HomeMy WebLinkAbout1925 Ordinance No. 012BY AUTHORITY 0 R D I B A H C E B O. 12 S B R I E S 0 P 1925 All ORDIABCE CRli~ING All IUPROVEUEllT DISTRICT Ilf THE CITY OP ENGLBVlOOD, COLORADO, TO BB DOWN AS SOUTH BROADWAY FAVIJIQ DISTBICT llUMBlli THREE, AllD ORDE!\ING AND AUTllORIZIHG THE CONSTRUCTIOB AUD LAYING OP GRADING, PAVING AND CORB.lliG, ALONG .AND UPOB THAT CEHT~Ill STREET KllOWlf AS SOUTH BROADWI..Y, AliD PROVIDIIIG ;~oR THE ISSUAN~E OP BOllDS OF THE DISTRICT IN PAYJi311T FOH ~AID LOCAL lLU'ROVEIJ&IT. BB IT ORDAINED BY THE CI'tY COUllCIL O.F THE CITY OP EUGLEviOOD? COLORADO: WHEREAS, a oertain petition aul>aoribed by th• owaera of propert7 direotl7 a•uttt.1 oa tllat protion of a atreet aougllt to be i 1a pr0Yed, known aad deaorilte4 aa Sou•lll Broacl•&7, 1a the City of BDalewood, Colorado, haa lleretofore been dul7 preaente4 and filed witlll tae Cit7 Cowicil, aaid petition requeating tll• gradin1, paving aad our&iaa of a protion of ~o~ Broadway, hereinafter deacribed, and the creation of a looal improYement diatrict witlllin the Cit7 of Rnglewood to be called •souta Broadw&J' FaT1-I Dia•riot Bo. 3,• aaid petitioa atating taerein, and tae Council finding tllat it ia dul.7 aad regularl7 drawa purauant 'o and in aooordane• witll an aot of tll• General A•• .. \17 of tlle State of Colorado, entitled "Aa Act Relating to Looal ImproTemea•a 1-Ci•t••· and Towaa," dulJ paaaed by tae Le1ialature of tke State of Coltrado aa4 dul.7 approTet and signed b7 tll• GoYenor of ta• State of Colorado on tll• 9ta day· of April A. D. 1923; otherwi u• known and called Cllapt •. 180, of tlle Seaaion r..wa of Colorado for 19&3; and WB&i&1S, tlae aforeaaid petition aaa been dul7 reoeiYed and filed by tlle Cit7 OoUDcil, and the City Cowacil heretofore, on, to-wit, Ootober 26, 1926, at a Regalar eetiq taereof duly authorized and inet?'llcted the Cit7 Engineer to prepare aa eatimat~ ot th• coat of aaid propoaed improYement, together with a map of tae district in waioll the l11pr0Ye roent was to be 11ade, wid a alledule •~I the approximate amounts t .o be aaaeased upon the several lots or parcela of property within the diatriot, wlioll eati.Jlate, map, and achedule, were thereafter duly prepared by said Cit7 Engineer and preaented to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the ~1t7 Counc il at an Adjourned i{egular Meeting lleld on lfoTember 23, 1926 duly adopted and approYed aaid eatimate, schedule and map, prepared by the Uity Enineer a• the eatimate, map ant aohedule of said district, together with the details and apeoifioations contained therein; and WHEREAS, by the said preliminar7 order paaaed on, to-wit, ~•• 26th day of October, 1925, th• said City Cowicil dertermined the nwaber of inatallments and the time in waioll the cost of said improv1aent11 ahould be payable, the rate of int ere at on unpaid inatallementa the district to be aaseaaed for tha saiae, the pro)al•e coat of aaid local i~proYraents, th• maxillw~ a11ount of auoh total cost to bo asaessed Jpon eack lot and parcel of land in aaid idatrict, and directed the said City v1erk to publish c· in the ~ngl ewood Kearld and &lterpris•, a newspup•r of general circulatioa in the City of ~l .. oud, a notice to owners of the property to be asseaaed, of the kind of improYmenta propoaed, the number of i 1stallement6 and the tirAe in waioa the ooat w111 be p~able, the rate of interest on uapaid and deter~•d instullmenta, the exten& of ta• dietriot ot be inproved, tae probable cost per lot, or traot per front foot aa allown b7 tae estimate of the En•ineer; and the time when an ordinance ordering tae Goaairuction of IQid i~proYme•••• in saai improvement district would be conaidere4, and that a ~ap o f siad proposed distr.ict, showing the exteroir boundries taereof, nd tllle location of loc~l iai-'•ftl••••s. and tllle eatiraates and aaaedulea showing tae amounts to be asaeaeed ~ainat each lot and tract of land in said diatrict, and all reaolutiona and proceeding of said City Counoil relating to said proposed improfllent