HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 027amnwa NO. iJ..l. SERIES CF 1989 BY AlmDU'lY Recorded: Lease Recorded: Book 5767, #59-89 IXIUNCIL BILL NO, 31 INmOClUCID B'i CXlUNCIL HEMIER IWIWIC!fl' AN amnwa ~ A !&SE BmWEEN THE CI'lY OF DG.DOJO /\ND &WEDISH me I, LTD. AND SWEDISH f,fJB II PAR'mERSHIP TO OBTAIN AIRSPACE OVER PUBLIC STREEl'S. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of pers.:,ns in the camunity using SWedish ~DB I ·md SWedish me II buildings to have a safe means of foot access between parking facilities and I-DB I and me II; l0'1, Tl!EREFa'-E, BE IT OODAINID BY THE CI'lY COOllCIL OF 'lllE CITl OF ox;rz,,:,oo, COLCIW)Q, 'll!AT: . Section 1. 'l1le lease bebEE!n the City of Englewood, Colorado, and SWedish me I and SWedish ma II for airspace over public streets is hereby ;>p9roved. '.ltae lease generally contains t.'1e following provisions: 1. '.ltae City of Engll!l·IOOd (Lessor) leases a space over East HaJll)den .~venue between South Washington street and South Pearl Street, not less than sixteen point five (16.5) feet above said street at its present grade, eighteen (18) feet in width, and said space shall not be more t.>ian twenty (20) feet above its lowest elevation described as fol10>:s: · An easemnt for the construction of a pedestrian overpass and for a pedestria~ ingress and egress across said overpass. 'l1le la...est point on the bottan of said overpass is at an elevation of 5,359.16 feet U.S.G.S . dat1J11. '.ltae horizontal projection of said easemant is described as follows: "A parcel of land situated in a part of East HaJll)den Avenue and a part of the SE-1/4 of Section 34, ToWnship 4 South, Range 68 West, 311d "part of the; NE-1/4 of Section 3, Township 5 South, Ram:,e 68 ~st of the 6th P.M., City of Engle-..ocd, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: CXMllllCIN; at the Southeast corner of said Section 34; thence Westerly along the South line of said Section 34, a distance of 30. 00 feet, to a point on the West right-of-way line of South Clarkson Street extended South; thence North along said extended West right-of-way line a distance of 25.0 feet to the intersection of said West right-of-way line of South Clarkson Street with the North right-of-way line of East llanpden Avenue; thence Westerly, alOT1<J said North r i ght-of-way line of ~t H~n AvenUP. a distance of 343. 35 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN:lIN;; thence Southerly on a deflection angle to the left of -l - 90000 1 00 11 a distance of 55,0 feet to a point on the Southerly ri~!ht-of--way line of said F.ast Han,_xlen Avenue; thence Westerly on a deflection angle to the right of 90000' 00", and alor.g said SO'Jth right-of-way line, a distance of 18.00 feet; thence Ncrtherly, on a deflection angle tc the right 90000 1 00 11 , a distance of 55.0 feet to a point on said ncrth right-of-way line; thence Easterly on a deflection angle to the right of 90000 '00", 1111d along said North right-of-way line a Distance of 18,00 feet to the TRUE PO!Nl' OF Bl'XinlNING: containing 990 square feet (0.023 acres) oore or less". 2, Said le3sa shall run for , :iod of t wenty ( 20) years fran the date of the e:<ecution of said .LcdSe, provided, 1-.awever, that Lessees may tetmJ.nate said lease at any ti.ire during the twenty-(20) year period by giving Lessor due notice at least one (1) year prior to termination date. T,essor and Lessees agree to neg.,. ··.iate in good faith fer renewal of the te1,n of the Lease upon th·, -request of Lessees or either of them. 3. 'nle rental payable to Lessor under said lease shall be the sum of Ten Dollars ( $10. 00) per year, to be paid in annual installtrents, the first payment being due upon passage of this ordinance, and future annual pa~mar.ts to be due thirty days prior to the annual anniversary date of said Lease. 