HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Ordinance No. 026I Ol ijJ INANCE NO& SEH I ,:S m· l 986 BY IIUTI IORITY CXll.1~11, BILL NO. 15 IITTHOl~K:l:lJ BY CCXJ NCIL MEMB EH III GDAY l·\H< i\11 ORIJINANCE CON2EUNI1'1:; V/\Ci\T ION OF '!'HE ALLEY ANO AN EASFl'IEl?I', 11\'A'l'El) Iii 'l'HI': 3500 13UX:K DE'IWF:EN SOU 'l'll Gr</\NT STHEE'I' ANO soum 1.,x:1\N S'l'lllir~I', C l'l'Y OF ENGLEWOOD, O'.lUN"l'Y OF I\RAPAIIOE, S'l'A'l'E Of Clll lJIU\00 . wm:Hl!J\S, the i,nglewood Pla nning eoo,nission has consider e:l a pr op.Jsal Lo vacate the .J lley und an ea sanent l ocatOO between Sou th Gr ,,,t: St reet a nd South I..O<Ja n Street i n the )500 Bl ock ; and WII El<f:AS , a vacat i on ""mld provide a more suitable lmild in<J s i te for. a prO(-X)Sa:1 r e t n i l developnent because the s ite is now bi sect ed by the a lley; a nd wm:HE:AS , a new e1st-west alley wi 11 be de3ica te:l on the site to connect the r011 a inir<J portion of the alley to South Gr a nt Street on the West; a nd WHEIUJ\S, wi th the new alley de:lication, the eas011P.nt will no l ont.Je r be necessa ry tc provide access to south Grant S'.:reet; and WIIEl<IW3, the ex isting alley and eas011ent would then serve no public purpose ; and WllEREAS, the Enqlewood Pl a nning Conmission has recanmende1 vac at io11 of this port ion of the Jlley and the eas011ent ; NO-I, 'l'IIEREE'ORE, BE l'I' OR!l'\INEIJ BY '1'1IE Cl"l'Y CXll.lNCIL OF THE Cl1'Y OF ,:r-K;L Elf/00D, COI..ORAOO: Seel ion l. '!he following described portion of public right-o[-way loca ted in the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, St ate of Colorado, is hereby vacate'.!: ·n,e alley right-of-way which is that portion of a 16 foot wid e a lley lying between the East lines of the south l/2 of Lot 8, r..ots 9, 10 and 11 and the West lines of Lots 40, 41, 42, and the South 1/2 of Ult 43, Block 4, of Birch's oodition to south Broachcy Heights being the second filing, City of El'lglewood, County of Tlrapahoe, State of Colorado containing 1,400 squa re feet or 0.0)2 acres more or less. Section 2 . 111e followinc.J described portion o[ publi c r ig ht -of -wa y l oc:ate.r1·1 t he City of Englewood , Coun ty o[ llr ,,pa hoe , State o f Co l o rdUo , i s hereby vaca te:l: ·n,e n lley easenent which is a pa rce l of l a nd being l oca ted in Lo t s l2 a r..l l3 a nd a portion of the vaca t ed al l e y in Block 4, Birch's A:ldi t ion to South Broad1ey lle ights be i ng the s econd filing, and vacated south Gr.i nt St r .,.,t, Ci t y of Englewood , Co unty o f l\r a pahoe, State of Oll orado a nd being that parcel a s described in Aook 4226 , Page 588 in the Cl e rk a nd Reco r de r' s Off ice o [ the County of Arapahoe . Tn t rodoca:l , r ead in full, and passa:l on fi rst r ead ing on the 5th da y of May , 1986 . Pu b! isha:l as a Bi 11 for an ordinance on the 7th day of May, 1986 . f<e a<.l by Li'.l " a nJ passa:l on tina l reading on the 19th day o f P-\>y , 198 6 . Pu bl ished by title as ordinance ~-~, Series of 1986, e n t he 21st day of May, 1986 . Attest : (~6:~/✓ <3:&,</ Pa trici a H. Crow, City Cle rk I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado , he reby certify that the a):,ove and foregoing is a true and cauple t e co py of the ordinance passed--j>p_ final reading and pablished by title a s ordinance ~. eS/!2.,, Series of 1986. ~<~<~ ,>i/ (1.µ,(r Patricia H. Crow I