diatr6ot and the p•opoaed illprovementa tllerein, were on file in the offioe of the City Clerk in Englewood and could be seen there and exmine4 by &07 peraon intereated during bas•nesa hour• on ~ day on or before a regular meeting 01 tae ~it7 Council to be held on the evening of November 23rd , 1926 and that at said time all oomplainta and objection that might be mMde in writing conoerning the propoaed improv1aents by tae owner or owner b of any realestate to ie aaseeaed or &Dy peraon or persona interested gener ~ll7, would be heard and determined by tlle Cit7 Council ot the City of En glewood, before final action of said Council thereon, and taat at said ti~•. to-wit, November 23, 1925, or such ti!ae to whioll said meeting might be adJourned and after the determination of all complaints was made the City Council would consider an ordinance orearing said district and authoris1D1 and ordering tae iaproYmenta proposed by the aforeaaid notice and resolution; and HER.r.:AS, notice of the creation o:f' said i 111provrnent diatriot was dul.7 giYen as provid .. b~ law, once a week for three conseotive week• prior tv the 23rd d~ of ov .. ber A. D. 1926, in the Jmglewood Hearld and Snterpriae, a newepap•r of geaeral oiroulation published in the City of -nglewood, Colorado, whica notice contained in form and aubatance all the matters and things aereinabove set out a1 required b7 law; and WHEHRAS, the ~it7 Council duly met in a regular meeting held on the 23rd da7 of oTember, A. D. 1926, at tae City Hall in .im11ewood, to consider waatever protests and Objectiona might lllavo been filed concerting the c ~eation Of &aid proposed district and wllatever objection• and protests might coce before it pursunat to the aforeaaid noti•• aeretofore giTen; and . i:RliS, it was found and ·determined by the lh ty Council at said meeting taat tllere were no proteata or obJeotion to the creatian of said diatrict; now ~ow. THEHEruH.E, BE IT vRDiilAllim BY THE CITY COUNCIL UF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLO!aDO: See. i. That tllle petition heretofore filed requesting the construction and l~ing of paTement, drainage, our•ing and gutter• on and alon1 Souta B~oadway from a line on South Broadw~ which ia the extended north line of Lot 43, Ska47ai4•, to tlle nortll aide of Qunicy ATenue, eY.cepting the east half of said street from Ke~on to Uan1fielf AYenuea, together with the neoe11arp inoidentala in coaneotion tllenritll, and for tlle creation of a local improYment diatriot, Jae, ia due and legal formr ~••n preaented to this Council; that aaid petition ia aubacribe4 by .tlle ownera of a majorit7 of tae frontage directly abutting on tlaat said portion of tae atreet to be improved; taat the fol'll and su-ayanee of said pet1t6on ure legall7 auffi•i•n• to autla891 .. tit• ordering Of aaid improvment anx the creation of said district; thMt aai10•1aaa i bien duly giYen of tae creation of aaid district. 'I I ~ I I I • -, Seo. 2. 1'hat a looal 1.Dprovement be and the same is hereby eatabliaaed and created out of taa t pe•tion Of ~t h• City of ~nglewood, bounded and described ae follow•, to-wit; Beginning at a point on the oenter line of South Elati Street whica ia 369 feet eouta of tae center lin of West Hampden Avenue, taenoe aoat along c&nter lin• of South Elati Street to an intereection wita ta• oneter lin• of Weat Quino7 Avenue, taenoe east to an intersection with the center line of South Penn. S'reet, thenoe north to an 1nter¥eotion wita the center line of Eaat Llansfield Avenue, taenoe weet to an intersection with tae oenter line of Souta Broadw&7, thence norta to an interaection with tae o••ter line of East l:e117on ATenue, thanoe east to an interaeotion with ta• center line of ~o•aa Pean. Street, thence north to an interaeotion •ita a line waioa ie paral••l to an 369 feet souta of ta• center line of Weat pcl•n Aveaue, thenoe weat to the point of beginnina. It ia propoaecl to divide the diatrict into zone• fo~ the purpose of dietributi.1 ta• ooat of the improv~•ni, and to aaaese the property •ltlla eao~ zone in aooordaaee wita tae ~•n•fita conferred by said improvment. 