HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 028CIIDINANCE NO. 21 SERIES CF 1989 BY l\lfflQU'l'lC CXXK:IL BILL NO. 32 nmaxx:Ell BY CXXH:lL MD!BER~ 9 (d) l\N CIIDINI\NCE APPROVING l\GREEMENl' BElWEEN 'l'IIE UNlTED srJ\m CF AHElUCA ltlll 'l'IIE CI'l'lC OF m;LEl'O'.)O FCR REx:RF.M'I0-1 DEVELCaEll' OF 'l1IE !n7lll PLA'.l're RIVER IOCAL FLOOD m::mx::TJ:00 PROJEX:T ~S'll!EAM FKM CIIATFIEW LAKE. WHEREAS, constrllction of the Chatfield Lake Downstream Channel IJTprovements ("Project") on the South Platte River was authorized by the Flood control Act approved !-lay 17, 1950; and WHEREAS, the Project is divided into three Reaches, one of wch is Reach 3 extending fran Oxford Avenue to Bear creek, wch Englewood is authorized to aaninister Project land and water areas for recreational purposes, and operate, maintain and replace facilities provided for such purposes, and is E!!ll>O'n'!!red to enter into agreement for such purposes; and WHEREAS, the Goverrnent is authorized 'ay Section 4 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 to enter into agreeirents with non-Federal public bodies for develqxrent, nw,,gement, and aaninistration of the recreation resources of Federal water resources projects; !0'1, ~. BE IT CJUlAINED BY 'l'IIE CITI CXXH:n. CF 'l1!E CI'l'lC OF ENGLDOJD • COLCRl\llO • THAT: Section 1. 'Ihe Agreement No. -~--=--between the United States of Merica and the City of Englewood, Colorado, for r ecreation develCJ!X!e11t of the South Platte River Local Flood Protection Project downstream fran Chatfield Lake , Colorado, is h!!re'ay IIR)roved. Said Agreement contains generally: l. 'Itle land necessary for develcpnent of Re ach 3 extends fran Oxford Avenue to Bear creek. 2. City will dedicate the land for public purposes and will acquire easencr.ts in all lands needed and required to constIUCt the recreation d<?"""lOflll!nt and in all lands needed and required to ensure permanent public control and access to the recreation deve lOfZ!ellt to be built ?Jrsuant to this agreement, and certifies that it will maintain such access to the recreational develcprent. 3. Governirent, in cooperation with Englewood, has prepared a nutually ~le plan of recreation develcpnent and management, wch plan depicts and identifies the types and quant i ties of facilities which the City will coostIUCt in accordance with the Agreement and in accordance with Corps design criteria and practices. -l - 4. 'llle Govermr.mt will pay in kind its prorated share of the total eligible federal participation in first costs of recreation development along Reach 3, and Engle1o:ood will contribute in kind the remainder of the first costs of reereatia., developm!nt. S. Engle..-JOd will initially pay in full all such first costs estimated to be $181,800, and Governnent will reil!tlurse Englewood, subject to availability ot funds appropriated therefor, a portion of those first costs expended b-; the City for recreation develq;m!!nt along Reach 3 pursuant to the fonnulas contained in the agreei,ent. 6. Certain types of faeili ties may be constructed by Englewood or other parties on a concession basis and shall be earpatible with all Project p.irposes and subject to prior approval of the Contracting Officer. City shall receive no credit for costs of such facilities. 7. City may assess and collect fees, in accordance with a fee sc:healle m.itually agreed to by the parties, for use of the recreation facilities and areas developed pursuant to this agreement. 8. City agrees to oa,ply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. 9. City shall be responsible for q,eration, maintenance and replaeenent, without cost to the Governnent, of all facilitieP developed pursuant to this agreerrent for the eeonanic life of the Proj<:et. 10. l:ity will hold and save the Goverment free fran all damages arising fran the constnction, operation, and maintenance of the recreation develcprent built pursuant to this agreer.ent except for damages due to the fault or negligimce of the Governrrent or its contractors. 11. City shall not transfer or assign the agreem,nt, nor any rights acquired thereunder, nor grant any interest, privilege or license whatsoever in connection with the agreer:ent without the approval of the Secretary of the J\rm'f or his authorized representative:. 12. If City fails to rreet: any of its ooligations under the agreerrent, t.'le Government may terminate the whole or any part of the Agreerrent. 13 . 'ltle Governnent and City shall maintain bcoks, records , ax:unents, and other evidence pertaining to costs and expenses incurred under the Agreerrent to properly reflect all net costs involved therein and shall make available t.'leir records for inspection and audit by the other during the period the Agreerrent is in effect. -2 - 14. 'l'1e Government shall hsve the right to make inspections oonc~ the cx:nstruction , operation and maintenance of the lands and facilities· to be provided under the Agreement. 15. No menber of or delegate to Congress or Resident camlissioner shall benefit fran this Agreetent. 16. Consideration will be given of all possible effects upon the Project 's envirorvrental resources to ensure that the ,illality of the environment will not be degraded or unfavorably altered. 17. In case of disputes, each party rust first Melt in good faith to resolve the issue through negotiation or through other forms of alternative nonbinding dispute resolution. 18. The At;i-eement shall take effect upon approval by the Secretary of the lmrrj or his authorized representative. Section 2. 'nle Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign and attest said Agreelrent for and on behalf of the City of Englewood and the City Council. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading at the 7th day of AllgUst, 1989. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 10th day of August, 1989. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 21 st day of l\ugust, 1989. Published by t itle as Ordinance !lo.d JI , Series of 1989, on the 24th da ·· of August, 1989. - ~t~t: Wuia A,. ~✓ f1 ,-<1l Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk I, Patricia H. Cro.i, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the foregoing is a tl:ue copy cf the Or~• passed on final reading ano'. published by title as Ordinance !lo. <2Wf_, Series of 1939. ~~-· -II /!, _ r • ?alr~ -3- AQIEDIEIIT NO. BE'IWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE CITY OF EIIGLDIOOD, COLORADO FOR RECREATION DEVELOPKEIIT OF THE SOUTH PLATTE RIVER LOCAL FLOOD PROTECTION PROJECT DOWNSTREAM FROM CHATflELD LAia!, COLORADO THIS AGREEHEIIT entered intn thh _ day nf ___ 19 __ hy and hlltwen the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter called the 'Governaent"), repreHnted hy the Onntracting Officer executing thia agre•ent and th~ Cl ty nf Dlgl~wr'lnd, Cnlnradn, (l,11reinaftar called. the •spnn ■nr•), Wl'l'Nt:SSETH THAT1 WHEREAS, cnn ■tructinn nf the Chatfield Lake l)c,wnatraam Olannel llllprnv•ent ■ nn the 5"uth Platts River, Onloradn (hereinafter called the "Project") was authnrized hy the FlC><ld Onntrnl Act apprnved 17 May 1950 (Puhllc Law 516, 81st Onngre ■■, 2nd Se ■1lon)1 and WHEREAS, the Prnject la dlvldwd lntn thrH reaches, Reach 1 extandlng froa Onlnradn Highway 470 tn arnwn Ditch weir, Reach 2 extandlng fr.,,. Brnwn Ditch weir tn oxford Avenue and Reach 3 extending frnm oxford Avenue t:t> Bear cr .. k, and WHEREAS, the Spnn ■nr ia authorized tn adalnhtar Prnject land and water area ■ in Reach 3 fnr recreatinnal purpn ■-■, and nperata, aaint■ln and replace facili ti-■ prr.vided fnr ouch purpn ■e ■, and i ■ upnwered tn en tar intn agrHHnta fnr ■IICh purpnHe, and h •pnwrecl tr> enter int,, 19r••ente in theH ~u:,,ecta, Mel IIKERW, the Qrlvernaent ie authnrhecl hy Sectinn 4 ,,l the Plnncl O>ntrnl M:t nf 1944 (Puhlic Lav 534, 78th 0>n9rH ■, 16 u.s.c. 460cl, 11 uendecl), t,, enter int,, agrHHnta vi th nnn-Pecleral pul>Uc hadia ■ fnr cl1velnpa1nt, ■ana9••nt, and. ad ■iniatratinn nf the recreatinn reanurc•• nf Federal water reanurcea prnjecta, and IIHEREAS, th ■ level nf financial participatin,i in recreatlnn clevalnpaent hy th• or,var11111nt alnn9 Reach• 2 ancl 3 vill nc,t ·nult in an incraaaa nf anr• than ten percent (10\) nf tlle Qrlvernaant'• cnet c,f t:),1 channol impr<>vuent■• NOii, THEREFORE, t:),e partlu a9rH II fnllnva, ARTICLE 1 -DEFINITION OP TERIIS • f'l\r tlla purpnH nf tllia 19rea11ent, t:),1 ten •tint cnata• ia clefinecl H fnllnva, Pir ■t cn ■1'"-!, ia the initJal capital cn ■t nf the racreatinn development including, engir.eering, de ■ign, ■upervi ■inn, adminiatratinn, and crm ■truc:tinn of recreation fa,·ilitie ■, and acquisitinn af lands r1rquired for puhlic access, parking, pntahle water, ■anitatinn nr health and safety. ARTICLE 2 -LANDS AND FACILITIES. (a) Landa necessary fnr the recreatinn develnpaant tn he huilt pursuant tn this agreement are ahnwn a ■ Reach 3 in Appendix ), Project Pha ■e I Report, Supplement N<>. 