4. Lessees covenant 1111d agree that upon execution of said Lease with Lessor, they will in due course construct and erect in the leased airspace, an enclosed pedestrian skybridge which connects the parking strncture located south of East Hanpden Avenue to the pedestrian sl--ybridge located just north of East Hanpden Avenue, which skybridge to be oonstruct,,d will be used for the rrovement of pedestrians arung the parking structure and two office buildings cwned, respectively, by each oi the two Lessees. 5. Lessees shall have plans and specifications for said structure prepared by a registe red professional engineer and approved by the City's F.:ngineer, obtain all necessary permits, pay all proper fees, and CO!lT'lY with ;,11 building and zoning regulations of the City. 6. Lessees shall safely maintain said structure and regulate the use and occupancy ther eof. 7, Lessee shall maintain and keep in force during th,, term of said Lea~e public liability insuranc.! in the arount of Fiv1, Hundred 'J:'housanrl Dollars ($500,000) for an individual claim and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for rrultiple claims arising out of an accident involving said structure or the use or occupancy of the leased premises. Lessor shall be held har:nless fran all claims, liabilities, er cac.ses of acticn arising out of any injury to any person, persons or damage to re3l er personal property arising O<Jt. of oonstruction, maintenance, destruction or dismantliag of sai d structure. -2 - 8. In the event the City should require the use of, or take part or all of said office buildings or parking structure oonnected by the pedntrian skybridge, the Lease would terminate. Lessees shall pay such charges as may be incurred by Lesser for reroval of the facilities, utilities or structures between the street lines or under the said pedestrian skybridge. 9. Lessees shall not place any sign on the outside of the structure. 10. In the event of the destruction of said structure by an act of God, public enel'lies, or by reason of riot or insurrection, the lease shall tenninate and Lessees shall not be required to pay any further rent to Lessor, unless Lessees reconstruct the structure CCJmP.ncing within aie year of the destruction. 11. Lessor may en~er upon said premises to view the construction of the structure and 1:qu.lre any and all necessary repairs and ,tlterations thereto for •.he public safety and 1.ell-.!Jeing. 12. In the event of default of pay,rent, Lessor may declare the term of said lease ended and may take possessions of the structure. lJ Upon tennination of lease, Lessees shall yield up the area without further notice and cause the structure to be rem:ived or de!rolished. Section ?.. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and attest said l ease for a~d e n behalf cf the City council and the City of Englewood. Introduced, read in full, and passed on fi rst reading on the 17th c" v of July, 1989. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 20th day of July, 1989. Rea d by title and passed on final reading on the 7th day of August, 1989. Published by title as Ordinance No. -1 '7, Series cf 1989, on the 10th day of August, 1989. vy· ~ lj0 ~~(C-14 V. ( dA-4 Patricia H. era.,, City Clerk -3 - I, Patricia H. era,,, City Clerk of the .:tty of Olglewood, colorado ; hereby certify that the foregoing is a tr1.1e cqry of ::ha ordinance passed on final reading and pmlished by title A!I Ordinance No. U• Series of 1989 . Vdff21cra ~dd AIR RIGHTS LF.ASE 'll!IS LF.ASE is entered into as of the day of 1989 betwen and anr,ng the CI'l'lC Of l:NiLDOJD, COLCJWlO, a ITllll-i'"c""i~pa-.