'l'lla propoeed aaaesameat in aoeordaa•• ita taia zoning plan, aubJeot aowever, to tae pew•rconlerred by th• statut•• to finall.¥ determine tai• queatioa in ta• manner provided by law ud b7 final aaaeaaiag ordinaaee, ia aa followa, to-wit; All lota a)utting on Broadway -------------------------approximat•17--$1•2.80 All lota a)utting OD Souta LiDooln and Souta Aeoma Streeta, or aaid atreeta extended------------------approxiaatel7--23.2C All lot• abutting on South Baanockand &outa SAerman, or said atreeta extend ed------------------------approximatel7--20.00 all lota abutting OD Souta Caerok•• and Souta Graai or aadi atreeta extended--------------------------~-----approxillat•l.7--14.00 All lote a-utting OD South Delaware and ~outa Losan, or said atreeta extended-------------------------a pproximatel7--8.40 Alll lote abutting oa Souta Elati and Souta Peaaqlaania, •or aiad atree ts extended------------------approxi1oatel7--2. 80 See. 3. that aaid dietri9t salill be known aa and the same ia hereby 4ea11inatecl •souta Broadway PaTing District lfo. 3. '' Seo. 4. Tlaat tlaere ie hereby authorized and ordered tlle construct.ion and 1~189 of pavement, drainage, ourbing anfd gutter on and along South Broadway from a liae OD South Broadw-.y whioa ia the extended norta line of lot 43, Slaadyaid•, to ta• north aide of Qu incy Aveaue, excepting tae eaat aalf og said atreet from K•D7o• to Wanefield Avenue, together with the neceaaary inoidentala in ooaneotion taerewith, aa aawon by mapa, plans, speoifioations and scaedule heretofore prepared and filed 1th the Cit7 Council, and aereto fore proved and adopted by said CitJ Council. Seo. 6. 'fbat by virtue of and in purauna ·, of the afore said aot of the legielative Aaaembl.7 of th• State of Colorado, approved the 9tla day of April •· D. 1923, and all aote and lawa now in force ia aid thereof, looal improvment bonda ~f tae Oit7 be iaaued for tae purpoae of paying for th• loc~l i~provmenta in taia ordinmiee deaori-•d and provided 'o be conatructed in aaid douta Broadway Paving Dietri1t Uo. 3, ,Inglewood, Colorado, in an amount not to exoeed ta• wlaol• ooat of aaid iAprov~enta inoluding engiaeerina, inat•otioa, oolleotioa, and otaer iaeidental expenaes and in said law provi•ed, aad in no event to exoeed ta• eati!latea of ta• ooat made by the City .~n gin••r ·of aaid Oit7 purauant to tae prtlirainar7 order of ta• City Council, as adopted, to-wit, t10•,ooo.oo, wita aix per cent. additional for tae cost of inspeotioa, oolleotion and incident,la, and interest. S••· 6. TJaat aaid bonds shall be date Maroa 1, 1926, &lld aaall )ear ta• aam• of ta• district improYed, ahall be payalb• to tae bearer 22 yeara from and after ta• date thereof, aubjeot to call and prior pay~ent, as provided b7 1'w, aaall \e au)aoribet by the Uayor, oounteraigned by the City Treaaurer, attested by tae Clerk of ta• aaid Cit7, and the seal of the City taere,q.to affixed, and be payable out of the raoney oolleote6 on account of the aaaea8llente made for said improvmente, aaall bear interest ~t the rate of not over 6% per annum, payable aemi-annual17, allall aave •4 oou1"Jl• thereto attached, attested by the fac-aimil• ai1niture of ta• Cl erk esidioing auoa intereat, eaall be in denomination• of tloo.oo and elaall )• n1111ber eonae .. t1Tel7 from l upward. Tae principal and i•tereat aaall '• payable at tae ·offio• of tae ~ity Treaaurer of said Oity, or at ta• lirat Bational Bank at Denver, Colorado, at th• option of the holder. Seo. 7. Th at said bond shall be issued from time to time by the City Treaaurer ~po• eetiraate and order• of the City Engineer, counter signed and approved by the K&7or, but the Uayor and the City ~ouncil may use sufficient of said bonds at ttar for the pqraent of engineering and other clerical e:xpenaes and costs of inapeotion, or the Uayor with the approval of tneCity Council may sell in a manner providetd b7 law auff~oient of said bonds