HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925 Ordinance No. 004BY A UT H 0 H I TY. ----------- .Q R ~ .! l{ A l.! .Q E ..J! .Q. · S B B I E S --.... ----0 p l 9 2 6. ------!· ORDI.NAllCE REGULATING THE KEEPillG AND LU.lllTAiliilfG OJ GOA'l'S WITHIN THE CITY LlllITS OP THE CITY OF ENGLE\'IOOD, AllD PROVIDING POR A PEHALITY FOR THE VIOLATION OJ THE SAKE. BE IT OBDAlliED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Seo. l. That from and after the passage of thi1 o .. inance, it shall be unlawful for aD7 pereon, firm or corporation to keep, harbor or maintain any goats within the Cit)r limits of the City of Englewo8~J~provi4ed, howeYer, that it shall be lawfuL for &D7 person, firm or corporation t~ more tnan two female goata at &lJ7 one pl&oe C it1tl-/ within the City limits of the City of Englewood, upon complying with the porviaiona of the following sections. Y',_.r ~ Seo. 2. ArJ¥ person, firm or corporation so desire to keep not more than two female goats within the City limits of the Oity •t »ng1ewoo4, shall first file with 'he City Olerk of the City of Englewood, a petition in writing requesting the consent of the City Council of the Ci~ of Englewood to the keeping of said goat .,or_goata such petition ahall designate the place where aail goat or goats are desired to be ke,pt, and ahall be signed by the person firm or corporation 4ea1ring to keep the same; and there ahall alao be attached to or incorporated in said petition the written consent of a majority of the owners or ocoupanta of the property within a radi's of two hundret (200)- feet of the place where said goat or goats are desired to be kett • Seo. 3. Upon the fil-ing of said petition the City Council shall consider the same, and after determining the suffioi1lc7 thereof, m81' thereupon give its consent thereto, and from and after said oonsent ie given suoh person • firm or oorpor•tion may teep said 1oet at goata at the plaoe designated 'in said petition, upon paying whatever license fee m81' at the time be in effect. - Seo. 4. Any person firm or corporation violating ~ of the provision of this ordinance upon conviction, shall -e fined in a sum not lees than five dollareCt6> and not over fi!t7 dollaraCt50). Eve?'7 omission, negleot failure or re:tusal to obey the provisions o! this ordinance .for a peroid of fo1Ert7 eight hours (48) shall be deemed and considered to be a separate offense and shall be punished accordingly. Introduced, read, and ordered published at a Regular Meeting this 16th day of June, A. D. 1925. •1nally passed, approved, and ordered published this 13th d81' of July A. D. 1926. .lT!BST. -----------City ST!TE OJ COLORADO, ) )SS. COUllWY OP .ARAP AHO E.) ~-~~--~w~#~-~ Mqor ~"' Y~~z./ I, Lenora Pogle, City Clerk of the City of Bngl .. ood, Colorado, .hereb7 oertif7 that on the 11th dap o! June, A. D. 1925. at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the Cit7 ~f Englewood, held in the Council Chambers at Bb8lewood, Colorado, the above an4 d foregoing ordinance was introduced by Alderman Norrie, and read at length. That thereupon the City Council ordered, said ordinance to be published in fUll in the Englewood .Hearl4 Newspaper at least ten day before its passage; that thereafter said ordinance was published in full in said newspaper from June 18th to Jul.7 16th, 1925; that on the 13 dlQl of July .l. D. 1926 at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, said · ordinance was again read, and was duly passed by the City Council, Councilmen voting ae Pollowe: Bullen Aye, Cavender Aye, Lemon Aye, oCord Aye, Horris Aye, Winkler Aye. and waa thereupon duly signed by Geo c. Bullen, ~or Pro Tem, and atteeted by the Clerk and entered in the book of Ordinances of the City Council *!-~~~~--cfE.'!.~-- Ci ty Cle3*.