1, Design llemnranclua Nn. PC-20. Appendix 3 haa heen cnncurred in hy the spc,nanr ancl i ■ incnrpnrated herein hy reference. Haps ah<>ving t:),e area are ■et fnrth aa Exhihi tr, A-I and A-2, attachacl heretn and ■acl ■ a part herenf. (h) 'DI• Spnnenr vill declicate the lancl fnr the puhlic purpnHa 'Clf thi ■ a9reuent. All recraatinn davalnpaant vill tall• placa nn lancle neca11ary fnr flnncl cnntrnl purpnH ■ which w■n ■cqulred fnr tl>at purpnH, ■xcapt u raqui rad fnr ■er.a■■, parki n9 and uni ta ti nn, (c) 1'>■ Spnn■nr c■rtifia ■ tl>at it pn■HH ■■, nr vill acquir ■, ■utficlant and adequata titla nr ri9ht.a U ••• H ■•■nt ■) in ■11 land ■ nHdad and raquirad tn cnn■truct tl>a racraatinn davalnpaant tn he huilt pur ■uant tn tl>i ■ a9r•••nt, and in all lanll ■ naedad and raquirac! tn an■ur ■ p■nianant puhllc cnntrnl nf, end accau tn, tl>a racrHtinn devalnpaant tn he huilt pur ■uant tn tl>i ■ agr•-nt, 'D>• Spnn ■nr certifia ■ tl>at it will ■aintaln ouch accau tn tl>a rocreatinnal devalnpaant, (d) 1'>• Gnvar1111ent in cnnperatinn vi•..11 tl>a Spnnanr hu praparad a mutually acc■pt.ahl• plan nf rar.rHti<>n ,!4valnpment and aanaguant pr ■aented in DII Nn. PC-20 (Su;,pluant Nn, 2) entitlac! "RacrHtinn FacilitiH Devalnpaent Plan Dnwnatrau Channel lllprnv•■nt•, incnrpnrated heroin hy rofaranca, 1',i ■ plan depicts and identifia ■ tl>e typH and quantitia ■ nf facilltiH vhich tl>o Spc'lnanr wi 11 cnn1truct in accnrdance with thJ I agreement. fll• pr11enUy estimated cnat nf facili tlaa tn he an prnvided la cc,ntainod in E>chihi t B entitled •Estimated Recreatinn Cn■t••, attached li1retn and made a part he reC"lf. Such eatimata c,f facility cc,■t ia ■uhject tc, rea ■nnahlo adju1tmant a ■ apprc,priate upnn CC>lllpletic,n c,f cc,nstructic,n, (a) 1'>• far.ilitiea a ■ ahnvn in Exhihit Bohall he r.c,nstructed hy tl>o Spnnenr, ~, t .:at c:nn ■truetinn nf recreatinn facilities cnntained in E>chihi t B shall he accc,apUahed In accc,rdanca vi ti> Cnrp ■ de ■ign criteria and prar.tica ■ and tl>at cc,oto auooiated vitl> ac,dlficatic,n ■ tn tl>c,■■ d ■■i gna tn prc,vida a c,ro elahnratAI far.llitia ■ vill ha hnrna hy ti>• Spnn■c,r, All da ■i gn ■, plan■, and ■p■citicatinn ■ shall he auh■i tted tn tl>a Cnntract1119 Officar, c,r hi ■ autl>c,ri&"d rapraaant.ativa, fc,r ravi~v and apprnval prfor tn initiatinn nf any cnnatruc~tnn purauant tn Uiia a9r, ... nt. 3 (f) 'ltle porfnraanc e nf any nhU9atinn nr tlle expenditure nf any fllllda hy ti,e o,werMant Wider thla a9rHMnt h cnntin9ant upnn 0r>n9rau aaldn9 tlla nacauary apprnpriatinna and fllllda hain9 allncatad and •ad• availt.hla fnr tlla wnrk required hara1111dar, (g) 'ltl• tiH allnwad fnr cnaplatinn nf wnrk ■pacified in tM ■ agroaHnt ■hall nnt extend hay<'nd S&ptaahar 30, 1990, ARTICLE 3 -CONSIDERATION AND PAYIIEIIT, 'ft>& Gnvernaant wi ll pay nr cnntrihuta in kind it■ prnratad ahar• nf the tntal aligihla federal particlpatinn In tlla fir ■t cnata nf r ■craatinn davalnpaant a:.nng Reach 3, H ahnwn In Exhlhi t 8, attached haratn and aada a part haranf, 'ft>• Spnnanr vill pay nr cnntrihuta In kind tllo n11alndar nf tllo fir ■t cnata nf ncnatinn davolnpaent, (a) Recraatinn Davalnpaont, 'lt>• Spnnonr will initially pay in full all auch tint cnata a ■timatad tn ha $181,800, incllldin9 enata fnr 1n9inHrin9, de1i9n, 1upervi1inn, adaini ■tratinn and CC'ln a truetiC"ln nf r'lc:reatinn fac:ilitie ■, and ac:quiai t!nn nf land1 required fnr puhlic ac:ce11, parking, pntable water, aani tatinn nr health and 1afety. '11'\e Gnvernment, uprm presentation nf apprnprlata hilling dnc11111enta , will then reilllhuraa tllo Spnnanr, auhjact tn availahlll ty nf funds apprnprlated tllarefnr, • pnrtinn nf thnoa fl rat cnata expended hy the Spnnanr fnr recreatinn de velC'lpaent alnng Reach J, pursuant tn the fnrmulH cnntained i n Exhihl t B tn thla agreuent, In cnaputin9 expenditure ■, there ohall ha cnnoldand, in additinn tn caoh payHnta, (1) cnntrlhutinno in kind auch u facilitiea nr ■atarlala, at tho fair ■arkot value tharanf a ■ detarainad hy th• Or>ntracting Officer at the tlH auch facilltia ■ nr aatariala an prnvidad, vhich value ohall nnt inclllde anhancuant dua tn the Prnjact, and (2) lt.hnr, tlla value nf vhich ■hall ha dat~rainad at the actual rate paid nr •charged, 'lt>• Spnnonr aay auhait ,Sncuaantatinn and raqua ■t raillhuro•ant 11nt anra than nn a quarterly haala, All r.nata inaurrad t,y tll,t lpnnanr fnr initial develnpaent are auhjeat tn (lllverrment audit prfor tn OIIYernHnt raiah11r••ent, (b) ~• 1111 credit _vill he given fnr fint cnata nf racnatinn develnpaant llftdertaken prfor tn apprnval nf tllia agra•ent, (c) Otller Federal runda. NII repayaent credit nf any kind whata11ever will he allm,ed tlla Spnnanr for axpandit11rH finenr.ed by, inY11lvln9, nr cnnaiating nf, ei tllar in whnle nr in part, cnntrib11tinna nr granta c,f auhtanee racalved frna any Federal agency, in prc,vlding any landa c,r faciliti•• fnr reereatit1n enhaneuent hereunder. (d) Adjuataanta tn Reflaet Cc,ata, 'ff>e dc,llar aac,unta Ht fortll .I n tllla Article ara baHd upnn tlle Grwernment'a heat Hti ■ata ■, and ara auhjact tll adjuat111nta h&11d C'\n the cn ■ta actually incurred. such e1t1aat11 are nc,t tn he cc,natruad u rapraaantatinn ■ c,f tile tntal financial r eapnnalhiU tiaa nf each nf tlla partiea, except tllat tile reilllbur ■uant cnata tll tile Spnnac,r ahall nnt axcoed tlla Umi ta ■pacified in Article J, ARTICLE 4 -CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF ADDITIONAL FACILITIES, Certal n typaa c,f fac:ilitlea, including but nnt necaaaarily limited tn natauranta, lt 111, 9nlf ~nuraea, c Lhin ■, cluhhnu11 ■, cwernight nr vacatiC'\n-type ■tructure ■, at.Ahle ■, marinas, 1vim11in9 pnnl ■, enui11arie1, chair lift.a,· and auch aimilar ravenua-prC\ducing facili tiH, ■ay ba cnnatructad hy tile Spnnac,r c,r thi r d partiea and may he c,paratad hy the Spnnanr nr hy tllird partiH nn a cnnce ■lic-.n haaia. Any ■uch ,;nn atructinn and nperatinn nf th••• type ■ n~ facili tiH ahall he cnapatihla vi th all Prc,jact purpnaa ■ and thall he 1uhjact tn tha pric,r apprc,val c,f tha 0>ntracti119 Officer, a>waver, the Spc,nac,r ahall nnt racalve cradi t fnr ec,ata nf aueh faci U tia ■ againat uaunta dua and payable under Article 3, e AIITICLE 5 -nu AND CIIAltGU. 1'>• Spnnanr uy aHeH and cnllect fHa fnr u .. nf tile recrHtinn facllitiH and areaa develnped pur ■uant tn tili ■ a9r•••nt, In ar.cnrdanr.e with a fH ecl>■dule ■utually •vr•■d tn by tile partiH, AIITICLE 6 -FID!!IAL AND STATE LAIIS, (e) In actin9 under I ta ri9l>ta and nbl19at.lnn1 l>ueunder, tile Spnn ■nr e9reaa tn cneply vi til &11 1pplic&bla Federal and Sta ta law■ and ra9ulatinn1, lncludin9 but nnt U ■itad tn tile prevl ■inn ■ nf tile Davi ■-Bar.nn Aet (40 U,S,C, 276 a-a(7) )1 tile Cnntract wnrk Hnur ■ and Safety Standard ■ Act (40 U,S,C, 327- 333)1 and Part 3 nf Title 29, end• nf Federal lla9ulatinn ■, (bl '111• spnnenr furnl ■b-■, aa part nf tili ■ a9reuent , a1 ■uranr.aa (Exl>ibit c, attacl>■d l>eratn and ■ad• a part l>eranfl , tilat It will enmply wltl>, Title VI nf tile civil Rigbta A<:t nf 1964, a ■ ai,ended (78 Stat, 241, 42 U,S,C, lOOOd, et, Hq, I and Depart■ant nf Def an .. Directive SSOO, 11 iHuad pur ■uant tl>aratn and publl ■l>ad in Part 300 nf Tl tle 32, Cnde nf Federal Regulatinna 1 ti>• Rel>abillt&tinn Aet nf 1973, H amended (29 u ,s.c. 794)1 and tl>e Age oi ■criminatir>n Act nf 1975 (42 u.s.c, 6102), '11,e Spnnanr agrees alan that it will nhtain auch 11 ■urance1 frrall all of it■ cnnce ■sinnaire ■, ARTICLE 7 -OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. '11,e Spnn ■nr ■hall be respnn1! bl• fnr nperatinn, maintenance and replacuent wi thnut cn ■t tn tl'le Gnvernment, nf all facilitla ■ develnpad pur ■u ■nt tn tl>i ■ agreuent, fnr tl>e ecnnnmic life nf tl>e prC"lject. 'ltl• Spnnanr ■hall maintain the Prnject recreatinn land ■, vater ■, and facili tlee develnped purouant tn tl>I ■ agreement in & manner ■ati ■factnry tn tl>e Cnntracting Officer. ARTICLE 8 -RELEASE OF CL.'UMS, '11,a Spnn■nr vi 11 l>nld and ■ave tl•• G<>var1111ent frH f.cn■ all da■aga ■ ari ■in9 frn■ tile cnn ■tructinn, c:paratinn, and ■aintananca nf tl>a r■L . ,atinn davelnpHnt built pur ■uont tn till ■ a9rH■■nt, except fnr da■a9■1 duo tn tl>e fault nr ne9l19anc.., nf tbe G<>vernHnt nr i ta cnntractnr ■• 6 llllTICLJ: t • TRAIIIFZII 011 AIIIOIINDT, '1!1 ■ Spnn ■nr 1hall nnt tran1flr nr H1i9n thh a9r■-nt, nnr any ri9"1:a 1cq11ir■d thar1und■r, nor 9r1nt any intar■1t, privil■91 · nr licanH wt,atanavar in ennnactinn with thh a9raa■ant vithn11t tha apprnval nf tha sacratary nf tha Aray nr hh a11thnrhad rapra1 ■ntativa axcapt H provided in Article 4 nf thil a9rauant. llllTICLB 10 -~• In tha avant tha Spnn ■nr fall• tn ■Ht any nf it1 nhli9atinn1 undar thh a9r1 ■■ant, th• Gnvarn■ant ■ay tar■inata tha whnla nr any part nf thil a9re••nt, '1!,a ri9htl and r-diaa nf tha Gnvarn■ent pr•;,vid.., in thil Article ■hall nnt ha axcl111iva and ara in additinn tn any nthar ri9hta and ra■■diH prnvidad hy law nr 11ndar thil a9r•••nt, llllTICLJ: 11 -EXAIIINATION or lll!ICORDS, '1!1• Gnvern■■nt and tha Spnn■or ■hall ■aintain hnnk1, recnrd1, dneU11enta, and nther evidence pertaining tn cn ■ta and expen ■•• incurred under thia a9reeunt, tn the extent and in auc:h detail a■ will prnparly reflect all nat cnat■, direct and indirect, of lahnr, matarial ■, equipaent, 1upplie1, and aervice ■ and ntlier co■ta and expense ■ nf whatever nature invnlved therein. 'ltle Qt"lvernment and the Spc'\n■nr shall 11ake availahle at their c,~fice ■ at reaannahle time■, U.e accnunting recnrda fnr inapectinn and alldi t hy an authnrized rapreaentati va nf th• partiH tn thil agreement during tho parind this agreamant h ln affect, ARTICLE 12 -RELATIONSHIP or PARTIES, '1!1• partiH tn thh a9ra111ant act ln an indopandant capacit) in tha parfnroanc ■ nf their raapactiva function ■ 11nd ■r thia agreement and neither party i ■ tn he cnnsidered the nfficer, agent nr o ■plnyea nf tha nth ■r. ARTICLE 13 -INSPECTION, '!!