HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926 Ordinance No. 017-. • BY J.UTHORI!Y ----------- 0 R D I N A B C E N 0.17 S I B I B S 0 P 1926. All ORDI!UNCE CRF.ATING AN IUPROVEMENT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO,TO Bl KDOWN AS'WATER JD.IN DISTRICT N0.2.'AND ORDERIBG AND AUTHO&lZING THB LlYilfG AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER IiAINS,TOGITHER WITH NECESSARY APPURTBBAIOBS ALOBQ,THBOOGH AND UPON CERTAIB STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF BNGLEWOOD,AND PBOVIDI!IG - POR THE ISSUE OP BONDS OP THE DISTRICT IN PAYllBNT POR SAID LOCAL DIPBOVJDIBNT. BB IT ORiiAIN&D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP RNGLEWOOD,COLOBADO: ~<..-. -' 1fJIBRB&8,at ~Regular Meeting of the Cit1 Oounoil held at the Ci'7 Ball on Jlaroh 16,1926,the 4 Cit7 Counoil deolared the neceee1t7 of ••'9bl1ehing an4 thereupea 4eterm1ne4 t• ••tabliah an4 create a certain looal improTement district within the Cit, •f Bnglewood,to be oalled'Water Kain Diatriot Bo.a,'within whioh diatriot were to be cenetructed and laid certain water main• with the neoeesa17 appurtenanoee, .. 14 41atr1ot to be eetab11ahed and created b7 virtue of an4 in aooordanoe with an Aot et th• General aeaembl7 •f the State of Colorado entitled,•An Aot Relating t• Looal IaproTementa in Cities and Towna,"dul7 pasaed b7 the Legialature ot the State •f Celorade ant 4uJ.7 appr••ecl and aign•d b7 the Governor ot th• State of Celoraclo,en April 9, 192!,otherwl•• referred to •••Chapter 180 ot th• Seaeion Lawe of Colora4• fer 1918;" ... DIRUS,th• Cit7 Bngineer ot the Cit7 of lnglewood,aoting pursuant to authorit7 an4 inetruotion given him b7 the Cit7 Counoil,then and there aubmitte4 to the Cewaoll rep•r'• ot eurve7a,mapa,detaila,plane and epeoif1cat1ona,and eatimate ooat,regart1., eai4 Dietriot; an4 WBIRBAS,b7 reeelution dul7 passed at an adJourned regular meeting OD the eat• 16th •ar ef Jlaroh,A.D. li26,th• report 10 ma4• an4 filed b7 aaid Clt7 IDgiJleer wa1 a4epte4; aa4 th• aa14 report,tegether with detail1,1p1oitioa•1on1,e1i1r1a•ea,mapa,1ohedul11 aa4 th• kind •f material to be uaed in the cenetruc,ion of aaid improvements were approYed and adopted b7 said Cit7 Council as the detaile,plane,epecifioatione and ma•eriale to be uaed in the oonatruotton ot eai4 looal impreTementa; and aaid auJ'Te7a an4 mape of ea14 proposed improvement to be th• auJ'T97e and mape of th• di•triot to be thereafter oreated; and WRIRBAS,bJ' eai4 resolution aforesaid,the aa14 Cit7 Oounoil determined the naaber of inatallments and the time in whioh the ooe•• of eai4 improvemen*8 eheul4 be ~able,an4 the rate of interest on unpaid installmenta,th• 41atriot to be aa•••••• fer the ... •,the probable total coat ot aaid looal impro•em•n•a,the max1111a11 ame1Ul' of euoh total ooet to be aeaeased upon each lo' an4 paroel •f land in aai4 41a,riot, an4 41reote4 the said Cit7 Clerk to publiah in the Bnslewood Herald an4 lnterprlae, a n .. •P&J•r •f general oiroulation in the Cit7 •f Bagleweo4,a notioe •o owners •f \he prepert7 to be aeseaaed,ot the kind of improTeaaent propoee4,the nwaber of inatall••D•• and the time in which the coat will be pa7able,the rate ot interest en unpaid an4 4eferre4 inatallmenta,the extent of the diatriot to be improved,the probable oeat per lot or tract per front toot ae ahown b7 the eetillat• of th• Bngineer,an4 the till•• when an •r41nano• ordering th• oenatruotion of aa14 1Jlpro•ement ~'4iatrict prepoaed weul4 be cenaidered,and that a map of .. id prepoaed 4i••riot ahewing the exteri•r beunderi•• th•r••f and the location of eai4 leoal 1aprovemente,an4 the eatlma,ee •' eohe4ulee ehewing th• amounts to be neeeaee4 agalnet eaoh lot or traot •f land ill .. 