-1 __ _ corporation, 3400 South Elati street, Englewood, Coloraoo, and SWEDISH r-oB I, a Coloraoo Lir.u.ted Partnership , and SWEDISH I.OB 11, a Coloraoo General Partnership, 501 East Hanplen Ave. , Engle-.1:Xld, Color a&:> 80110. '11'.e parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows: l. The City of Englewood (Lessor) hereby agrees to lease a space over East Hanpden Avenue bet1'1een South Washington Street and South Pearl Street, not les s than sixteen point five (16.5) feet above said street at its present grade, eight een (18) feet in width, and said space shall oot be m:,re than twenty (20) feet above its lO .,.;$t elevation a'ld is described as follows : An easeirent for the construction of a pedestrian overpass and for a pedestrian ingress and egress across said o~erpass. The lowest point on the bottcrn of said overpass is at an elevation of 5,359.16 feet u.s.G.S. datum. The horizontal projection of said ease:nant is described as follows: "A parcel of lend situated in a part cf East Hanpden Avenue and a part of the SE 1/ 4 of Section 34, Township 4 South, Range 68 west, and a part of the; NE 1/ 4 of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 68 Nest of the 6th P.:1 ., City of Englewood, county of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, being m:,re particularly described as follows: CCM-IE!lCING at the Southeast corner of said Section 34; thence westerly along the South line of said Section 34, a distance of 30.~0 feet, to a point on the west right-of-way line of South Clarkson Street el<tended South; thence North along said el<tendecl west right-of-way line a distance cf 25. O feet t o the intersection o f said I-lest right-of-way line o f So uth Clarkson Street with the trorth right-of-1,•ay line of East aarrpden Avenue; thence Westerly, along said No rth right-of-way line of East Ha'iOden Avenue a distance of 34 3. 35 feet to the TRUE POIITT OF ni;x:;i!lNnlG; t!len<:e Southerly on a cleflection angle to the left of 90000 1 00" a distance of 55.0 feet to a point c-, the Southerly right--0f-1cay line of s aid East Hanpc'.en Avenue; thence We sterly on a clef11 ction angle to the right of 90000' 00", and along said South riqh t -of-way line, a distanc e of 18. 00 feet; thence l:Ortherly, on a deflection angle to t.11e right 90000 1 00", a dist1111ce cf 55 .0 feet to a point on said north right-of-way line; thence Ea.~terly on a deflection angle to the right of 90000 • 00", and along said North right-of-way line a Distance of 18 . 00 fret to the T!lUE POim' OF Bl'J,Il;NING: containing 990 square feet (0 .02 3 acres) rcre or l e ss". -l - 2, '!Ms lease shall run for a period of twenty (20) years fran the dat;, of the execution cf said lease, provided, however, that Lessees may tenninate said lease at any time during the twenty-(20) year period by giving Lessor due notice of their election to terminate said lease in writing by registered or certified mail, at least one (1) year prior to tennination date specified in ttaid notice. Said tennination shall not becate effective until the structure is c:a,pletely rerooved. Lessor and Lessees agree to negotiate in goc,,j faith for renewal cf the term of the Lease upon the request of Lessees or either of them . 3. 'l11e rental payable to Lessor by Lessees under this lease shall be the S\111 of Ten Dollars ( $10, 00) per year, which rental shall be paid in annual install.nl!nts, the first payirent being due upon passage of the ordinance by Englewood City COuncil approving this lease, and future annual pay,rents to be due thirty days prior tc-the annual anniversary date of said lease, 4. Lessees covenant and agree that upon executicn of said lease with Lessor, they will in due course construct and erect i n the leased airspace, an enclosed !)edestrian skybridge which connects the parking structure located south of F.ast fianl,den Avenue to the pedestrian skybridge located just north of East fla!Tden P,venue, whic.'l skybridge to be constructed will be used for the ll'OVl!ffl!!nt of pedest=ians am:ing the parking structure and two offica buildings owned, res;:,ectively, by each of the two Lessees. s. Lessees shall have plans and specifications for said structure preparert by a registered professional engineer and approved by the City's Engineer and City Building Inspector . 