HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 Ordinance No. 054OIIDINI\OCE NO. :ii Sl::RIES OF 1987 £1Y AIJl'HORITY COONCIL BILL NO. 65 IN1'RCOOCID BY COONCIL MEMlER Vl\N DYKE AN UIIDHWICE Vl>CA'l'ING RlGJn~F-\'11\Y IN TIIE PIIASE III l\RE/1 OF 'lllE IXWfI'CW,I l!HllM·J .OPl•U NI' l\llli,\ llCXJNllf:ll IJY l'NGl.flO)[) PMKWI\Y' so.rm ACCMI\ S'mEE'l'' AND lL\MPnl,ll /lJ,S. 28 5, ,\LI , rn ·1111-: C<XJN'l'Y or I\MPIIIIOE, IN ENGl.ElOJD, COLOFADO. \·Jlll:JWAS, c1s p .. ,rt •>f t·he ,1grcarcnt for the deve lq:_,rl:!nt of Phase III, the i·l 1q l<?oUOCI Urb,1n l!e nL>Wil l 1111 t ho rity has reque sted that all rights-of-way within l1 1,1t .,n,,1 hP vnci'lt rd ; ,1 11d 1·nDc:R F.IIS, by vaca tino a ll right~-of-way within the area, the developer will 11<' 'li V<>n m,,xim11m f r c,cdc,n to develcp the site without constraints iltposed hv t ,OSc-r i qht!----of-way , ,:md l'IIIF.REIIS , the va cations will hnve no effect on the access to the site and .u, r,a s rnent for the Little Dr; Creek box conduit e xists and will be retained; \'IIIERr,J\S, the folla.,ing rights-of-way are lcx:ated within Phase III of the l·:n<1.l""'1CXl llrban Renewn l Authority Plan: 1) South Bannock Street, between the south right-of-way line of the former \·lest Girard /\venue and the North right-of-way line of West l~n Avenue. 2) The sixteen-foot wide north/south alley adjacent to the east line of Blcx:k 1, McKinley's Subdivision between the south right-of-way line of t·:nglewood Parkway and the north right-of-way line of the decele ration lane ,1lonq U.S. 285 to Engle,axl Parkway. 3) '1'le s ixteen-foot wide east/wemt alley between the west right-of-way I inc of South Bannock Street and the e as.t right-of-way line of the north/south ,11lr,y i n the 1400 South Blcx:ki between Englewood Parkway and South Bannock Rtre<. •:. 4) '!'he fifteen-foot wide north/south alley adjacent to the west line of lnt s 2 through 11, Blcx:k 1 , City Gardens Subdivision, and Lots 1 through 13, nlock 2, Nielse n's Suhdiv isio'l. '!'he northern border of the alley •s the south right-of-way line of Englewood Parkway nnd the southern boundary is the north r .i qht-of-way line of West H1\J1{lden Avenue. NID \'IIIBRFJ\S, the City Planning and Zoning Camti.ssion, on August 18, 1987, reamoc-nded the vacation of these rights-of-way within Phase III area of t he Do.In town Redeveloprent aren: NCH, 'l'IIEREFORE, BE IT ORDI\INID BY THE CITY CCJJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~, COLORADO, TILI\T: -l - section 1. 'l'he rights-of-way within Phase III of J,nglewcod Urban Hcm,w,,lAuthonty Plan in the are,1 bounded by r.:ngl"""""1 Parkway on the north ,111d west, by /\cm.a Street on the east , and by ILlnpden/U.S. 285 Ul the south, h'<l,llly described on Attachment A, incorporated herein by reference, are hr•rc by vncated, nr1id vacation to hccooc effP.Ctivc June 1, 1989. lnt1·,"'bic0d, rmcl in full, «nd passed on first reading on the 21st day of ::,•11tP.fTIIX'r, l<J87. l'11hl ishrd ,,s .-, 11.i 11 for an Ordinilnce on the 23rd d1y of Septarber, 1987. Hr,,,cl hy tit le ,md passed on final reading on the 5th iliy of October, \'l U7. Puhl ished by title as Ordinance No. ~' Series of 1987, on the 7th day , ,1 o;:t ober, 1987. At test: ~-~~~~-✓✓ a_., ;{:;!Zt(rsflk ne L. s, Mayor P<1tnc1a fl. Cra,,, C1ty c.~ I, Patricia I!. Cra,,, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as ordinance No. ~. Series of 1987. v~~/✓.~ Patrcia H. Crow -2 - I I ATTACHMENT A ENGLEW000 MARKETPLACE PROPOSED VACATIONS STREET RIGHTS-OF-WAY ANO ALLEYS I I South Bannock Street, between the south right-of-way 1 ine of old West Girard Avenue and the north right-of-way 1 ine of West Hampden Avenue . 2) The sixteen {16) foot wide north/south alley adjacent to the east line of Block I, McKir'.ey's Subdivision between the south right-of- way line of Englewood Parkway and the north right-of-way line of the deceleration lane along U. S. 285 to Englewood Parkway. 3) The sixteen {16) foot wide cast/west alley between the west right-of- way 1 ine of South Bannock Street and the cast right-of-way 1 ine of the north/south alley in the 3400 south block between Englewood Park- way and South Bannock Street . 4) Tiu, fifteen ( 15} foot wide north/south a 11 ey adj a cent to the west line of Lots 2 · II, Block I, City Gardens Subdivision, and lots I 13, Block 2, Niel'sen's Subdivision . The northern border of the alley is the south right-of-way l inc of Englewood Parkway Jnd the southern boundary is the north right-of-way line of West Hampden Avenue {Old Hampden). ·