HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926 Ordinance No. 015B Y A U T H 0 R I T Y --________ ,__ 0 R D I AN C E lf 0.16 S ER I ES 0 F 1926. ORDI.NAliC E L I CfilfSillG AND H~GULAT IlJG AUTO BUSSES, THElrt ESTABLISHI.1ENT ,14AIIJTUAlfCB ill> OPERATION OV Eii THE STHE~TS AND AVEHUE~ OF' TH l4~ CITY O~, ENGLEWOOD,AND PROVIDING FOR A LICENSE TAX TO BE PAID THEREFOH,AND 'fH~ 14ANUER Olt, COL~CTL1G THE SAME. Bi IT ORDAI .N ~D BY THE CITY COUHCIL OF TH .1~ CITY OF EllGLEWOOD, COLOHADOi 1. That no pereon,peraons,association,firm or oorporation shall hereafter establish maintain or operate any automobile line or auto busses as oomuon carriers for hire within th• City of Englewood,without having first obtained the concent of the Cit7 as in this ordinance provided. 2. Before any license may be issued to any party desiring to establish,maintain or operate any auto bus line,as herein defined,the applicant shall first file , with the City Clerk a written application containing the following information: l. llam• of applicant and relilidence. 2.Whether individual,association,partnerahip or corporation. If a corporation under what state incorporatt4• 3. Th• route over which applicant proposes to operate,atating termini,name of st atreets,avenues,etc. 4. Schedule on which buy or busses propose to ,perate. 6. a&t• of fare proposed to be charged or being charged. 6. aquipment available for purposes and proposed to be used or being used. The applicant shall tender together with the above applioation,whatever license fee or li~•nae tax is required by this ordinanoe,and such tender of payment shall be a condition precedent to th• iasuanc• of any license hereunder. 3. Whenever such application ahall have been filed,th• City Council,or aon• committee or officer designated by it,8hall immediately investigate th• aame,and determine th• advisability of granting or refusing th• license to operate. In the event th• City Council shall be of th• opinion th• license shall issue,it ma1 thereafter order it to be isaued,provided the lioena• tax or fee shall have been first tend•r•I or paid,aa provided in Section 2 hereof. 4. Rvery auch person,persona,association,firm or corporation making application th•r•for,or desiring to establish,maintain or opera~• any such auto bus line,shall tender or pay to the City Clerk the following license tax or fee: 1. A minimwn license tax of ~200.00 per year for th• privilege or right to establish,maintain or oper11.t• auch bua or bu >uJes. 2. In addition,a lioene• tax of $200.00 per year for each bus or auto so operated within the City which has a carrying or seating capacity of ever aeven passengers. Provided,that in caYe th• carrying or seating capacity of th• bus or busses shall be seven passengers or less,then th• applicant •hall pay in addition to the $200.00 minimum license tax provided in sub-section l above,a license tax of ~60.00 for each auoh bus or auto operated. 3. Th• license so issued shall commence with the day of its iaauanoe and shall run for one year,and ahall be revooeabl• by th• City of Engle~ood, 5. J.D7 one found guilty of violating any of th• provisions of this ordinance ahall be puniYhed by a fin• of not less than $10.00,and not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment for not less than one day,and not more than ninety days,or by both auch fin• and imprisonment. Each violation of this frdinanoe which c continue• for a period of 48 hours,ahall be considered as a seperate offena• an4 punished as such. 6. If~ aeotion,aentence,clause or phrase of th6s ordinance is,for any reaaon held to be unconstutional,auoh de~iaion shall not effect the validity of th• remaining portion or portions of this ordine.nce. Th• City Council hereby declarea that it would have passed this ordinance,and each aeotion,sentence,olauae and phraae thereof,irrespective of th• fact that any one or raore other sections, sentences,olausea or phrases be declared unconstitutional. 7. Th• immediate preservation of the puplic health,safety and welfare demands the paaaage of this ordinance,and an emergency exists for the reason that new bueaea are now proposed to b• eatabliahed,11aintaine1 end operated over the street• ofv th• City of Jmglewood. 8. In the opinion of the City Council,an emergency exists,therefor,thie otdinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its paseage,and shall not be aubjeot to the referendum proviaiona of the lawe of Colorado. Introduoed,read and ordered published at an Adjourned Hegular Meeting of llaroh 22. 1926. Finally passed and adopted by the City Council this 6th day of April,1926,A.D. ----~~~--- Mayor. AT 'l'K3T: ·--~ City Clerk. ~:f.:J5 3TATi OF COL CHAD O ) COU.li~Y 01 ARA PAH O& ) S.S. C I'l'Y OF EllGLE W00 D ) < r.n '"T.; t:o !,Lenora Fogl e, City Clerk and Heoor••r of the Cit7 •f · JI ZnaJ••••4, County of Arapaho e, Stat e of Colorado, do hereby oertif)' that th• ~ above and foregoing Ordinance waa intorduoed an~ read in full, aad on reaolutien · waa ordered publiahed aa a propoaed Ordinano • for th• Cit7 fl Bngl .. 004, Colorado, and th• same was ordered published at an .. journed Regular Meeting et the City Council held Uaroh 22nd, 1926, A. D. held b7 the City Council on aaii date , und same was published in the »nglewoocl H•arld, a weekly newape.per of general oiroulation in the City of Englewood, in ita iaau• of Msroh 26, 1926 .d.. D. for more than ten days thereafter, and at a aubaequent Sp•cial .'Cill 1. eeting of said City Council held April 6, 1926, "A!I OHDillAJfCi LICENSIUG AJID 1 REGUL.A.TING AUTO BU ~S&S, 11H E IH j!S TABLISHJ,fi'l~T, I.L\Ill'l'EllA!ICE AND OPERATION OVER THK . TRE:irrS AND AV.EW ES OF 'l'H& CITY OF &UGLEWOOD, AUD PROVIDING J4~0R LICENSE TAX TO . BE ?AID '.(HZLL&F OH , AUD 'i1 H1•: j:lAlH~~ili OF co11 ..:;c 1rIUG ;J.'HE SA113." was dulp passed and adopted and pub l ished i n it& issue of April 8, 1926, as required by the Statute of the ~tat• of Colorado. ---~N_ __ iE:.~--- Ci ty Clerk. . ii I 'I ..