HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 Ordinance No. 058I OIIDINJ\NCE NO. iK_ SER !Ef; OF 1987 o:A.ICIL BILL NO. 69 INrRClXx:Eil BY CXXJNCIL ME'lllER BRADSHAW AN ll!IDINANCE FIXING '110': '!'/IX !~NY IN MIIJ.S tn'Ctl EI\Cll llOILAR OF THE ASSESSED V/\1,Ul\'rIOI OF /\LL 'rAXAllLE PROPrnTY WITHIN THE CITY OF ~, cor.awx>, f'Of< '1'111:: YEI\H 19llll mo [,:sJ'AllLISlllNG I\ MII.I, !.!,."VY FOR '1'11E rnGI.D.1'.XD, cor.awx>, ~- 'IU"'1 11LVl'HJl'MfHI' l\tJlllOIU'l'Y. l>'IITT"!f:AS, it is the duty of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Cn l nrnrb, under the chart<?r of ~a id City and Statutes of tt,e State of Colora- ck>, to 1nake the annual l evy for City purposes for the year 1987, due and pay- c1hl <' in l 9tlll ; and 1no-m11S , the City Council has duly considered the estimated valuation of .:i ll the t axable property within the City and the ooeds of the City of each of s aid levies and has determined that the levies, as hereinafter set forth, are rr~r and wise; · No,J , 'lllF.r'Jll'ORE, BE 11' ORIJAINED BY THE CI'l'Y CUJNCIL OF 'l'IIE CITY OF ~, COI.aWJO /IS FOLI.O·IS: Section l. That there be and hereby is levied for the year 1987, due and payable as r<.VJUired by statutes in the year 1988, a tax of 4. 909 mills oo the dollar for the General Fund of the City of Englewood, Colorado, and 1.698 mills oo the dollar for the Debt Service Fund of the City of Englewood, Colorado. 'lhnt the levy hereinabovc set forth shall be levied l.p:lll each dollar of the asse~sed val11 ,1 tion of all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of l·llqle,,axl, Colorado, and the said levy shall be certified as re- 'l'•i r ed by lnw. &>r.tion 2. '!'hat under the authority of the Colorado Revised Statutes, and the City Charter, there is her<>.by levied for the year 1987, due and payable as required by law in 1988, a tax of 3.267 mills oo' the dollar for the use and benefit of the Englewood Colorado Dc:Mntown Developnent Authority. 'l'hat the levy rereinabove set forth shall be levied upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Englewood Colorado n,....,ta,m Developnent District, and 1:he said levy shall be certified as re- 'll•i red hy law. Introduced, read in full, Md passed on (irnt r e.:idinq u,1 the 5th d.1y of Oc tol"'r , 1937. l~~>li:;hed as a Dill for ru, OrdiniUlCe on the 7th clay <ol 1.ctober, 1907. l~••,1d hy tith" and passed on fin,1 1 r c t1dinq on the l 1Jtl1 ,l,1y of Lctober , I 'Jl :"/. 1111blishecl •--/ title .-,s ordi nm \CP No . .f!__, series of l'lu ·,, ml the 2 1st day ,,1 <):,tnix•r , 19B 7. .. I. / / / 11.i lricia I • Crow, City Cl erk I, P11tricia 11. CrCJ¥1, Ci ty Clerk of the City of En<J lewood, Colorado, he reby certify t ha t the foregoing is a trne oopy o( the ordinance passed on J in••l rr.u din() .:mcl published by title ,lR Ordinance tkJ • ....5.L_, series of 190 7. Oau«i&;. &'-~ Patricia II . CrCJ¥1 I I