HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 Ordinance No. 055I OIUJIN/,,ICE NO, ,:j!:,- s mlfS OF 1987-- BY A11I'HORI'l'Y CCXJNCIL BILL NO, 66 Im'RUXJCED BY CXXJNCIL MEMl1ER BRADSHAW AN Ulm I NANCE V/\CI\TING A 321-FWI' S'l'RIP, oor RE:!'AINING AN lTl'lLITY EASEMENI' 'l,UJU•:IN, 00 '11-IE NOR'l1I SIDE OF l'IF.S'f GIRARD ,WIMJE AT TllE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WES'!' GJJWU> A\IEMJE AND SOOTH EIJ\TI S'l'RIIB'l', CGUm'Y OF ARAPAHOE, IN ~, COLOR/Im, l'IIIE!ll'AS, ;is f)<lrt of the approval of the plans for the redevelopnent of the chmtCMn ,u-ea, the City has detennined that the roadway for west Girm d ,\ve nue 0ast nf South Elati Street should be realigned to eliminate the off-set i nt·i,rsCc>r.Uon w.i th the access way in Cinderella City; and 1'10':Rf'AS, a section of the ri')ht-of-way on the north side of west Girard ,\v•~nUt~ wt 1 t tx,cr.rre obsolctr when the ctr<::..>et is realigned; and 1·n1EfffK,, an ms<!lient will be ret.1ined by the City for utility lines in th,:-: v,1cut 1.:.""d ar c-m ; .md \'lllEllEAS, the City Planning and Zoning Cannission, on August 18, 1987, rccU11 rended the vacation of this right--0f-way; NO'/, 'l'IIF.REE\'.JRE, BE IT ORDAINED DY THE CITY CCXJNCIL OF TllE CITY OF ENGLF.\'1XJO , CX>LOR/\OO, THAT: Section 1. The right-of-way on the north side of west Girard Avenue, which will no longer serve a public purpose as a result of the realignment of ,1<,st Girard /\venue nt South Elati Street, legally described on Attaclvnent B, incorporated herein by reference, is herf'.by vacated, Section 2. 1'he City hereby retains an easenient for all utilities, of whatc,vc~r kind, within the above described right-of-way, now in use or which ,aay be used in the future. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 21st day of SCptembr,r, 1987. Published as a Dill for an Ordinance on the 23rd day of 5epteniler, 1987. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 5th day of OCtober, 1987. -1 - Pt tl1li Rl1<,'<'l lJy titlc-11:1 Orc:Unance No, !iS, Series of 1987, on the 7th day o f O:::t obcr, i '187. l\t-t c ;;t: l ·iii:-u.<4.-· Jtl l'.atr Clil II. CrCM, City C er I, l'a tri c i.:i 11. Cro,, Cit.y Clerk of the City of Dlgle.«xx' •-:Olorado, lie r c,by certify th~t the foregoing is a true copy of tho ordin,, ,-,., passed on 1 ina l r·r,;1dinq ,111d published by title 11s ordinance No • .li._, Series of 1987. ~k~Y✓-(l~1 Patricia 11. crow -2 - I I ATTACHMENT D PROPOSED VACATION OF A PORfION OF W. GIRARD AVE. LEGAL DEUCRIPTION A portion of West ~irard Avenue lying east of s. Elari St,; GIRARD l'Ll\CE SUBDIVISION, City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, ~tatc of Cclorado; being mor e particularly described as follows: ncq inning at a point on the westerly P.Xtension of tl:e north li n e of W. Girard Ave,, from which the southwest corner of Lot l, Bl o c k l, GIRJ\l<D PLACE SUBDIVISION (a s recorded in plat book 94 .i.t paric 18 of Arapahoe County Records) bears S 89° 50' 22" Ea dis- tance of 7.43 feet; thence S o0 09' 11" W a distance of 2e.7J fe et to a point of curvatur e; thence along the arc of a curve concave t o the northeast having a radius of 24.50 feet, a ~entral angle of &1° 41' 46", and an arc length of 26.JO feet to a non- tanqcnt point on the south line of W. Girard Ave., from which point the northwest corner of Lot l, Block 2 of said subdivision be a rs n 89° 50' 22" W a distance of 10.96 feet; thence S 89° 50' 22" E along said south line of W, Glrard Ave. a distance of 29.01 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve; thence along sai~ curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 24,50 fRct, a central angle of a0 JS' 28", an arc length of J.70 feet, the chord of which bears N 49o J2' J7" Ea distance of 3,69 feet to a point of tangency; thence N 45° 13 1 2J" Ea distance of J0 .4J feet to a point of curvature; thence along the arc of a cu rve concave to the northwest having a radius of 44.50 feet, a central ang le of 24° 49 1 06", and an arc length of 19,28 feet to n point o( non-tangency; thence S 09° 50' 22 11 E along a line pa r,,lld wil".h, and lying 11.GO feet s outh of, the aforementioned north tine of w. Gi r11rd l\vc ., a disti\nce of 175.65 feet to a point. or curvature; thence along a curve concave to the north hilv inq it radius of 101.50 feC!t, a central ilngle of 14° '12 1 14 11 , ""cl an arc: length of 46.58 feet to a point of reverse curvature; than c e along a curve concave to the south having a radius of 218. so feet:, a central angle of 1° 59' 12", and an arc length of J0.46 f eet to a non-tangent point on the norch line of w. Girard Ave .; thence N 89° 50 1 22" w along said north line J21.06 feet to th o point of bdginning. Contains S,6JO square feet, or 0.1292 acre,, more or less. JL/lo 7/Jl/81 LDVacGir