HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928 Ordinance No. 005• BY AUTHOHITY ------------- 0 R D I N A N C E HO. 6. S E H I E 3 0 P 1928 • All ORDI.IaHCE '.i'O PHOVIDE },OH THE COLLECTION or SPECIAL ASSESS14EllTS, AS CONPiillAED BY ~HE F I UAL DEUlt.{!•~ 0], '.i'H3 DIS 1~i{!C 1.r COUH'~ OP THE PI!i3T JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STAT~ OF COLORADO; ~ITTIUG WITHIU AUD P OR THE COUUTY OF ARAPAHOE, FOH SPECIAL B~l~ITS ACCHUIHG 1r0 CEH '~.l~IN PHOPEHTY \Vl'2lil.N THE Clfi OP EilGJ..EWOOD, COLORADO, . · BJ HEASOll OF CERTA IU PHO.PEH'.i'Y BEIIlG COUDEl!ED FOR ALLEY .PUHJ.lOSES. B3 IT OrtDAillED BY THE CI TY CuUHCIL Ob' THE CITY 01 lillGLEWUOD, COLOHADO. l ~ECTION I. That the ~pecial assesscents ae have been confirmed by the decree of the District Cou rt of t h e I ~irst Judicial District of tho State of Colorado, ai t ting within and for 'th e County _ of Arapohof. on the 7th daq of Pebruaey, A.D. 1928, in the ~atter of the conderJnation of oertain property within the Cit7 of !nglewood, fqr alley purposes are hereb7 levied and aaaeeaed against the propert7 aa set forth in the said deoree as speciall7 benefited b7 said improvements in the 8l4 oun te as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of South Broadw97 which ie aevent7-nine ( 79) f e·et North of the Iiorth line of Hast H&11pd en Avenue; thenoe Bast one hundred and ninet7-one (191) feet; thenoe Borth twent7-five (25) feeti· thence ••t one hundred and ninety-one (191) feet; thence South twent7-fiv o 26) feet more or less to the point of beginning, now owned b7 the Cit7 of Englewood, benefited nine and 20/100 (9.20) dollars. Beginning at a point on .the East line of South Broadwaq which ie one hundred and four (104) feet ilor th of th e Horth ltne of East Haapden Avenue: thence East one hundred and ninety -one (191) feet: thenoe llorth fifty (60) feet; thenoe West one hundred and nin ety-one (191) feet; thenoe South fifty (60) feet more or less to the foint of beg inuing, now O\Jlled by Aloysius Eppiok, benefited eighteen and • 40/100 $18.40) dollars. Beginning at a poin t on the East line of South Broadway which is one hundred and i'ifty-four (154) feet llorth of the Uorth line of East Hampden Avenue: thence East one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet; thence North fifty-four (64) feet; thence West one hundred and twenty-five (126) feet; thenee South fifty-four (54) feet more or leas to the point of beginning now owned by The Colorado Central Po wer Company, benefited nine and 92/100 f ~9.92) dollars • . Beginning at a point on the East line of South Broadway which is two hundred and eight (208) feet North of the North line of Rast Hampden Avenue; thence 3ast one hundred and twenty-five feet (125) feet; thence North thirty (30) feet; thence West one hundred and twenty-five (125) fest thence South thirty (30) feet more or less to the point of beginning. now owned by Thomas A. Sullivan. benefited five and 51/1 00 ($5.51) dollarB. A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a po int on the East line of Souta Broadway which is two hundred and thirty-eight (238) feet north of the Horth line of East H~pden Avenue; thenco East one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet· thence So uth ei g hty-four (84) feet; th e nce East one hundred and forty-one {141) :feet ; thence Horth one hundred and fifty-four (154) feet; thence \'/est two hundred and sixty-six ( 266) feet; thence South seventy ( 70) feet more or less to the point of beginning, now owned by li!ax !!ayer. benefited forty-one and 13/100 ($41 .1 3) dollars. Begim1ing at a p o int on th e ~ast line of South Broadway which is three hundred and ei gh t (308) feet North of the lio rth li n e of East Hampden Avenue; thenoe East two hundred and sixty-six (266) feet; thence Horth one hundred (100) feet; thence \Vest two hWldred and sixty-wix (266) feet; thenoe South one hund red (100) feet more or lees to the point of beginning, now owned by Thomas Pra ncis :b'oley , benefited th irty -six and 72/100 C :$36.72) dollars • .3~U 'fIOli 2. '.rh at said special assessments shall be duo and payable thirty (30) days fro m the final paGs a ge and publio ation of this ordinance and shall be a lien upon the property described in this ordinance as provided by law. S.:!:O'j,'1 0.N 3. 'lhat the Cow1ty '~reasurer of the Cow1ty of Arapahoe and State of Colorado is authorized to collect said special assessments in the manner provided by law for collecting special asaeesmente for special improvements SEC'l' IOU 4. In the opi nion of tho Ci t:,r Counoi l of the City of Englewood. Colorado, and by reason of the fact that it is necessary to the immediate preservation of the public peace. heal th and sa:f'ety of the inhabitants of the ,~ City of Englewood, this ordinanoe shall be in force and tal:e effect iI111ediately after its final passage and publication, ae required by law. and shall not be subject to the referenduc provision of Chapter 9' of the laws passed ot the 19th Session of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado. Introduced, read and ordered published February 20th. A.D.,1928. J.>a•aed, Approved and ordered pub l ished lif aroh 12th, A.D., 19 2 8. ~~ ATl'~T: (7 ----uayor . ..... , ... 207 STATE OF CuLu.rlADO ) COUUTY OF AaArAHOE ) S.S. CITY OF EUGL~WvOD ) ' I, Lenora Fogle, City Clerk and ll eoorder of the Cit1 of Englewood, Count1 of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereb1 certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read in full, and on resolu- tion the swne was ordered publi1Vl..t~-~ a proposed ordinance for the Cit1 of &l glewood, Colorado , and same w~iahed at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of February 20, 1928, A. D., held b1 the ·~.c.1 t7 Counoi l on said date, and same · waa published in the ~gl ewood Herald, in ite issue of Pebrua?l' 23, 1928, A.D. and for more than ten days thereafter, and at a subsequent Regular Meeting of the Cit1 CoWloil held l.laroh 12, A.n.,1928,"All ORDINABCE TO PROVIDE JOH THE COLL3CTI ON OF SPECIAL AS3ESSLIEllTS, AS COUPIR14ED BY THE FIU.AL DECREE o-. THE DISTRICT COtrrlT OP 'l'H14~ PIHST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OP THE STATE OP COLORADO, SITTIW WITHIN AND POH THE COUNTY OF AHAPAHOE, FOR SPECIAL BEUEFITS ACCRUING TO Clm 'l'AUl PRO?EaTY \fITHIIl THE CITY OJ.I' ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, BY REASON 01 CKaTAili PROPlmTY BEING CONDELIED FOR ALLEY PURPOSES," was dul1 ~aeaed and pu,liehed in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise in its iaeue of Llaroh 15, A.D.,1~28, aa required b1 the Statute of the State of Colorado. ~»~ c~ iik. • I ·1 11 I