HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 Ordinance No. 029I OHIJ INAI-CE 1¥J.J!l. Sl::10 E.S OE' 1~86 BY /\U'1110RI TY CXXJNCIL BILL NO. 34 IN'rRODOCED BY COUOC IL Ml:MBER V/\N DYKE /IN OHIJ I N/11',\'.:,; AMEN IJ ING Tl'rLE 4, CH/\PrEH 6, Sl'rl'ION 2, ENGL&ICXJO MIINl<:11'/\L CODE 1985, RELJ\TING TO l\a-11 SS IONS TIIX, BY /\llDl!>la /\ Na-I SUllP/1 111\GR/\PII F '1'0 'rllE DEl'INl'rION OF "PLACE OR EVEN'r OPE N TO 'ntE PUB LI C." WltEl<E/\.9 , avt.!ry perscn 'w't10 pays to gain adm iss ion to any pl ace in the Ci ty t lld t is open t o the public shall pay, .:i nd every O(Je CJ.t or who cha r -Jes or ca us es t o be cha rge:] admission to any soch pl.cce , shn ll collect the tax imp:,sed by Ch a pter G of Title 4, EMC l 9>Vi ; ~nd NO.,, TllmEFORE , BE IT ORL\I\INflJ DY '111 E CITY COUOCII, OF THE C l'l'Y 01' ENGl.,&IOOIJ, COLOIWJO, /IS FOLLONS: Sect ion l. •ri tle 4, Ola pte r 6, Sect ion 2, EncJ lewood "'-1ni c i~Code 1985 , i s he reby ane nd ed by CKlding a new Subsection F to re ad as fol l ows: 4-b-2: DEf'INI'rIONS: Pl.A CE OR EVEN'!' OPEN •ro 'IHf: ~BLIC F, ANY OU1UOOR MI\RKET, FLEA 11/\RKET, VJ.DEO /\RC/\DE, F/\SHION SHON, Wl\STE TR/\NSFER, TR/\SH DUMP, EXHIBITION OP TR/\llt; SHON. Int roduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 19th J ay of May, 1986. 1986. Publi s hed as a Bill for an Ordina nce on the 21st day of May, Re ad by t itle a nd passed on final r ead ing on the 2nd day of ,Ju ne , 1986 . Publ 1shal by t it.l e as Ordinance lt:J.,,2_'[_, Seri es of 1986, on t h,; -1Ll1 day o( J une , 1986 . ~--,{:&;, ~Ot i s , Mayor / .)d. &~ ~/4 . . , -r .......-;Ji_, i(L.£.A._ -. . ' -. Pat r l c 1,1 II. Crow, City Clerk I, Patr i c i a 11. Crnw, Ci t y Cl erk of the, City of Eng lewood, Colo r ado , he r eby ce rtify t hat the above and foregoing is a true a nd c anplete copy of the Ordinance passa:I on final reading and publishro by tit.l e as Ordina nce lt:J. :1.'1 , Series of 1986 . I