HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926 Ordinance No. 018"' B Y A U T H 0 R I T Y ------------ 0 R D I N A N C K N O. 18 S E R I B S 0 P 1926 Alf ORDINANCE APPROVING THE WHOLE COST OP THE LOCAL IUPROVEllEN'l'S COHSTRUOTBD IH .lliD BY VIRTUE OF HAUPDEN AVEiiUE PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER ONE,AND APPROVING THE APPORTIOUJ.CEHT OP SAID COST TO THE SBVERAL LOTS OR TRACTS OP LAND IN SAID DISTRICT IN PROPORTION TO THE ACTUAL BENEFITS ACCRUING TO THE SEVERAL LOTS OR TRACTS 01 LAND IN SAID DISTRICT,AND ASSESSING THE SHARE or SAID COST AGAINST THE SEVERAL LOTS OB TRACTS OF L1ND IN SAID DISTRICT IN PROPORTION TO THE BENEPITS,AND PRESCRIBING THE U!UNER OF THE PAYLtEllT AND COLLECTIOU OP SAID ASSESSMENTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of ~glewood has heretofore established and oreated Hampden Avenue Paving District No.l, and has caused to be oonstruoted oertain loca.l improvements within said district, to-wit, the grading, paving and ourbing o~ a portiop of West Hampden Avenue, b7 virtue of Ordinance Bo.6, Series of 1926; and WHEREAS, the construction of eaid looal improvements have been completed and excepted by the City CoWloil, and the total oost of aaid improvement definitely accertained. and notioe thereof duly given as required by law; and WH&REAS,among other things, said notice provided that any complaints or objections which might be made in writing by the owners to the City Council and filed in the office of the City Clerk within 20 d~s from the first publication of said notice, would be heard and determined by the City Council before the passage of any ora1nance assessing the coat of said improvement,and that such .~f1JJ complaints or pbjections would be heard by the City Council at a regular meeting thereof . to be held on the evening of June 21.1926,at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M. at the City Hall.Englewood,Colorado,or at such time to which said meeting might be adjourned; and WHEREAS, the first publication of said notice was duly made on the 27th d~ of L!ay,A.D. 1926, and no complaint or objections were ma.de in writing by the owners to the City Council with1n ~20 4~s from first publication of such notice, and no complaints or objections of any matters whatsoever have been made by the owners to the City Council up to the time of the consideration of this ordinance,and the time for the filing of such conplaints or objections has elapsed; and . WH~EAS, the whole cost of the impro vement as shown by the statement prepared by the City E.~gineer,including the cost of inspection, collection and other inciden- tals, and also in cluding int e r e st on the bonds issued to the time the first install- ment of the asses sm ent is made payable, ie the sum of $36,124.16; and WHEHE AS, it appears from said statement and from thorough consideration of the entire matter, that the assessment apportioned upon each lot or tract of land is in proporti on to the actual benefits accruing to each lot or tract of land to which the swn e is apportioned; lOW,THEREF ORE ,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORAD O: 8EC.l. That the whole cost of said improvement and the apportionment of the same