HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926 Ordinance No. 014BY AUTHORITY ------------ 0 R D I B A N C E I O. 14 S E R I E S 0 1 1926. ORDillANCi AM&nDillG AliD SUPPLEl11ENTIBG ORDDi.!lfCB BO. 12, SERIES or 1925, .EBTITLED "AN OHDINAllCE CH J£A L'ING AN Il4PHOVEiilDT DISTRICT Ilf THE CITY OP INQLJMOOD9 COLORADO, TO BE Y..HO•B AS SOU'l'H BROADflAY PAVING DISTRICT NO. 3. AND ORDERING AND AUTHOBIZIBG THE COBSTRUCTIOB AND LAYING OP GRADIHG B•VIBG AND CURBIBG ALOIG ABD UPO. THAT CEHTAill STREET KNOWN AS SOUTH BROADWAY, AND PROVDIBG POR THE ISSUANCE OP BOBDS OP THE Dlfil'RICT Ilf PAYYr;NT .FOR SAID LOCAL ILtPHOV.BUEHT." BB IT ORDAINED B Y THE CITY COUHCIL OF THE CITY OF EliGLBWOOD, COLOliADO; s.&e. 1. That ordinance Ho. 12, series of 1986, being an ordinance entitled "J.n ordinance creating an improvement dAatrict in the Oity of ~lewotd, Colorado to b• known as South Broadway Paving District Bo. 3, and ordering and authoris.tng the construction and laying of grading, paving and o'lrbing along and upon that certain street known as South B9D~w~. and providing for the issaance of bonds or the district in PfV'ment for said local improvement,r be and the same is hereb7 amendtll and auppltmented in the follwwing particulars, to-wit: That Seo. 8 of the same shall read as follo~a, and the following ahall oonati'1ite all ot eadi eeotion 8: Seotion 8. Th i t said bonds and coupons thereto attaohed shall be eubetantiall~ the following form: UNITKD STATES OF ALIERICA STATE OF CO!JORADO C OUll 'r'f OF ARAP AH OR CITY OP illNGL~WOOD SOUTH BROADWAY PAVING DISTRICT llO. THREE LOCAL IKPROVEUENT BOND Bo. teoo.oo That City of ~glewoo4, in the Oounty of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, for Yalu• ·reoeived aoknowledgea iteelf indebted to and hereby promiaee to pa7 to the bearer hereof the sum ot FIVE HUNDH~D DOLLARS in gold coin ot the Unite4 Statee of Amerioaot, or equal t o, the present standard of weight and tin••••• on th• first 41Q' ot Maroh A. D. 1948, eubjeot,to call and ~ent, howeTer, at any time prior thereto, as proYided in the aot of the General Aaeembl.7 of the State of Colorado, hereinafter mentioned, with intereet thereon from date hereof until plllment at th• raae Of per cent. per annum, payable aemiannuall.1 on the firet 4q Of Karoh and Sept•ber in each 7ear, aa eTidenoed by the intereet ,,thereto attaohe4, both principal and intereet payable 11.t the oftio• of the City Treasurer of said City, or at the i'irat llational Bank of Denyer, Colorado, at the eption of the holder, upon preaentation of thia bond or said coupon• reapeot1Y•l7• Thia bond ia iaeued tor the purpoae of p~ing the coat ot local improY~mente in the 5outh Boradway PaTing Diatrict No. 3, !Inglewood, Colorado, by Yirtue ot and in full oonfona1t7 with an aot of the Gen9ral ~1amabl.J of the State of Colora4o, ent1tle4, ".An •ot Relating to Local Impr0Teme :·1te in Citiea and Towna," approTed Aprtl,9, A. D. 1923, and all acte amendato17 therto or in aid thereof and an or41Dane of said City duly aclopted, approTecl, published and made a law of said City prior to the ieauanoe hereof. Thia bond ia p~able out of the prooeeda ot a epeoila aeaeaament to be leTi•C upon real eatate situated in the said South Bro'4w81' PaTing Diatrict Ho. 3, Inglewood, Colorado, and especially benetited b y aaid imrproTements, and the assessment eo male upon the real estate in said district for the p~ment hereof with acoured intereat will be a perputal lien upon said real estate in the reapeot1T• amounia approtioned to said real estate, and asseaaed by an ordinanoe of sai4 Cit7, aaid •ien being on a parity with a lien of goneral taxee, and the pa111ent of the principal of, an4 in,•r• on thia bond ia guarenteed by said City by an or4inanoe dul.7 adopted by the Cit7 Counoii of said City by a two-thirda Tote of the meabere thereof. ~ It is hereby certified,recited and warrented that the total bonda of aaid Cit7 !or aaid improvement district including this bond doea not exceed the estimate of the City Rngineer,th• contract price tor said improvement,or the amount authorized b7 law. That said city baa been for many yeara past and is now a body politic and 9orporate,with the general powers of a corporation,duly organized,existing and operating as a City under and by virtq• of the constitution and general laws of the State of Colorado; and ia now and alwuys has been under the controll of a M&JOr and duly organized