HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 Ordinance No. 036I
W!IERFJ\S, Englc-.ood applied for funding fran the Federal Govelment
•rir r.rossing gates to be installed where Quincy crosses the Atchison
Topeka & Santa Fe and the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroads,
pursuant to the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1987 (23 u.s.c.
&--c . 130 note l ; and
WIIERFAS , fondin4 has been approved by the Federal Goverrment and
<:riunci.l has approved aqreements with the railroads for the installation
of these c-,1tes with the costs of this upgrading borne 90'), by the Federal
Highway l\ctninistration and 10'). by the City of Engle,,ood; and
WI-IEREI\S, the State Departrrent of Highways is r equired to
adnini s ter the project so i ~ is nece ssary for the C.ity to enter into an
ugreememt with the State of C-~lorado for the use and benefit of the
State Dr.partment of Highways, lliv1sion of Highways, for this purpose;
fNGLEw:)')[1, C0!1JRMO, THI\T:
Sect ion 1. The contract for project m11rbered "RRP 0006 ( 32) Qrlncy
near Santa Fe" between the City of Er.glewood and the State of Colorado
for the use and benefit of the State Department of Highways, Division of
Highwe,s , is hereby approved. A copy of this contract is attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Section 2. '!'he Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign
anrl atteRt t hts contract for and on behalf of the City Council and the
City 0 f Enqle,,.ooo.
Introduced, read in foll, and passed on first reading on the 20th
rlay of July, 1987.
-1 -
Published as a fli 11 for an Ordinance oo the 22nd day of July,
Read by titl" and passed on final reading oo the 3rd day of
Auqust, 1987.
Published by title as Ordinance No. ,2{_; series of 1987, oo the
5th day of AUCJUSt, 1987.
Atte'"\': /"'
, 1t."1t ({ ( •'-Ji/ C,-~" .,
Patncia H. Craw,. City Clerk
I, Patricia I!. Craw, City Clerk of the City of El'lglewood,
Colorado, rercby ce.rtify that the foregoing is a true copy of the
Ordinance pasoc'<i oo final reading and published by title as Ordinance
No. ,;J h , series of 1987.
-,f:J.2_/. J✓·/ /l r
tf/4Uu ,-c ..A/· C l'1-<4J
Patricia II. Craw
-2 -
08]2V RRP 0006 ( l 2)
Quincy no,1r Santa P'o
THIS coN-:1 ,'\r:t, made thls --day o( -~:-,-,---.,.• 1, __ • by
,rnd bet 1.1 ce n . ·e ST ATE OP COLORADO (o[ the UGO and lrnno(lt of tho STATE
Ot-:l'AHTMt.:NT or i11CIIWI\YS. OlV IS ION Of HICIIWI\YS, hert?i 11,1fte[ tefetted to
aG th(! St ate. and tho Clty o( Engl owood , Color.ado . hor olna(toc
rof e rred to as the Con ttact or,
Wllt-:Rt-:As. c1uthoclty exlsts ln the 1.a1.1 and runds h.1ve been budQeted ,
a11propr lHed a nd othec1.1iae mat.le avai la 'Jle and a o urt le lent
ununcumbr!red balance theteof cr.m,,tno av"Jllable fot paym e nt in Fund
Numbot 2001. G/L l\cco11nt Number !>2046 . Contract Encumb rance Nu11boc
9'/l l ~; and
wm:Ht.:A S , tequlted approva l. clearance and coordination hae been
accomplished from and \Jlth .1p11to1H iate aiJencioa: and
WHEREAS. t hin Co ntr act is executed hy the State under authority of
Sec t io ns 4l-l -to6 and 43-2-144. C.R.S. as ,uuended, and by the
Co ntcactot . pursuant to an appropriate o rdlnanco ot resolution duly
