tbe J udge of a a id court to communicate the name of the violator, nature and date
ot violation, diepoaition or the caae and such other information aa may be per•
tinent, t o the ottice of the Secretary of State together witb the reooamendatlon
of ••id Judge ae to the auapension and/or revocation ot the operator'• or cb&uf•
teure lic en ae of eaid violator.
SICTIO' 83. Diepoeition of Yinea and ~orteiturea.
I 1 tines and toreteiturea collected pur1u.ant to any ot the proviaiona
ot t h i s ordinance aball be paid into t~e City Treasurer and depo1ited in
the General Yund.
§ICTII 84. Bttect of Ordinance.
any 1ection, 1ub1eotion, sentence, clauee or pbraee of thi1 Ordinance
ie for any reason beld or decided to 'be uncon•titutional, 1uoh decieion
eball not atfect the validity of the remaining portions of tbia Ordinance.
The Ci ty Council hereby declare1 that it would bave pae1ed this Ordinance
and ea c h eection, subsection, sentence, clauee and pbr&ee thereof, irre-
apective or tbe tact tbat any one or more aectiona, eubaeotione, aentencea
clau1ea or pbraaee might be declared uncons ti tuti.onal.
QCTIOI 85. Repeal.
Ordinance Humber 3, Seriee of 1920 ie herby repealed and all ordinance•
or p arts ot ordinancee in conflict or inconaietent with the provi1ion1
of th is Ordinance are bereby repealed, except tbat thie repeal eball not
aff e c t or prevent the proaecution of puniehment of any pereon tor any act
done or comm itted in violation of any ordinance repealed prior to the
tak ing e ff e c t of thie ordinance.
QCTir 86. :smergenoy Clauae. n tbe op in ion ot tbe Council, tbie Ordinance ia neceeeary tor the 1111118-
diate p rotection and pre1ervation of the public healtb, ~atety, conven-
ie nce and general weltare and it ia enacted tor tbat purpoae, and aball
be in t ul l torce and ettect immediately atter ite paaeage and final pub•
l i cat i on.
Intr odu c ed, read and ordered published May 10, 1937.
Fina lly passed an d ordered published June lat, 1937.
City Cle rk
\7 ~-·Mayor
I , Charles H. Smith, City Clerk and Recorder tor the City ot
Englewood, County of Arapahoe, St ate o! Colorado, do hereby certify that the
above and foregoing Ordina nce .was introduce.d and read in full, and on resolution
was orde r ed publish e d .as a proposed ordinance !or the City of Englewood, and the
saut e wa s ordered published by the City Council at a meeting held Maf 10, 1937, and
t,be same was publish ed in the Englewood Herald & Enterprise in .it• eeue of Uay
14, 1937, and for more than. ten (10 ) days . thereafter and at a subsequent meeting
held June l, 1937 , the MUNI CI PAL. TRAFF I C CODE was duly passed and published in
the Englewood He r al d & Enterprise in its isaue of June 4, i937aa required by the
Statutes or the State or Colorado. ~b ~~
'--· -