HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Ordinance No. 011ORDINAN:E HO, / / SERI ES OF 1986 BY AtmlORITY CWICIL BILL NO, ll Ilfl'ROIXI:PD BY COOIC IL HD1BER l<OZACEK AN ORDINAICE APPROVI!C SUPPLl!MDll' NO, 108 TO SOO!'!tlATE SANITATION L>ISTRICT'S ~R'S ACllEl!MDll' WITH THE CITY <:JE' m;(.1!111000 TO IICWDE ADDITIONAL LAND WifflIN THEIR DISTRICT BOONtl\RIES, WHEREAS, Southgate Sanitation District desires to annex into its District an additional area of approximately 2,386 acres located at approximately S. Colorado Blvd. and E, Orchard Road; and WHEREAS, said area is now zoned for single-family residences with the pcoposed zoning to renain the same; and WHEREAS, said annexation of this additional parcel of land will not increase the tap allocation to the Southgate Sanitation District; and WHEREAS, it is r.ecessary for said District to amend its contracts with the City of Ehglewood to include this additiooal land within the District; NU<!, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDI\INED BY fflE CITY caJlCIL CF THE CITY OF E!CLEWOOD, COLORADO, that: Section l, '11le Agreenent between the City of Ehglewood and Southgate Sanitation District entitled "Supplenent No, 108 to Connector's Agreenent" be and hereby is approved, A copy of said Agreenent is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, Section 2, 'l1le Mayor and ex officio City Clerk-Treasurer are hereby authorized to sign and attest, respectively, the said agreenent for and on behalf of the City Council and the City of Englewood. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 3rd day of February, 1986, Published as a Bill for an ordinance on the 5th day of February, 1986, Read by title and passed on final reading on the 18th day of February, 1986, Published by title as ordinance No. / /, Series of 1986, on the 19th day of February, 1986, -- Attest: ~,:,;az,· I L. Oti ■, Mayor I, Gary R, Higbee, ex officio Cl ty Clerk-'l'reasurer of the City of a-Kjle•.ood, Colorado, hereby certify that the above and foregoi1¥1 is a true and canplete copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. / / , series of 1986. -- I SUPl'U:Hl'NT NO, laJ.. TO CONNECTOR'S AC..kt:EM!NT TIIIS AGREEMENT, made and l!ntored into by •nd bet1iteen the C ITY Of t,;NGLEWOOD, •ctlng by 4nd through iU duly •uthotiHd Md.J'CH dnd C~ty Cltuk, her1ru1wftur r11fern;,,1 to •• "City,• and SOUTHGATE SANITAT ION DISTRI CT, Aup;1hoe and Dou9lu Cnunti••• C.:o lorado, her111.naft.er roferred to•• "District,• WlTNESSETH 1 WHEIIEAS, on the 20th day of June, A.O. 1961, thu City 1•r,t ,·1t:d 111to d Co111 1t:e.:t c.,r':. Aqn.:crn1111t with thtt n1•tr1ct c oncerning 11 ,c c ,,rurn c t1on o t the Outr11..t 1;1•wcr <:ollucllon foc11it1ea to thu (' 1 ty' a 1ewage •~•stl!m 1 wh1ch i:cnnccto r' :J A9ree111tt11t waa modUitid ond dffl undt.