upon each lot or tract of land in said district is hereby approved and declared to be in proportion to the actual benefits accruing to each lot or tract o f land. SEC.2. That there be and thereie hereby aseeasei upon each lot and tract of land within Hampden Avenue Paving District No.l, the following amounts and portions aet opposite said several lots or tracts of land, as follows, to-wit: A traot of land described as follows; Beginning at a point 193 feet West and 26 feet North of the s.E.corner of the s.E.t of the s.w.t of section 34 Tp. 4 S.R.68 W.; thence North 339.6 feet, thenoe West 380 feet, ~hence South 339.6 feet, thenoe East 380 feet to the place of beginning. All of the above described tract except the extended lines of South Acoma street. Assessment ~ $1349.06 A tract of land described a s fol l2Jl~i . jqgtnnin6 at a point 193 feet West and 364.6 feet North of the s.E• corne?j,~~irEJts.w.t of section 34 Tp.4 S.R.68 W; thence North 266 feet, thence West 380 feet, thence South 266 feet, thence Bast 380 feet to the place of beginning. Alil · ef·-:the above deecri bed tract except the extended lines of South Acoma street. Aeseaament taao.02 A tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a point 1'3 feet West and 690.6 feet North of the S.E.oorner pf the S.E.i of the S.W.i of section 3-i 1'p.4 S.R. 68 W; thence North 269.4 feet, thence West 402 feet, thence South 269.4 feet, thence East 402 feet to the plaoe of beginning All of the above described tract except the extended lines of South Aooma atreet. Aaaeasment t1a2.10 Jlloode Addition Lot Assessment Floods Addition Lot Ae,esement " 21 • 79.13 " 33 10.36 " 22 79.13 " M 8.90 " 23 61.28 " 36 7.06 " 24 . 44.20 " 36 6.6'1 " 25 36.19 " 3'1 6.07 " 26 29.06 " 18 114.66 " 27 23.16 " 19 '17. 97 " 28 20.90 " 20 77.97 " 29 17. 36 " 17 86.4'1 " 30 15.34 " 16 '16.69 " 31 13.47 " 15 62.04 " 32 6.90 " 14 49.82 Ploods Addition Lot Assessment Ploode Addition Lot Assessment " 13 $39.70 " 'I tl'1. 28 " 12 35.'78 " 6 15.26 " 11 29.'76 " 6 12.11 " 10 26.26 .. ' 9.'70 " 9 22.68 " 3 8.69 .. 8 19.·03 A tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a point 25 feet Borth of the s.w. corner of the s.R. i of the s.w. i of aeotion 34 !p. S.R. 68 I.; thence Borth 8'75 feet, thence East 484.6 feet, thence South 876 fee,, thence Weat 486 feet to the place of beginning. All of the above described traot except the extended lines of the Borth and south Streets. Aaaeeament t2699.65 A tract of land described as follows; Beginning a' a point 25 feet Borth of the s.E.oorner of the s.w. } ot the s.w. t of eeotion 34 !p. 4 S,R. 68 w. thence North 636 feet, thence West 330 feet, 'l'henoe South 635 feet, thence Bast 330 feet to the place of beginning. All of the above described tract except the extended lines of the Borth and South streets. ' Assessment tl634.60 A traot of land described as follows; Benning at a point 25 feet North of the s.w.corner of section 34 Tp.4 s.n. 68 w.; Thence East 991 feet, thence orth 635 feet, thence East 330 feet, thence North 240, thence West 1321 fee• more or leas, thence South 875 feet to the pluce of beginning. All of the above desceibed tract except the extended lines of the North and South Streets. esessment