HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922 Ordinance No. 007I I I I I .I BJ Authority: ORDINANCE no. 7. SERIES OP 192"2. AB, ORDINANCE TO AIIEl'CD SECTION l, HI• ORDINANCE KO.~ SERIES OP 1917, ENTITLED" AK ORDINANCE TO AMERD SECTI05 OD OP ORDINANCE NUIIBER 137, SERIES OF 1911, OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, ENTITLED All ORDINAKCE CONCERNING THE LICENSING OP DOGS WITHIK THE LIKITS OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, AND PR0VIllIMO THAT THE UARSHAL SKALL SHOOT Aft UNLICENSED OR VICIOUS DOG FOUND THEREIR PASSED AND APPROVED PBBR0AR!' 11th, 1911, AIII RBPBAL- IRO ALL ORDIIiA~CES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IK. COHPLICT HEREWITll AND PROVIDil(l THE PENALTY FOtt TH.ti VIOLATION HERE0P. BE IT ORDAII~ED BY THE CITY COUHCIL OY THE CITY OP EHOLJ!iW0OD, COLORADO. SECTI0 ■ l& That section l or ordinance nwnbered 137, aeries ot 1911, or the ordinances or the City or Englewood, Colorado, entitled "An ordinance. ooncerntg the licensing ot dogs within the limits ot the City ot Englewood, and providirg that the City Marsha.l. shall shoo.t any unlicensed or viaioua dog round therein• Passed and approved February llth, 1922, be and the 1ame is hereby amended to read aa follows. Section l: No person shall own or keep or harbor, within the 11m1ta ot the City or Englewood, any mal.e or female dog over the age ot Ten day•, unless such dog shall have been licensed by the City or Englewood. The license fee shall be the aum or Two ($2.00) Dollars for each dog and FQur ($4.00) Dollars tor eaob female dog. A license Jlate shall be furniahed to the person paying such llcen•• and shall be attached to the collar which said collar shall be placed and kep~ upon the dog's neck by the person owning or keeping said animal, Provided, tha~ whene¥er the Mayor of said city ma1 apprehend duger of the ex1stanoe or spread or hydrophobia, sa14 Mayor may by proclamation require all owners ot dog• to confine and muzzle them for such period ot time as he may deem necessary to the safety and health or the public, and any dog round running at large within said City or not muzzled, and in violation or any such proclamation, shall be deatroyed by the chief of police or pound oftloer in manner provided by. section thne or this ordinance and the owner or owners ot auoh dog shall, upon convic- tion ot the violation of the terms of such proclamation or ot this ordinance, be purn1shed as by this ordinanc·e provided for the violation of the terma thereof. Section 2t Every owner or possessor, whether an individual, oompanr or corporation, owning, possessing or keeping, or deairing to keep and maintain within the corporate limits or the City ot· Englewood, a kennel composed ot six or more doge, shall apply for and obtain rroa the City Clerk ot the City of Englewood, who la hereby authorized to gran\ the aame, a license theretor., before suoh kennel can be kept and maintained. ETery kennel composed of over six and not to exceed ten dogs~ shall pay an annual ~1cense fee ot f itteen •••111 dollars ($15.00); every kennel composed ot oyer ten and not to exceed fifteen ' doge shall pay an annual license ree of" twenty dollars ('$20.00); every kennel composed or over fifteen and not to exceed twenty dog• shall pay an annual tee or thirt~ dollars ($30,00); every kennel oompoaed ot over twenty and not to exceed rorty dogs, shall pay an annual lioenae tee ot torty dollara($40.00)1 ; everr kennel composed or over forty and not to .exceed seventy-rive dogs shall pay ab annual license fee of fifty dallara (tso.oo); every kennel composed ot more than seventy-rive dogs shall pa~ an annual llcenae tee or seventy-five person, dollars (175.00); EveryLcompany or corporation deairlng to obtain a license a• provided herein shall make application therefor in writing to the City Clerk, stating the ruu,ie ot the appl.ioan~, the place where such buainaaa is to be· carried on, and the size ot the kennel proposed to be kep~, and shall ueoapany 22 e, auoh appl1cat1on w1th the writt.en conaen\ or a majority ot the persona or tull ag9 residing within elgh~ hundred tee~ in all direotiona rrom the place where such kennel 1a proposed to be located, and also the written consent or a majority ot the ow~era, residing in the City ot Englewood, of the reai propertr situate within eight hundred teet in all dlrectiona trom the place where such kennel ia· proposed to be located, to keep and ma1n,aln suob kennel a~ the place stat••• ahd .then, upon the papen\ or the license tee as herein provided to the city clerk, the aa1d City Clerk m&J 1n hi• discretion grant such license. Every day that auoh kennel 1a kept and main- tained without a license thereto,r as herein provided shall be deemed a seperate ofrenae. Seot1oo 3: Any person sho shall violate any or the proT1a1ona ot thla ordinance shall, upon convietlon, be tined not lea ■ than twn nor more than one hundred dollar• tor eaah and everr, orrense. Section -1:t By reason ot the raot. tha~ it 1a. neoeasary to the preser- vation o~ the public peace, health and aatety or the 1nhabitan~a or the City ot Englewood, Colorado, that this ottdinanoe be in torce immediately, atter its final paeeage and publ1cat1on, as required by law, it shall not ba subJeo\ to the reterend\D proTislona or Ch~paetr 97 ot the laws paased at the 19th, Seaaion of the General Assembly or the State or Colorado. Section 5:i All ordinances or part. ot ordinances in contliot with thia ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed and approved th1a 11th, day or Attea~: ' City c1erk. STATE OP COLORADO)· COUNTY P. ARAPAHOE) S. s. CITY OF ElOLEWOOD} I, Thomas H. Noonon, City Clerk and Recorder ot the City ot Englewood, County ot Arapahoe, State or Colorado, do hereby oert1t,rt.ha~ lfle abo'9'• UMl foregoing ordinance waa introduced and read in ,.11 and ·_op"·r,aollit:IUll i wae i-: , ordered publlahed as a proposed ordinance tor the City ot Englewood, Colora.do, and aaae waa ordered published at a Regular Meeting or the city, council held on Augua~ 1,th, 1922, held by the city council on said date, and same waa publlahed in the Englewood Herald a weekly, newspaper ot gener.l circulation in the City or Englewood, Colorado, in 1ta iasue ot Sept. ls~, 1922, ror more than 10 dayra thereafter and at a subsequent regular meeting ot' said city c·ounc11 held September 11th, 1922, An Ordinanee to amend section I in ordinance No. 2 series o.t 1917, ent1 tled An Ordinance to amend seetion one or ordinance number 137, series ot 1911,of the o rdinance• or th• City of Englewood, Colorado, Entitled an ordinance concerning the licenalng or dogs within the d ty, 11m1 ts ot the Ci tr or Englewood, and provid ing that. the marshal shall shoot any unlicensed or vicious dog round therein passed and a prked February 11th, 1911, and repealing all ordinance• or parts or ordinances in cont'lict herewith; and providing the penaltJ for the violat ion hereof, wae duly passed and adopted and published in the Engl ew ood Herald 1n its 1ssu~ or September 15th, 1922, as required b~ the statute• of the S tate ot Colorado. ~u~----C:ity Clerk. 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