HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931 Ordinance No. 001B Y A U T H 0 R I T Y. -----.------- 0 R D I NAN c E N o.i.s I R I Is 0 F 1931. AN ORDINANCE TO SUBMIT TO THE VOTE or THE QUALIFIED PROPERTY ELECTORS OF THI CITY or ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, 'l'HE CIOESTION POR THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE 071N!D ~y THE CITY or ING~1'00D, AT THE NEXT GENE:Ril ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED RY THI CITY COUNCI L OF TH! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: SECTION~. That there shall be submitted to the qualitied .propert7 electors ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, as shall in the next year preceding, have paid a property tax to said City, at the next general election to be held on the tirat Tuesday in April, ot the year 1931, the following questions, to-wit: J'IRST : Shall a City Council or the City ot Inglewood sell the following property, to-wit: Beginning at a point seventy-eight and nineteen twentieths (78 19/20) teet Korth rrom the Northeast INB) corner ot South Broadway and Hampden Avenue on South Broadway; thence one hundred and ninety- one (19 1) teet, thence North twenty-rive (25) teet; thence Weat one hundred ninety-one (191) teet; thence South twentf-tive fl5) teet, to point ot beginning, in the south one-halt (S ) ot the Southwest quarter (SWi) ot the Southeast quarter (SB~ ot Section Thirt1-rour (3f), in Township tour (4) South or Range Sixty-eight (68) Weat,aituate in the County of Arapahoe and. State ot Colorado, tor the aum or Pour Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty (tf850.00) Dollars to be paid in cash upon the delivery ot a deed therefor. SECOND: Shall a City Council of the City ot Englewood sell the following property, to-wit: Lota numbered tive (5) and six (6) in Block numbered five (5) in Premier Addition to Englewood, situate in the County ot Arapahoe and State ot Colorado, tor the sum of not leas than Five Thousand (t5,000.00) Dollars, to be paid in caah upon the delivery ot a · deed theretor. SECTION 2: In the opinion or the City Council or the Cit1 of Inglewood, Colorado, and by reason ot the tact that it is neceaaary to ihe illll841a•e preservation or the public peace, health and safet1 ot the inhabitants or the City or Englewood, this Ordinance shall be in force and effect immediately atter its passage and publication aa required by law, and shall not be subject to the referendum provision ot Chapter 97 of the laws passed at the 19th Session ot the General Assembly ot the State ot Colorado. Introduc ed and ordered published Pebruary g, lg31. Approved and ordered published March 9, 1931. fG~ •T'l'EST: ~ ~ clTerk. STATE OP COLORADO ) COUNT! 01' ARAPAHO!:) S.S. CITY OP ENGLEWOOD ) /------lliyor I, Lenora Pogle, City Clerk and Recorder ot the Cit1 ot Bnglewood, County ot Arapahoe, State or Colorado, do hereby certify that the aboYe and foregoing Ordinance ••• introduced and rea4_ in tull, and on resolution the aame ••• ordered publ6ahed aa a proposed ordinance tor the Cit1 ot J:nglewood, Colorado, and same na ordered published •t &l·BeiUllr .. lleetJ.ng of February 9, A.D. 1931, held by the City Council on aaid date and same was published in tbe Englewood Herald in its iaaue or l'ebruarr 12, A.D. 1931, and tor more than '•n da7a thereatter and at a aubeequent Regular Meeting or the City Council held lllrch 9, .l.D. lg31,"AB ORDINANCE TO SUBMIT TO THI VOTI 01' THI Q,UALIFIED PROPSRTY ELECTORS OP THB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THB Q.UBSTION FOR THI SALB OP Cmrl'J.IN RliL ESTATE 0-mED BY THE CITY OF BNGLB'IOOD, .lT 'l'BJ: NBXT GDIRJ.L ELBCTI01'," waa duly passed and published in the Englewood Herald in ita ieaue ot March 12., A. D. 1931, as required by the Statute or the s'ate or Colorado. • ~ ~a} (fpv-~ C-ffJ' Clerk \