14 41etrict,an4 all re1elution1 and prooeedinga ef .. 14 Cit7 Council r1la'1., to aa14 propoee4 iJlproT.aents therein on tile in the ettioe of the Cit7 Clerk 1• Bagleweod,an4 could be there eeen and examined b7 a117 person interested during buein••• houraon an7 d&7 on or before a regular meeting of the Cit7 Ceunoil t• be h•14 en th• evening •f April 19,1926,andthat at eaid till• all oemplainte and ebJeo- tlene that might be mad• in writing oonoerning th• proposed iaapr•vemen•a b7 th• owner •r ownere •f &Jl7 real estate to be aeaeaaed,er ~ peraen •r persona in•ereetecl 1•nerall7 weul4 be heard and determined b7 the Cit7 Counoil et the Cit7 of Jnil•••o4, before final action of aaid Ceuncil thereon,and that at aaid time,te-w1t,Ken4~ evening April 19, 1926,or euoh time to whioh aaid meeting might be adJourne4,an• a~t•r the de\ermination ot all complaint• and ebJeotiona were made,aai4 Cit7 Ceunoll weul' oeneider an ordinance creating aaid diatriot and authorizing and erdering the iapro••••nt propeaed b7 the aforesaid l•tioe and lesolution; an4 WBBRBAS,notio• ot the creation ot aaid improvement district was dul7 gi•en •• provided b7 law,once a week tor three oonaeoutive weeke,prior to the 19th d&J of April,A.D. 1926,in th• Bnglewood Herald and Btlterpriee,a newspaper of general oiroulation in the Clt7 ot Bnglewoo4,Colorado,whioh notioe oontaine4 in form an4 aube\anoe all the matters and thinga herein above eet out as required b7 law; ant WJIBBBAS,th• Cit7 Council 4ul7 met in a regular meeting held on the 19th 4~ et April,A.D. 1926,at the City Hall in Englewood, to oonaider whatever protest• and 'bJeotiona might have been tiled oonoerning the creation of aaid proposed 4iatr1ot aa4 whatever obJeotiona and protests might come before ii purauant to aforesaid notio• thereunto given; an4 WllBRB18,at aaid adjourned regular meeting on to-wit,April l9th,A.D. 1926,lt wae feun4 and determined b7 the Cit7 Council that there were no protests againat th• creation of •aid district or the construction of the improvemente therein. OW,THBBBrOBB,BE IT ORDAIIED BY THE CITY COINCIL or THB CITY OP BlfGLBWOOD, COLOlW>O; SBCtIOlf l. that aaid improYementa hereinafter desoribed,oonsisting of the l a 1&7ing et water mains with their neoeaaar7 appurtenanoes,inoluding fire hydrants, along, through and upon certain etreets in the Cit7 of Englewood,hereinafter mere tllll7 deecribed,haY• been 4ul7 ordered,and notice thereof duel7 given, aa requiret b7 i ... SBCTIOB 2. That a l•O&l improvement diatrio' be and th• aame is hereb7 eatabliahe4 and oreated out ot and within that portion of the City of Bngl .. ••4, boun4•4 and deaoribed aa toll•••· to-wit: (a) Beginning at the interaeotion of the oen,er liD•• et last Oxford AYenue an4 Seuth Clartaon Street,theno• aouth to an iDteraeotioD •i'h the oen,er line ef Baat Ulaion AYenue,thenoe Weat to an intereection with 'h• oenter line •f the alle7 be,ween seuth Pearl Street and South Penna71Yania s'r••'·'h•no• north to ·an 1Ja\er- aeetion with the oenter line of last Prinoeton AYenue,,henoe eas' to an in\erae•tion with the center line of the alle7 between Seuth Waahington Stree\ and Seu\h Clarkson _;1 < r:n ~ co Street, thence north to an intersection with the oenter line ef Baat Oxford AYenue, 1 thence eaat to the point of beginning. ,. (b) Beginning at the intereection of the oenter linea of West Quino7 AYenue l anc Seuth Buron