HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 011CJIDIIWCE NO, ..LL Smm!CR1989 BY AU'11DUW <IXH:IL BILL NO, 12 IlfflQ;tX:ED BY OOIH:IL MIMIER KOZACEK Ni CIIDil"'..ia APPRJYiro A JOINr FIH)lm 1'GREDEll' WITH GEXJ!.CGICN. SURVEY, UN1Tl!D STATE'S lll!PAR'IMl!Nr OP '11IE Dm!2Ual, (USGS) FCII INS'l'ALIMIOO, CJ>l!RATIOO AND MAlNl'DWD (P A S'l'RIW!FLCM GAGIN:; STA'l'IOO WI'l'II DATA cx:u.&:::Tioo PLA'1'FCIOI 00 THE !01l1i 1'LATl'I! RIVER Kr 0000 AV!:IUI! IN ~. lt!EitF.AS, the City of Englewood has applied to transfer the Petersburg Ditch and the "1706" rights to Olatfield Reservoir, lotuch is an alternate poir • of di version; and 9 (j) I~, in the water court proceedings, the court ruled that Englewood nust take all the accretions to the s. Platte River be~ Olatfield Reservoir and union Avenue before it could take any water that was transferred to Olatfield Reservoir; and WHEREAS, Fnglewood is requJ.red to install a Btn!amflow gag.'.ng station uostremn of the union Avenue Intake and Pmp Station to determine tt, ~ -t of water that can be talten at the Chatfield Reservoir; and Wlll!Rl!AS, tt.~ Fngle.,.ood utJ.lities Dep/lrtlrent has oontacted the U.S . Department of the Interior, Gec,logicl,l survey, to construct and operate such a gaging station; tnol, Tlll!REFCRI!, BE IT CF.llAINFD BY '11IE CI~ CXJNCIL OF '1llE CI~ fE ~. OJLC!IAllO, THAT: Section 1. h;reelrent No. 0)8910900 titled "llepartllent of the Interior Geological survey Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resoorces Investigations" between united states Geological Survey (USGS) and the City of Englewood, for installation, operation and maintenance of a streamfl~aging station with data collection :::>latform on t.l\e South Platte River at union Avenue in Fngle,,,ood for daily gaging •)f water between the Olatfield Reservoir and llnion Avemie on the South !?latte 'River is hereby apprC\'ed. Said Agreement provides for the installi:•.icn :.,ost, estirlated to be $22,700, and the first year operation and maintenance c:osts, estimated to be $3,300, to he shared equally bet,,ieen Englewood and u.s.G .s. ~tion 2. '!lv? Engl,MJOCI City Manager is hereby authorized to sign said l\greer.ent for and 'n behalf of the City of ~gle.«lod. Intrc»,ced, read in full, and passed on first reading oo the 6th day of !-'&"ch, 1989. -l - -PUblished as a Bill for an ordinance on the 8th day of March, 1989, Read by title and paned on final reading ai the 20th day of March, 1989. PUblillhed by title u ordinance No. // , Series of 1989, on the 23rd day of March, 1989. ~««<JI~ Patria H, crow, Ctyer I, Patricia H, Crow, City Clerk for the City of Bnglewod, Colorado, hereby certify the above and foregoing is a true OOfi1'i of the Ordinance paned en final teading and plblished by title as ~'. .lf_, Seri~ of 1989, ""'~~ . Patr a H. Crow Karch 6 , l 989 CODICIL COKIIUIICATIOI I I AOIIDA ITIII I I 11 (d) SIJIJICT Gauglng Statlon on S . Platte Rlver at Union Avenue, ________ L _______ .__ ______________ _ IRITIATID BY Englewood llater and Sewer Board STAFF SOIJB.CI! Stewart Fonda, Director of Utllltle ■ PUVIOUS COUIICIL ACTIOI None -ACTIOR PII.OPOSl!D • City Ccuncll approval of tho Joint Funding Agreement for installation, operation and maintenance of a atreamflow gauging statlon wlth data collection platform on the South Platte River at Union Avenue . BACKCR.OIIRD The decree for the rec,ntly completed Petersburg Ditch Transfer (water court Case No. 80-CW-035) ha ■ been drafted and ls awaltlng algnature by the water court judge . In this case, Englewood applled to transfer tho Peters burg Ditch and the '1706" rights to an alternate point of diversion, Chatfield Reservoir . It was decided in the water court proceoding that Englewood mu s t take all the accretloL1s to the S . Platte River between Chatfield Reservoir and Union Avenue before it could take any water that was tranaferred to Chatfield Reservoir . Therefore I Englewood is require d to install a atreamflow gauging station just