to apy said expeneea ia caala. Th• City Treaaurer salll make and preserve a reoord of all bonds iaaued hereunder in a suitable book kept tor thatpurpose. Seo. 8. Taat said bonas and coupona thereto attached eaall be aubatantiall7 ta• followin~ form: llo. UllI 'I'ED S7.'AT Eti Ol!" AiAEHICA STA~E OF CO LOftADO COU!J '.rY OF .ALtA.PAHOE CITY OF B~ILEW OOD SOUT H BiiOADWAY .PAVIllG DISTRICT IllJi ~.E!li ~lil{l~l!1 LOCAL ILU>HuVE j.i l.illT BOND t60o.oo Ta • City of Mnalewood, in ta• ~ounty of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, for value reoeived, aoknowle4g•a itaelf indebted to and hereby proraisea to pa7 to tae bearer aereof tae •wa o~ lIVE HUNDRED DOLJJARS lD aola do1-of ta• United States of America of, or equal to, the present atandard of weigat and fin•n•aa on tae first day of Maroa, A. D. 19•8, aubJect to call .. d p&7Ja •Dt, aowefer, at any time prior thereto as provided in the aot of the genreal a saeabl.7 of the State of Colorado, aereinafter mentioned, witai interest ta•r•o• ·-· 1•' ' I t f from date aereof until pa1JJ•nt at ta• rate of per cent.per annwa,pa7abl• aemi- annuall7 on ta• firat day of Maroa and September in each 7ear,aa eTidenced b7 tae iater••' oupona aereto attacaed,bota principal and 1ntereat payable at the oftic• of the Cit7 Treaaurer of aaid City, or at ta• Firat Uational Bank of DenYer,Colorado,at ta• optioa of ta• aolder,upon preaentatioD of taia bond or aaid ooupona reapeotiT•l7. Taia bond is iaaued for the purpoae of paying the ooat of local illproYements 1• ta• Souta Broadw~ ?&Ting District No. 3, Rnglewood,Colorado,b7 Tirtu• of and in full oonfonait7 with an act of th• General Aasembly of tae aaaie of Colorado,entitled,".la Aot elating to Local ImproYements in Citiea and Towna",approYed April 9,A.D~l923,and all acta amendatory taereto or in aid thereof ,and an ordinance of aaid Cit7 dul1 adopted; aproYed,published and made a law of said City prior to th• iaauanoe aereof. Taia bond ia payable out of th• proceeds of a apeoial aaaesament to be levied upon real eatate aitua,ed in the said ~outa Broad•&¥ Paving Driatriot No.3, Englewood, Colorado,aat eapeoiall7 benefited by aaid improTementa,and ta• aaaeesmenta ao mad• upoa t iae real eatate in aaid diatrict for the payment aereof wit& aoorued intereat wtll 9e a perpetual lien upon aaid real eatate in the reapectiY• amounta apportioned to aaid real estate and asaeaaed b7 an ordinance of aaid City,said lien being on a parity wita a lien of general taxea. It ia hereby certified,recited and warrented that the total bonde of aaid oity for aaid illprovement district including taia bond doea not exceed the eatimate of tae cit7 eagineer,tae contract price for said i11provement,or the amount autaorized bf law. ~Jaat aaid Cit7 aaa been for many7eara past and ia now a body politic and corporate, wita tae •••ral powers of a corporation,duly organized,existing and operating aa a City under and 'b7 Tirtue of ta• oonetitution and general laws of th• State of Colorado; and ia now and a1W&7S aas been under the control of a ~or and dul.7 organiswcl City Council aa ••• dul7 constituted corporate authority thereof; and it is further aereb7 certified and recited that eTery requirement of law relating to tae creation of aaid Souta Broadwlq' PaTing Diatrio~=· No.3, Enal•wood,Colorado, the making of said local improvements and •-• iasue of taia bond, aas been full1 complied with by the proper officer& and that all conditions required to exist and things required to be done precedent to and in ta• isauance of this bond to render the same lawful and Talid,aaving aappened and aaT• i••• properly done and performed and did exist in regular and due t~ma,form and manner as required by law. IB TEHTntONY WH&t~01 ,th• aaid City of Englewood, by its ~or and Cit1 Council,aaa oaaaed tais bond to be aubaoribed by tae Uayor and its corporate seal to be impressed aereon attested by ta• City Cl•rk,and each of forty-four coupons aereto annexed to be aisa•d wit& the facaimil• aignatur• of ta• oity olerk and