Street, thence north to an intersection with the center line of ~ •••' Prinoeton AYenue,thenoe east to an interaeotion with the center line ef the all97 between South lox Street ant south Gali,-go Street, thence sou\h to an in\er- aeo,ion with the center line of Weat Quino7,\henoe west to the point of beginning. f o) Beginning at the intersection of the oenter line of West Hampden Avenue with the oenter line of the alle7 between South Acoma and South Bannock Streets, thenoe aouth to an interaection with the center line of the City Ditoh,thenoe aouthweaterl7 along the center line of said ditch to an intersection with center 11 line of Weat 3effereen Avenue, thence west to an intersection with the oenter line 'i of alle7 between South Bannock and South Cherokee Streets, thence north to an intereection with the center line of West Hampden Avenue,thence east to ptint of beginning. . f 4) Beginning at the interaeotion of the oen,er line of the alley between South Penn117lvania and South Pearl Streeta with center line of laet Quin07 AYenue thence weet to an interaection with center line of alley between South Legan and Seu\h Penne7lvania Street• thence north to an intersection with center line of !&et Princeton Avenue,thenoe east to an intersection with center line of alley between South Pennsylvania and South Pearl Streeta,thenoe south to point of beginning. (e) Beginning at the interaeotion of the center line of S•u'h Clartaon Street with the center line of Bast iirard !venue,thenoe south to an intersection with the center line of laet Hampden Avenue,thenoe west to an interseotion with the center line et South Pearl Street, thence nerth to an intersection with the center line of laat airard ~venue, thence east to the point of beginning. Th• said Water Kain Diatriot Bo.2 ahall inolude all of the above deeoribed parts or seotiona,regardleee of the faot that they may be non-contiguous. SBCTIOB z. That aaid dietrict ahall be known aa,and hereb7 designated ~--'.l'lli .11.llll DIS'?BIOT llUllBIR TWO.• . SBOTIOB 4. That there ia hereby authorised and ordered the laying of water ina,tegether with their neoeasary appurtenancee,inoluding fire ~drante,along " apeo1f1cationa and eohedule heretofore prepared,filed and adopted and apprGved -~ and through certain atreete within Nid diatrict,aa shown by the maps,plans, ;6 ;I b7 the Cit7 Counoil. The essential plan or scheme of whioh improvement ie deeoribed ' and aet out ae follows, to-wit: (eubJect,however to auoh changes as might hereafter be made in accordance with law). our inoh mains on the following streets: South Clarkson Oxford to Union; . Seuth Wa1hington from Prinaton to Union; South Pearl from Prineton to Union; South PennsylYania from Prinaton to Quincy; South. Galapago ftom Prinaton to Quinc7; ~outh Buron from Prinston to Quincy; South Bannock from Hampden to Jefferson; the alley between Seuth Penna7lvania and South Pearl streets from a point 200 feet north of e~on to a point 50 feet north of Hampden thence northeasterly to a point on South Pearl etreet 10 1) feet north of Hampden Avenue; South Pearl from said last named point to a point 20 feet south of Girard Avenue. Six inoh mains on the following streets: Kast Prinston Avenue from Waahington to Olarkaon; Baet Radcli ff from Avenue from Pennsylvania to Clarkson, Rast tufta Avenue from South Pennsylvania to Clarkson; West Prinston from South Huron te South ox. Two inoh mains on the following streets: West Quinc7 Avenue from South Huron to South lox; Raat Union from South Pennsylvania to ~outh Clarkson. lire hydrants on the following named corners: South Clarkson and East Radcliff South Pearl and last Radcliff; South Washington and Kast Tufts; South Galapag• and Wtat Princeton. · SECTION 5. That .by virtue of and pursuant to the afereeatd act of the Legislature f the State of Colorado , known as"ohapter 180" of the Session Laws tor 1923, and of :.