ups 't r tl am of the Union Avenue Intake and Pump Station . The streamflow information from ~Ms gauge will be used, on a dally bash, to determine the amount of water that c •.1 be taken a t the Chatfield Reservoir . Tho Utilities Departaent hH cnntactod tho U.S . Department of the Interior, Geologi- cal Survey to construct and operate ■uch a gauginJ atation . Th• coat of the lnatallation and the opera.ion and uintenance of the gauging ata • tlon 1 ■ propoHd to be ■hared equally between Englewood and the U.S.G .S . The to t al lnatallation coat 1 ■ Htluted to be $22 , 700 and the fir■t yHr O 6, H costs are e s - tluted to be $3 ,300 . The operation and mainte nance coat ■ are e ■ti 11 ated to be $6 ,900 per yHr, to be equally ■pllt aa vell . UCOIIIIINDATIOI Th• 1/ater and Sever Board , at lt ■ December 13 , 1988 meeting rocomended that City Councll approve the contract betwHn U.S .G.S . and the City of Englewood for instal - lation and maintenance of a gauging ■tation up1trou of Un i on Avenue . 9i llPU uruto: United States Department of the Interior CEOLOCICAL SUR\'EY BOX IIOl6 M,s, __ _ DE SIU FEDLRAL CESTEl DESIU, COLORADO II0225 Water Resources DI v I I Ion Colorado Dl1trlct Mal I Stop 415 February 13 , 1989 Mr ' Mike Wolka City Of Englewood Ut 111 t lea Manager 3400 South Elatl Englewood, CO 80110 Dear Mr. Wolka : As requested by you and Bl 11 McCormi ck , th la letter 1ummar lzes coats for lnatal lat Ion, operation, and maintenance of a atreamflow gaging station on the south Platte River at Union Avenue . Aa dlacuned at our meeting on January 9, the lnstal lat Ion wl 11 Include a woo den shelter to house stage eensora and recorder ,,. Also , we wl 11 I natal I a 11tel I Ile data collect Ion platform to transmit ,,ourly data In "near • real time (data Is t ransmitted every 4 hours). Streamflow Gag1 n,; Station lnstal lat Ion Operation and Malt•tenance (April-Sept. 1989) Gage ($2,700) Data Col lectlon Platform ( 800) Tota I FY 1989 Each side FY 1989 Co s ts $22 ,70 0 3,300 $28,000 $13 ,000 Operation and matntenance costs for FY 1990 wl 11 be $6,900--$5 ,700 for the gage and $1,200 for the data collect Ion platform . The gage can be Installed In March or April 19~9 . As decided I n meetings with BIii McCormick and representatives of Colorado Water Con ~ervatlon Board, State Englneer'u Office , and U.S. Army Corp s of En~lneera, we wi ll continue to pursue the construction of a gage pool In coordination with tho planning and developme t of recreational st r uctures and actlvltlea at tho site . Without the pool, mi d-range and h i gh flows ma y be difficult to rate because of the variable Influence of the radial ar m gate and the city water Intakes . If It becomes necessary to fund conatructlon of a gage pool , we wil l probably be able to participate I n a 50-50 cos t sh ar Ing bas Is. Enclo11d are the original and thrH copl11 of a Joint Funding Agreement between the City of Englewood and the U.S. Geological Survey for the period February 1, 11189, through Septflfflber 30, 19811 . The agre-nt, which covers the I natal lat Ion, operation, and maintenance of a 1treamflow gaging station with data collecti on platform on the South Platte River at Union Avenue, I s In the amount of S211,000--$13,000 to be provided by the City of Englewood and $13 ,000 to be provided In Federal matching fund1 by the u.s . Geological Survey. If the agreement 11 ■atl1factory, pleaae have the original and two coplee signed and return them to Ihle office no later than March II, 1989 , A fully executed copy wl 11 be returned to you for your recorda, ENCLOSURES Sincerely, (/;.!.(\~,~ C.A. <Jl{ry) ;'aeca le Dletrlct Chief 09plrtlMnt of Ille lnlarlor Cost Cen ter : Oeolotlloll lurvey Customer No: Joint ,uncling AgrMment Agreement No : FOR 4608 CXll08 C08910900 - Water Resources lnveati1tations IS AGREEMENT Is entered into as ol the let day ol February 19 89 by me GEOLOGICAL SURVEY , NITEC" ,TATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, party ol the first part , and lhe CITY OF ENGLEWOOD party ol lhe ncond part . 