HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 Ordinance No. 023I
SERIES OF 1988--
WHEREAS, a traffic hazard. exists on the bridge on South Broadway over
Big Dry Creek between Centennial Avenue and Rafferty Gardens because of a
narrowing of traffic lanes an.d no pedestrian sidewalk; and
Wl-:ERE.~, 'n'le Sta te Depart.,rent of Highways has proposed a contract for
$30,000 for preliminary design of the bridge widening with the City's portion
to be $6,000;
Section 1. 'l'1e City of Englewood agrees to enter into the Contract with
The State Departm:mt of Highways, Division of Highways, for widening the
bridge on the west side of Broadway over Big Dry creek ~n Centennial
Avenue and Ra~ferty Gardens. 'l'1e Contract generally provides:
1. 'n'!e State Highway Camtission, under approval for l.l'ie State to enter
into a contract wit.'1 the City of Engl~ under Project CX: 10-0075-26 on
October 15, 1987, is to provide a liaison with t he City through its District
VI Engineer.
2. 1'1e City shall contribute an arn::iunt not to exceed $6,000 for the
total $30,000 contract cost of preliminary design work on the bridge widening.
3. The tenns of the contract shall continue through the OC11Pletion and
± inal acceptance of t.'1e v.urk by the State and payment by the City and shall
inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, thejr successors and
a:;;sign s.
4. The Soecial Previsions by the State concerning Controller's
A!?!;>roval, Fund Availability, Bond Requirenent, Indemnification, Discrimination
Md Affirmative Action, Colorado Labor Preference, and General are
incorporated into said Contract.
Section 2. 'n'le Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and
attest s~id Contract f or and on behalf of the City of Englewood and City
Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on
July, 1988.
-1 -
18th day of
Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of July, 1988.
Read by title and passed on final reading on the 1st day of August,
Published by title as Ordinance No.&_, series of 1988, on the 3rd day
o f August, 1988.
I, Patricia H. Crl:M, City Clerk for the City of Engle.iood, Colorado,
'nereby certify the aoove and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed
on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No.~. series of 1988.
-2 -
cc 10 -0075-26
TIII S CONTR/\CT, made this ---day of 19 __ •
by ~nd between the State of Coloeado foe the use and benefit of THE
ST/\1"f: DEPl\111'M~:NT Of' HIGHWI\YS, DIVIS ION Of' HIGHWI\YS, heeeinaftee
re(erred to as the State, and CITY Of' ENGl,EWOOD , STI\TE Of' COLORADO,
hereinaftee referred &o as the contractor oe City,
WHEREAS, authority exists in the Law and Funds have boen budgeted.
appropriated and otherwiae made available. and a aufCicient
unencuabeeed balance thereof reaains available foe payaent in Fund
Number 2001. G/L l\ccount N~mber S2046, ~~ntract Encuabrance Nuabec
87701: and
WHF.REAS. required appeovai. clearance and coordination has been
accoaplished from ar. with appropriate agencies; and
WHP.REl\5, the State anticipates a consteuction project foe
i11prove11t1nts of Beoadvay within the City of Englewood in 'Arapahoe
county. Colorado; and
WHP.REI\S, a portion of the i11provementa conai ■t ■ of widening
steuctuee (No. F-17-T) on Broadway at Big Dr"y Ceeek; and
WHEREAS. the State and City consider it to be in tbeir mutual
interest to cooperate in the widening of the stcuctuee; and
WHERP.AS. the City has agreed to contribute $6,000 foe a portion of
the preliminary engineering foe structure widening to acco1111odate
acceleration/deceleration lanes, which is heeeinafter refeered to as
the work: and
WHF:REI\S, the State Highway Commission on October lS. 1987, gave
approval for the State to enter into a contract with City for Project
cc 10-0075-26 and thereby accepting City's contribution of $6,000 for
its portion o[ the work; and
WHERE/\S. the State and City desi c u to agree upon certain
rcsponsihilitics witb regard t o the work; and
WHEREAS. Project cc 10-0075-26 is being co11pleted in conjunction
with Project ex l0-007S-25 ; and
WIJl::'11-:/\!;. 1:hiu c outcact i& cxecut~d by the State pucau .. nt to the
llro viG i onn oC Section ~3-2 -1~~. C.R .s .• aa amended ; and
w11~:11~:11i;, , he City has executed this contract undoir authocit:r of an
appro1>riate ordi11,111ce or resolution, which is at1.11r.hed hereto and ,iade
a part hereo(.