·: .. all acta and laws now in force in aid thereof, local improvement bonds of the Ci'7 :I of Inglewood be iasued for the purpose of paying for the aforesaid local improvement j deaoribed in and provided b7 this ordinance within Water Main District Ne.2, Bnglewood, · Celerado, in an amount not to exceed the whole cest oT •aid .improvement, inoluding engineering, inspection, cellection and inoidental expenses, aa provided b7 law and net to exceed the estimate of the oost made by the City Engineer, to-wit $30000. SECTION 6. That aaid bonds shall be dated June l,!.D. 1926,and shall bear the name of the district improved; shall be pa,able to the bearer twent7-two years frem , and after the date thereof ,eubJect to call and prior p&71Dent as provided b7 law; ii ahall be subecribed b7 the 1la7or,oountersigned by the City !reasurer,attested b7 1 the Clerk of the aaid Oi'7,and the eeal of the Oit7 thereunto affixe4,and be p~able ' out of mone7 collooted on account of the asseaemente made for said improvements; ahall bear intereat at the rate of not over six per oent,per annum,p~able semi- annuall.7; shall have fo*ty-four coupons thereto attaohed,atteeted b7 the faoimile signature of the Clerk.evidencing said interest,ehall be in denomination of t6<><> • .. oh and llhall be numbered conseoutivel.7 from one upward. i'be principal and interest ahall be p~able at the office of the Cit7 treasurer of the City •f Enalewood,or at the Jirat National Bank of Denver,Colorado at the option of the holder. ProYed however that if the City Council of the C1t7 of Jlaglewood,shall deem it adviaable to do eo,&07 or all of the said bonds m91' be in the denomination •f 100.00 eaoh,instead of in the denomination ot t&oo.oo each. SBCTIOB 7. That said bonds shall be issued from time to time b7 the Cit7 !reas~rer upon eatimatee and orders ot the Cit7 Jlngineer,oountersigned and approved b7 the l1a.7or,but the ~or and the Cit7 Counoil ma7 uee lllftioient ot eaid bonds at par fer the p&71Jlent ot engineering and oth?r oler1oal expenaea and ooata ot inapeotion or the ~•r with the approval of the c1t7 Couno11,m8¥ sell in the -.nner prev14e4 b7 law,81lffio1ent ot eaid bonde to PS¥ said expeneea in oaeh, '?he Cit7 treaeurer ahal make ~and preserve a record ot all bonds ieaued hereunder in a suitable boek kept tor that purpoae. SB~IOI e. That aaid bonds and ooupone thereto attached,ehall be eubatantiall7 the following form: tml~KD STATES 01 &MJCRICA STATI OP COLORADO COUlf'rY OP ARAPABOB CITY OP KNGLBWOOD UTJB JUI.ti DISTRICT l'lO. TWO LOCAL IMPROVJllBNT BOlil> ··------tl<>o.oo TBB CITY OP JllGLIWOOD,in the aount7 of Arapahoe,State of Colorade,for value reoeive4,aoknowle4gea itaelf indebted to and hereb7 promises to ~ to the bearer h•r••f the BWI Of PIVB BUlfDRBD DOLLARS in gold coin Of the UD1,•4 s,., •• •f £a•r1oa •f,or equal te,the preaent atandard of weight and fineness on the firet da7 of J~ £.D. 1918,81lbJeot to oall and paJ1Dent,however,at any time prier thereto,aa provi4•4 in the aot •f the General •••embl7 ot the State of Colorado,here1natter mantione4, with intereat thereon from date hereof until p&T11ent at the ra•• •f per cent,per annum,p87able eemi-annuall.7 on the first da7 ot lune an ..... a~n;--0-....... 