HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925 Ordinance No. 007!! !Y!!£il!! 0 B D I B A B C K BO. 9 S B R I B 8 0 1 1926. AK ORDINA HCE HEPEALI~G Ajl OiiDIHAllCE B0.8. 8ERIB8 01 1926, &liTITL.ED;r.All ORDIBABCE CRRATING Ali IUPROVEUEA'IT DISTRICT ~ ~HA CITY o• BllGLEWOOD,COLORADO,TO BE KNOWB AS SOUTH BROADWAY t&Y.IG ~·AJfD DlnOVKUU't B0.8,AJfD ORDBBillG DB COBSTRUCTIOB . ill> L!YIJIG 'l'HEREO• OF PAVEl.IENT ALONG Alf]) UPOB ~HA~ O.iiiTAIB 8~T ~vw~ A.;I ~vU:ai BROADWAY ABD PROVIDING FOR TH E ISSUE OF BOl'lDS OP TH E DIS'l'RICT IN PAYllEBT ~OR SAID LOCAL DIPROVEKBlft.• WHERRAS, there has ~eretofore been adopted an ordinance for the oreation of a local improveQent district within the Cit7 ot IDglewood ~·ror the paYing of a portion ot South Broadw&7 Avenue within the Cit7 ot Inglewood in accordance with Chap••r 180 of the Seaeion Lawe of Colorado for 1923, and, IHBRBAS, the eaid Chapter 180 of the Seaaion Lawe of Colorado for 1923 unter •hiela the district was proposed to be created aake• it eeeential and neceeaary to ihe lawful creation of said district that a petition be first presented to the City OoQJlcil, •i1Ded b7 the owner• of a majority of frontage direotl7 abutting on the street to be i•proYed, and. · ., WHBRKAS, the petition presented to the City Council for the creation of eaid propoeel 1 dietriat wae not signed by the requisite number ot property owners ae required bJ law, IOW 1'HER.D ORE ,BE IT OiiDAINED BY THE CITY OOUHCIL ft DB GITY OP ElfGLBWOOD,COLOIADOs seo.1. !laat Ordinanoe Bo.3,Seriee ot l926,ent1ile4: Aa OrdiJlanoe creatin1 'an illproTeaea• 41etrioi in the Cit7 of Bnglewoo4,Colorado,to be known as South BroadW&J' paYina an4 1.Jlproveaaent District Bo.3,and ordering the coa8truotion and 1&1'ing of paYeaeat alo111 : and upon that certain street known as Souih Broad•&1' and proY14ing for the ~~eue ot bon4e of the dietrict in p83JDent of oertain looal improvemente,to be and the eaae ie hereby ••pealed and held for naught. & Seo.2. ~ reaaon of the fact that the repeal ot the aforesaid ·ordinance 18 neota1,17 to the preserYation of the public heal th and aafet7, and inaamuoh as 1 t i8 deeirecl ·:-- b7 thie Council to olarif7 the reoorde and make oertain that there ia no legal .. objections to the creation of anotherveuoh district at &117 future ii•• thia or4iaanoe shall not be su\Jeot to the referendwa provisions of the la•• of ~e State of Color .. o. Introduced and read and ordered published this 12th day of Auguet,A. D. 1926. Piaall7 paaaed and adopted this Monday the 24th d&7 of Auguet,A. D. 1926. 1=--~-~------ll ~or. AftB8!: ----£7~~--s[/:~ c.vt Qi '7 Clerf....- 1;,' S!ATB OP COLORADO comrn OP ARAPAHOE CI!! OP ElfGLKWOOD ) ) s. s. ) !,Lenora logle,01~ el•rk and Beoorder of \be Cii7 ot aa,1 .. 001 Count7 ot Arapahoe,State ot Colorado,do here\7 oertif7 that the a\oY• foregoiJll Ordinance was introduced and read in tull,an• on reaolution waa ordered pu'bl1all•4 aa a proposed Ordinance for the Cit7 of Bnglewoo4,Colorado,aa4 eaae wae ordered publiahed at an aclJourned regular •••ti.DI ot the QitJ Couno~l keld AQIV.•• 11, 1926, A. D. helt b7 the Cit7 Oounoil on eaid date, and same ••• publiehed in the llaglewoo4 Haai-1•, • a •••kl.7 newspaper ot general circulation in the Oit7 ot Jaalewood, in ite ieaue of · 1. Aquat 20. 1925, tor more than ten d&l'B thereafter and at a eu'baequent Special Oall . ' Keetins of eaid Oit7 Oounoil held A11gUat &•. 1926, "Alf ORDIBABCB ~BALIIG Al OBD~CB ·~ JJO. 3. SERIES OP 1926, UTI!LBD 'Al ORDilfilCB CRBATI5 il DIP•YBKDT DI81'BICT I• THI . - CI1'Y or ElfGIJmOO]), C OLO~o. TO BB KliOWN AS SOUTH BROADWAY PAVIIG ilJ) DIPROVlllll'l IIS!RICT HUKBEli z ~ .... CllDlilUC) !ID CIJlfllUCTIOI AlfD LAYmG THEREa. OP PAVIDH ALO& AID DPO• THAT CEaT!DJ STREET XllOWB AS SOU'tH BROADWAY AND IROVIDING FOR TH! ISSUB ·a. BO.i>S 01 TH3 DI STRICT IB PAYMHBT POR BAID LOCAL nu?ROVUEBT." was dul7 paeeed ant aclopt .. and published in the Englewood Kearld in its issue of Auguat 21, 1926, a• required by the ltatutue of the ltate of Colo~ado. I ----~~~--~~----City OlerT-