City Council as the duly oonatttaled corporated authority thereo~; and it is further hereby certified and reoited that every requirement of law relating to the creation of aaid ~outh Broadway ~aving Diatriot No.3,Rnglewood,Colorado,th• making of aaid looal improvements and the issue of this bond has been fully oompliet with by the proper officers and that all condition• rer1uired to exi1t and thing1 required to be done precedent to and in the iaauance of thia bond to render the aame lawful and valid,having happened and have been properly done and performed and did exist in regular and due time,form and manner as required by law. Ilf TESTDiOlfi HHEH&Ol, th• aaid City of Mnglewood, by ita Uqor and City Council, haa cauaed this bond to be subscribed by the 1layor and its corporate seal to be imp impreased hereon,atteeted by the City Clerk,and each of forty-four interest coupon• hereto annexed to be aigned with the fao-aimil• signature of the City Clerk and countersigned by the City Treaaur-'r. ----------------------------------~--Uayor. ~TTEST: ----------------------------City Clerk. -------------------------------------City Treaaurer. ·411] ( Form of Coupon o. On th• th• City of Englewood, in Arapaho• County, Colorado,promia ea to pay to th• bearer out of th• proceeda of a apeoial aaaeaament againat th• reat eatate situate in th• South Broadway Paving District Jo.3,Imglewool, Colorado, Dollara i n gold coin of the United States of Amerio& of,or equal to, th• present stanaard of weight and finenesa,at th• office of the Cit 1 Treaaurer,in Rnglewood,Colorado,or at the •irat National Bank in Denver.at the optiea of the holdor,being aix montha intereat then due on its local improvement bond iaaued for the conatruction of local improvement• in South Broadway Paving Diatrio• Uo.3,Bnglewood,Colorado. Dat ed Beari_n_g_B_um__,b_e_r ____________ _ Seo.2. B7 reason of the fact that the completion at the earliest possible date of th• improvements described in and contemplated by thia ordinance is neceasary for the immediate preaervation of the public safety and welfare,thia ordinance ahall take affect immediately after its final paaaage and publication,as provided by law,an4 ahall not be subject to the referendum provi~aioua of Chapter 97 of the Lawa of Colorado,paseel at the 19th session of the General Aaaembly of the ~tate of Colorado. Seo.3. Thia ordinance shall after it• passage, be recorded in a book kept fer that purpoae,shall be authenticated by th• signature of th• Uayor and City Clerk, and ~hall be publiahed in the ,cmglewood Herald and Enterpriae,a newspaper of general oirculation,publiehed within th• City of Englewood,Colorado,shall take effect thereafter as provided by thia ordinance and by law,and the indebtedness provided for herein ahall be puid in full. Introduced,read and ordered publiahed the 22nd day of Llaroh,A6D. 19~. Finally paaaed,approved and order•d publiahed this 6th day of April,A.D.1986, ATTBST: City Clerk. STATR OP CuL0HADU ) COUNTY OB' ARAPAHOE ) S.8. CITY OF ENGLEWOOD ) -~s ~ ~JlaiTo;:~----- !,Lenora Pogle,City Clerk and Hecorder of the City •f lagl•••I., Cowity of Arapahoe,Stat• of Colorado,do hereby certify that th• above and foregoing rcliDance waa introduced and read in full and on reaolution was ordered publiaed aa a propoaed ordinance for the City of Englewood,Colorado,and same waa ordered publi .. at an Adjourned Regular Ueeting of th• City Council held March 22,1926,A.D.h•ld by the City Council on said date,and same was published in the Englewood Herald,& •••kly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Englewood,in its iaaue of rch 25,1926,A.D.for more than ten days thereafter,and at a eubaequent Special Call eeting of said City Council held April o, 1926, "AN ORDI11AUOE At.tEifDING AllD SUPPLIMD• TlllCl ORDiliANCE N0.12,~ER IRS 01' l<J26,gllTI'.rLED'Alf OliDillANCE CHEATING AN IMPROVEMElfT DISTRICT IU TH.K CITY OF EUGLEWOOD, COLOHADO, TO BE KllOWll AS SOUTH BHOADWAY PAVING DISTRICT N0.3,AllD ORDEHING AllD AUTlIOrtI~IllG THE COUSTRUCTIOll AND LAYillG 01' GRADIW? PAVING AUD CURBING ALullG AND U.POU '1'HA 'l' CERTAUl STHRB'r KNOWN AS SOUTH BROADWAY ,AlfD PROVIDIUG FO.ii TIIE ISSUAUCE OF BOllDS OF THg DISTRICT IN PAYWmT FOR SAID LOCAL IUPHuV~~T"1i/A~ duly paased and adopted and publiahed in i ta 111su• of Aprtl 8, 1926, aa required by the ~tatut ea of the State of Color&do. --~~---rfEr--- Ci t7 Cleric. ' _,,. <:: r.n ~ a;, I I • I I I