pai.ced and adopted by tho Cont racto r . ,1 co ,,y or 1.1hlch lo Htached
hereto and hereby made a part heceo(: .1nd
WIIEIIEI\S, p·urouant to the S uet.ice Tranoport a tlon Aoaic.ta11r.c II.ct ot
1982, apecitically 2l u .s.c. Sec, llO note, and tho ce9ulation&
pcomulqated thereundet, coct.1in tedot.11 Cunds havo beo l\ and \J l ll in
th e fututo bo made avallablr. t o t the el lm lnatlon of ha::Hda a\· cect<lln
hiqh1.1ay /calltoad 9cade cr o oa ing s which ace on the Fedr.cal.J\ld Urban
Sy&tem, by tho installation of protective devices, such projects being
heceinattec teCorcod to as the (RRP) Program: .1nd
wm:Rt:AS, the coats of the aeloc tcd llllP pcojeclo 1.1lll be bocne by
the Fode ul Hiqh1.1ay Administrati on (t"IIWA) and tho Contractor at the
r ate o( 90\ and 10\ c onpcctlvc ly , U(l to lhe allocated FHWI\ share , all
1.1lthout cost to tho State; and
WIIEREII.S , the Contcactoc has ini t iat ed thi :. pt o }e c t nu11bocecl
ARP 0006(32) on the Fedetal-Ald UcboJn Sy:aem. 1.1lth thu conc:ucronce oC
the State and the FHWI\; and
WHEREAS , the project is not located on tt.e at,lle hl9h1.1ay system,
but is under the legal jurl.i;diction or t he Co"'ttcactot; and
WHEREAS . it ls ln the publlc int ecc:a thJt the pcojec:t I.IOCk be
pe t(11rmed by ralltoad company force s and Conuacto c Corcea. on a force
account basis; and
Wll !:Rt;l\s , 1t 11 anticipated that the Co nua c toc will antac into an
a9c eo111 .:n t with the cailcoa d ; and
WIIE REI\S, t:-t o Contra c tor 1s adequat e ly i.utcod and aul1 ,1b\y
<!Q u i pp e d to undertake and aati s(ac t ocily complete the work, and can
mc c o advanta9c o u1ly per(or a the wo rk than rho State .
WU EH EI\S . thl& pr ojec t was s e lec t<!d r:rom a pclorlty llntlnq
d evclopod by S ta t <!, r ai lroad a nd local 9 o vo cn11ont .
t 'OW, 1'11EllEP'OHE. it la here by agr e ed that :
1\RTICI..E 1
s t:CTtON 1 . pF.f'lN t TJON S
YII\IH 6 -G-2 -1
f''cdo c al 1id lli11hway Pcogcam Manual.
Volume b . Chap tor 6. Sect ion 2.
Sub occt ion l
Th e Manual o n Unieorm TraU i c Control
Do v ic o a (or Streets and Highways
Tho following are made a pa rt of thi s Contract by reCerenco the
same aa it attached hccoto , including any a u pplelftents or, amendmanta
the r e to oUectivo pclor to date o( thin Contuct:
FHPM 1 -4-l
FHPM l-7-2
FIIPM 6-4 -1-6
FIIPH 6-6-2-1
FHPH 8 -2 -J
Date d
April 25, 1975
Janua r y 21 , 1980
S ept. 10 , 1976
1\pci l 24, 1964
March s . 1979
A . The p t ovialona o( f'IIPH 6-6-2-1 , pocto1lnin9 to s tate-ci1i\road
agreements , shall apply equally to any tailcoa d /contca c toc
agcoement .
o . The cailco.ad/contractor agrcoment s hall include, but not be
limitad to, tho Co110-..,in9 :
l. Estab1i1h i n9 what la to be acco11pli s hed and tho
location(&) theceo(. and tha t tho cost o( the
improvement s hall be (com RRP pco}ect funds conahting
of Contcactoc and Federal fund& aa a(oceaaid .
2. The Rallcoad• detallod oetlmate oC tho coat ot thole
woek and 1aatoel1,l1.
l . Establlahlng Cutuco IHlntenAnce cosponslbllltles Coe the
proposed lnstallatlon.
4 . Pco1ctlblnq Cutuce use or dlsposltlons oC the pcoposed
i11pcovo•ents ln the event o[ 1,bandon11ent oc ell1dn,1tion
of the gudo cro11ln9 .