1.r in eaoh 7ear as evldenoed b7 the interest ooupone hereto attaohed both pr1Do1pal ant int•r••t p~abl• at the ottioe ot the Cit7 1'reasurer ot aaid 01~ or at the ~1r•• •ati•nal Bank ot Denver,Colorado,at the option of the holder,upon preaentation of •hi• bon4 or •aid ooupone reapeotive17. 'l'hi• bend i• ieeued for the purpose of p~ing the ooat of looal improvement• in th• Wa,er l.lain District lo.Twe,Bnglewood,Oolorado,b7 virtue ot an~ full oonfol'llit7 with an aot ot the General Aseembl7 ot the State ot Oolorado,ent1•1•4,"'8 Aot Belaiing to Local Imp••vemente in Cities and towna•,approved April 9,A.».1983, an4 all aota amendator7 thereto or in aid thereof ,and an ordinano• of aai4 Cit7 dul.7 a4op,ecl,approved and published and made a law of said Oit7 prior to the iaauanoe thereof. · 'l'llia bend ia pa7able out of the prooeede ot a special aeaeaament to be levied upon real estate situated in the ••14 Water Main Diatriot ••·'-•• Bllgl•- wo .. ,Colora4o,and espeoiall.7 benefited b7 aa14 improvementa,and 'h• aaaeeaments are ao ma4• upon the real estate in said 4istriot for the p&711ent hereof with . aoorue4 interest will be a perpetual lien upon said real ••'ate in the •••peotiv• .. eunta appertioned to aaid real estate and asaeaaed b7 an •rdinanoe ef aai4 Cit7, aaid lien being on a parity with a lien of general taxea. AD4 th• pa711ent of the prinoipal of and the interest on this bond is quaran•e•4 'b7 said Cit7 b7 an · ertinanoe dul7 adopted b7 the Cit7 Council ot said Cit7 a two third• vote •f the a .. b•r• thereof. It is hereb7 oertitied,recited and warranted that the total bonds of aaid 01'7 fer •aid improvement diatriot including this bond doee not exoeed the estimate et the Cit7 Bngineer,the contract prioe tor said imprevement,or the amount authorised b7 law. !hat aaid has been tor man7 7ears past,and ia now a bod7 politio ant oorporate,with the general powera ot a oorporation,dul7 organized,exiating and operating as a City under and by v6rtue of *he Constitution and general lawa •f the State of Colorado; and is now and always has been under the control of a ~er and dulJ organized City Council as the dul7 oonatituted oorporat,J authorit7 thereof; an4 it ie further certified and reoited that ever7 requirement ot law relating to the creation of the said Water Llain District l'lo.2, Bnglewood,Colorade, the making of said looal improvements and the iaeue of this bond,haa been tull7 oomtlied with bJ the proper oftioers and that · all oonditiona required to exist and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond to ren4er the same lawful and valid,have happened and have been properl7 done and pertermed,and did txiat in regular and due time,torm and manner as required bJ law. II TBSTIMOlfY WBBBBOP,the aaid Cit7 ot Englewood, bf the Ma7or and Cit7 Coinoil, haa oaueed this bond to be eusoribed by the KtQor and the corporate seal to be impresaed t hereon,atteated b7 its Cit7 Clerk,and eaoh of interest ooupone hereto aanexed to be signed with the faosimile signature of the Ci~7 Clerk ana countereigned b7 the City Treasurer. ATT.BST: Jlqor --~----------~--------Cit7 Clerk ------------------------ (Porm ot Coupon) Cit7 treasurer le, --Oi---t-h-1-.--- ftll CI'if~--Ol'--~ING--nLIW..