HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929 Ordinance No. 010BY AUTHORITY ----------- 0 R D I N A U C E N o. 10, S B B I B S 0 JI 1929. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING SUMS FOR ALL IWBICIPAL PURPOSES Ill THE CITY OJI UGLBWOOD, COLORADO, J'OR THE J'ISCAL YBAB BBGilllilliG JANUARY 1, 1930, .urD BNDIBG DBOBKBBB 31, 1930, CONSTITUTIBG WHAT IS fBBVBD THB ABliUAL APPROPRIATION BILL FOR THE FISCAL YliR 1930. . Bl IT OBDAINKD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP TRE CITY OP UGLEWOOD, COLORADO. SICTION 1. That there be and there hereb7 ia appropriated from out of the revenue• deriYed from taxation in the Cit7 ot Bnglewood, Colorado, from the oollection of lioense fees and from all other aouroee of revenue during the year beginning Januar7 1, 1910, and ending December 31, 1930, th• amount• hereinafter aet fourth for the ob~eot• and purposes specified and aet opposite thereto, respectively aa follow•, to-wit: SALARY :rtnlD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t 9,000.00 LIGHT J'UliD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••' 9,000.00 LIBRA.RY J'UHD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,800.00 PIRB J'UllD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 3,600.00 PUBLIC IlLPROVEli.lENT FUND•••••••••••••••• 10,000.00 EllERAL EXPENSE FUND •••••••••••••••••••••10,000.00 ADVERTISING FUND •••••••••••••••••••••••• 1,000.00 SBCTIOli 2. That all moneys in the hands of the City Treasurer or to oome into hie hands for the fiaoal year 1929, may be applied on outstanding legal claims now due, or to beoome due for the said ~isoal year 1929. SBCTION 3. That all unappropriated moneys tl;lat ID&J oome into the hand• of the Cit7 Treasurer during the fieo&l. y~ar 1930 Ja&1 be so dis•ributed amoung the reepeotive funds herein as the City council m&J deem beat under auoh control ae ie presoribed bylaw. SBCTIOB 4. That during and at the close of the fieoal 7ear 1930, ~ aurplua mone7a in &IJ1 ot the respective funds after all c~aime fOT 1930 against the same have been paid, may be distributed to .ant other fund or funds in the diaoretion of the Council. SBCTION 5. The Cit7 Counoil hereby finds, determines and declares that thia ordinanoe is necessary for the 11nm~d1•t•, preaervation of the public peace, health and safety. In the opinion of the Council an emerganoy ixista; therefore, this ordinance ahall take effect and be in foroe from and after its passage. Indroduoed, read and ordered published October 28, 1929. Paaaed, approYed and ordered published November 18, 1929. STATB OF COLORADO ) COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ) S. S. CITY OP ENGLEWOOD ) ff. ~tF?*'f) 4!1'TBS!l': ~ ~ ' ' "" ily 'ifer . I, Lenora Pogle, Cit7 Clerk and Recorder of the Oit7 of Bnglewood, Count7 of Arap~boe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the aboYe and foregoing Ordinance waa introduced and read in full, and on reeolution the aame waa ordered publ1ahed aa a proposed ordinance for the Cit7 of Bnglewood, Colorado, and aame wae ordered published at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of October 28, A.D.,1929, held by the City Council on said date, and same was published in the Englewood Herald · in its issue of October 31, A.D. 1929, and for more than ten d1qs thereafter and at a subsequent Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Oounoil held Bovember 18, A.D.,1929, "AN ORDINANCE APPBOPBIATiliG SUKS FOR ALL KWJIOIPAL PUBPOSBS IN THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, JIOR THB PISOAL YB.AB BEGINNING JAllUARY 1, 1930, AND ENDING DECEUBER 31, A.D. 1930, CONSTITUTING WHAT IS nRMBD THE illiUAL APPROPRIATIOli BILL POR THB PISC.AL YBAR 1930," was dul7 paaeed and publiahed in the Englewood Herald in its issue of November 21, A.D.,1929, ae required by the Statute of the State of Colorado. JoAAAJL~aJ (£;;~ ~TOler-i:. I I I I I ..