HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928 Ordinance No. 002l ! ! Jl 1 !! Q li 1. ! ! 0 .( D I A ~ C E N0 . 2, 3 E R I E S 0 F lg2e. . DIUAHC.& ~.t>I>liUVING 1.L'H i ~ \VHuLE COS'l' Oh1 THJ~ LOCAL IllPHOVEIAEl'lTS CONSTRUCTBD nD BY Vllt'1'U3 OF ENGLE\YOOD SIDE\fALK DISTRICT NO. 2,AUD APPROVING 'l1Hr~ APPORTION- u? aAI :!> COS 'l '1'0 l'llli S3V&\AL Lu '.L'S uH 'l'HACTS OP LAND IN SAID DISTRICT IN P30 P OH 'r I u N '1'0 ·~HE ACTUAL B~NJt~lf'IDTS ACCRUIUG '1'0 THE SEVERAL LOTS OR TRACTS OF LAllD IH SAID DISTrtICT , AND ASSESSING THE SHAR~ OF SAID COST AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS oa '1'RAC 'l'S u ? LAllD Ill 3AID DISTHICT Ill PliOPOrtTIOll TO THJ·~ BENEFITS. AllD rH&sCrlIBI.:JG 1'H3 i JANll~< OF PAY :.enr~ AUD COLLEC 'i'IOll 0~1 ~AID ASSESSMEilTS. WHRH EA~. 'J.'he City Counc il of the City of :mglewood by virtue of the Laws of the State of Colorado , in such case made and provided, has heretofore established and created ~glewo od ~idewalk District No.2, and has caused to be constructed certain local improveu1e nts within said district; and WH&i{3AS, 'rhe construction of said local improvements hae been completed and accepted by the Ci ty Counc il, and the total cost of said improvements definitely ascertained, and notices thereof duly given as required by law; and #HEll &AS, araong other things ~aid notioe provided that any complaints and objections which might be ma de in writing by the owner of the proper t y affected, to the City Council, and filed in the office of the City Clerk, within twenty (20) d~a from the first publication of first notice, would be heard and determined by the Ci ty Council before the passage of any Ordinance assessing the ooet of said 1rlprov01:ien ts, and that such aomplainte and objections would be heard by the City Cow1oil at a ~egular ~eating thereof, to be held at the City Hall of the Ci ty of En glewool , on the 19th day of December, 1927, at 8:00 ~. Lt.; and WHRH.il.\S, the first publication of said notice was duly made on tho 24th q of !loveiabor, A.D. 1~27; and \fli&i~a. no coraplainta or objoctions were filed within t~enty (20) d~a in aooordance with the above notice; and Wll~lAS, the whole cost of the improvoraents as shown by the sta,ement prepared by tho City En gineer, including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, 11nd also including interest on the bonds issued to the time the first installment of the asse ssment was made payable, is the sum of Thirty-four Hundred Dollars ( 3400•.00); and WHElt&S, it appears fro11 a thorough consideration of the entire rnatter that the aaeeeament apportioned upon each lot or tract of land is in proportion to the actual benefits accruing to each lot or tract of land, to which the e is a~oortioned. IluW, TH3REPORE, BE I '.C ORDAil'lED BY 'i'HI ~ C I'fi COUBOIL Oh.,_ TJ,!E CITY OP' EUG!.EWOOD: Section 1: That the whole oost of the said improvements and apportionment of the same upon each lot or tract of land in said District, together with suoh modifications and ohanges as have been made by the City Council, is hereby approved and declared to bo in proportion to the actual benefits acoruing to each lot or tract of land. Section 2: That there be and there hereby ie assessed upon each lot or tract ot land within Englewoo d tlidewalJt District No.2,. the following amounts apportioned and aet opposite the several lots or tracts of land, to-wit; Block l l 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Lota 14 to 24 ino. 25 and 2 6 27 to 37 inc. 28 13 14 to 24 ino. 25 and 26 27 to 37 35 36 to 67 68 l to 3 inc. G to 16 " 17 18 to 29 '' 30 Higgins Broadw~ A!!!.ltl.<!!! Aaaea•Aent $ 7.ar each 101.56 " 39.06 " 31.25 31.25 3~.06 each 111. 56 " 7.81 " Skerritts Addition f second P111ng) 43.76 31.25 each 37.60 Skerrttt'e Addition (Third P11!ng) 31.25 eaoJI 31. 25 ,, 37.50 31. 