HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928 Ordinance No. 008BY Alli'HOHTTY ---------~- 0 a D I D A H c E NO. 8, s g ll I g s 0 r 1928. ORDillAllCE PROV IDI NG FOR THE .PREV&ll~IOll OP Pll\EB AllD POR THE CONSTRUCTIOli .,U I2lilUT £liD USE Ol BUILDINGS AND FOR THR IlfSPEC~IOll OF l>RJWISES BY THE PIRB 1 Dfil>.ARTlA.EH T TO SAFID UA.HD 'fHE .PUBLIC AND .PnOi>KHTY AGAIHS'i FIRE. BE IT OiiD~IHED BY THE CITY CUUllCIL OF 'iHK CITY Oi' EUGLh."OOD, COLORADO. SEC T I Ol~ 1. Whenever any officer or member shall find in •111 building or upon anf premiae1 or other places, dangerous accWDilation of rubbish or unnecessary accumulation of waste paper, boxes, shavings or any other infln~lble materials, especially liable to fire and which is ao Bituated as to endanger property or shall find obetruotions to or on fire escapes, stairs, passageways, doors or windows liable to interfere with the operations of the lire Department or egress of ocoupante in oaee of fire or shall find any condition dangerous to life or propert1 b7 reason of the fire hazard h e shall order the same to be removed or remedied, and auoh order shall forthwith be complies with by the owner or aooupant of suoh premises or building subject to ap p eal within twenty-four (24) hours to the or who shall within ten Cla) days review auoh order and file hie decision thereon and unless the order is revok ed or modified, it shall remain in full force and be obey ed by suoh owner or occupant. A.Jay owner or occu pant failing to comply with such order within ten (10) d~e after said appeal shall have be en determined or if no appeal is taken, then within ten (10) da~s a f ter the serv1ce of the said order shall be liable to a penalty, as hereinaft er utated. SEC 'l'I ON 2. 'lhe Chief of the Fire Departnent and member~ under hie orders shall have authority to enter any build i ng i n the proper perforrnnnoe of their duty. SEC'i'IOH 3. BOP-IiL~S. It shall be unlq\•1ful for nny person or persons to burn trash, lurAber, leaves, straw or o ther c ombusti bl e material in any street, alley or Tacant lot except by special permission of the Chief of the Fire Department, when such burning shal l be done; when such burning shall be done in metallic Ii• • reoept acles approved by hi1.0 and under such proper safeguards he r~ay direct ae to time and weather , provided that the Chief of the Fire Department may issue a general permit by publication during certain seasons of the yea? for the burning of leaves and other like material wh en con ducted during daylight and with an adult in constant attendance. SECTIOli 4. Ho person shall be allowed t o pluce aeh9s within any building, or in any box, barrel, or other wooden ves sels , or upon any wooden v essels or floor, and no ashes shall be kep t or deposited in any port of the same ..,.-m1less the aaae shall be kopt in a secure in conbus tible container and every owner of property where ashes are kept or deposited shall erect on the premises a secure incon- buetible receptacle or aahpit for that purpose ao looated as not to endanger C:}2 :1l alls, fences or other conbustible muteriu ls . ( , I '/ .., .. "'\ .. "' SECTIOll 6. / 11 chimneys shall be built from the ground up and no chimney shall rest upon brackets or wooden aupports, such chi1aneya sholl be built to a point at least three (3) feet above flat roof's and two f2) feet above the rtdge or peak roofs and ahall not come in oontact with f loor Joist or other wood work and no wood casing, lathing or furring shall be all ow ed w1 thin two ( 2) inches of chi1nneye , except that wood mantels , f lo or nnd baseboards v1~on protected by asbes.tos , or fire resisting ma teri al riu.y come in con tact with plnster covering chimneys f -i·" -·-1 or flue. all chimneys shall bo of bri ek at lenst four ( 4) inches in thickness ···· / •' and lioedoont~inoualy with well b·'1r nt clay 01· terre oo t~a pipe, said brick to be laid in cement mor tar or fire clay raor tar, pr ovided that fire clay ~ile or tile of e •1ual fire resistunce four (4) inches thick may be substituted for brick. ~ECTIOU o. ll buildings whe re public gutherings u re held shall have to be e quiped with two (2) exits, one (1) in front an d the oth er in the rear thereof, eaid exits to be of steel or fire pro of coustructiou and no such hall shall be allowed over uny gara~e . ~EC 'i'ION 7. 