5. Establlahing [utuco repa ir and/or rorilacomont
responalbllltlco ln tho event o[ accldont,tl destruction
or damage to tho lnstallatlon
5 ~;c1·1ON 2. CONTRACTOR O111,t(jl\TION
A. The Contcactoc shall pcovldo. to the StiJte's Olstclct
cepro ae ntatlvo , a copy o[ the Rallcoad/Contractor A9cou1ent
including the Rallcoad'& rocce Account Estimate foe the
State's use ln securing required FIIWA approvals . The
Contractor shall not l(y tho State, 10 days ln advance, of the
time the callroad expects to begin the actu&l lnatall&tlon oC
the pcoposod lmprovomontG hecoundoc.
D. All work contemplated he rounder shal 1 have prlor i1pprov1,\ of
tho fHWA., and tho Contractor shall, duclng all phases of the
wock , pecmit duly authoclzod agents and employees of the
State and tho FHWA to lnopoct tho project and to inspect,
cev iew and audit the peoject cecocd s.
The Contractor (ucthoc agree& to mai ntain all books,
documents, pa pees , account i'nq cecocds and other evidence
pectalnlng to coats lncuccod and to make such mateclala
available at all reasonable times duclnq the consteuction oC
the pco)ect and Coe 3 yoHfl (com tho date of C lnal payment
Coe lnspoctlon . Copies oC i.uch records shall be Cucnlshed by
the Contractor if coquostod.
C. The Contractor shall make appllcatlon to the Public Utillti.e1
Co111miuion cequestLnq its oedor providing foe the
lnstallatlon of the pcopoaod lmpcovemonto . Tho pec(ocmance
of wock unc!ec the Rallroad/Conteactor Aqreemont ahall be
contin9ent upon the Commls1iC"n'1 ocdec.
D. The Contcactoc shal 1 bo responsible foe monitocing the work
accomplished with Ra il road Company forces and foe the
coeeectnen of bil lln9s submitted by tho Ralleuad Company.
After appeoval by the Contcactoe such billln91 ah&ll them be
submitted to the State's Dl st ci c t cepcesentative Coe
proce11\09 .
E. Tho contractor shall be eesponalblo foe obtaining pcopec
clearance or approval from utility co111panle1 tJhlch may become
involved ln tho peojoct, by foema l 1\qceornent if necoosacy .
r . The contractor a9roo11 to provide wrltten certification to the
State that the propo sed pco)oct will bo constructed on
exlatlnq ciqht oC way or that if right oC way ls acqulcod Coe
the completion of the project that acquisltion waa made in
accordance with FUWA and State ee9ulatlons.
G. The Contuctor shall insure that ln connection wlth the
pertor•1nce ot the Contcacloc•s wock undec thl• Contr•ct,
whether by or at lto dlcoction, thoro wlll not be •ny
dlacciminatlon a9alnst any om~loyoo, oc applicant Coe
employment, bucause of race, cellglon, color, sex , or
national ori9ln . This pcovision will bo ln co11plhnce wlth
the pertlnont toctlons of tho rodocal Nondlscrl ■lnatlon
Requirement& for work Clnancod under Fedor•l-Ald funds , •
co(IY of which 111 attached hero to.
I\HTlCl,E 111
S t~CT JON 1. The State ahal l adminiator the spocltled funds aa
ap1,rop1 ta t ed and bud9eted for accomplinhlnq tho improvement wock on
HUI' pc o }oc ts.
fil'~. The State shall. at the coquest oC the Contcactoc.
provi d<! ouch aulatanco aa may be agceod upon . Tho coat ot any
assi.11t;1nce and auppoctln9 sncvlces provided by tho State Rhall bo pald
Crom project funds .
st:CTJON l. Tho Stato'B Dlr.trlct Engineer. Dlatrlct 6 , 2000 South
ll ol ly. Denver. Coloc1do 80222 will be renponolblo Cor coordinating the
wock under thi& agreement on the part oC tho State.