NOW. Tm;nf:f'ORE. it is hereby agroed :
l . The 5 tate will provide liaison with City thtougb the State•■
District ~nginccc, District VI, located at 2000 So. Holly
5trcet, Denver, co 00222. Said di1teict enqlnoee will also
be responsible for cooedinating the State•• activitia ■ undec
this contract.
2. The Stat~ will perform the work in accordance with applicable
St ate and Federal specifications and approved plan ■•
J . City shall contribute an amount not to exceed $6,000 foe ite
portion of the wock , unless such a ■ount i ■ inceea ■ed by a
wr it ten supple ■ent to this conteact.
4. Reimbuese ■ent to the State by the Cit:r ■hall be a lu ■p ■u ■ of
$6,000 foe the City's shace of the pcoJect co ■ta~ payable
within 30 days aftee the execution of thi ■ conteact.
s. Interim funds, until the State ceceivea the rei ■buc ■a ■ent
will be payabl e fro ■ the State Hiqhway Supple ■entacy Fund
6. The teems of this contract shall continue theouqh the
completion and final acceptance of the wock by the State and
rec e ipt of final payment from the City.
7 . This contract nhall inure to the benefit of and be bindinq
upon th a parties, their euccessoee and ae ~lyns.
o . The "Special Provisions• ~ttachcd hereto are hereby made a
part hereo(.
IN w1 ·1•Nf:!,S wut:uF.O F, tho parties hnceto have executed thi• c-::-tract
t h e day and year firs t above wtitten.
ChicC Clerk
Jl\MF.~ r.TROU P
state contcollet
llY ----------
DY __________ _
T it le __________ _
DY ______________ _
Executive Director
Attorney General
Dy--------------BI\RRY D. RYAN
l\ssistant Attorney General
Natural Reeourcea section
Sl'l~CIAL 1•uuv1:c;wNS
(:ONTIUll,i.t:il'll Al'l'llOVAI.
I . Tiu~ ..:u111r ... u.:1 ~h ull not he ,kc med valid unhl ii shall hue been tpprov..:d by lhc Conlroller of'lhe S1110 ol
Cnlor.MJu 11r ~m;h ass1,1.u11 ns he mny Jcsignalc. This provision i1 applicable lo any con1rac1 involvin& lhe pay•
mc:nl of nllHh:)' hy 1hc Slate.
t,'IJNII AVAII.Mlll.l'l'V
2. h11:11u:ial ,~1li~;11ion5 or the S1111c payahlc ■flcr lhe current fiscal year are con1in1en1 upon rund1 fut 1h11
rmpu~ l-.:111.: :1rrmprinh.·d. htKIGr•cJ anc.J otherwis e made available.
BONO llt:(llllllt:Att:NT
.l . If llu, c1111 1rac t 1nvo1Yc5 the p.aymcnl o( more than finy thousand dollar1 for the con1IrucIion. en'-"tion.
