HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929 Ordinance No. 012B Y A U T H 0 R I T Y ----------- 0 R D I N ~ N C E N O. 12, S E R I E S 0 F 1929. Ali ORDINANCE GRA.N'TING A FRANCHISE TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS ~D ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, PUBOIUSB, MAINTAIN AND OPBRATE PLAUT OR PLANTS OR WORKS FOR THE PURCRASB, M.UUJ'ACTURE, GBllBRATION, " TRANSMISSION .1ND DISTRIBUTION OF ARTIFICIAL AID BATURAL GAS AND TO PURBISH, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE SAID PRODUCTS TO THK CITY or BBQLBWOOD AND THE I.NHABITAITS THEBB01 FOR HEAT, POWER AND OTHER PURPOSES BY llJIANS 01 PIPES, MAINS AND CONDUITS OR OTHERWISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG, ACROSS ... THROUGH ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND PLAOBS IN SAID CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, PIXING THE TERUS AND CONDITIONS THEBBOP AND PROVIDING 10R RATES. HERJU.8, Public Service Company of Colorado has perfected arra .~ngementa : for aupplJing artifical and natural· gas to the people of the CitJ of Jngle~ wood, provided a franohise be granted to said Oompa117 and provided a schedule or rates whioh would 3uatify its expenditures on this aooount, be established for a term of twenty (20) years, and WHBRBAS, said Public Servioe CompanJ of Colorado muat construot a distrib- uting SJBtem to provide for natural gas and must agree to pay a fixed and unchanging prioe for suoh natural gas throughout •aid period of twentJ (20) 1eara. liOW, THBREPORE, BB IT OBDAilfBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD: SECTION 1. The franchise and right is herebJ granted bJ the CitJ of Englewood (hereinafter oalled City) to Public Service Company of Colorado (hereinafter called CompanJ), its succesaora and assigns, to locate, build, oonstruot, purohaae, maintain and operate into, within .and through said City a plant or plants, and works, for the purohaee, manufacture, generation, - tranamisaion and distribution of artifioial and natural gaa, or either thereof, for heating, power or other purpoaee, with the right and privilege for the period and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter specified to furnish, sell and distribute either of said products to the Ci~y 'l?ld the inhabitants thereof. by me .ans of pipes, mains, conduits or otherwise over, under, along, across and through any ~d all streets, alleys and public WaJS and places in said Citv And on. over, under, along. aoross and through an1 extention, connection with or continuation of the &Ame and over, along, across and through any and all such new streets, alleJB, public ways and places as may be hereafter lAid out. opened, located or constructed within the territorJ now or hereafter include d in the boundaries of SAid City. S~CTIOH 2. The Comnany shall have the right to exoavate in, occupy and use &DJ tUld all streets, alleys, public ways and places under the supervision of properly constituted authoritJ. S~CTION 3. Al, 0 uch lines as the eaid ComnAn7, its successors And assigns, mq now or hereafter coostruct shall be a prol)er-. sufe and good quality of material for the purpose for which the samf are to be used, and shall be buried, places and let into the earth to a 'sufficient depth and in a good workmanl~' manner, and all service lines must be 09nstructed to the propertJ lines by the said Comnany , its successors or assigns, at the company's expense. s~r.TTOH 4. Ho ~ipea or mains shall be laid nearer than four (4\ feet from &DJ water main except where such pipe or main cross each other, nor shall any pipe or main interfere with ~ny present sewer or other public improvement in said streets, lanes or alleys: but suid Caat>Rlly, its sucoessors and assigns, shall have the right to extend said pipes across any and all sewers. S~CTION 5. ~~id CompanJ, its successors and assigns, shall, at least ten (10) days before work shall be sta~ted under this ordinAllce, place. and at all times, keep on file with the CitJ Clerk, plans showing the location of each of said pipe line or lines and the size. ::)ECTION 6. ADJ building which may be e·rec ·,ed by said Company for the purposes speoified herein shall be located in suoh p~aces as shall be approved bJ the CitJ Council of said City of Englewood, under ordinance or resolution of said CitJ Council, but this section applies only to building or plant for the manuf a cture of a rtificial gRs . 3ECTION 7. No manholes or other fixtu res or upp li uno es shall .extena above the tl rade line of the streets , ulleys or publio ground where the same may be ~~1 situated . dECTION 8. The opening of any and all streets, alleys and publio plBoes by the gr•ntee. its agents or employees, and the laying A.nd direoting by them of A.DJ 0 nd all mRins. nipes or other fixtures ~nd ~PDlinnoes, under And by virtue of this ordinfllloe, shAll •t All times be eubjeot to fl.Jld under auch rules And regul•tions as the CitJ ~ ·~~~,, mRy from time to time •dopt, lllld Rll streets. Rlleys nnd public PlRcee opened under •nd nursuAnt to the provisions of this ordinance. sh~ll be restored within a reABOn"ble time thereRfter to as good condition AS they were before such opening WA.a made. l!tlld ssid streets. alleJR And Dublio DlAoes Ahall not be unneoessArily obstructed at •ny time. It being further Provided thnt the grA.Dtee. its successors nnd ASsigns. shall use every precAution for the s 0 fet1 of the nublic at ~11 openings or eXORVations made in s~id srteet. Avenues and alleys within said CitJ of F.nglewood. fllld shall erect dRilger RignalR around all openings to proteot »eraons And animals from f~lling therein. and ehall further protect Aaid o~eninga by red lights during the night time, in R sufficient nwnber to PlRinly mark All such openings or obstructions. I U )· 'Tj t:C I I • I I ·1 SECTION 9. That the City of Englewood •hall be in no wise liable or respon- sible for any aooident or damage that Dl&J acour in the construction, operation or maintenance of the gas plant or distributing mains, or pipes and attachments thereto, which are utilized by virtue of this franchise; and the acceptance of this grant shall be an agreement on the part of said grantee, its successors or aesigns, to save the said Cit7 harmless from and against any and all liability loss, default or misconduct of the grantee whereb7 aooident or damage 18 incurred through the construction, operation or maintenance of such gas plant, pipes and attachments; that the aaid grantee shall 1mmediatel1 indemnify and repay to said Cit7, all oost, judgements or other expenses which said Cit7 may be compelled to pay by reason of such default, neglect or misconduct of said grantee, and if any final judgement by reason thereof shall be recpvered against said Cit7, the recovery thereof •hall be final as between said Cit7 and said grantee and conclusive aa to the liability of the latter to the former provided, however, that aaid grantee shall have had notice of the pendency of any action against the Cit7, arising from such accident or damage and permitted at its own expense to appear and default or aeaiat in the defense of the same. SECTION 10. Natural or artificial gas furnished by said Company, its auooeseora or assigns. shall be sold and distributed upon meter service, and the Cit7 reserves the right at any time to teat the accuracy of an7 meter in service and the qualit1 and pressure of the gaa furnished, by a competent officer or agent appointed for that purpose by the Cit7 Council. SECTION 11. In consideration of and as oompenaation for the granti~ of this franchise, the Comp~ will supply and distribute artificial and/or natural gas to the City and its inhabitants beginning within one year from the effective date hereof; (the initial distribution system shall be as shown on the map heretofore filed and now on file with the Cit7 Clerk); will contract with the Colorado Interstate Gas Company for a supply of gaa from a large reserve acreage of gas leaseholds in the State of Texas to be made available for future use of the Cit7 and its inhabitants, and other towns, oitiee and places to be served by the pipe line of said Colorado Interstate Gae Company, without disorimination against the Cit7 or its inhabitants, subject, however, to requirements for gas by amarillo and certain other towns in the Panhandle of Texas and for helium gas by the united States Goverment from the Cliffside structure, to the end that the Company shall supply sais Cit7 and its inhabitants with natural gas as long as the same is available during the term of this franchise; and will from time to time, during the term of this franchise, make such enlargements and extensions of its distribution system as the business of the Company and the growth of the City justify, and particularly that the Company will, at its own expense, extend any distribution main, not to exceed one hundred (100) feet for each new customer of the Company served thereby. SICTION 12. The natural gas that is now available for the present and future supply of said City and its inhabitants by said Company 1~ natural gas which can be produced in its natural state from wells located in the State of Texas provided, however, that 'helium and/or natural gas ~asoline may be extraojed from the gas to be supplied hereunder, if, and only if, this can be done without subjecting such gas to any treatment which changes the chemioal composition of any of its component parts or in aDJWise dilutes it. SECTION 13. The following schedule of rates is to be charged domestic oonewners of natural gas and such schedule is hereby established and declared to be fair and reasonable when applied and averaged throughout the term of this franchise, and one which will produce a fair and reasonable aTerage annual net return upon the investment required to be made by said . Company in property to be devoted to the public service for furnishing natural gas to said City and its inhabitants during said period of time, to-wit: Jor natural gas containing a gross heating value of not less than 800 B.T.U. per cubic foot to be supplied at Englewood, Colorado, during all hours of the day at a minilllllD pressure equivalent to three inches of water preaeure when measured at the outlet of consumers . 'meters, and at a maximum pressure which ahall not exceed the minimum b7 more than 100 per oen~,' aw · follows: · Por the first 400 cubic feet or less of such gas so delivered, per month t 1.26 · 1or the next 600 oubio feet of such gas so delivered, per month For the .next 1,000 oubio feet of such gas so delivered, per month Jor the next 1,000 cubic feet of such gas so delivered, per month or the next 7,000 oubio feet of such gas so delivered, per month 15¢ per 100 12¢ per 100 7t¢ per 100 6¢ per 100 Por the excees above 10,000 cubic feet of such gas so delivered, per month 5¢ per 100 The Company shall be permitted to add ten (10) per cent to any bill not paid within ten (10) days after date of bill. SECTION 14. The rates to be charged by said Company for natural gas service to induatral users for heating, manufacturing, power and other purposes in •aid Cit7 for the term of said franchise m&.7 be lower and different from thole charged for domestic purposes and the Compan7 shall have the right to oontract with ind••trial