HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927 Ordinance No. 004• ' BY AUTHORITY -----... ------- D R D I HA lf C BO. 4. S IR I E S 0 1 1927. A BILL l'OB il ORDI?WfCB PROVIDING roR THE SUBUISSIOlf TO A Va?B OP THE QU.lLIJIIID ILIOTORS or !HB CITY OP BlfGLBWOOD no HAVI Ill !BB YIAR Bll1'1 PBIOIDill ilBII. 6,ll, 1927, JlID A PBOPBRTY TAX THBREIN, AT All ILBOTIOB TO BE BILD Oll !HI •IP?JI ~y OJI APRIL A. D. 192'1. THE QUESTION or THI DISOr,y!IOlf OJI TBB SAID om fa BlfGLIWOOD ilD ITS il?IBXATIOlf TO THE CITY Alf]) COUJITY or DUVBR • . Bl I'l' ORDAIBID b7 the Council o~ the C.it7 of lnglew~o·da WJIBRBAS, th• Count7 Court ot Arapahoe OountJ7. State ot Oolora4o, haa ~ an or4er dated llaroh 1, 1927, in a prooee41ng .ll11.llb•,•d 47'16 1D aaid Court, entitled: " Ill THB J.IATTRa o• THE DISSOLUTION 01 THB CITY a. JIUGLlllOOD ilD I'l'S AlillllliTION TO THI OITY AUD OOUlfft OJ DDVBR", 41reotecl th• Oit7 Oounoil ot 1Dglewoo4 to submit aaid queation ot 41aao·1ut1oa aa4 aamexation to the qllalifie4 eleotora ot th• 01'7 ot Inglewood who haY• in the 7~ next preoe4ing the regular eleotioa 'o be held April 6th, 192'1, pai4 a propert7 tax, and to submit eai4 question at th• annual •l•otion aforeea14; ant . WHIBBAS, aaid order was served on a member ot the aa14 Oit7 Oounoil on . U&roh 2nd, 1927, and the oop7 ao served upon him waa b7 him til•4 in tha ottioe ot the Cit7 Clerk of Bnglewoo4 on the earn• date, to-wit, Jlaroh 2nd, 192'1; an4 WBBRIAS, th• law requires that it said or4er be ••rv•d more than (86) 4ara an4 l••• than ninet7 f 90) dare prior to a general eleotlon. eaid question ot 41aaolution and annexa,ion ahall be eubmitted at aa14 general election; ant WKBRBAs. th• ••xt general election ia to be hel4 on "1•84~, the o•h.4.,-et April, A.D. 1927, more tlaan twent7-tiT• ·(26) d.,.e from the date ot ••rYice of eaid order; lf OW, THBRD'ORI, BE IT DAOTBD: &eotion 1. That there be and hereb7 ia aubmitted to a vote ot th• qualified eleotore of th• City of Englewood who haY• in the 7ear next preeeding the eaid general election paid a propert7 tax, at the general election to be held an4 oon4uoted aa proTided b7 law 611 Tueed~ th• 6th dlll' ot April, A.D. 1927, for their approval or r•J•otion, the question aa to whether or not th• Olt7 of Bnglewoo4 ahall be diaaolved ae a oit7 existing under G4aneral Lawe and annexed to th• Cit7 and Count7 of Denver. Seotion 2. 'l'h• foregoing proposition ahall be voted upon by th• qualifi•4 eleo,ora of tie Oity of Bnglewood who ha•• in the 7•&r next preceding aaid general election to be held on April 5th, 192'1, paid a propert7 tax, b7 an ... ra to th• following queationa: "JIOR il?IBXATION" "AGAINST AlfllBXA!IOJI" Section 3. Th• ballot for aaid election ahall have printed on it th• following: "aOR AllliBXAT I OB "AGAINST AlflfllXATIOB Bl•otora wiahing to Tote in the affirmative and in taYor ot the 4iaaolu,i•• of 'h• C1t7 of Bnglewood and 1te annexation to th• Cit7 an4 Oeunt1 ot DenYer ahall pat a oroaa in th• epaoe opposite th• words .,.or Aanexatio•"• lleotora w1ahing to vote in th• negati•• an4 against th• annexation to th• 01'7 and Oount7 of DenYer ehall put a oroas in the epaoe opposite th• words •Againat Annexation". t;otioD 4. 