t5383.90 A tract of land described as~follows; Beginning at a point 26 feet North of the S,R,corner of section 33 Tj).S.R. 68 w. thenoe North 350 feet, thence est 76 feet, thence South 350 feot, Thence East 76 feet,to the place of beginning. All of the above described tract except the extended lines of South Huron street. Assessment t212.29 A tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a point and 76 feet West of the S.E.corner of section 33 Tp,4 S.R.68 W,; 360 feet, thence West 100 feet, thenae South 350 feet, thence the place of beginning. Aseesament $471.74 25 feet North thence No*th 100 feet, to tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is 25 feet North and 175 feet West of the s.E,corner of section 33 Tp.4 S.R. 68 w.; thence Horth 350 feet, thence West 50 feet, thence South 360 feet, thence East 50 feet to the place of beginning. Assessment $235.87 A tract of lo.nd described as follows; Beginning at a point which is 26 feet North and 225 feet Wes t of the S.E. corner of section 33 Tp. 4 s.R. w.; thence North 350 feet, thence West 50 feet, thence South 350 feet, thence thence East 50 feet, to the place of beginning. Assessment $235.87 A tract af land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is 3'16 feet North of the s.E.oorner of section 33 rp. 4 s.R. q8 w.; thence North along the East line of section 33 298.7 feet, thence West 84'7 feet to the right of way line of the A.T.& S.F.R.R.; thence South Westerl7 along said right of wfi¥ line 657 feet. thence South 118 f eet more or less, thence Kast along the North line of West Hampden Avenue 736 feet, thence North 350 feet, thence East 275 feet to the place of beginning. All of the above described tract except the extended lines of the North and South streets. Assessr· en ts t3967. Ol . A tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is 673.'7 feet North of the s.E.oorner of section 33 Tp.4 B.R. 68 w.; thence orth 226.3 feet, thence West 646 feet more or lees to the right of way line of the A.T.& s.P. R.R. thence ·south Westerly 226.3 feet along said right of •&7 line, thence Bast 847 feet to the ,plaoe of beginning. All of the above described tract except the extended lines of the North and South Streets. Aaaesement t339. '19 , _ i tract of land described as follows; Beginning at a point which is 60 feet West of the N.W.oorner of block 6, Englewood; thence lest 330 feet,along the South line of West Hampden Avenue, !hence Beuth 876 feet, thence East 330 feet to an intersection with the West line of s. Jason Street, thence orth to the, place of beginning. Assessment t2162.16 I I .... I r I ' ' ~ I :t'ffj Block Lota Assessment Block Lota AaeesB1Dent l : l . ..azld ~ 32 t66.95 each G 8 and 25 $41.06 each :.1 2 and 31 62.21 each 6 9 and 24 3'1.90 each 1 3 and 30 5'1.48 each 6 10 and 23 34.'13 each l 4 and 29 52.74 each 6 11 and 22 29. 89 each 1 5 and 28 48.00 each 6 12 and 21 2'1.2'7 each 1 6 and 27 47.38 each 6 13 and 20 24.63 eaoh l 7 and 26 44.22 each 6 14 and 19 22.01 each 1 8 and 26 41.06 each 6 15 and 18 19.36 each 1 9 and 24 37.90 easll 6 16 and 1'1 19.06 each l 10 and 23 34.73 each l 11 and 22 29.89 each 12 l and 32 18.2'1 each 1 12 and 21 27.2'1 each 12 2 and 31 16.42 each l 13 and 20 24.63 each 12 3 and 30 14.6'7 each l 14 and 19 22 .0l each 12 4 and 29 13.79 each 1 16 and 18 19.36 each 12 6 and 28 13.61 each l 16 and l '1 19.05 each 12 6 and 2'7 12.56 each 12 7 and 26 11.49 each 2 1 and 32 $66.96 each 12 8 and 26 10.45 each 2 2 and 31 1)62. 