1. The total coat of tho work. la eatlmatod to be $210 ,000,
which la to be funded aa Collowa:
a. Federal partlclpatlno Cunda
( 90\ of S 227. 759)
b . Contcactoc ahuo:
1) Contuctoc partlclp1tln9 funda
(10\ o! S 227,7S9) S 22,776
21 contcactoc non-particlpatino
funds for lndlcect co1t1
(1ppcox. 0.99\ of S 227,759} S 2,241
$ 204 , 98]
$ 2)0,000
tn the event total project coats oxcoed the total funds, such
excess co&ts shall bP borne by the Contractor it additional Federal
fundn are not available. In tho event pco)ect costa undeccun tho
eut\matud total funds. tho Fodecal portion of such undeccun shall be
re,1llocoJtc d within the Cranaework of tho Statewide RRP Program aa
1autually agreed upon by tho State and the FHWJ\.
2. Upon coapletion ot the conatructlon wock to be pecfoc11ed undec
this contcact and 1ccoptance thereof by the State. FHWA. 1ind the
Contractor. the State will submit to tho Contcactoc. a final
recapltulatlou o( Prolect costs.
J. This Contci1ct 11 contingent upon •l l fund1 being ••de
1vailable fro• Fedeul •nd Contuctor aoucco1. Should thue 1ourc11
call to provide tho nece1ury tund1 thla contract tHy be tecalnaud by
either tho State oc Contractor . upon notice in welting Qiven JO d•y•
prior to the di1ta of termination . Each such piety ter•lnatin9 it1
i nterest and obl191tion1 hoceln shall not be rolhvcd of any t:lnanchl
obliqulon1 •11tl1tin9 prlor to tho eUective date of 11uch teralni1tlon
o r which 11ay occur as a cosult oC 1uch torniin•tlon.
4. Con1tcuctlon work perfocmod by or under tho supervision ot the
Co ntc.ictor shall have pclor approval oC tho PIIWA, and will bo oub)ect
to i nspection at all timos by tho State and tho FIIWI\.
~. This Contract shall not bo .JGSlqnablo without tho written consent of tho parties hereto.
6 . Excopt as provided in Article II , Section 2, Paragraph e , thi1
contract shall toc11inate on tho date tho final project pi1yment la 1111do .
7 . The attached Speci1l Pcovlslono are hocoby 111ade a part of this Contract.
IN WI1'NESS WHEREOF , the parties horeto have executed this Contract
on the day fiut ,above wdtton.
Chic( Clerk
ArPROV tm :
!it.nc Cont roller
By ---------
Dy -----------
Executive Director
Attorney Gonoral
Dy ;:;W~I L"L'l•/\ll"'l'l.---;;B~~S;:;S:--;E::;T::;T----
Ao sl I tan t Attorney Gennral
Natural Ro1ource1 Section/
llighway Unit
By -----------
Tltlo _________ _
I. Thi• COnl/Kl 1hall not be deemed valid until h •h•II hava been appn:,vtd by tht Co,urollar ol'U.. Stall o1
Colorado 0t tilth u1i111111 u he may dc:s \lftl.t&. Thi1 pnnillon i1 applicable lo any contract lnvoMna thl pay-
ment of rnoncy by the Si.tc.
l . Financlal obli11llon1 o( 1hc S1111 payable .ner the cuncnl fiscal year ate con1lna,nt 11pon fund, lor that
purpoH bclna approprlattd, ~acttd and otherwise made avallablc.