11 theatre s shal l be e'luiped with three ( 3) exits, one (.1) in . front and two ( 2) in the renr. the rear exits t o be :.3arl:e d by red lighte with the word ":3XIT" plainly decernible thereon, the doors to all of e aid exits to be equiped with self releasing ftre exits dev ices ~r panio bare. SEC '.L,!0N 8 P~UALTY . ~ny pe rson, firr!l or corporation, except members of the Fire Department in perforrnanoe of their dut ie s as such and others acting under orders of the Chief of the Fire Depar tment violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall up~n conviction thereof, be fined not lose than five (t5.00) dollars tor eaoh o ffenc e and not rno re than three hundred (~300.00) dollars tor each otfenoe. "ember s of the ~ire Department wh en acting as suoh, violating any of' the provisi ons of' this Ord inance shall be delt with in accordance with the by-lawa ot the Fire Departmen t. The Applica tion of the above penalty shall not be hold to prevent the enforced removal of pr ohibited conditions and tl1e imposition of one penalty for any violation of this Ordinance shall not excueo the violation or permit it to c continu e a n d all pers ons convicted thoroof shall bo requirod to aorreat or remedy su ch violation or defeat within u reasonable time and when not otherwise specified eaoh ten (10) days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall c onstitute a separate offence. SEC 'lIOl{ 9. All Ordinanc es and parts of Ordinances of the City of Englewood, Colorado, in conflict with this Ordinance are hereb1 repealed. SECTION 10. In the opinion of the City council of the City of lmglewood, Colorado, and bJ reason of the fact that it is neoessory to the irmnediate preservation of the Public peace , health and safety of the inhabitants of the City of Englewood, this Ordinance shall be in force and efteot immediately after its paaeige and publication, as required by law, and shall not be aubJeot to the reterendwa provisions of Chapter 97 of the laws pasaed at the l~th Seeaion of the General •eaembly of the State of Colorado. Introduced, read and ordered published ~ 21, 1928. Passed. Approved and ordered published June 20, 1928. AT~l!:S 'r: ~a/ ~ eity r • STATE OP COLORADO ) COUNTY OP COLORADO ) S.S. CITY OP &NGL~"WOOD ) r I I I, Lenora Fogle, City Clerk and Reoorder of the Cit1 Of Englewoo4 ii County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereb1 certify that the above and for-~ going Ordinance was introduaed and read in full, and on resolution the same was ordered published as a proposed ordinanao for the City of Englewood, Colorado, and same was ordered published at an Adjourned liegular Meeting of M&7 21, 1928, A.D.,held by the City Council on aaid date, and same was published in the 3nglewood Herald in its issue of~ 24, 1928, A.D., and for more than ten days thereafter, and at a subsequent Adjourned aegular Ueeting of the Cit1 Council held June 20, A.D., 1928, "All O~DINANCE BHOVIDillG lt'Oii TH~ PREVENTION uF PIR&S AUD FOH 'l'H~ COUS 1l11:tUC 11IOll, EQUIPLiEllT AllD U~& 01" BUILDINGS AND POR ?HE INSP~C 'l'IJH OF .PHJWISZS BY THR FIU& D&?lill 1l1~1.i' 'fO ~AB'IDUAHD THE PUBLIC AHD .PrlO!>&tfi AGAINST ~'I.LtE," was duly passed and published in the Bnglewood Herald and Enterprise in its issue of June 21, A.D.,1928, as required b7 the Statute of the State of Colorado. ~t7J ca;;~ C1~77CT•rk. I I