-.fto~o-~,in arapahoe Count7,Colorado,promiaea to PS¥ the bearer out of the prooeede ot a special assessment against the real ee,ate situated in the Water Main Diatriot lo.2,Englewood,Colorado, Dollars in gold coin •f the United States of Amerioa,of,or equal to, the present •'-D4ard of weight and tl..a ... , •' the office of the City Treasurer in .Rnglewood,Colorado,or at the •iret lational Bank of Denver,at the option of the holder, being six months interest then due on its looal improvement bond issued tor the construction of local improvements in Water Jlaln Diatriot »o.2,Rnglewood,Colorado. Date4--------- Bearing Bwaber _________ ~~----- SBCTIOU 9. The Oit7 Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to have printed auffioient bond• ot the denomination t6oo.oo (or et t100.oo if ordered b7 the Council) eaoh,numbered consecutively from l upward,and is required to meet the actual coat ot eaid improvements aa herein provided.and credit shall be endorsed ·Upon the laai bond iaaued,ao that 'aaid bond shall represent suoh fractional part of the principal amount of said bond as mfi¥ be necessary to evidence the actual indebtedness incurred on aooount of said improvements,and when said bonds are prepared 'o deposit the same i.t11 with the .1t~3 fr .. aurer,to be issued from time to time ae hereinbetore provided. SBOTIOI 10. B7 reason of the faot that the completion at thr earliest possible 4ate of the improvements described in and oontemplated b7 thie ordinano• 1• neoeeear7 to the ilml•diate preservation of the public safet7,thi1 ordinance shall take effeot imm•diatel.7 after its final passage and publioation,ae required b7 law,an4 ehall no• be aubJeot to the referendum provisions of Chapter 9' ot the lawa paeaed at the 19,h Seeaion of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado. SBOTIOB 11. Thia ordinance,after ita paaaage,ahall be reoorded in a book kept for tbat purpoae,ahall be authenticated b7 the signature of the ~or and C1'7 Clerk ant aball be published in the Brlglewood Beral4 ant BD'erpriae,a newspaper publilhe4 within the limits of the Cit7 of 1Dglewood,1hall 'ake efteot and be in feroe upon 'he expiration ot five d81'• after it baa been ao publiahed,an4 •hall be irrepealable until 'he indebtednesa herein provided tor ahall be paid in full. 11nal1' pa11e4,approve4 and ordered publiahe4 thia l•th dlQ' of JlJ,De,A.D. 1926. AftBST: ----Cit7 Clerk. Publiehe4 June 17,1926 S!~TB '11 COLORADO ) OOUJITY °' ABAPAHOB )) S.S. CITY 0. BIGLBWOOD ) ' -~-----­( I,Lenora •ogle, 01'7 Clerk and Beoorder of the Cit7 ef llnll .. oe4, Count7 of Arapahoe,State of Colorado,do hereb7 oert1f7 that the above aad torego1Dg OrtiDanoe waa 1Dtro4uoe4 and read in fUll,and on resolution waa ordered publiahed aa a propo1ed erdinance of the Cit7 of Knglewood,Colorado,and the aame was ordered publillhe4 at an .l4Journe4 Regular Meeting of the Cit7 Counoil h•l• lief 26,1926, A.D.,held b7 the Cit7 Counoil on aa14 date,and the aame waa published in 'h• ~lewood Berald,a weekl7 newapaper ot general circulation in the CitJ of ... I I at a Subeequent AdJourned Begular Meeting of said CitJ Council held JUD• 16, 1926, j 1ng1 .. 004,in it• iaaue of ~2,, 1926,A.D. for more than ten 4&1'& thereat•er,ani I •.AJf OBDIB.UCB CRBATIIG il IKPBOVBl.IUT DISTRICT Ilf !HE Cift 01' BlfGLBIOOD, COLOBAJ>O, ~ 1 TO BB uon AS 'WAHR KAIB DISTRICT N0.2,•ABD ORDBBIBG AND AUTHOBIZIBG !BB IaAYllG ABD OOBSTRUCTIOB 0. WATBR llAillS,TOGJRHBB WITH BBCBSSARY APPUBTBlllBOBS ALOBG,'lBBOUGH .l.ID UPC. CBB!AIH STRBBTS WITHIN !BB CI~ 01' JUJGLBWOOD,ABD PBOVIDIBG •OB THB ISSUB O• BOIDS OP THB DISTRICT IN PAYJ.IENT 10li SAID LOc.lL DIPROVBllBBT, ... s dul.7 paaaed an4 a4fpted and publiehed in iia issue of June 1,, 1926, aa required b7 the Statute ef the Staie of Colorade. ~...v ~/~ <fl::. o-r:1/o Cit;-ci;;;: --~-- I I. J