). If thi1 contract involwu 1ht payment of more than My thou11nd doll1r1 for the CDflllluC\io11, erection,
lfpair. m.intcnancc, or lmpro ... cmcnl of any buildina. mad, bridac, viaduct. tunMI, ue1va1ion or other public
,...,uh for 1hi1 S111c, the con1,1ctoc shall, before entcrina lhc ptrformtnce or any 1uch work incllkftd in lhl1 con-
tnct, duly uec11tc and dcli..,er to arid file with the official whole 1i11'11turc appcau below (or lht S11tt, a pJOd
and 1uffic1cn1 bond or othtr 1cccp11bl1 1urety to be approved by uld omclil In a penal ,um AOC 1,u than one-
h ■I( n( \he lot ■I amount p1y1blt by the tenn1 0(1hi1 cun1racl Such blJnd 1h1\I be duly utcultd by I qual il'ied
corpora le 1u1tt)', condi1ioned ro, the due and faithful ptrformancc ol lhc conuact, and in addiHon, ,hall p(Ovwie
th11 1(thc contrac1or or hi11ubconlt1cto11 rail to duly pay for any labot, matcriah, lum hire, 1u1tcnance, PfO'
vi1ion1 , p,ovcndo, nr 01hcr 1upplic1 u1cd or consumed by such conltactOI o, his 1ubcontr1ctor In perform MU of
tht wor._ con1ractcd to be done, the 1ure1y will pay the same in an amount nOI ucecdin1 I.he 1um 1peclfitd In the
bond, 101tthcr whh in1eru1 11 the rate or ci&ht rtr ccnl per annum. Unlcn 1uch bond, when 10 requited, 11
c.,cut"d, delivered and Oled, no claim In favor of lhe contractor arisln1 under this conl11c11h11I be audilcd,
allowe d or p1ld . A ccnified or cuhicr's chcc._ or a b1nk money order payable to the Treasurer o( lhc Stale o(
Col o11do may be accepted in lieu of a bond . This provision is in compllanct wit h lH -26 -106 CRS , 11
4, To tht uten1 authoriud by law, the conltactor shall Indemnify, 11vc and hold harmlen I.he Staie, lb
employees and •&cnll, 111in11 any and 11\ claims, dam11c1, liability and coun 1wud1 includln1 coal 1, npcNCS,
and attorney recs Incurred II a ruuh or any act or omission by lhe contnctor, otlU cmploycu, aaents, subcon-
u1c1or,, or ani&ntcs pur,u'?t to the 1crm1 of this conttacl .
S. The conu1ctor av,u lo comply wit hlhl feller and spirit of the Cok>rado Anlidiuriminalion Actol 19Sl,
as amended, and ocher applicable law rt1pctlin1 di1criminatlon and unfair cmploymcnl pr1c1lce1 (24-)4-401 .
CRS 1912 Replacement Vol .), and II required by Euculivc Order, Equal Oppot1unh)' and Amnn11ive Action,
dated April 16, 19H. P1m11on11lmt10. tltr JoJlotio•i"l provisions sltoJJ M co,uainrd in alt Siar, tontrotu or
Ourin1 the performance CJ( this contract, 1he con111ctor ■vru u J'olluw1 :
(I) The contractOf will not di1crimin11c aaairut any cmployre o, applicant for employment bectUH ol
''"· creed. colof', national otialn, Ml, marital llalua, rtlipoft, UIClllry, mental 0, ph,alcal NIIIHup, or
11c, The corunctot will 11._e affinn11iv1 action to iruurc lhal 1pplican1, arc .mploycd, and U.11 cmployeH
arc trralcd durina employment, without rc111d to the atovc mentioned ch111ctcri1tlea. Such action lbaU
Include, bul not be limited 10 the followina: employment, upvadina, demnllon, Of tt111srer, rccNIUlltntot
recruitment advct1i1ina.; lay,offs or tcnnin1tion1: ratu or pay or ocher forms olcompcn111lon; and 11lcc.-
tion for lralnina, includin1 ,pprenllcuhlp. The contractor a1rcu 10 poll In con1picuous placu, 1vail1b11
10 cmpk,yeca and applicanu for cmploymcnl, no1icu to be pravided by 1he contt1ctln1 nfficer 1ttlln1 (onh
provision• o( 1h11 ~-di1crlmlna1ion clause .