1. The parties herelo agree lhal subject to the avallabllity ol approprialiona and in aCCOt'dance with their retpeetlve authoritln there shall be maintained In cooperation for installation, operation, and maintenance of a atreamflow gaging station with data collection platform on the South Platte River at Union Avenue herelnaher called the program . 2. The following amour·ts shall be contributed to cover all ol the coal ol the necessary field and offlca work directly related to th is program, but excluding any bureau level general administrative or accounting work In the office ol either party. (a) S 13,000.00 by the party ol the first part during lhe period February 1, 1989 to September 30 , 1989 (b) S 13 ,000 , 00 by the party of the second part during the period February 1, 1989 to September 30, 1989 (C) Additional amounls by each party during the above period or succeeding periods as may be determined by mutual agreement and set forth In an exchanoe ol letters between the parties . 3. E•penaaa Incurred in the performance ol this program may be paid by either party In conformity with the lawa and re,1ulatlons respectively governing each party, provided that so la, as may be mutually agreeable all expen-ahall be paid in the first instance by the party of the first part with appropriate reimbursement thereafter by the party ol the second p11r1. Each party ahall lurnlah to the other party such statements or reports of expenditures as may be needed to satisfy - seal requirements . The field and office work pertaining to this prog ram shall be under lht direction of or subject to periodic review by n 3uthorized representative of the party of the first part . 5. The areas to be includdd in the program shall be determined by mulual agreement between !he parties hereto or their aulhorized represenlatives . The methods employed in the field and office shall be those adopted by the party ol the first part to Insure the requ ired standards ol accuracy subject to modification by mutual agreement. 6 . During the progress ol lhe work all operations of olther party pertain ing to th is program shall be open 10 the inspection ol the other party , and ii lhe work is not being carried on In a mutually sat isfactory manner , either party, may lermlnate this agreement upon 60 days written nol ice to the other party . 7. The or igin al records resulting from this program will be deposited in the office ol origin ol those records . Upon request , copies ol the original records will be provided to the office of the olher party. 8. The maps, records or reports resulting from this program shall be made available to the public as prompliy as poss ible . The maps , records or reports normally will be published by the party ol the first part . However , the party ol the second part reserves the right to publish the resulls of this program and, ii already published by the party ol lhe firs! part shall , upon request , be furnished by the party of the first part , at cosl , impress ions suilable for purposes ol reproduction similar to that for which the original copy was prepared . The maps , records or reports published by either party shall contain a statement ol the cooperative relations between the part ias . 9. Billing for this agreement will be rendered October 1989 . Paymenls of bills are due with in 60 days aher the billing date . II not pa id by the due date , interest will be charged at the current Treasury rate for each 30-day period , or portion thereof, that the payment is delayed beyon d the due dale. (31 USC 3717 ; Complroller General File B-212222 , Augu st 23, 1983 .). CITY OF ENC LEWOOD - GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR By------------- (SIGNATURE l TITLE) Di str i ct chief , WRD, Colorad o Dis trict By---------------- By----------------- By---------------- (USI: REVERSE SIDE IF ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED)