HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 006CIU)INl\tCE 00, _.ftz SElUES Cli' 1989 BY AlmOU'lY :::/r I/) .. f 8 9 (h) <XUICIL BILL 00, 5 ~ BY cnJNCIL M1!M!ER KOZACEK .!IN CIU>INHa APPRC7vIH. .!IN AGRmlENl' WI'111 GOOLCGICAL SURVEY, UNITED STATES DEPAR'IMENl' OF '11IE INl'ERICR, FCR JOmr ruNDOO Fell W1.TER RESOORCES INVESTIGM'IOOS FCR S'raEIIM-QGIN:; STATICII .!IND I~ ~m lml'l'CR 00 SWl1I PLA'l'l'E RIVER Kr EN.LEHXO, WHEREAS, the City of Engleo.ood and United States Geological SUrvey desire to maintain the ~ation and maintenance of stream-gaging station located on tlie South Platte River at Engleo.ood, and of a iour-pararreter water-quality rronitor at the gaging station; !04, 'lllEREF(J;E, DE IT CIIDAINED BY '11IE CITY CXXN:JL OF '11IE CITY OF EN.LEHXO, C1J.JJRNXJ, THAT: Section L Agreeirent No. C08905800 titled "Departlrent of the Interior Geological survey Joint funding l\greement for Water Resources Investigations" bet,.een United States Geological SUrvey (U&;S) and the City of Englewood, for operation and maintenance of a stream-gaging station on the South Platte River at Englewood and for a four-paraireter water-quality rronitor at the gaging station is hereby approved. Said Agreerrent , is attached hereto and made a part hereof by refer.,nce. Section 2. 'n1e Englewood City Manage r is hereby authorized to sign said 11,,reerent for and on behalf cf the City of Engleo.ood. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 6th day of February, 1989. Published as a Bill for an ordinance on the 8th day of Februa..ry, 1989. Read by title and pas!"?d c" final reading on the 21st day of Feb.-:-uary, 1989. Published by titl e as ordinance No • ...k._, Series of 1989, on the 22nd clay of Febrwiry, 1989. ~: I .,.,,,! ... /-. . lJ/ /) ,..-- . "'2/lJ;f.(C/(k w Ulµ,u Patricia H. era., I City Clerk I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk for the City of Digl-,od, Colorado, hereb'J certify the above and foregoing ia a true oorrt of t:11', ordinance paaeed on final reading and published by t i tle as ordinance No • .,b_, 5'1ries of 1989. -~4 ,~1 dµJ Patr c a H. crow .,.,.... ......... ...._....aurwr Joint,....._,. POii Coot C■ntu: Cu ■toMr llo: Agre■ment /lo: 4&08 00108 008905800 Water Reaourcee Inveeti~Mtions AHIS AGREEMENT la entered Into u ol tht lot day of October 19 88by thJ llcOLOGICAL SURVEY, .,IITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, party ol tht flm part, and tht CITY OF ENGLEWOOD COLORADO party ol tht ~ put. 1. Tht pl/titt html agree tht1 lubjtct to tht avaitablllly ol appropriatlona and In IIC00ldlnce with thtlr rNl)tClfve IUlhorttlta there ahall bt maintained In cooperation operation and maintenance of stream-gaging station located on the South Platte River at Englewood, and of a four-parameter water-quality monitor at the gaging atation htrtln1fter called tht program. 2. Tht following amount, ahall bt contributed to cover all ol tht cost ol tht neceuary field and office work dlrtcl1y related to this program, but excluding any bureau level genertl edmlnlatratlve or accounting work In the office ol either party. (a) S 36,287 .oo by the party olthe flrat part during the ptrlod October 1, 1988 lo September 30, 1993 (bl S 36,287 .oo by the party olthe MCOnd part during the period October l, 1988 lo September 30, 1993 (c) Additional amounta by each party during the above period or auccetdlng pertoda u may bt determined by mutual ■grttment and aet forth In an exchange ol letters bt-n the partlN. 