( 2) The contractor will , In all 1olicit1tlon1 or advenllcmcntl ror employcH placed by or on bchalr o( the
contractor, 1t11c 1h11 all qu11i0ed applicants w\11 receive con1idcra1ion rot employment withoul rc1ttd 1u
rtct, creed, color, nal.lon1I Ofiain, sex, marital 1111us, relia!on, anccury, mcn11I ot phytlcal
handicap, or •&C-
l)) The conlractor will 1tnd to each labor union Of rcpr1Hnl1tivc of workcn wllh which hi hu collective
b1111inln1 a11ccmen\ or other conlncl o, undtmandlna, notice 10 be provklcd by lhc conu1ctin1 officer,
adv i1i n1 the labot union or wor._,,., rcprucntatlvt o( lhc contr1clor'1 commiltm,nt under lhc E1ecu1ive
Order, Equal Opponuni1y and Affinnativc Action , dllcd April 16, 197S , and olthc rules, re1ul1tion1, and
relevant Order• or the Governor.
14) The contractor and labor unions will furnish 111 infonnation and reports required by Elccullvc Order,
Equal Opponunity and Affirmative Action of April 16, 1975, and by the NIU, rc1ul11ion1 and Ordcn o(
the Governor, or pur,uanl thereto , and will ptnnit acccu to hi1 books , rcconb, and accounu by tM COA-
tr1c1in1 ,,ency and \hi ofricc of the Governor or hi1 dui1,11ec ror purposu of invu1i111ion 10 uccnain
complianc, with such rules, rc1ul1tions and orden.
tS) A la bot oc11niu1ion will not exclude any Individual othcrwi.c qualified from full mtmbersh ip riahu in
such labor or11niulion, or upcl any 1uch indlvldual from membcnhip In 1uch labor or11t1\utlon ot di.,
crimlnatc a11in11 any o( iu members in the full 11\loymcn1 of work opponunhy, becau11 ot race, creed,
cok>r, HI, national ori&in, Ot 11\CUl,Y. .
(6) A la bot or1aniution, or 1he employees or member, I hereof will not aid, 1be1,'l ncite, compel or coerce
the doln1 of any act denned in thi• conuacl 10 be: diacriminalot)' or obltnict or prevent 1ny pc,ion from
complyln1 with the pftm1Jon1 or1hl1 contract or any order lnued thereunder; ar allcmpt, cfthcr dlf'IClty ar
indirectly, to commit any act defined in 1h11 contract 10 be: di1crimln1tory.
Jt,viacd 1 l •IS
pap _L of _L. paau
(1) In Uw tvtnt o/ tht contractor'• non-compl i1nct wilh lht not1 ·dbcrimlnation cl1\ilt1 tAU\11 con-
uact Of with &ny or IUth NIU, rt1ul11kln1, Of ordcu, thil conlract ffll)' be Clllttlltd. leffl'lll\lled or IUt-
pudtd in whole°' in par1 and tht ~111e1or may be dtclartd lncli&iblc: ror rur1her Slall conuacu in
accord1nct whh pr oc cd,uu, 1uthtirlud In Eucutl'tt Order, Equ1I C)pportynlly 1111d Afflrm11Jn
AcitOl'I or April 16. l'J 7t and lht Nie 1, u1ut11ion1 , Of Ofdl:n ptomul1,1ted In accordMCc thtrcwilh, and
well other 1&netion1 11 may be lmpoMd and mmdlrs u ffll)' bt ln'tohd al r,twided ill Eacaitivt
Order, Equa)Oppor,unily ind Affin111 tin Acl ion o/ April 16, 191S, OI hy nitf:1, rtpl1llcwu, t1t1onScn
promulpttd in accurd1nce thercw ilh , ot 11 01htrwi1t provided by l1w .