25 ,, 52.50 l'ract of land Described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of South Bannook whioh is 75 feet south of the ~outh Lin o o f West Hampdon Ave., thenoe east 141 feet, thence &oath 50 fe et, thence •••t -~141 feet, thenoe North 60 feet to the point of beginning. Aases811en t $62.50 ,o • Section 3: '.chat aaid aseesaoaents shall be due and p~able within thirt7 d&7• after the final publioation of this Assessing urdinanoe, without demand, proYiding that suoh aaaes8llent raay at the eleotion of the owner be paid in lnatallmenta with intereet as hereinafter provided. Pailure to P61' the whole a•••aeaent within aaid period of thirt7 (30) d&7& shall be oonolusivel7 oonsidered and held to be an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under d1eabilit7 or otherwise, to P&7 suoh installments. In oase of auoh election to pq in installrnente, the aeaeeament shall be payable in twent7 (20) equal installments of principal. the first of whioh installments ahall .be due and p&Jable on the first d&.1' of April, A.D. 1928, and the remain- -<:: en ..,, co der of aaid installments shall be due and :oqable, with interest in all cases ·i1 on the unpaid principal of said inetal lmente, unti 1 the maturity thereof at ;1 the rate of 5t per oentwa per annum, payable semi-annually, Failure to ~ &Jl7 . installments whether of principal or interest when due shall cause the whole of th• unpaid prinoipal to become due and oolleotible imraediately and the whole amount of unpaid prinoi~al and accrued interest shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of One Fer Cent Cl%) per month or fraction thereof until the date of sale, as provided by law, but at any ti~e prior to the date of payment, the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments. with interest at the rate ot One Per Cent Cl%) per month, or fraction thereof, and all penalties accrued. ,., and thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to p~ in installments in the 1 same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owner of any propert7 not in default as to any installment or payrnent may at nny time p~ the whole of the unpaid prinolpal with interest accruing to the maturity of the next installment of interest or principal. Payments 111ay be 1nade to the City Treasurer at ~ tiMe within thirty (30) de.ya after the final publioation of the assessing ordinance and an allowance of five per cent (6%) shall be made on all pay11ents made durin~ such period, but not thereafter. Section 4:· ~his Ordinance shall, after its final passage, be reoorded in a book l:ept for that purpose; shall be authenticated by the signature of the or and the City Council under the seal of the City, and shall be published in the f'Englewood Herald'', a newspaper of general circulation in the Ci t7 of &lglewood; shall take effect and be in force upon the expiration of five days after it has boon published, and shall be irrepealable until the indebtedness herein provided for shall be paid in full. Introduced, read and orde red published January 11, A.D.,1~28. Passed, approved and ordered published February 2 3, A.D.,1928. '11'3ST: ~~;!~i;#- S~ATE OF COLO:tADO ) COUllTY OF A:tA.P.t\.H03 ) S. s . CITY 01 Zim !.E\VuOD ) J-k ~---...... -------~------Mayor. I, ~enorn Fogle . City Clerk and ii eoorder of the City of 3nglewood, Co Wlty of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoinR Ordiuunce was introduced and read in full, and on resolution the same was ordered published as a proposed ordinunce for the City of Englewood Colorado, and same wus ord ered published at an Adjourned llegular Ueeting of January 11,1928, A.D.,held l ':' tho City Council on so.id date, and same was published in the :.llglcwood Herald, in its issue of January 12,1920, A.D. and for Ulore than ton do.ya thereufter, and at a subsequent AdJourned Regular eeting of the City Counc il Held Pebruary 20, A.D., l<J28, "Ali ORDillAUCE AFFHOVIUG H3 \'l!iu::.3 CuST 0:.1 ':'H~ ~OCA1 I l:i.t";{UV~.UH 'fS 00ll!:3THUU'1~ Iii AUD BY VIaTUE OJ!' """·'G13WOOD dIDEW.d.Ll~ D IS~!t ICT HO . 2' .A~m APPltVVI~m '~IIE AP PJl\'1 1 vW.IEllT OF SAID CJST rHE :JEV~t.d.L ~v?S ()j 111itACT S OF ~JD UJ SA ID DIS 'f J.t IC~ I~I PHOPOHTIOll TO THE "''1U~~ 33l~E.t1 !'4'S ~C\J:t UIJG ·~1 0 '1 HE Ul!:Vllli..\.1 1 01 S OH '.rRACTS OF UHD I~l SAID DISTliICT ~.•D il.:3~~ti::>I:lG . ·1g:~ SlLUt~ u~1 SAID C0:3 'l AG4\IUS'~ ~HE ~BV&~L LUTS OJ 'l'itACTS OF LAllD Ul ::)~ID DUr1.tlC.i1 Ll P.tJPLfai 1 I u:l ·ro 'i'HE 3.8UEb,I'.(S . A~l~ rHE::>GrlIBIUG TIU~ 11WlNER OF Y~:·G ~l!) ~01~3J '~I0~l J~, s,~ID A~~E~S!.1~-i'~S ." wa.s duly passed a.nd published in the .:mglewo od Herald and .imterpri sc in its issue of Pebruary the 23, A.D.,1928, as required by the ti tutute of tho State of Colorado. ~-cf6:4 __ _ City C~;~·. 'I I