1'\e s tructure shall be conple t ed in every respect accc rding to said p.lans and specifications and to the satisfactic:n of the regi stered professional eng ineer who shall supervise the construction thereof. !.essees shall fcrthe r obtain the necessary permits fran Lessor for. the construction of said structure an d pay all ;:,roper fees for the sarre, and c,,,;-ply wi th all bui lding a~d zoning regulations of the City of Engle,..ood and the Stnte of Colcrado, ,Mch shall at any time be applicable to the particular structure, or the construction and maintenance thereof. 6. Lessees shall safely maintain said structure and regulate the use and occup;>.ncy thereof so that the structure or the use thereof will no t be a ha zard or danger to the persons or property of the public using t 1·.e street belcw said structure. 7. Le ssees shall maintain and keep in force during the tenn of said l e ase ;,ublic liabi lity insurance in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) for an individual claim and One Million Dolla~s ( $1, 0U0, 000) for multiple claims arising out of an accident involving said s tructure or the use or occupancy of the leased premises. Lessor, in said policy, shall be held hannless fran all claims, liabilities or causes of action arising out of any injury to any person, persons or damage to r eal or perscnal property arising out of construction, maintenance, destruction or -2 - dismantling of said structure or from the collapse of said structure which may arise by reason of any material or thing whatsoever falling or being thrown from said stru-,ture. A certificate of insurance in said S\11\S to such effect, including Lessor as a party insured, shall be deposited with the City Clerk of the City of Cl'\glewood prior to the construction of said structure. Mini.nun coverage for the benefit of the City shall at all tim:,s be the amunt of maxir.un linbili ty for cities under the Coloraoo Goverrurental IMnuni ty .Act. ~sh M:lB I and S\,Jedish ms II agree to indenni.fy and hold harmless the City of Englewood, its officers, E!lll'loyees, insurers, and self-insurance pool, from and ag,.inst all linbility, claiJ,,s, and (BT\allds, on account of injury, loss, or c'.sinage , of any kind whatsoever, which may arise out of or are in any manner coMected wit.'l this I.ease. If such injurJ, less, or damage is or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by the !'Ct, emission, or other fault of Sl<edish mB I and Sls-edish M:JB II, or any partner , officer or etployee of S\-iec'ish 1-l'lB I or S\iec1ish M:lEI II, Lessees agree to investigate, handle, respond to, end to provide defeM" fr.r MY such liabilit y, claims or demands at the sole e,q,ense of &,,edish !<OB I and S\;edish M:lB II and agree to bear all other costs and expenses rel ,.ted thereto, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees . Lessees shall indemnify and save harmless City, its officers, etployees and agents, against any and all claiJ,,s, damages, actions or causes of action and expense to 1;hich it or they may be subjected by reason of Lessees 1 installation being located within and across t.lie property ,of the City or by reason of any work done or omission rede by Lessees, their agents or errployees, in coMection with the construction, 0peration, nodification, repla.:enent, maintenance, repair or re.nova ! of Lessees installation. If the construction of a ll or any part of Lessees ' installation is to be perforned by an indepen<'ent contractor unde r c ontract with Lessees, Lessees shall so notify City and shall incorporate the stipulations and conditions of this I.ease into the contract s;:,ecification an d cause said independent contractor to, prior to =~r.errent of t'l,? ½<Jrk , !:., licensed and bonc1ed in arrou.'lts and with coopanies satisfactory to City , which will protect City fran any loss or damage resulting fran the work perfomed by the contractor. 