HomeMy WebLinkAbout1937 Ordinance No. 002BY AUT "-~0 · 1 T x OR DIN /N:;E liQ.-_g, SE RIES L937 AN ORDI NANCE ADOP TI NG A PlAN FOR THE ACQUISITIO N OF A IW tJICIPAll Y OWNED E1ECTRIC lIGHT AND POWER PLANT AND ELEC TRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, AND PRO VIDI "G FOR AN El ECTION AT WHICH THE QUESTION OF APPROVING THIS ORDINA~J C F. SliAl L BE $Um.tITT ED TO A VO TE OF THE QUAl.IFIF;D PROPERTY ELECTORS OF SAID CITY. HE~E AS, under the provis i ons of "An Act relating to the ac~uisition, ns truction, operation, mai n tenance and financing or public works, and to amend Chapter 180, Session laws of Colorado, 1935," approved the 12th day or June, 1937, tne City Council is in doubt as to whether or not a municipally owned electric light and powe~ plant and electrical .distri- bution system may be acquired by the city without the approval or a major- ity of the ~ualified, assessed and taxpaying electors thereof; and ER P.AS, the City Council has determined to submit the plan for such ac~uisition to a vote of the ~ualified, assessed and taxpaying electors thereof, regardless of the construction that may ultimately be given to said Act, without aaid submission constituting an admission that such submission is ne ce s sary: ):I, TH F;RE FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENG l EW<:O D, ARA FAH OE COUN TY , IN TH E STATE OF COLORADO: SECTI CN l· That the City of Englewood shall ac~uire a municipally owned electric light and power p lant and electrical distribution system (said electrical d1 3 tribution system to be ~cquired in the manner hereinafter set forth in Section 2 of this ordinance), to be owned, managed and oper- ate d by said city and to consist of a power plant, transmission _ line up to the center of distribution, and a distribution system therefor. SECTION 2. That the City of Englewood shall ac~uire, by purchase or condemnation, the present electrical distribution system owned by the Colorado Central r ower Company and serving the City of Englewood, ita inhabitants and cu s tomers outside of the corporate boundaries of said city, through th e b Ubstation of said company located at Englewood, pro- vided such ac•u1aition can be accomplished at a price satisfactory to the City Council; but in the event of the failure to ac.uire aaid electrical distribution system by purcahse or condemnation, then the city may ac~uh·e a new electrica l distribution system. SECTION £• The property to be acquired for such power plant and electri- cal distribution system is as follows: A po wer plant to be located on a suitable site within the boundaries of the City of Englewood, a transmission line therefrom up to th e center of di stribut ion, together with the present distribution system to the Colorado Central Pow er Company now serving the City of En g lewood and its inhabitants, and so much of said distribution system situated outside of the city limits and served by the substation at Englewood as the city may acquire through condemnation proceeding s or otherwiae,or, in lieu, thereof, a new d i s tribution system consisting of poles, 2300 volt conductors, trans- formers, house loops, street lightin p system, meters and other apparatus, capable of supplying 3,000 customers with 220/110 volt electric service of three phase 60 cycle electric current. SECTION 4. The full purchase price to b e paid by said city in ac.uiring said electric light and power plant and distribution system ia the sum of 550,000.00;. such price will be paid by issuing municipal obligations for such amount, payable solely out of the income of such utility, and the obligation of said bonds shall be chargeable solely against the income of such utility. No obligation by way of general obligation bonds shall b e incurred by the City of Englewood in making such acquisition. ECTION .§.· That a ap~l elect on is hereby called and shall be held in said city on the day of • A.D. 1937, at which there shall be submitted to sucn • alified roperty electors of said city as shall in the next year preceding l he year of the election have paid a property tax there in, the question of approving this ordinance. ~ECTI ON 6. The question so submitted shall be voted on at said election by the voters ~ualified as aforesaid, at the following polling places in the various wards (or precincts) in the said city: ~~ < C/'J "Tj ~ I I I I I ·;A RD NU MBER I PRECINCT NUMBER / 2:::. ,J- I/ 2:_ 5 JL __6. ~ --2 ? The vote shall be s a id election ducted in the pal officers. POLlING PLACE S ECTI ON 7. That the ballots .to be used in voting upon the ,uestion above submitted shall be prepared and furnished by the City Clerk to the judges of election, to be by them furnished to the voters, and shall be substan- tially in the following p rint ~d form and shall be deposited in a ballot box provided by the City Clerk for such purpose: CITY .Q!: ENGLEWOOD ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANT ELECTION -1937. OFFICIAL BALlOT uestion submitted: Shall Ordinance No. , Series 1937, of the City of Englewood, approved the day of August, 1937, adopting a plan for the acquisition of a municipal electric light and power plant and electrical distribution system, to be financed by the issuance of municipal bonds in the amount of $550,000.oo, payable solely from the revenues of the system proposed to be ac~uired, be app proved? FOR the approv a l of Ordinance No. ~• S eries 1937, and for the acquisition of a municipal electric light and power plant and electrical distribution system. AGAINST the approval of Ordinance No.