•d by AgretHlltHlt d.tt.'CJ lhL' Hf\ dil)' of April, l!IH1 and WHtltt:AS, uid Agruumttnt and m~, fication thetnof provided thdt t1dd1t 1onal aerv1cu an,u could be int:luded within the liaib of the Oiatnct with th11 wr1tt1.:n c onsent of the CltyJ NOW , 1'tiEREFOkt-:, HI conuJcutJ.on of the prH1iH1 and of the mutu l covt:nantl of t.hti p<1rlle» hl!reto, it ii agreed •• follow11 The City dott1 hccoby consent to th• 1nclu1ion of the additional area, situate 111 the County of Arapahoe, State of Coloudo, deacribed •• followa, to wit.1 Property OWnt:c: Prope rly Oescrlpuun1 A,; 111\lre lully de•cr1bud 1n E,i;hihlt A at.tAcht!d hereto dnd .111corporatt1d hens in L-y 1:eferencc. 111t.o Suuthgo1tu Sanit,Hion Outr1ct, and a9rcu1t that uid additional are.& rndy lltt acrvPrt with tho uwer tdt:illliuu of thu rnntnn, "'"d thill tlll' City wil l thalt the a.t1wo1qtt d1tw h :i r11cJ 111l u t hl! C1tv•~ t11111li. lint.: lr utn ri.01.J tHlthlllllll.d (trl!J, ,,11 ,1C'('1l1d ... 111·1: w1tt1 tlu: Cn11n uc-t1 ,r':. fhJIUCftlt!llt do1led Jun<' 20, l ~b l, r, lt.:rrl.'a tu 111 \'drCHJt'aph I ,,t thu Mud1th·:1llon tn thl• l\•11111.ll."1111 1 1 -'g rncment dated the 4th day of April , 1966 , 11 herebr •••nded to incl ude the addita.onal an• •• Ht forth hereinabove. 2. Each and every other provhion of th• Mod1Ucauon to the Con nector'• A9reer:Mtnt dated tht 4th day of April , 1'66, ahall IN WIT NESS WHEREOF, the pHt1U have cauHd their naaea and aeala t.o be hereunto 1ubacr1bed ,nd afthtd thh __ day of l98_, -'TTEST 1 CITY CLERK CSEAL) ATT EST I SECRETARY CSU.LI AAYOlt SOU THGATE SAHlTATlON DlSTRlCT ARAPAltOI:: AND DOUGLAS COUNTIU, COLORADO CXUlDIT •A• t.tC/\r, nr:r.cn1r-:-1ou ... LOT 2 h T"'CT OP LhllD OCIiia A PORTIOII OP TnACT 243 or SOUTH DENVER Ch"Oci,s, ALSO DC!t:G LOT 2 OP THE. ncconoeo sunvtr ON IIAY 27, 1'76 It/ noe s 2 <52 hT rMc 160, COUIITY or M,\aAflOE, STATE or COLORADO o :.;;::G liOOl':'IOll."1LLY OCSCRIDI::D AS FOLLOWS1 n,s,s or DEARIIIGS lS THE HORTH L!!/E OP TUE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF Sl:C 7IO:/ lJ, TOl<t:Sll!P 5 SOUTH, RANGE 67 ffEST OP· 'l'IIE SIXTH i'/:;::c,r,t /IC RIOIAII, DEIUa COIISIDtRCD TO DEAR 509·u•u•E, COIIIIEIICIIIG AT TUE t:onw OUhRTcn conui:n or SAID ' SECTION ll1 TJICNCC '~''OG'l7 •c h DISTAUCE OP 1498,ll rtcT TO THC NORTIIIICST CORHEn OP O,\IO ·:n ,,c, 243 hLSO DCING THE HORTHWEST CORIICR OP LOT 2 AS rl.1,TTCO Ill S,\IO ntconotD SURVEY, SAID POIIIT Dtrua THE POIUT OP IICG!i,11,11c, ·rucucE so9•45•49•c AIID ALOIIG THC SOUTH RIGIIT-OP-1/AY !.!ll!: o r 1/ILLIIICTTC Avenue A DISTAIICE OP Jn.e2 FEET TO TIit !:0 1'.7 11 :.:.,r CORll!:R OF Sl,ID LOT 21 Tnc::cc soo•o,1 1,•w AIID IILD/IG TUE ••=• Llnc OP SIIID LOT 2 11 DlSThllCE OP 321,51 rEcT TO THE SOUT ll !:.\,Tf.nLY CORll&R OF SAID LDT 21 TUC/ICC 1109'ss•u•11 AND ALO/IQ Tile :on11cncr LIiie OP SAID LOT 2, A DISTANcc DP 322. 02 PCH •o 1·11,: ,u UTIIHCOT conucn o, ShIO LOT 2, TIIEIICC 1100•0,•1,•E AND IILOI/Q ·r,11: l!t:c.Tf.llL Y LIIIE or SAID LOT 2 A O!STANcc OP 322, 3.5 PEET TO 'I'IIE !'O WT oJr nccrnurnc, COU TAltlING 2.JOG lt.CRts.