rl·pair, tn :1111h:11ancc. or i111pmvcrncn1 nf any huilding. road, bridge, viltducl, lunncl, cacavation or other public
v.-nrh 1,,1 1111 , S1 .1 1c..·. lhc 1,.•,'"1rm:1,1r shall , hcft :rc entering the performance of any such wo,11. inc:lutled in 1hi1 con-
1r:u:I. ,luly cacculc and deliver In and rile with lhe offici1II whose signature appears hctnw rcw lhe S1a1e. 1 ~
:md sullict\:nt hurl\l •• other <k:C:e('lahlc surely 10 he al'f'mvetJ hy said official in a renal sum nnl less than one-
11:tl f 1t1· 1hc 1111111 o1 mnu nt 1,:1y;,hlc hy the terms of this conlr■cl . Such honJ 1h1II be tJuly ucculed by• qualified
c,,,,,ornh: surely. cnn,litHmctl r,,r the due and faithfol performance ofthf. contract, and in kkJition, 1h1II provide
1ha1 1f1hc cun1r:u:1t,r or his s11hconlr:ac1ors fail loc.July p ■y for any l ■bnr. m ■leri als, U;■m hir«=, sustenance. pm-
v1,1tHl !I,. 1w11\"c ml.11 ,...-1 11hcr s11pplic1 used or consumed by such contractor or his sul.:ontr•ctor in r,crformancc of
1hc wnr._ ,·on1ra,·1c,I 111 ht.• ,lone. the surety will IIAY the: same in an amount noc eacccJinK lhc sum spccirlcd in the
hnnJ. 111._:clhcr vmh mtcrcsl nl lhc rale of cighl per cenl per annum . Unless such hond, when 10 required, is
c1ccu1c,I. ,lcli vcrc-J :uk.l lilc,I , no claim in favor of the coolraclor arisin& under this conlract shall be audilaJ,
allnw,•J or r.aiJ. A ccr1iliell or cashier's ..:heck or a bank money Ndcr pay1hle lo lhc Treuurer u( the Stile of
Cnl11ratJ11 may he acccr,lcd in lieu of I hond. This r,mvision is in compliance wi1h :lk-26-106 CRS. u
4. T,, the c1h:n1 au1hnri1.cd hy law. the conlractor shall indemnify. save and hole.I hannlc11 the Slate. its
l'mpht)'l'cs anti :it,:.c.:nb, •~a inst any and all c,;J1i1ns, dama1es, liahilily and coun ■wards mcludin& costs, eape111cs,
nnd auorney l'ccs incum.:J as a rrsult of any ■ct or omiuion hy the conlractor. or its emr,loyees. a1en11. 1uhcon-
tra..:101'5, or A'--''i gn<e" r,ursu ■nt to the terms or lhi, conlract.
5 . The t.:1m1ra..:11.r agrees locomrly with the lcuer ancJ spiril of the Colorado Antilliscrimin11ion Acl of 1951 ,
as amcntlcd, :inti ulhc.-r :1pplicahle law rc.,pccting c.Jiscrimination and unfair employmenl rwacticc1 (24-34-402.
CRS l1)H2 Kcr,l.in·ment Vol .), nnc.J as required by Euculive Order, Equal Opportunity and Affirm111ivc Action,
da1cd ArriJ I I,, J'J75 . /'unuant th~ tM/ollowint provi1ion1 lholl lw contointd in oil Stott tontra~u or
During lhe p:rformance of th is contract, lhc conu1..:1or agrees u folk,ws :
(I) The conlrAClnr will net discrimin:1te ■a;,-.inst any employee or 11Prlieun1 for emr,loymcnt hecausc of
nw:c. crel'tl. color, nalinnat ori,:in, sex , maril ■I status, religion, ancestry, mcnl ■I or phyAic1I handicap, or
age . The L:fM11r:1clur will l•ke anirmalivc ■clion to insure 1h11 appli,. nls ■re emp'.oyed. ■nd lhal employees
:1rc trc:11etl durinJ cmploymcnl. wilhoul regard to 1hc ahove menf · ,ned char ■ctcrisiic,. Such actinn shall
1ncluJc . hut ntlt he limilec.J lo the roUowin~: cmpk>ymcnt , up,tradh,g. demotion, or 1r1nsfer. recruitment or
recruitmcnl a..lvcnisin~: lay-offs or terminalions ; ra1cs or 1,1y or other forms of compcn111ion ; ■nd Klee•
1ion 1,_, 1ra111111~ incluJing ar,rrent iccship. The contraclOr agrees 10 rost in cnnsricuc-.us plat:es. ■vail ■hle
10 c-mplnyce, anti awlicanls for employment, notices to be proviJcd hy lhc contr1ctin& nffie4:r sen in& tonh
rrn~•ituNls of lhi!I, non-Jiscriminalion clause.
t 2) 1·hc c,m1r:1c11_, will . in 111 ~ici1a1ions or advenisernents for employees placed hy or on Mh•lf nf lhe
~nniractnr. ~•.ite 1ha1 All ~ualiricd ■Pfl(icanls will receive considcr11t0n for cmr,lnymcnl w11hout regard lo
r.k:c , ,recd. ,Plor, n;Uional ori~n. sex, m:arilal s1:11us, rclia;ion , ■nccslry, mental or phyiical
handicar,. or 11gc . "
f .l) The c11n1rac11.r will send 10 each lahor union or representative of workers with which he has collectiwc
har,;aininl?, ;1~rec,n<"nl or Olhcr cnntrael or undcrslanding. notice to he pnwidcc.J by lhe contracling orr.cer.
advising lhi: l:thnr union or workers · rcprescn1a1ive of 1he conlraclor's commillmcnt under Ith: E•eculive
OrJc,. 1=.c 1ual Opportunily and Affirmati\lc Aelion, tl;ueJ Ar,il 16 , 1975, and or lhc rules, rcr.ula1ion1, anJ
relevant Ortlcrs or lhe Govcmor.