'l'h• time of aaid election ahall be 'lu•a4.,., April 6th, 192'1, ua4 t1 poiia ahall be open from th• hours ot a•••n o'oloclc P.K.; th• polling plaoea ahall be thoa• hereinafter in this eeotion aet forth and th• pereons whoa• aam•• appear in oonneotion with eaoh polling plaoe are hereb7 4eeignate4 aa Judges of •l•otlon at the said polling plaoea; th• Ju4gea 1n41oated aa taYor1ng annexation ha•ing been taken from a 11at ot not leas than thr•• peraona qualified to Tote on the proposition tor eaoh polling place, said liat haYing been turnished by a majority of those signing th• petition in oauae n numbered 4 775 in th• Count7 Court of Arapahoe Count7. h•r•inbetor• mentioned, an4 legal l 7 qualified to sign th• same, io-wit: PO LLiliG PL4 C3 I OR WARD #1 -lM,YPLOWEli CHtraCH, 3001 so.Aooma Street Judges favoring Annexation: J. w. lilllrrar. Againat Amaexation: Address: 2896 So.Broaclw11 c. A. l••Menaon Addreee: 2909 so. Broa4wu Oh••'•r llacldox Addreae: 2830 So. Bumook $100 POLLillG PUCB lQ1i WAAD #2 • CITY HALL .Ql DGLBWOOD, 3482 80. Broaclwq lu4B•• faYoring ~•xation: A4•reaa: A44r•••: Againat .ummtiOIU A44reaa: GroYer '!ott_Qn. Oor.BaaVl&D • So.Penn. Jira. 0114• Williama, 32&9 _a •• _Qlvaon •• "· Bmll! 0 344'1 so. Logaa POLL~ P!eACB ~ WARD #3 -BmLEWOO:p COW?IITY CHURCH, 3895 so.Broa4wq Judg•• faYoring .Annexation: Ad4reaa: A44reaa: Againat Ann• .. tlon: A44reaa: 1. W. Kennete, 4100 So. Lyan ll4na B. Jaokaon, _ 42'19 so. •ox BYerett Bogqe. 4010 so. Bannook seotioa 6, i'h• Oit7 Clerk of Inglewood and 8Uoh other offioiala as are o!aarge4 with iuti•e r•latiDg thereto, ahall for auoh eleotion fllrnlah the permament registration list for the us• of the 3udgea and shall malt• auoh p&blioationa and giY• auoh notio•a and do all thiDga and aota in auoh MMU' an4 for11 and at auoh tiJJles as are presoribed bJ th• Oonatitutlon an4 Lawe of th• It••• of Colorado. After th• ballo~.• qaat at aaicl election with rete:tao• to th• queation herein proYi4ed for have 'been oanYaaaed and th• reault aaoe,. tain•• 'b7 th• Oit7 Counoil aa provided 'b7 law, the Cit7 Olen aball ·tonhwith prepare a report which ahall b• signed bJ th• ~or and Atteated b7 th• Olert un4•r th• aeal of th• Oit7 of Inglewood, oontalning a ooP1' of thia or41aanoe an4 a 00•7 of th• reoord of th• prooeedinga of t~• Cit7 Oounoll, all aaoer- tailllna and declaring th• result of noh Tote and 1&14 report llhall, 'b7 aal4 01'7 Olert, be filled in th• office of the Olerk of the Oount7 Court of Arapahoe Oount7, all aa proYid•d bJ law. Seoction 6. In the opinion of the Council thie ordinance ie neceaaary for the 1DID•d1-*• preeer.ation of th• public peace, health and aafet7 and th• Cit7 Counoil deolar•e that an emergeno7 exists and thia ordinance ahall be in full foroe and •ffeot after its paasag• an4 final publication. Atteet: Cit7 BTATB OJI COLORADO ) OOWl'l'Y OJ ARAPAHOE ) S. S. CITY OJ BNGLBWO OD ) r s . ~-----------~-~- I, Lenora rogl•, Cit7 Clerk and Recorder of the City of IDSlewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereb1 certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read in full, and on reso- lution th• same was ordered published as a propoaed ordinance for th• Cit7 of Bnglewood, Colorado, and same was ordered publiahed at an A4Journed Begul'ar Meeting of Jlaroh I, 1927, A. D., held b7 the City Council on said date, and same waa published in th• Bnglewood Herald, in its isaue of llaroh 3, 1927, A. D. and for more than ten d~e thereafter, and at a aubaequent Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Council held llarch 14, 192'1, •A BILL 10R AB ORDIBAICB PROVIDillG roa THE SUBUISSIOlJ TO A VOTE or THE QUALll'In ILIC'!ORS 01!' THE CITY or BmLBWOOD WHO HAVE Ill THB YEAR BEXT PRECBDIW APHIL 6th, 192'1, PAID A PBO- PBi'lY Til THBRBill, AT Alf BLBCTIOU TO BE HELD OU THE PIPTH DAY OP APRIL A.D. 1927, THB QUESTIOB OP THE DISOLUTION or THE SAID CITY OP ENGLEWOOD AND ITS illlBXATIOll TO THE CITY ABD COUNTY OP DENVER," ••• dul7 i-•••d and publiehed in th• Inglewood Herald and lnterpriee in ita laaue of Maroh 17, 192'1, A.D. •• required b;v the Statute of th• Stat• of Oolora4o. · --~gj __ (fj_ d 11 Oit7 Clerk -~-Tr'--. . I I .. I ,c ,. I I