(I) Tht contnclot will include the ('lf0Yh ion1 o( p111111ph (I) throua,h (I) In uery 1u1>co11111e1 and
uo1bcontractor p1m:h"c ordtt unlcu ucmptcd b)' Niu, rtpl11to,u, or Older, lu1ttd ru,111anc to
E11cu1ive Order, Equal Oppor1uni11 and Amrm11ive Aci lon of April 16, 191S .10\h1t 1uch p,owltloru
will be bindin1 upon uch 1ubcontf1C\Of Of vendor . The COl'IUICIOI' will 11kt IUCh action with rupcct 10
any 1ul>conuactin1 or pu,chl1t order u lht conlraclin& 11ency may dl1tct, u I fflllftl ol 1nf0t'Cin1
1uch pr0Yi1ion1, incl!.ld in& u.nctlo111 fo, l'IOfl •tomr!lancc ; proYidtd , howevcr, that In tht c:vent tht con-
1r1e1or bet:0me1 lnvolYcd i'I , or i1 1hru1tncd wit h, li11111 ion with lht 1ubcontr1CIN Of ulldor Ha ruull
of such direction hy lhe cuntractin& 11cncy. the contractor may rcqun1 the S111, of Colorado to enlcr
into IUCh litiplinn hi p1otec1 lhc inttrUI of lhe SIIIC of Colorado,
I,. Whtn • con1truc1iun contract for I public prOJe ct 11 10 bc 1w11dcd to• blddcr, • ruidcnr btdclcr 1h11I be
11! ,wed a ptdc,cncc 111in111 no,Hnidcnl bidder r,um a II ate or fore isn country equal lo thc prtfcrenu 1,iYcn °'
1tou11cJ br lhc .i11c 01 fo,cian countr, in which thc non-ruidrnl btdJcr h • ruidenl Ir ii ii determined by the
oll ,cr1 rupon1iblc for 1w1rdin1 the bid that cumpli &ncc with 1hi11ublcction .06 may C:1"5t Jcni1I o((cdcral fuftda
which would othcrwisc be 1v1il,blr Of v.•ould o1hcrwhc bc i~on1btrni wi1h requircmrn11 ol(cdtral law, 1hi1 au~
m :lion shall be 1u1pcnded, bul only to 1hc u1cnd ncc cuary 1n 1weven1 dcni1I of lht monc11 or to ellmi natc the
,nco111i1tcnc1 wilh fcdc:111 rcqultcmcnlJ hcctiun 1-19-101 and 102 , CRS).
7, The l1w1 of the S111t of C11lor1do and ni ltt ind rr1ul11 10111 iuucd pur1u1111 lhcrc10 shill be 1P,1icd In lht
intc1J1rrt11lon , uccution and enforcement of 1hi1 con111ct. An y i,,uv ision of thi1 contra ct whether or not lncor-
po11trJ hcrc in b)' rdcrc:ncc which provides (cw 11bitr11lon br In)' uua-judici1I boor Of pcBOn or which i1 othcr-
wi1e in connict with 11id laws, NIU ind rc1ul11ion11hall bc cunsidcrcd null and void. Nolhin1 con11incd il'I &11)'
proYit ion incorpor11cd hcrcin b)' rcrcrcncc which jMlrp0f11 to nr111c lhi1 or 1ny other 1pccl1I pcovl1tofl In whole or
in part 1h11\ be valid or rntorcublc or 1oi\1ble in any 1c1lon 11 law 'A'htthcr b)' ••Y of complaint, ddenat or othcr-
witc . Any pro'tilion rcndcrcd null anJ void by lhe opc:,atlon of this pro~·hion will not lnnlid111 lhe rcm1irtdcr of
this con1 11ct to 1hc ulrnl 1h11 the con111c:t i1 capablr of ucculion ,
8. At 1ll 1imu durin& lhc performance cl this Cuntract, the Contractcr 1h1ll 11ric:tly 1dhe1t 10 1\1 1ppllc1blr
federal 1nll ,111e l1w1 , ruin anJ rc1ut11ions 1h11 hue bcrn Of mar hcruftcr bt t111bfi1hed,
9. The 1l11111orir, hereto ocr 1h11 lhcy arc r1mlll11 with I B,K-)01, ct . acq ., (Dtibcr, ind Comipt lnnucncn)
ind 18,8,401 , cl . seq ., (Ahuu~ of Public Offic.:), CRS 19'18 Replacement Vol., and that no wiolatlon o(1uch pro,
visions it prcunl.