~• Series 1937, and against the ac~uisition of a municipal elect- ric light and power plant and electrical distre- bution system. . • Each elector shall prepare his ballot, indicating 'hia approval or disapproval of the proposition submitted by placing a cross (X) opposite the group or words on his ballot ~hich expresse• hia choice, and shall then deposit his ballot in the ballot box provided tor such purpose. SECTION 8. No ballot tor or against said question shall be received by the judges unless the person offering the same shall be a ~ualltied elector of the City ot Englewood and shall in the next year preceding the year of t h e election have paid a property tax therein. SECTI ON .2· The following named persons are hereby appointed as judges and clerks of said election, to-wit: ARD NUU B:R PRE CIN CT NUM BER JUDGES CLERKS ~17 SECTI ON 10. The vote cast at said election on the ~uestion aforesaid shall be canvass P-d and returned, and the return made and the result declared in the manner, as nearly as may be, as provided by law tor the canvass, re- turn and declaring the result of votes cast at an election of municipal officers. time and place of said election shall be pub- ·ILW~~s,~df , a newspaper of general circulation printed . . o Englewoo , in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, at least fifteen days before such election, and also a copy of such notice shall be posted at each place of voting at least fifteen days before such election, announcing the time, place and object of the election, and the Clerk of said City Council is hereby charged with the duty of effectuating this provision. Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: CITY .Q[ ENGtEWOOD NO T!C r', OF' SP E CIAL ELECTION ~~~~~~1937. PUBLIC NOTICE In pursuance of Ordinance No. ,;2..., Series 1937, of the City of Englewood, Colorado, adopted and approved on the day of August, 1937, PUBLIC NOTI E IS HERE BY GJVEN that a special election has been called to be held o • , the Pt~day of.~-~ .. A.O. 1937, at the polling places here na r designated in the~itY-otE?lglewood, at which election there w•ll be submitted to such ~ualified electors of the City of Englewood as shall in the next year preceding the year of the election have paid a property tax therein, the following ~uestion: Shall Ordinance No. ::2-, Series 1937, of the City of Englewood, ap- proved the~ day of August, 1937, adopting a plan for the acquisition of a municipal electric light and power plant and e l ~c trical distribution systein, to b e f i ?·anced by the issuance of municipal b onds i n th e amount of '550,000.00, payable solely from th e r e venues of the ~ystem proposed to be aC'JUired, be app- roved? The polls will be open from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. The ballots to be used in voting upon the ~uestion above submitted will be prepared and furnished by the City Clerk to the judges of election, to be by th em furnish e d to the voter s , and shall be deposited in a ballot box provided by the City Clerk for such purpose. The ~ueation so submitted will be voted on at said election <.t the fol- lowing polling places in the various wards (or precincts) in the City of Englewood, Colorado, to wit: ARD UUPABER ;2_ ,!2---- ~ ~ 2- P1ECINC T NUMBER I 3- ~ T ' ~::> ~ ff POLLING PLACE , ~~,/!?~..£:~ ~"'"' ~ ~.:2" ~~- The election will be held and conducted, as nearly as may be, in the manner prescribed by law in the case of elections for municipal officers. At said election only ~ualified property electors of said city as shall in th e ye ~r next pr eceding the year of said election have paid a pro- perty tax therein, will be permitted to vote on the ~uestion submitted. IN WIT NES S ~~EREOF , the City Council or the City of Englewood has caused this notice to be published and posted as re~uired by lww, this ____ __ day or • 1937. City Clerk. (S EAl) < rfJ '""r; tti 11 I 11 ii .I • SECTION 12. This ordinance, aft e r its introduction and reading, shall be publlsheCl'in full in~~~ fi-:~'1'-, a newspaper t general circulation publishete ~y d fng800d; n its issue of a:2 1937, and after ite final passage, shall be recorded in a book k t t at purpose, be a u thenticated by the signatures o the Mayor and City Clerk, and shall be finally published 1 ~ , a newspaper published within the limits of the City o ng ewoo , an a take effect and be in force upon the expiration of five days after it has been finally published. SECTION 13. That by reason of the fact that the City of Englewood and its lrihabltaiits are not properly or adequately supplied with electric light and power service at the present time, and by reason of the necessity of effect- uating without delay the legislative policy of the City Council as herein declared, it is hereby declared that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety. INTR ODUCE D, READ AND ORDERED PUBLI SHED this 28th day of July, A. D. 1937. AD OfTED AN D APPRO VED this <J d_·day of August, A. ( SE Al ) STA TE OF COlO RADO ) COUNTY OF ARA PAH OE) SS. CITY OF ENGLEW OO D ) I, Charles H. Smith, City Clerk and Recorder for the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read in full, and on resolution was ordered publlehed as a proposed ordinance for the City of En g lewood, and the same was ordered published by the City Council at a meet- ing held May 10, 1937, and the same was published in the Englewood Herald & Enterprise in its issue of May 14, 1937, and for more than ten (10) daye thereaf~er and at a subsequent meeting held June 1, 1937, the MUNICIPAL TRAFFIC CODE was duly passed and published in the Bnglewood Herald & Enter- prise in its issue of June 4, 1937 as re~uired by the Statutes or the state of Colorado. <1~ -¥.nbiti )18rk =2_ ~···~99 \, .....