HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929 Ordinance No. 007B Y A U T H 0 R I T Y ---.-------- 0 R D I N A N C E N O. I S E B I B S 0 g 1929. AN ORDI NANCE PR OVIDING FOR THE I NS TLATION, USE AND KAINTBNANCE O' EQUIPMENT USING GAS FOR BEA T, LIGHT OR POWER. BE I T ORDA I NED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BBSLBllOOD, COLOBADO, AS g OLLOWS : 1. Eve17 building in which gas is used shall have eaoh suppl7 pipe lea41ng from the street mains provided w!thi'a heav1 braes straight W&7 stopooolt or valve plaoed at or near the ourb, and arranged to permit ~butting off at that point. 2. All gas burners shall be placed at leaat three (3) feet below &Jl1 woodwork or oeiling attached to wooden beame, unle89 the aame ie properl7 proteoted b7 a shield, in which case the diatanoe ahall be not lees than eighteen (18 ) inohes. · 3. Ho gas bra cket on any lath and plaster partition or woodwork ahall be ··~~e s leee than six (6) inohes in length, measured from the burner to the plaster av.rfaoe or woodwork. •· Gae light s placed near window curtains or any other oombustable material shall be guarded b7 globes or wire cages. 6. Gae connections to stoves and similar heating devioes ahall be made by rigid metal pipes, For small pertable heating devices, a rigid oonneotion 1• neoeesarjlt impraotical, flexible metal or rubber tubing 111&7 be used when there is no valve or other ehut off on the devioe. 6. "11 gas, gasoline, oil or charcoal burning stoves or heating devices ahall be plaoed on iron stands at least six (6) inohes above oombustable 81lPPOrts unless the burners are at least (6) inohes above the base with metal guard plates four (4) inches below the burners. 7. No ope n :tlame heating or lighting device shall be uaed in &DJ room where gasoline or other volatile inflamable :tluids are stored or handled. a. After all piping is installed and all outlets capped, there •hall be •»»lied b7 the workman inetalling the equipment in the preaenoe ot the . JQilding Inepeotor or Chief ot the 'ire Defartment, a test with air under preseure equal to a oolumn of mercury •ix 6) inohee in height and the eame to atand for five (6) minutes: on17 a mero1U'7 gauge •hall be used. Bo piping aha.11 be oovere d , nor •hall any fixture, gaa heater or range be oonneoted thereto until a oard ahowing the approval of this teat hae been ieeued b7 the inspector. 9. !he use of metal stovepipes or stacks passing through oonbuati~le floors, partitions, ceilings, walls or roofs is prohibited. c.. '20:1 10. !he wal l s of :tlues used only tor gas burning appliances shall be of brick or oonorete at leaet four (4) inches thiolc and •hall be lined with hard burned I/ terre ootta or fire ol&7 flu lining made amooth on the inside. The flue lining ahall •tart from the bottom of the flue, or from the throat of the fire place it the flue starts from a fire place and shall be oarried up oontinuously the entire height of the flue. 11. Bo meter ahall be set by any gas oompany until a certificate is flled with them from the inspector certifying that the gas pipes and fixtures oompl7 with the foregoing rules. 12. Bo peraon, firm or individual shall resume service or turn gas into r:a mains which have .been shut off temperarily or for aD7 length of time until all oon11m1ert using gaa from euoh mains have been notified of the resumption ot aerTioe, and have been warned to close all outlets left open when the .. rvloe ••• interupted. 13. J.:a7 person, firm or corporation who shall tail to oompl7 with &117 ot the JrOYieiona hereof, ehall upon conviction, be punished b7 a fine of not l••• than five (6) dollars nor more than twent7-five <t26.00 dollars • .. oh ten d&1'• or major traction thereof during whioh unlawful conditions 1• permitted to continue b7 the reepob•lble agent ehall be deemed a .. perate otfe•oe. l•. ~1 or41nanoea or parts of ordinances oonflioting with the provleione ot thie ordinanoee are hereb1 repealed. 16. ID the opinion of the City Council this ordinance is necessary for the lmlediate preeervation of the public health and safety and an emergancy exists; therefore this ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe five (6) df17B after ite final paasage and publioation. d!BST: Introduted, read and ordered published · this 17th day of June, A.D. 1929. Plnall7 passed and ordered published this 8th day of Jul7, 1929. ST~TB 01 COLOBADO ) COUITY OJ' ilAP.lHOB ) OifY 01 BliGLBWOOD ) s.s. I, Lenora 1ogle, City Clerk and Beoorder of the Oitj of Bnglewood, Count7 of ~apahoe, State of Colorado, do hereb7 oertif7 that .the aboTe and foregoing Ordinance ••• introduoe4 and read in full, and on reeolu• tion the same ••• ordered published aa a proposed ordin~oe for the OitJ of Inglewood, Oolora4o, and aame ••• ordered publilhed at &Q. Ad~o1U'De4 Begular Meeting of June 17th, A.D.,1929, held by the Cit7 Counoil on said date, ant same was published in the Englewood Monitor, in its issue of June 21st, 4.D. 1929, and for more than ten d87a thereafter, and at a eubeequent Regular Meeting of the City Oounoil held July 8th, A.D.,1929, "AB OBDilf.A?IOB PROVIDIBG .fOB TU IliSfAI·l·ATIOB. USB AND MAIBTBNilOE 01 EQUIPDBT USllJG GAB JOR HEAT LIGH!' OR POWBB." •••duly paaaed and published in the Inglewood Konlidr 1n it• issue of J11l7 12, A.D.,1929, ae required by the Statutes of the State ot Colorado. e<:'24dlY~ IFrl.-. ty1~~ ~ ,, .1· " ' I · .. 1 I . ii I