10. Tht 1i1n11011u aver lh:at In lhclr knowltd&t, no Uate cmrloyrr hll I pcr1on1I or bcnelicl1I lnlcrCII Whit•
M>tVtr in tht itl"Yict or proptn)' Jca.:ribtJ htr<iA:
. ,... z .,
1 -·
Apr ii , 1980
Nondhcrimlnation Provi sions :
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act uf 19M and
with Section 162(a) of th e Federal Aid Highway Act of 197), the
Contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors 1:, interest,
agree as followu :
A .
H .
C .
Compliance with Re,,ulatlons. The Contractor will
comp ly with the Rcculation s of the Department of
Transporta tion relative to nondiscrimination in
f;~~~~~~~;~:~,~s ~;1 cf~0 f;~m~o~! ~~e F~~~:~;m;~;.u}!.
tions, Part 2 1, hereinaftar rcfarred ·to as the
"Regulations"), which are her ein lncorporated by
reference and made o part of this contract.
Nondiscrimination . The Contractor, with reftard
to the work pf:'rformed by it after award ar.d pri or
to completion of the contract work, will not dis-
criminate on the @round of race, color, sex, mental
or phy sical handicap o r nati ona l o ri1tin in the
se lection and retention of Subcontractors, including
procurements of materials and lea ses of equipmrnt .
Th e Contrnctor will not participate either dire ct ly
or indirec t l y in the discrimination prohibited by
Sl!c ti on 21 . S of the Regulation s, includiny, empl oy -
ment practices 1,,•h e n the contract covers a program
set forth in Appendix C o f the Reg u latio ns .
Solici tations for Subcontr ac ts , lncludinf Procure-
ments of ffuterials and E9 u 1pme nt . In al solicita-
tions either by compet1.t1ve llTacJing or m~otiation
ma de by the Co n trnctor for wo rk to be per formed
under a subcontract, inc luding procurements of
mat e rials or cqui.pmenc, each p oten tial Subcontrnctor
o r uupplier shall be noti ficd by the Cont ractor of
the Cont r acto rs' ohl i gnt i onn under this contract a nd
the Regulations relative to nondi.scrlmlnation on the
ground of race, color, sex, me nta l or physical handll:'a r,
or nati onal o riyin .
Informati on and Reports. The Contrac tor will pro-
ille all information and r eports required by the
Regulations, or o rders and i!l6tructions issued
pursuant there tu , and will permit access to its
books, records, accounts, other sources of informa-
tion , 11nd its fa c ilities as may be determined by
the Scace or the FIIWA to be pel'tinent t o ascertain
compliance with such Regulation s, orders and in•
structions. Where any i nformati o n required of the
Contractor is i.n the e xclusive possession of anotl-er
who fails or refus es to furni sh this information,
the Contractor shall so certify to the State, or the
FHWA as appropri ate, and shall sec forth what efforts
have been made to obtain the information .
~~~;!~~~r f~r n~~~~~~ri!~~~c ~lt~n t~~e n~~~r!c~[m~~= tion
provisirJns of this cuntracc, the State shall impose
such contr,,ct sanctions as it or the FIIWA rMY deter-
mine to be appropriate, i.ncludin~. but not limited to :
11) Withholding of payments to the Con-
tractor under the contract until
the Controctor complies, and/or ;
(2) Cancellation, termination or aua-
pen1ion of the cc, ,··u.ct, in whole
or in part.
~~~1~s~r~h!0 ~r~~1:f~~!·~zn;~ra!~:p~~n~r:~~~~CJ~I ~ l
in every subcontract, including procurements or
mate;.·hh and leuos of equipment, unless exemlll
by the Regulations , orders , or instructions i saued
pursuant thereto. The Con::i&ctor will take such
action with respect to any ■li~contract or procure-
ment aa the State or the FIIWA may dlrect as a moans
of enforcing such provisions including sanctions
for nonconipliance: provided, however, that, in the
event the Contractor becomes involved in, or is -
threatened with, litigation with a Subcontractor
or surplier as a result of st•-'·. direction, the
Contra.:tor may request th< State to enter into such
litigatiDn to protect the interest~ of the State
and, in addition, the Con•.ractor may request the
FHWA to enter into such lltigation to protect the
intereats of the United S: itcs.