HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927 Ordinance No. 005~ B Y A U T H 0 H I T Y --------..._ -- 0 n D I N A N C E NO. 5. S E R I E S 0 F 1927. A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE PROV IDil~G FOH THi SUB14ISSI0ll TO A VOTE OF 'l'H~ QUALIJIBD RL.ECTOiiS 0? TH~ CI?i OF &liGLEWOOD \'/HO SHALL HAVE PAID A PROPERTY TAX IN THK CITY OP UGLEWOOD Fu:t TH~ Yili.t ilE XT P;t~C l~D I :iG AUGUST 23, A.D., 1927, AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THZ 23rd DAY O:&, AUGUS'r. A. D •• 1927. tJIB QUEST IOU OF THE DISSOLUTION OF 'i'HE CI 'l'Y uF lllGLZWOOD AUD ITS AlUH;JCATION TO THS CITY AUD COUNTY OF DEUVKR. BE I'l' ORDAINED BY. TH3 CITY OOUl'lCIL OF THE CITY OF EUGLEWOOD: WH£tEA.S, the Coun ty Court of Arapahoe County, State of Colorado, has by an order dated June 2i, A.D.,1927, in preceding No. 4776, in said Court entitled:. "In the ulatter of the dissolution of the City of Englewood and its annexation to the City and County of Denver", Directed the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, to submit said queetion of dissolution and annexation to the qualified electors of the City of &nglewood who shall .have paid a property tax in the City of Englewood for the year next preoeding the special election to be held August 23, A.D.,1927; but no person alaall be qualified to vote at any such election by reason of the payment of a tax whioh was aaeeseed by the County Treasurer, nor by reason ofany tax upon propert1 acquired by the voter after July 24, 1926; and H&REAS, said order was served on a member of said City Council on June 26, 1927, and a uopy so served upon hi~ was by hi~ filed in the office of the Cit7 Clerk of Englewood on the 27th day of June, 1927. NOW '.rHElt&~ORE BE IT ENACTED: SBCTivN l. That there be and hereby ie submitted to a vote of the qualified eleotofa of the City of Englewood who shall have paid a property tax in the CitJ of giiglewood for the year next preceding said special election, at a spe.cial elec- tion to be held and oonducted as provided by law on 'l'uesday the 2~rd day of Auguat A.D.,1927, for their approval or rejection the question as to whether or rrot the Cit7 of Englewood shall be dissolved as the City existing under the general laws and annexed to the City and County of Denver. SEC 'i'Iu!l 2. The foregoing proposition shal 1 be vo-ted upon by the ·qualified electors of the City of £nglewood who shall have paid a property tax in the City of Englewood !or the year next preceding said special election to be held on August 23, A.D., 1927,by answer to the following questions: "Por Annexation" "Against Annexation". SECTION 3. That the ballot for said election shall have printed on it the following: "Por Annexation ( )" ' "Against Annexation ( ) " lleotora wishing to vote in the affirmative and in favor of the di~solution of the City of ~glewood and its annexation to the City and County of Denver shall put a cross in the space opposite the words "For Annexation". Bleotors wishing to vote in the negative and against the dissolution of the Cit7 of Englewood and its annexation to the City and County of Denver shall put a cross i• the apace opposite the words "Against Annexation'' saOllOH 4. The ti~e of said election shall be Tuesday August 23, 1927, and the polls shal 1 be open frorn the hours of seven o'clock A.LI., until seven o'clock P.JI.; the polling place shall be those hereinafter in this section ~t fourth and the peraons whose names appear in the connection with each polling place are hereby designated as Judges of the election of said polling places; Judges as indioatiDg ae favoring annexation having been taken from a list of not lees than three persons qualified to vote on the proposition for each polling place, said list having been furnished by a majority of those signing the petition in oaee No.4776 in the County Court of Arapahoe County hereinbefore mentioned and legally qualified to sign the earae, to-wit: · POLLING ?LACE FOH WA.~D NO.l, Judges favoring annexation: Against annexation OLLIHG PLACE Fua WA.1 D ao. 2. Judges favoring annexation: ainst annexation POLLlllG PLACE Fu~t \YAHD HO. 3. Judges favoring annexation 14AYF~OWEH CHURCH, 3001 SOUTH ACOMA STREET. ( J. w. Uurray ( Ure.Della Walton ( ( Chester Iladdox. CITY !!ALL OF El'lGLEWOOD, 3482 SO. BROADWAY. ( Lulu Calloley C w. c .uocarty ( ( Earnest Anderson EiiGL l~WOOD COLiiliUNITY CHUHCH ( Kdna Jackson 1195 Against Annexation { E. R. Ellie { C Leo Gorman SECTIOH 5. ~he City Clerk of Englewood and such other officials as are charged with duties relating thereto, shall for such election furnish the permanent registration list for the use of the judges and shall make suoh publication and give such notices and do all things and aots in suoh ma&atr and form and at such time as are prescribed by the Oonetitution and Laws of the State of Colorado. After the ballots cast at aaid special 1election with reference to the question herein provided for have been canvassed and the result ascertained by the City Council as provided by law, the City Clerk shall forthwith prepare a report which shall be signed by the M~or and attested by the Clerk ·1· under the seal of the City of Qiglewood, containing a copy of this ordinance .' and a oopy of the record of the preoedings of the Cit7 CoUDoil, all ascertaining j and declaring the result of such vote and said repoitt shall, by said City Clerk, - be filed in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Arapahoe County, all ae provided by law. SECTION 6. In the opinion of the City Council this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety and the full force and effect after its passage and final publication. ~ City council declares that an emerg .. 07 exists and this ordinance shall be in l Introduced read and ordered published , July 13, A.D.,1927. Paaeed, Approved and ordered published, July 29, A.D.,1927. µ.!.0.:!:~----- U&yor. Attest: ~.v~~~-&..c1~-­ Ci ty ct.r;~: STATE OF COL03ADO ) COtniTY OF AHAPAHOE ) S. S. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ) I, Lenora Fogle, City Clerk and Recorder of the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was introduced and read in full. and on resolution the same was ordered published as a proposed ordinance for the City of Englewood, Colorado, and same was ordered published at an Adjourned Regular Ueeting of Jul7 13, 1927, A.D.,held by the City Council on said date, and same was published in the Englewood Herald, in its issue of July 14, 1927, A.D.and for more than ten days thereafter, and at a suasequent Special 9all Meeting of the City Council held July 29, A.D., 1927. ''A BILL ~,OH All ORDINAlfCE P:i:~OVIDillG FOR THE SUBUISSION TO A VJTE 01 THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD WHO SHALL HAVE PAID A PROPgaT·l TAX I!f THl CITY OF EHGLEWOOD FOH THji; YEAH NEX'f PHECEDHlG AUGUST 23, A.D.,1927, AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD uN THE 23rd DAY OF AUGUST, A.D., 1927, TH4 QUR8TiuU OF THE DISSOLUTION OF THE CI~Y OF ENGLEWOOD AND ITS ANNEXATION TO THE CITY ~rn COUNTY OF DE!NEii,"was duly passed and published in the llnglewood Herald and Enterprise in its issue of August 4, 1927, A.D.,aa required by the Statutes of the State of Colorado. --~_r[tp_d?_ __ _ City~l:;k. .1 I