HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 Ordinance No. 048I I ORDINAOCE 00. 1~ SERI ES OF 198-4 -- BY AUTHORITY COOOCIL BILL 00. 50 !ITTRODUCED BY COOOCIL MEMBER NEAL AN ORDINAOCE FIXING THE TAX LEVY IN MILLS UPON EACH DOLLAR OF THE ASSESSED VAWI\TION OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ENGLl:l'lOOO, COLORADO , FOR THE YEAR 1985 AND ESTABLISH!!'(; A MILL LEVY FOR THE ENGLEWOOO, COLORAOO , COWNI'OWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, it is the duty of the City Council of the Ci ty of Engle>,0cxl , Colorado , under the Charte r of said City a nd Sta tutes of the State of Co lorado, to make the a nnua l levy fo r City purposes for the yea r 198 4, due a nd paya ble in 1985 ; and WHEREAS , the Ci ly Colll1ci l has duly considered the estimated val uation of a ll of the taxabl e property within the City and the needs of the City for each of said l evies and has determined that the l ev i es , as hereinafter set forth , ar e proper and wise ; N0.-1 , THEREFORE , BE I T ORDA INED BY THE CITY COOOC IL OF THE CITY OF El\GLEWODD , OJ LORAOO, as fo llows: Sect ion 1. That the r e be and her eby is lev ied for the year 1984 , due and payable as required by Statutes in the year 1985 , a tax of 5 .69 4 mills on the d ollar for the General Fund of the City of Engle..ood , Colorado , and 2 .496 mills on the dollar for t he Debt service Fund of the City of Engle..ood , Co lorado . That the levy hereinabove set forth shdll be l ev ied upon each do lla r of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the cor po r a t e limits o f the Ci ty of Engle1-ood , Colorado , and the sa i d levy shall he certified as required by law . Sect ion 2 . That under the authority of Pa rt 8 , Article 25 , Title 31 , of the Colorado Revised Statutes , 1973 , as anended , there be and hereby is levied for the year 1984 , due and payabl e as required by law in 1985 , a t a x of 5 .000 mills on the dollar for the use a nd bene fit of the Engle wood Colorado Downtown oevelopnent Authority . That the levy here inabo"e set fo rtr shall be levied upon each dollar of the assessed valuat ion of all uxable property wi thin the Englewocxl Color ado Downtown Developnent District , and the said levy shall be certified as required by l aw . Intrcxluced , read in full , a:nended , and passed on firsl read ing as am ,nded on the 15th day of O::tober , 1984 . PUblished as a Bi 11 for an Ord ina nce on the 17th day of October , 1904 . Read by title and passed on final ,.:,ad ing on the 5th day of NOvE!1'ber, 1984 . Published by title as Ordinance NO.:f.j__, series of 1984 , on the 7th day of NOvenbe r, 1984 . 4M«• 7(~ •=ne L. Otis , Mayor Attest : I , Gary R. Higbee, ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood , Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true , accurate and canplete copy of the Ordinance »'~sed on final reading and published by title as Ordinancl! NO ._ll_, Series of 1984. I