oounteraigned by ta• Cit7 Treasurer. l1it.7or ATTBST: Cit7 llerk _________________________ City Treasurer. (Porm of ooupon) ···-----oa ta• ta• City of EJlglewood in Arapaaoe Count7,Colorado.promiaea to P&7 to tie bearei out of ta• proceeds of a special assessment againat the real estate situated in the Souta Broadw~ Paving District Bo.3, llllglewood,Colorado. Dollara in gold ooin of tae United States of Amerioa,of,or equal to,tae preaeat staadar~ of weigAt and fiaeneas,at the office of th• City Treasurer in Kn1l•wood,Colorado,or at ta• Pirst Mational Bank in D•n••r, at ;ae option oft~• aolder,being aix montaa intereat •••• due oa ita looal improTement bond issued for th• oonatruotion of local improTements in souta Broadw~ PaTiag Diatrict No.3, Englewood,Colc~ado. Dated ----------------- Bearing ~waber ---------------------- Seo. 9. The Cit7 Clerk is aereby authtrized and directed to haT• printed boads •f ta• denomination of •600.00 eaoa, numbered conseoutively trom l upward, and aa required to meet ta• actual cost of said impeovements as aerein proTided,and credit aaall be endosae& upoa ia• laat bond iaaued,ao that aaid bond aaall r•.preaent auoh fractional part of 11Y• BUD4re4 DOllara as ma¥ be neceasary to evidence ta• aetual indebtednesa iaourr•d oa acoount of aaid iraprovementa,and waen said bonds are prepared to deposit th• aam• wita ta• Cit7 Treaaurer,to be iaaued !rom till• to time aa aereinbefore provided. Seo. 10. B7 reason of the faot that. the oompl•tiun at ta• earlieat poaei'ble elate of ta• improTements descrii•d in and contemplated by thia ordiR&Doe,is neoesa&J7 •o ••• illlle41ate preservation of the public aafety,tAie ordiaano• aaall take effeot 1wa•d1ate17 after ita fiaal passage and publioation,as required 97 law,and alaall not be aubJeot to ta• referendum proTisiona of Caapter 97 of th• lawa paaaed at th• 19ta Sesaioa •f tae Geaeral Assembly of th• Stat• of Colorado. Seo. 11. Taia ordinanoe,aft•r ita pasaage,aaall be recorded i• a book kept for taat pu,poae,saall be authenticated '' the aignature of th• M&7or and Cit7 Clerk,aad aaall '• pu,lisaed in th• Englewood Berald and Enterprise, a newspaper publiahed within ta• limit• of ta• City of Englewood,aaall tak• effect aad be in force upon the expiration of fiTe d&J'• after it aas been so publiaaed,and aaall be irr•p•alabl• until th• indebtedness aerein proTided for aaall be paid in full. inall.7 passed,approYed and ordered publiaaed thia 14th day of December,A.D. 1926. Q..ks~ U llqor A TTBST: \ , , C-' ....... ~ v 'W-Pr > 'a -j6 11aal Publication December 17ta,1926. I I • I I I STATB 01 COLORADO ) COUNTY 01 ARAPAHOE ) S. S. CITY OP lWG!&WOvD ) I,Lenora Fogle,City Clerk aa• &eoorder ot the City ot Englewood, Coun ty ot Arapalloe,Stat• of Colorado,do hereby certify tllat ta• &Dove and tore101n1 Ordinance was introduced and read in full and on resolution was ordered publiaaed aa a proposed Ordinance tor th• City of Englewood,Colorado,and sara• wae ordered publiaaed at an.. ~d~tllrn.ed ~R •aular Meeting ot ta• City Council held D•o•m\er 2, 1926, lleld 'b7 tla• Cit7 Council on aaid date, and aam• was pu\lialled in ta• Englewood Hearld, a n .. apaper of general oiroulation in the City of Bnglewood, in ita iaaue of December 3, 1925, tor more taan ten days taereafter and at a au\aequent Regular K••tiDg,Deoember l•, ot aadi City Council 19!5, "Ali OliDINAllCE CREAT ING AN DAPROV11ENT DISTRICT IN THE CITY OJI EJIGLBWOOD , COLOHADO, TO BK KlfOWli AS SOUTH BROADWAY PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER THREE, Alfi> OliDERillG AllD AUTHvRIZillG :i1 HE CONSTRUCTION AND. LAYING OF GRADIHG,l~VIBG, AND CUBBING ALOlfG AllD UPON THAT CEH:i1A IN STRKET KllOWll AS SOUTH BROADWAY, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUABIB 01 BOllDS OP 'fH~ DIS6ICT Ill PAYUNET P'OR SAID LOCAL Ii11.PROVJIMENT." was dul.7 paaaed and adopted and published in the Rnglewood Hearld, in ita issue of December 17, 1925, aa required by tae statute of tae State· of Colorado. ------~~it;~~---- ' .. .. . •:N;L'