21 eaoh 12 9 and 24 9.39 each 2 3 and 30 6'1.48 each 12 10 and 23 9.26 each 2 4 and 29 52.74 each 12 11 and 22 8.74 each 2 5 and 28 48.00 each 12 12 and I/Ji 8.21 each 2 6 and 27 47.38 each 12 13 and 18 '7.68 each 2 '1 and 26 44.22 each 12 14 and 19 '1.16 each 2 8 and 25 41.06 each 12 16 and 1.S 5.46 each 2 9 and 24 37.90 each 12 16 and 1'1 5.19 each 2 10 and 23 34.73 each 2 11 and 22 29.89 each 13 l and 32 t1e.2'1 each 2 12 and 21 27.27 each 13 2 and 31 16.42 each 2 13 and 20 24.63 each 13 3 and 30 14.67 each 2 14 and 19 22.0l each 13 4 and 29 13.'19 each 2 15 and 18 19.36 each 13 5 and 28 13.61 aaoh 2 16 and 17 19.06 each 13 6 and 27 12.65 each 13 7 and 26 11.49 each 3 1 and 32 j66.96 each 13 8 and 25 10.45 each 3 2 and 31 62.21 each 13 9 and 24 9.39 each ... 3 3 and 30 57.48 each 13 10 and 23 9.26 each 3 . 4 and 29 62,74 each 13 11 and 22 8.74 each 3 6 and 28 48.00 each 13 12 and 21 a.21 eaoh 3 6 and 2'1 47.38 each 13 11 and 20 7.68 each 3 7 and 26 44.22 each 13 11 and 19 7.16 each 3 8 and 25 41.06 each 13 16 and 18 6.45 each 3 9 and 24 37.90 each 13 16 and l'I 5.19 eaoh 3 10 and 23 34.'13 each 3 11 and 22 29.89 eaah 14 l and 32 .;.tis. 27 each 3 12 and 21 2'1.27 each 14 2 and 31 16.42 eaah 3 13 and 20 24.63 each 14 3 and 30 14.67 each 3 l& and 19 22.01 each 14 4 and 29 13.79 each 3 16 and 18 19.36 each 14 5 and 28 13.61 each 3 16 and 17 19.05 each 14 6 and 27 12.55 each 14 7 and 26 11.49 each 1 and 32 tf,6.95 each 14 a and 25 10.45 eaoh ' 2 and 31 62.21 each 14 9 and ~4 9.39 each " 3 and 30 57.48 each 14 10 and 23 9.26 each " 4 and 29 62.74 eaah 14 11 and 22 8.74 each ' 6 and 28 48.00 each 14 12 and 21 8.21 each " 6 and 2'1 47.38 each 14 13 and 20 '1.68 each 4 7 and 26 44.22 each 14 14 and 19 '1.16 eaah 4 8 and 26 41.06 each 14 15 and 18 5.46 eaoh -4 9 and 24 37.90 each 14 16 and 1'1 5.19 each 4 10 and 23 34.73 each 4 11 and 22 29.89 each 15 1 and 32 tl8.27 each 4 12 and 21 2'1.27 each 15 2 and 31 16.42 each , " 13 and 20 24 .63 each 15 3 and 30 14.57 each • 14 and 19 22.0l each 15 4 and 29 13.79 each 4 15 and 18 19.36 each 15 5 and 28 13.61 each 4 16 and l '1 19.05 each 15 6 and 2'1 12.56 each 15 '1 and 26 11.49 each 6 l and 32 $66.95 each 15 a and 25 10.46 each 5 2 and 31 62.21 each 15 9 and 24 9~·39 each 5 3 and 30 5'1.48 each 15 10 and 23 9.26 each 6 4 and 29 52.74 each 15 11 and 22 8.74 each 6 5 and 28 48.00 each 15 12 and 21 a.21 each 6 6 and 27 4'1.38 aaah 15 'L 13 and 20 7.68 each 6 '7 and 26 44.22 each 15 14 and 19 7.16 eaoh 6 a and 26 41.06 each 15 15 and 18 5.45 eaoh 6 9 and 24 37.90 each 16 16 and 17 5.19 each 6 10 and 23 34.73 each 6 11 and 22 29.89 eaoh 16 1 and 32 tl8.27 each 6 .... 