HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934 Ordinance No. 001B Y A U T H 0 a I T Y -------.----._ - 0 RD I B A H C E B O. 1. d ER I I S 0 1 1~34. AB ORDIN~CI PRuVIDIUG lu3 A DBPO~IT 01 ALL .rtJMDS OF TBB CITY OF EiGLBWOOD IB B~~ BY THE CITY TRBASU3BR AUD IOR 8BCURIBG THI DEPOSITS. BE IT ORDAI~ED BY THE CITY COU NCIL OF TH~ CITY or BliGLEWOOD, COLO.RADO: Seot lon 1. The city treasurer of the City of Knglewoo4 ehall deposit all money an4 fWJ4s in his hand• aa Treaaurer of &aid City in hia nam e as euch Treasurer, in io r more reaponaible banks located in State of Colorado which haY• iheretofore been approved and · designated by a resolution dul7 a4opte4 by the City Counoil Qf the City of Englewood, Colorado. Suoh bank or banks ahall furnish a depository bond or bon4a in eecrow approved seouriti•• to aeo ure any auoh deposite. ~eotion 2. The City Council hereby tinde and determines the.t an emergency exista and that this act ia neoeesar7 tor the immediate preaer- vation of the public peace, health and safet7: therefore, thie aot shall take effect and be in foroe from and after its passage. Introduce4 and ordered publiahe4 April ~. 1934. Appro Ye4 and ordered publiahe4 ~a7 l•, 1~3•. STATB 07 OOLO.dADO :) COUHTY OF AR.l.P£HvB) S.S. CITY OF EUGLBWOOD ) Jt~ v I, Lenora Fogle, City Cler~ and aeoorder of the City of KnglewJod, CoWlty uf Arapahoe, ~tate of Colorado, do hereby oertifJ that the aboYe and foregoing Ordinance was intro4uoe4 and rea4 in tull, and on resolution the aame waa ordered PL1blishe4 aa ua propoee4 ordinanoe tor the City of Englewood .• Colora4o, and aame was ordered published at a degular a eeting of April 9, I I .D. 1934, held by the Cit7 Council on aaid 4ate an4 eame waa pu-liehed"'in I the Inglewood Heral d in ita issue ot April l~. A.D. 1934, an. d tor more than , ten 497s thereafter and at a subsequent aegular Ueeting of the City Council · held LIQ 14, A.D. 1~34, "AU oaDIIJANCE PROVIDillG 103 A DEPOSIT OB' ALL J'UllDS 01 !BB CITY OF EtiGLBWOuD IN BAUXS BY THE CITY TlllA8UR3R AUD POR SECURING THE DEPOSIT~." was 4L1ly paaaed and published in the Inglewood Herald in its iaaue ot ~~ 17, A.D. 1934, as required by the Statute of the State of Colorado.