(4) Th,· cnnlr:ll'lor nn<l lnhor un ions will furnish a ll mfonnnlion and reruns required hy E•ecutivc Order,
E,111:il or,,.•11unity and Affirmative Action of April 16, 11>15, and by 1hc rulu, rc11,ula1ions and Ordcn of
lhc G1w crnnr, or rurimnnl thrrcto , and will rcrmit access In his hooks, recorlls, ■nJ ■ccnunts hy lhc: con-
lrat.·lmt,:. af.cnt.:y ;ull.l lhc oflice o( lhc G ove rnor or his Jesi,.nec for purpusei of invcsligalion 10 asccnain
c1Hnpli:1nci.: with "uch rules, rcgulatt0ns anc.J orJers.
(.SJ A h1hor nrgam1.a1ion will not each>dc any indiv,Jual otherwise qualilicd from full memherthip rights in
such l,,hnr 11,~ani111ion, or up:l 1ny such individual from memhe,1hip in such lahor or1anization or dis--
criminalc a~ainst any or its members in &he full cnJoyment of work Ofl'PO"unity, because or race, creed.
l.'11lor, !'.C'lf. nalk1nal origin, or :mceslry.
(t1) A lalllw nrµm1.11ion, or•~ empk,yec, or n-.cmbcrs thereof will not aid, abet. incile. c;ompcl or cocn;c
1hc doing of nny act dcfineJ in this con:racl 10 be discriminatory or obltruct or prcvenl any penon rrom
co:nj'lying wilh the provisions of this conlract or any order issued lhereunder. or auemr,t. tither directly or
indirectly, to commit any act defJned in lhis contracl to be discriminatory .
. 1~5.53.01 . 1022
RC¥iscd I I -HS
( 7 J In the cvc111 ,.t· the .,;1,11trm:t11r's lkHt .;,~111,l1111h.:c wilh IIH! nun-Ji,crimi1111ttm d ■usc1 of lhi1 cun-
u;u;t 111 with ;my uhu,;11 rules, n:,.;ulali1111 s , or ort.krs, chis CtH1lr■cl may be c;a .nccllcd. lcrminalcd or 1111--
1-.:nJc,I 111 wl111lc or 11 , p;u1 anJ lhc con11 11\'.lur m.1y he Jcdan.:d ineligible for (unher Stale contrkU in
m.:cohlam:c wilh 11n,ccdurcs . .1 uthori1.cJ in Euculivc Order. Equal Opportunily and Amnnative
A..:1100 ,,( A1•1 II If,. 11115 anJ lhc rule), 11.:t,:.ulatmn s, or orJcn JK Umulplcd in accordance lhcrcwith. and
\lld1 ,t1l,c1 !o..Uh.:l i 1H1!o. .,,. may he i1111,osc,! and 1cn11:dics •~ n11y he involr.c4.l 11 provided in Eaecutive
<)uk.T . l~11u11I Op1,.,num1y anti Allirma11 vc Acti,,n of April 16, 1975. or by n,lcs. re1ul ■Uon1, or orc1cn
pru,nulµtcd in accordan..:c lhcrcv•ilh, or as otherwise pruvhJcd by law.
f HJ The c,Mt1rac1,1r will 1ncluJc llk: pn,..,1 s ion, uf p ■r■gr■ph( J) through (8) in every aub-contract and
i.11l1':unl r.tt,:h1r 11un.:hm,c 11nh:r unless ucmfllctl hy rules. rcgul ■tion11 , or nnlcrs inued pursuant to
E•c..:u11vc ( hJcr. E~ual 01•tMMll1~1ily anJ AIHrm ■li\'C Action of April 16 , 1975, 10 th■t such provilionl
will he ht nJiug up,MI ca..:h s uhcontrador or vendor. The ccnlr1clor will t ■kc auch ■ctiCN'I with rapecc to
any ,;ut ►..:•Mura..:lin11, or purd1asc order as 1hc conlractina agency m ■y direct. u a mcana o( cnfotcina
i.uch prm•is ion~. i11duU iri1t s.anclions rut 1k.ln-cum1>liam:c; provided, however. that in the event U. con-
uaclm bc..:,Nncs invulvcu in. or is lhrc.:uencd with, litigation with the .cubc:ontractur or vendor u • reavll
of i.u,,:h ,lir"cclilm hy 1hc ..:ontro1l.:lint; a;crk:y. lhc contractor may request the State of Colorado IO enter
mlu s u..:h h1ia:;1tion lo Jttolcl.:I the inlcrcst uf the Stale uf' Colur■OO.
6 •.
h. When a ..:onslnll.:liun cunlrad for a 1,uhlic prujcd ii tu be 1w1nJcd lo I biddcr, a resident bidder shall be
allowed a prdcrence •1tains1 iii nun-resident hitlder from • 1111c or foreign country equal lo the prererence liven or
rc ·-tuircJ by the ~111e or forci,:.11 country III which lhc non-resic.lcnl bidc.ler is• resiJent. Jr ii ii determined by the
1.iliccr re5p.wu,ihlc l,,r awarUin,:. thc hiJ 111.11 e,wnpliancc with this subsection .06 may cause denial or federal funds
which woulJ 11lhcrw1se he avoilahic ,,r w,"dJ ulltcrwisc be incunaislcnt with requirements of rcdcral law, this au~
~ch1.m shall he s11 .,1-c1k1c,I . hul only 111 the ulenc.l ncccn ■ry lo prevent 1Jcni1I or lhc moneys or lo eliminate tho
in..:1.,nsiMcn..:y with (cJcr;1I rc~uircmc11t s (section K-lf.J-101 1nJ 102, CkS).
7 . The laws u ( the ~late ut Culor.aJo anJ ,·ulcs anJ regulations iuucd pursuant thereto &hall be applied in the
in1crr,re1atit,n. ucculuNI anti cnliNccmcnl or this con1r1ct. Any provision of this conlrac:t whether or not inco,.
p.watctJ herein by reference wind, pw..,i,lci. for arbi1r;uion hy any e11r1-juc.Jicial body or r,crson or which i1 CJlhcr.
wise in c,,nOict w11h uitJ lo1w s. , ulcs ;me.I rell,ulalions ~hall he considcrcJ null and voitJ. Nue.hina conaaincd in any
provision incorpnralcJ herem hy rde1cncc which 1,urp1.,ru lo ncptc lhis or any olbcr 1pcci1I provi1ion in whole or
in pan shall be vahd"' cnlun.:cahlc ,,r a vail .. hlc in any aclion al law whether by way of complaint. ddenae or other•
wiK. Any 1n1wi:o.kM1 rcnJcrcJ null .-nJ void by lite orcration of this provision will not invalidate the remainder o(
llus cunlracl lo the eah;nl 1h111 lhc con1ra..:1 i,,; c.1pahlc or eacculion.
M. At ■II lime:-. Umm~ 1hc pc,formancc of tln!o C nntract. the Contractor sh1ll 1lriclly ■Jherc to 111 applicable
la.kr1I 11k1 ~late laws. rult-!-. auJ regul alion~ thi.11 ha\'C been ur may hcrcaRcr be e11ablishcd.
1.J . The signalor1ei. hc1ch1 .. vcr I hat llte)' .a1c fom1liar with I X-l:J-301 . cl seq., (Bribery and Com1pt lnlluenccs)
and I H -K-◄01, ct.~~ .. ( /\hu!-.c ,,t f•uhlu,; Ollit:cJ. CRS I IJ7H KcpJacemcnl Vol., anJ lhat no violation of such pro-
vi.,k.M,s is present.
10. The siinalurics o1vcr 1fm1 to 1hcir knowlct.lgc . no slale employee has• personal or bcnerK:i ■J intcrat what•
soc_.cr in the scrvie1: or rtopcny Jcs-.:rihcJ herein:
WIIEH.l:.(JF. lhc pallic.,; hcrcl11
rusi1iu11 (Tilkl __ -·
-z •' z -· .........