12 and 21 27.27 each 16 2 and 31 16.42 each 6 13 and 20 24.63 each 16 3 and 30 14.57 each ~ 14 and 19 22.0l each 16 4 and 29 13.79 each 6 15 and 18 19.36 each 16 5 and 28 13.61 each & 16 and 17 19.05 each. 16 6 and 27 12.55 each 16 '1 and 26 11.49 eaoh 6 1 and 32 66.95 each 16 8 and 25 10.45 eaoh 6 2 and 31 62.21 each 16 9 and 24 9.39 each 6 3 and 30 57.48 each 16 lo.and 23 9.26 each 6 4 and 29 52.74 ea.ch 16 11 and 22 8.'14 eaoh 6 5 and 28 48.00 each lG 12 and 21 8.21 eaoh 6 6 and 27 47.38 each 16 13 and 20 '1.68 each cc 6 '1 and 26 44.22 each 16 14 and 19 7.16 eaoh . ~ 00 > Block Lots Assessment Block Lots Assessment 16 16 and 18 5.45 eaoh 5 12 29.94 16 16 and 17 5.19 eaoh 5 • 13 2'1.42 6 14 24.90 17 1 and 32 t1a.27 · each 6 15 . 22.38 1'7 2 and 31 16.42 ea.oh 6 16 21.81 1'7 3 and 30 14.57 each 5 1'1 20.05 17 4 and 29 13.79 each 6 l8 18.29 17 5 and 28 13.61 each 6 19 16.63 1'7 6 and 27 12.55 ea.oh 6 20 14.76 17 7 and 26 11.49 each 5 21 11.82 JI 1'7 8 and 25 10.45 each 5 22 13.81 17 9 and 24 9.39 each 5 23 12.18 6 ll.'19 - 17 10 and 23 9.26 each 24 17 11 and 22 8.74 each 6 26 10.'18 17 12 and 21 a.21 each 5 26 10.15 1'7 13 and 20 7.68 each 6 27 9.66 1'7 14 and 19 7.16 ea.oh 5 28 9.16 1'7 15 and 18 5.46 each 5 29 8.64 17 16 and 17 5.19 each 5 30 8.14 ., 5 31 5.98 18 l and 32 $ 4.91 eaoh 5 32 5.73 18 2 and 31 4.72 eaoh 5 33 6.48 ~ 18 3 and 30 4.40 ea.oh 6 34 8.46 5 35 6.49 19 l and 32 $4.91 ea.oh 5 36 6.80 19 2 and 31 4.72 ea.oh 5 37 5.19 19 3 and 30 4.40 each 5 38 5.46 6 -39 7.16 20 l and 32 t-i.91 ea.oh 5 40 'l.F~ 20 2 and 31 .4. 7 2 eaoh 5 41 a.21 20 3 and 30 4.46 each 6 42 8.74 .,, 6 43 9.26 21 l and 32 $4.91 each 5 44 9.39 21 2 and 31 4.72 ea.oh 5 46 10;45 21 3 and 30 4.46 each 5 46 11.49 5 47 12.55 22 l and 32 $4.91 each 5 48 13.61 22 2 and 31 4.7 2 each 5 413 13.'19 22 3 and 30 4.40 each 5 50 14.67 5 51 16.42 23 1 and 32 $4.91 each 6 52 18.27 23 2 and 31 4.7 2 ea.oh 5 53 19.05 2 3 3 and 30 4.40 ea.oh 5 64 19.36 6 65 22.01 I Sk erritts Addition 5 66 24.63 '- 6 5'1 2'1. 2'1 ' l l and 32 $66.95 eaoh 6 68 29.89 l 2 and 31 62.21 each 5 59 34.73 l 3 and 30 57.48 ea.oh 6 60 37.90 l 4 and 29 52.74·eaoh 5 61 41.06 ' l 5 and 28 48.00 ea.oh 5 62 44.22 l 6 and 27 47.38 eaoh 5 63 47.38 ·' l 7 and 26 44.22 each 6 64 48.00 l 8 and 25 41.06 ea.oh 5 65 62.74 l 9 and 24 37.90 eaoh 5 66 5'7.48 l 10 and 23 34.73 each 5 67 62.21 1 11 and 22 29.89 ea.oh 5 68 80.31 l 12 and 21 27.27 ea.oh 1 13 and 20 24.63 ea.oh Englewood Heights l 14 and 19 22.0l ea.oh . l 16 and 18 19.36 each l l ...40 l 16 and 17 19,05 ea.oh 2 l and 16 4.40 eaoh 4 4 'l.16 2 l and 32 $16 .. 37 each 4 6 3,1'7 2 2 and 31 16.42 each 4 6 3.48 2 3 and 30 14.57 each 4 ., 4.04 2 4 and 29 13.79 ea.oh 4 8 4.66 '-.-" 2 5 and 28 13.61 each 4 9 4.66 11 2 6 and 27 12.66 eaoh ·4 10 4.91 2 7 and 26 11.49 each 4 11 5.14 2 8 and 25 10.46 ea.oh 4 12 4.10 2 9 and 24 9.39 each 4 13 3.42 2 10 and 23 9.26 each 2 11 and 22 8,74 each 6 22 $4.41 2 12 and 2l 8,21 each 5 23 4.20 2 13 and 20 7.68 each 2 14 and 19 7.16 each Shadyside Addition ll 2 15 and 18 5.45 each 2 16 and 17 5.19 eaoh l tlB.56 2 41.06 Skerritt's Addition Second Filing . 3 37.90 4 34.73 5 1 $87.63 5 29.89 5 2 68.60 6 27.28 5 3 63.99 7 24.63 5 4 59.43 8 22.01 5 5 54.89 9 19.36 6 6 51.'15 10 19.06 5 7 48.73 11 18.2'7 5 8 45.71 12 16.42 5 9 42.68 13 14.57 5 10 39.66 14 13.79 5 11 32.46 15 13.61 • ' .. ' ' Block Lots Assessment Block Lots Assessment 16 $12.55 17 11.49 18 10.45 19 9.39 20 9.26 A tract of land described as follows: 60 feet South of the S.E.oorner of blo~~-~ 76 fe,t, thence West 266 feet. then!e~1o place of beginning. Assessment 21 te.74 22 e.21 23 7.68 24 7.16 25 6.21 Beginning at a point which is Skerretts Addition, Thence Sou'h feet •. thence Kast 266 feet to the • 2'1.94 A tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South ·~. line of West Hampden Avenue. which point is 26 feet South and 266 feet West ot the B.B.corner of the N.w.