3. Expen-Incurred In the perfonnance ol thla program may bt paid by either party In conlormlly with the IIW9 and regul1tlon1 rttp&Cllvely govem ;ng each party, provided that ao far u may bt mutually egrNlble all expen-ahall bt paid In the llrat lnatance by the party of the first part with eppropl'late reimbursement theraefta, by the party of the ~ ~art. Eech party ahall lumlah to the other party auch atatemenll ~r reports ol expendlturaa u may bt r."8dtd to 111ialy fiscal requlramanta . •· The field and office work pertelnlng to thla p,ogrem shall be u~der 11,e direction of or 1ub)ac1 to periodic review by wn authorized rep,-ntatlve ol the party of the fire! part. 5. The 1rau to be Included In the p,ogram shall be determined by mutual agreement betwttn the parti8s hereto or their authorized repreaentatlvaa . The methods employed In the field and office shall be thole adopted ~y int party ol the lira! part to Insure the required standards ol accuracy subject to modification by mutual agrllfl'Tient. 6. During the progress of the work all operations ol either party pertaining to thla p,ogram shall be open to the Inspection of the other party, and If the work la not being carried on In a mutually satisfactory manner, either party, may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other party . 7. The original records resulting from thla prtgram will be deposited In the office of orlp 1n o! thou records . Upon request, copies of the original records will be p,ovlded to the office of the other party. 8. The maps , records or reports resulting from this program shall be made available to the public as p,ornplly as possible . The maps, records or reports norrnally will be published by the party ol the lira! part . However, the party ol the HCOnd part r&Hrves the right to publlah the results of this program and, II already publlPhed by the party of the flral part shall , upon request, be furnished by the party ol the first part, at cost, impraaaions auill.Jle for purpoaes of rep,•>duction llmilar to that for which the original copy was prepared . The maps, records or reports published by either p,.rty shall contain a statement ol lhe cooperative relations between the parties , 9. BIiiing 11 r lhls agreement will be rendered Oct 1989, 90, 91, 92 ,&93 . Payments of bills ... e due within fl() daya atter the ~;,ling date, If not paid by the due date, Interest will be charged at the current Treasury rate for each ,'IO-dey period, or portion lhoreof, that the payment II delayed beyond the due dl'-te . (31 USC 3717; Comptroller Gener1I File 8-212222, August 23, 1983.). CITY OF ENGLE1'1'.JOD GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR _y __ _ !SIGNATURE l TITLE} District Chief, WRD, Colorado District By----------------- City Mana~er By------------------ By ______________ _ (USE REVERSE SIDE IF ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED) DATE February 6, 1989 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL CONNUNICATION MENDA ITEN 11 (b) SUBJECT Bl-City WTP/USGS River Gaugin g Station and Water Quality Monitor. Bl-City WTP Supervisory C0111nlttee Dennis Stowe, Bl-City Wastewater Treatment Plant Manager Englewnod City Council approve an Ordinance authorizing the City Manager to sign a Joint-Fund ing Agreeaent for and on behalf of the City of Englewood with the U.S . Department of Interior Geological Survey (USGS). BACKGROUND T~: four-point water quality monitor provides i nfonnat ion needed to establish qua l i- ,y standards for discharge of the Bi-City Wastewater Treatment Pl ant . The standards will be applied by the Colorado Department of Health to the Bi-City WWTP . The data from the four-point monitor will insure that the standards applied are equitable for the Plant's discharge. The monitor has been In operation since 1985, with the Si - City WilTP providing 50 percent of the operating costs . The flow In the