8. I n the event of condennation of either er both buildings by an:· governr-ental authority or agency requid ng the use of or taking all of, , ,c a major portion of eit.her cne er beth of the buildings owned by Lessees wr :,,:-i are COM ected by said structure, to the ex• snt that either or both buildings 1sould not require the continued use of t he structure, this lease shall be termina ted as cf the titre Lessees surrender tr,e use and occupancy of said stn,cture and buildin') er buildings and have said s tructure removed pursuant to this lease . It is ~urther ·.mdcrstocd that :n the event of condemation or acquisition by any g,:,verrurental authority or agency of all er a part of either one or both of the buildings o,,ned by Lessees, the value of said overhead stn1ct11re or <l.'lY leasehdd interest created hereunder, shall oot be an elenen~ of damages oo r in any way be considered a s a factor of •aluation of the property acquired. -3 - 9. Lessees shall, upon demand by Lessor, pay such charges as may be incurred by Lessor for the rsmval of any facilities, utilities or structures bet,,,,!en the street lines and underneath the proposed structure which are made necessary by reason of the construction of the structure. 10. Lessees shall not place any sign on t.}ie outside of the structure. 11. In the event of the destruction of said structure by an act of God, public enemies, e r by reason of riot or insurrection, this lease shall terminate, and Lessees shall not be required to pay any further rent to I essor . Howeve r, in the event Lessees shall reconstruct the structure, or any portion thereof derolished, c•~ncing within one year of the destruction, Lessees shall pay rental for 1my period during which the structure was destroyed and i~·.rative. 12. 1.,.,ssor, by its officers, agents or 811l>loyees, may at all reasonable tines enter upon said demised area to view the condition of the structure and require any ruid all necessary repairs and alterations thereto for the public safety and '-"'11-being. 13. In the event clefaul t shall be rr.ade at any tine by Lessees in payrrent of rent and such defattl t shall continue for a period of thirty ( 30) days after written rotice thereof by registered or certified mail to Lessees by Lessor , or if default shall be made in any of the other tenns ruid conditions to be kept, observed and performed by Lessees, and such default shall continue for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof by registered or ce1tified mai to Lessees fran Lessor, then Lessor may at any tine thereafter, prior to the procuring of such default within rei'lSOnable tine, declare the tenn of said lease ended and terminated by giving Lessees written notice of such intention. And, if possession of the demised area is not imrediately surrendered, Lessor may re-enter thereon for possession itself thereof and declare said lease to be terminated. In sttch event , Lessor may require that Lessees remove and demolish said structure at their 01-m expense or Lessor may rerove or derolish said strttcture and require the payrrent of the expense thereof fran Lessees to Lessor within thirty ( 30) days thereafter. 14. Upon termination of lease, Lessees and Lessor further· covenant and ariree that Lessees shall yield up the area wit.}iout further notice, but before the surrender of said area, Lessees shil.11 cause the strttcture to be demolished and reiroved and the .n-ea returned to the sane condition as it wa s in as when first acquired by Lessees. In the event of the failure of Lessees to so remove said strncture six ( 6) ronths after termination of leas~, they shall pay liquidated damages to Lessor in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) for each and every day they remain in possession of said area after the expiration of six ( 6) months fran the termination of said lease. 15. 'nle t enn "narties to said leaSP." shall include the SttcCessors and assigns of Lessor and T..es s ees, respectively. -• ' ' IN wrmESS 'l'IIEREDF, the parties hereto have ■igr.ed thi ■ lea,e the day and year first above written • LESSCR: CI'IY OF m:iLEH:XlD, CXLCIWlO ~::£4L ~-~~~~ Patricia ff, ere,,,~ Clerk -5 - SIElISII Kil I, Ltd,, a Color~ Limited Partnership By -:-A-. "'banl=r-:e..