~ of section 3 Tp.5 S.R.68 w.. thence West along the South line of West Hampden Avenue,226 feet, thence South 54'50" East 119.45 feet, thence South 78'42" East 132 feet. thence Borth 0'20" Bast 106 feet to place of beginning. All of the above described tract except the extended lines of South Aooma atreet. Aaaesement t206.46 A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of West Hampden Avenue which is 191 feet West and 25 feet South of the N.B corner of the N.W.i of section 3 Tp.5 S.R. 68 w •• thence South 192 feet more or lees to the N.&.oorner of the West half of block one Shad7side Addition, thence Northwesterly along the Northerly line of said block one and said NortherJ.7 line extended Westerly to an intersection with the West line of South Aooma street 190 feet more or leas. thence South along the said lest line of South Aooma Street to the City Ditch, thence Westerly along said City Ditch to the East line of South Bannook Street. thence North along said East line of South Bannook Street to the South line of West Hampden Avenue. thence East along the South line of West H&1apden Avenue , 151 feet to the ·' Northwest corner of the land ewned by Helmer Johnson,. thence South 54'50" East 119.46 feet, thence South 15'42" East 132 feet, thence Borth 0'20" Bast 106' feet to a point on the South lino of Hampden Avenue, thence East 76 feet to place of beginning. All of the ab ove described tract except the ex t ended line of the Korth and louth Streets. Assessment $16,4.82 Seo. 3. That said assessments shall be due and payable within thirty days after the final publica tion of this assessing ordinan~e, without demand, proTided that suoh assessment may, at the election of the owner. be pai• in installments within interest as hereinafter provided, Pailure to pay the wh6le ass essment within said peroid of thirty days shall be conclusively considered and held to be an election on the part of all persons interested wheither under disability or otherwise, to pay in such installments. In case of Such election to ~ay in ~nstallmente, the assessment sahll be payable in twenty a.Anual inetedl .. nts of principal, the first of which installments shall be due and pay- able on the first day of January A. D. 1927, and the remainder of said installments shall be due and payable with inter est, in all oases on the unpaid principal of eaoh of said installments until the matarity thereof, at the rate ot five and one-half C6t) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually. Pailur& to pay any inetall emc :1t, wheither of pr inci p al or interest, when due. shall cau s e th e whole of the unpaid principal to b ecome due an d collectable immediately. and the whole amount ot unpaid prin c ipal and accured interest shall ther.eafter draw interest at the rate of one (1) per cen t. per mo nth, or fraction of a montp, until