users for the sale of such natural gas, provided that all suoh oontraote contain a "out-off" clause which recognizes the preferred right of 2 <11 ~ domestic users over individual users. The Company shall from time to time make and file with the City Clerk a schedule or aohedules of olassifioatione for all industrial users and the rates charged under the claasifioationa shall be on the baaie of the volume used and the local requirements and all ooneumere of any olaea shall be supplied on equal terms. SBCTIOB 15. The City of Inglewood shall have the right and power to purchase or condemn any or all of the propert7 and plant herein authorized to be constructed, operated and maintained, in the manner and at the time ~;~·;­ proTided by law. SECTION 16. It is agreed that after instalation in the caee of subsequent failure of Company to p~rform and oarn ~·out an~ of the atipulatione and agree- ments herein eet ~orth in &n7 subetantial particular, and with respect to which redress ia not otherwise herein provided, the City acting by and through its llaJor and Coun cil m&J, after hearing, determine such substantial failure, and thereupon, after notice given the CompanJ of such determination, the Compa117 shall have aix (6) months time in which to remedy the condition• respecting which such finding shall have been made. After the expiration of eix (6) months period and failure to correct such conditions, the Ma.Jor and Council ~ declare this franchise forfeited and thereupon the Comp&DJ shall have no further right or authority hereunder. · SBCTIOB 17. The Company shall not, as to rates, charges, service facilities, rules, regulations or in any other respect make or grant &DJ preferences or advantaaea to &nJ oorporation or person or subject &DJ person or corporation to &DJ preJudice or disadvantage, provided that nothing in this grant shall be taken to prohibit the eatablishment from time to time, of a graduated eoale of ohargee and olasaified rate schedule to which &117 customer ooming within classification would be entitled. SBCTIOB 18. The Company shall keep on file in its office, available to th• public, copies of reasonable rules and regulations from time to time adopted bJ it, for the conduct of its business, and copies thereof shall also be filed with the Cit7 Clerk of the Cit7. SICfION 19. Wherever "Comp&DJ" is used in this franchise, it is intended to inolude not only Publio SerTioe Compan7 of Colorado, but also its sucoeeaora and assigns. SBCTION 20. Thie franchise shall take effect and be in foroe upon its final paeaage, approval and publication as required b7 law, and shall continue in foroe and effect for a term of twent7 (20) 7ears from and after the 2nd day of April, A. D. 1929. SBCTIOB 21. The Comp&n7 shall within ten (10) days after this ordinance shall be paeaed, approved and published, file in the office of the Clerk of the CitJ of Inglewood, its aooeptance in writing of the terms and -conditions thereof. SBCTIOB 22. That whereas said City of Englewood and its inhabitants are not supplied with artificial or natural gas, therefore, an emergency is deolared to exist and this Ordinance is deolared to be nessary to the immediate preservation of the public peaoe, health and safety, and shall go into effect immediately upon its final passage and publ ication, The above ordinance was passed upon its first reading at a regular meeting of the Cit7 Council of Englewood held at the Cit7 Hall on the 12th d&J of November, A.D. 1929, and ordered published in accordance with the statute in such oases made and provided, Finally paased and ordered published by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, and signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk, this 9th day of December, A.D. 1929. TTEST: /#~ l.tijor -6~ 'flie City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. .:n < en ..,, ' Cl: I I :1 I II STATE OF COLORADO ) COUHTY OF ARAPAHOE l · S.S. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ) I, Lenora Fogle, City Clerk and Recorder of the City of Rnglewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduoed and read in full, and on resolution the same was ordered published as a proposed ordinance for the City of Englewood, Colorado, and same was ordered published at a regular meeting of November 12th, A.D. 1929, held by the City Council on said date, !Uld same was published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise and The Bnglewood Monitor in the issues of November l! and 16, A.D. 1929, and for more than ten days thereafter and at a subsequent Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Council held December 9th, : ..• n. 1929, "All ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY .OF .COLOR ADO , ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CON- STRUCT, PURCHASE, 14AINTAIN AND OPERATE A PLANT OR PLANTS AND WORKS .FOR THE PUHCHASE, MANUFACTURE , GENERATION, TRANSMISSIOll AND DISTRIBUTION OF it.RTIFIC.lAL AliD NATURAL GAS AND TO FURNISH, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE SAID PRODUCTS TO THE CITY OF EHGLEWOOD AND THE INHABITAllTS THEREOF FOR HEAT, POWER OR OTHER PURPOSES BY L.IE~.NS OF PIPES, MAINS AND CONDUITS OR OTHERWISE, OVER, UllDER, ALONG, ACROSS AND THROUGH ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND PL..\.CES Ill SAID CITY OF Ell(JLEWOOD, FIXING THE TERMS AllD CO.NDITIOHS THEREOF AND PROV IDING FOR RATES," was duly passed and published in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise and The Englewood Monitor in their issues of December 12 and 13.,A.D. 1929, aa required by the Statute of the State of Colorado. /,~a/ <fii/#. city • • "J ,,,.,, i'' 243 '· \