-l-:way=ir-an---rd,.....,,1~ General Partner SIElISH HJB II P~, a Colorado General Partnership By -:-A-. -=banl=r-:e..-1-=way=i""an_,,d-, ""Manag,--.....,.ing- General Partner ' ' ' DATE July 17 , 1989 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE PREVIOUS COUNCIL A~'•I.Q!! COUNCIL COIIKIINICATION M►.NJlA 111!11 11 (a) SUBJECT Svodiah Medical Center Pedoatrian Over- pa11 ovar Ea■t Hu:,d,m Avenue Depar tment of Colllltl;"• l r.~ ~ velopment Richard S . llanush The pedestrian overpass between the Sw edish ltedic~l Center parking structure in the 600 block of East Hampden Avenue and the Medical Office Building 11 was included in the Planned Development which was approved by the City Council on May 15, 1989 , ACTION PROPOSED Adopt the Ordinance approving a lease between the City of Englewood and the Swedish Medical Center and Swedish Medical Center Foundation for air rights for a pedestrian overpass over East Hampden Avenue . POSSIBLE EFFECTS The pedestrian overpas s will increase the safe ty of pedestrians and motorists . The pedestrian signal and c ros swalk have not prov ided adequate protection for pedes t rians and the podestrian crosswalk has been an aggravation for motorists . This alternative will improve traffic and reduce the potential for pedestrian/automobile accidents . BACKGROUND Since the construction of the parking structure, the City and Swedish representative, have di1cu11ed the construction of the pedestrian overpass . There were design problem• with connecting the overpass with MOB I, but theoe have been eliminated by realigning it to connect with the second Medical Office Building (MOB II). FINANCIAL There will be no direct financial benefit or cost to the City . , , R!COl!IIENDATION It ii the recommendation of the atAff that the Ordinance approving a leaH agreement between the City and Swedish Medical Center and the Swedish Medical Center Foundation be approved . ' , , .. LEGAL D!SCRIPTION FOR PARCEL "A• >.:, ,u,cent for the con ■truct!.on of a ped11trian ov1rp1u and for a pe4utr!.an ing:111 end egnu acrou 11<4 over;u•• The .1cr,ut point on the 'botto:a of 11!.d ovupeu h e ~ an elevation of S,359,16 fttt U,S,G,S, datu:, Tho horhontal projoction of ■lid oue:oont h ducribod u fol1011e: · "A parcol of land situotod !.n a port of !aat l!oa;don A•,onuo and a part of tho SE-1/4 of Soct!.on 34, 1'own1bi; 4 South, "-n&• 68 llut, and a port of the N1:·1/4 of Section 3, Tovnahip 5 louth, b"I' 68 llaat · of the 6th 1 ,M., City of Ena1111ood, Co unty of Arapahoe, Statt of Colorado, haing moro p1rtic1111rly described II follcr,m COMMtNCIN:J et the South111t corner o! 11!4 Section 34: thence '.:ut ■rl)" alona tl:e South Hnt of uid Section 34, a distance of ~0.00 foot, to a point on the 'llut d aht-of-.,ay lino cf South Cla:k1cn Strttt exundtd South: thence North alona ■aid 1xtend1d \111t right-of-111y lino a di1tanc1 of 15,0 faot to tht !.nt1r11ction of uid \Int r!ght-of-way H:11 of South Clarkaon Strut vith ,ho North right-of·va7 Hno of Eut lla:,,pdtn Avenl!Ol thonco \lutorly, alon1 u!.d North r!.ght-of-.ray line of !ut l!"'?dtn A.v1n110 • dbtanco of 343,35 fut to tho TJ.U! POINT OF Jl!GINNING: thence Southtrl)' on a h f ltcticn angle to the loft of 90•00• 00" a dhunce of H,O fut to a point on tho Southerly right-of-way 1iu of u:l.d Eut 1!1111pd1n Avanua: than~• l:utuly on a daflectton anal• to th r!.ght of 90°00 100 11 , and along ■aid South right-of--.·ay lint, a ~isuoc1 of 18.00 ftttl thence Northorly, on a dt!1tction ar.g1e to the right of 90°00 1 00", a dhunct of 55,0 hot to a point oo aai Nonh right-of-way lino: th•"•• Eutorly on a hU1ct!.on anglo to the right of 90 1 00'00", and along uid North dght·of-vay lino a Di&tanct of 18 ,00 ftet to the Ti\CE PornT O? B!GlNNU(G: containing 990 ■quar• feet (0,023 aerie) nor• D?' le11". January 16, 1989 (Sf:CJ.IR. ll-121) ; EXHIBIT A .. • 1 1 ~~ .,; : l f . I ll ff 'I i Y Jr ~ i . 'I } li, . . l~j ·· :ili . 1' Ji! .. >l 11'1 . ! : ' U J,. II . ~ . . ~ T-------1i · fl ul