the date of sale, as Jrovid e d b; law, but at any time prior to the date of sale, the owner rn ay pay th$ amount of all unpatd inetallments with interest ~t one (1) per cent. p e r month , or fra ction of a mon th, and all penalitjeS· accured , and shall thereupon be restored t o the right thereafter to pay in installments in t~e sam e manner as if default had not be en suffered4 The owner of any property not in default as t o tiny install:mant or payment may at any time pay the whtle of the unpaid principal wi th the interest accuring to the maturity of the next install- .ment .... ~ -iriter .~st or principal. Paym ents may be mede to the City Treasurer at any tine within 30 da ~,rs a f+ ... ,.. the fi na l pu b lication of this ordinance, an allowance of five (5) per cent , shall b e mad e on all paymen ts made during such peroid, but not thereafter . Sec . 4 . 1.rhis urdina.nce shall , afte r its f inal pass age, be recorded in a book kept for this pu r pos e; shall bo authent icated b,v the signature of the Mayor and the City Glerl::, unde r the seal of the City; and shall be published in the 3n g lew oo d Heurld and Enterprise , a news pap er of general circulation in the City of img lewoo d; shal l tat:e e ffect and be enforced upon t he expiration of five days after it has been pdb lished , and s h all be irrepealable unt i l the indebted- ness herein provided f or shall b e pai d i n full. Pinaly pass e d, appr oved an d ord ered published this 16th day of July A. D. 1926 --~s . ---u u;~;~- ----~~--iI..~-- City Clerk. ( SIAL) 1-it? } s )s .s . ) I, Leno~a FoBle, City Clerk and Recorder o! the City of e \\Oo d, County of Arapahoe, St u te of Colorado, do hereby certify tha t the ab o ve nn d foregoing ordinance was introduced and reaa in full, and on tesolution was ord ered published as a pro p osed ordinance of the City of ~glewood, Colora4o •. un d the same wus o r <l ·-..·Acd published a.t a.n Adj ou rned Beglllar Meeting of the City Cow1cil held June 2 1., 1926, A. D., held by tho City Council 0 n sai d date, and the same r ·aa published in the Eng l ew ood Hearld, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the ~~ty of Englewood, in its issue of June 24, 1926, A. D. , for !l ore than ten day~ thereafter, and at a Subsequent Adjourned Regular Meetingof aaid City 0om1cil held July 15, 1926 A. D., "All 10RDIHANCE AP PRO VING THE WHOLE COST OF '.i1H3 LOCAL I i.1P:tOVZ i.IBUTS COHS TRUC TED I U AllJJ BY VIRTUE OF HAMPDEN AVENPlr PAVIilG DISTRICT llUiIB~ ONE , AND APPHOVIUG ~HE APPORTIONMEU'.i1 OF SAID COST TO THE SEVEHML LO'l'S OR TRACTS OF Iu\lID IU SAID DISTRICT IN PROPORT ION TO THE AC '?:JA L 3EllEFITS .ACClfrl I:lG TO ·~HE S EVER AL LOTS OR THACTS OF LAUD IN SAID DISTRICT·, AUD .A SSESS ING .'IIE SHAltJI~ or~ I AID COST AGA I UST THE SEVE:iA L LOTS OR 'l'RACTS OF LAND . IU SAID DISTRICT Ill Pli OPOHTION TO TH E BENEF ITS, AND PRESC R IBING THE MANNER OP T.> PAYUENT AUD cor..-J?.C'.i'JOII OF SAID ASS ES SH~Il'l'~." was duly passed and adopted' and published i n the E!nglewood Hearld anu &nterprise, in its issue of July the 22nd, 1126, A. D., as requi red by the Statute of the ~tate of Uolorado. ----~~qufP-___ c(C_~- Ci ty ui7rk~· • ' I , ii ,, '• .I ,I 'I