South Platte River Is also a key parameter for establishing ef fluent qua 11 ty standards In the discharge pennl t issued to the Bl-Cl ty WTP. RI ver fl ow measurement at the Pl ant Is, therefore, needed to establ I sh equl table standards and to efficiently meet pennit requirements. The Bl-City WTP entered an agreement wit h the USGS , whereby the Bl-City WTP would fund the construction of a river gauging station and paJ 25 percent of the operation. The station has been in operat i on since 1985 . The Joint-Funding Agreement ~overs the expenses for the four-point water quality monitor and the river gauging station for a five year period , which expires on Sep - tember 30, 1993 . FINANCIAL The Bf-City WTP share of tht Joint -Funding Aare-nt 1s $36,287 .00, which 1s 50 percent of the total, balance being paid by die USGS . The schedule of costs for the five year period 1s Included In the agre-nt. This has been approved In the 1989 budget. R£,tOIIIEIIIATJON Counc11 approve the Ordinance I , Serles of 1989, authorizing the City Manager to s ign the Joint-Funding Agre-nt with the U.S . DepartMnt of the Interior Geological Survey for a river gauging station and four-point water qual fty monitor at the Littleton/Englewood Bf-City Wastewater TreatMnt Plant . Uni1ed S1a1es Depar1men1 of 1he In1erior GEOLOGICAL SURVEY flllULV llfll TO : aox l50lf w.s, __ _ DENYU FtDU.\L CENTU DENYU. COLOUDO IOll5 Mr . Stewart Fonda, DI rector Bl-City w11tew1ter Treat1119nt Plant City of Englewood 2900 s. Platte River Drive Englewood, co 80110 Dear Mr. Fonda : Water Reaourcea Division Colorado Dletr let MIi I Stop ◄15 Novuber 1 ◄, 1988 Enclosed are the original and three coplee of a Joint Funding Agr~· -,ent betweon the City of Englewood Bl-City Wastewater Treatment Plant and the U.S . Geological Survey for the 5-year period October 1, 1988, through Saptllfflber 30, 1993. The agraMent cover a ha If t~e coat of opera! Ion ar,d maintenance of the atreamflow gaging atatlon south Platte River at Englewood (06711585), and the coat of operat Ion and 111a lntenance of a four-parameter water-qua I lty 1110nltor at the gaging atatlon. The other half of the cost for the ■treamflow gaging station Is funded through a cooperative agreement betw•en the Urban Drainage ad Flood Control Dlatrlct and the U.S. Geological Survey . The enclosed agre-nt lo In the amount of $72,57◄ --$36,287 provided by the City of Englewood and $38,287 provided In Federal matching funds by the U.S. Geological Survey . The attached table detal Is the coats per year tor each agency . If the agree111C1nt la aatlafactory , pleaae algn the original and two copies and return them to this office by December 16, 1988 . A fully executed copy wl 11 be returned to you tor your records. ENCLOSURES Sincerely , I r•. ,-.; r /~) l ~- c . A. t Jerry5 Pascale District Chief CITY OF ENGLEWOOO -U.S. QEOLOQICAI. SURVEY COOPERATIVE PROGRAM OCTOBER 1, 1888, THROUGH SEPTElaER 30, 1883 FY 1819 FY 1980 FY 1881 FY 1992 FY 1883 Str,uriow IIIQlng llat Ion, South Platt, River II Englewood, Oper ■t Ion Ind 111 I nt1n1nc1• S 2,1174 S 2,800 S 2,940 S 3,080 S 3,230 Four-p1ruet1r wat1r..qu111 ty i.onltor, South Piette River It Englewood, Op1r1t 1011 and Ila lnt1n1nc1 8 ,400•• 11,1100 12,100 12,1100 13,150 FI SCAI. YEAR TOT.IL GRANO TOTAL EACH SIDE t 11,074 *14,400 115,040 115,880 1111,380 172,574 1311,287 •eo1t1 for 111 ye1r1 are half of total Ital Ion coat. The other half la funded through an Urban Drainage and Flood Control District/ U.S. GeolOQlcal Survey cooperative agreement. ••Er lat Ing agre-nt covers funding for October 1, 1988 , through DecMber 31, 1888. S8,◄00 covers funding for January 1, 1889, through Septt111bar 30, 1989 ,