>a Gnvarn■ant ■hall ■t all U ■-1 have tha right tn aake inapectinn ■ cnncernin9 the cc·u'1tructit"ln and t"lpllratinn and ■aintenance t"lf the lanll ■ 1nd faeili tiH tn ha prnvid ■d haraunder, JJITICLI 14 -OffIClAl.8 IIOT TO IIDIUlT, Nn .-her nf nr delegate tn tlle OnngrH ■, nr Rl ■ident OnMi11inn■r, ■hell he adal ttad tn any ■hare nr part nf thi ■ agreeaent, nr tn any henefi t that aay ari H therefrr,a, hut thi ■ prnvl ■inn ■hall nnt he enn ■truad tn extend tn thla agra•ant if a1d1 with a cnrpr,r ■tlnn fnr I ta general henefi t, ARTICLE 1 S -CX)VDIAIIT ACU.IIIST cal'.l'INQEIIT nu, 'ff>• Spr,n■nr var ran ta tlla t nn per ■nn nr Hlling agency ha ■ hHn uplnyed nr retained tn ■nllclt nr Hcure thi ■ agraa ■ant upr,n agreuant nr Wldarat&nding fnr a cna■i11lnn, percantaga, hrnkar ■ga, nr cnntingent fH, excepting hnna fide uplnyea ■ nr hnna fida 111tahli ■had cnaaarcial nr Hlllng agencie ■ ■aintained hy th• Spnn ■nr fnr ·th ■ purpnH nf Heuring hu1inu1. Pnr hrHch nr vlnlatinn nf thi ■ nrranty, tlla Gnvarnaant ■hall hav ■ the right tn aMul thi ■ agrHaant withnut Uahility nr in i ta di ■cratinn tn add tn tha agraaa ■nt price nr cnn ■idaratinn, nr ntharwi11 r1cC"1ver, the full UC'IWlt c-.f 1ur.h cnuia ■inn, percentage, hrnlterage, nr crmtin91nt f11. ARTICLE 16 -B!fil' INMENTAL QUALITY, (a) In furtl eranca nf tha purpr,■e and pr,Ucy nf tha Natinnal DlvlrnMental Fnlicy At,t nf 1969 (P\lhllc Lav 91-190, 42 U,S,C, 4321, 4331- L 35) and EKecutlva Order 11514, entitled "Prntactlnn and Dlhancemant nf Dlvlrnnmental Qiallty•, !larch 5, 1970 (35 Fadaral Ragi ■tar 4247, March 7, 1970) the ac,varnaent and the Spnn1nr racngnize tha lapnrtanca nf pre ■ervatinn and enhancement nf the quall ty nf the envirnnaent and tha ell ■lnatlnn nf envirnnmental pr,llutinn, M:tinn ■ hy either party vill he attar cnn ■ideratinn nf all pr,11ihl• affacta upr,n tha Prnjact'■ anvirnn■antal ra ■nurcu and v111 incnrpr,r ■ta adaquata and apprnpriata ■■a ■ura ■ tn ineur• thet the quality nf th• envirnnaent will nnt he degraded nr unfavnrahly altared, 8 (h) Durin9 C(ln ■tructinn and nper ■tinn Wldart&kan hy ai thar party, ■pacific actinn ■ will t,a taken tn cnntrnl anvirnnaantal pnllutinn vh lch cnuld ro ■ult fr;,• t:,air activiti-■ and tn cn■ply with applicat>la Federal, State and lncal l1v1 and ro9ul1tinn1 cnnc1rnln9 anvirnn Hntal pnllutinn , Particular 1tt1nt1nn ■hnuld t,a 9lven tn (1) r■duc tinn nf ■ir pnllutinn hy cnntrnl nf hurnin9, 11lnl11lz ■t1nn nf du ■t, cnntalnaant nf chulcal vapnr ■, and cnntrnl nf en9in1 exl11u1t 91111 and ■■nk• f rn■ teul pnr ■ry heater ■, (2) r ■du c tlnn nf v■tar pnllutinn hy cnntrnl nf unitary faciliti-■, 1tnra91 nf fuel ■ ■nd nthar c nntaminant■, and cnntrnl nf turhidity and ■iltatlnn frn11 arn1lnn1 (3) 11lni11izat1nn nf nniH l1vel ■1 (4) nn-■ita ■nd nff-■lta di ■pn ■al nf vuta and ■pnil activlti111 and (5) prava ntinn nf land ■cape dafacu ent and 4111191. ARTICLE 17 -fil?!!!!!• lllfnr• any p■rty tn thi ■ 19r ■u1nt aay hrlng ■uit in any court concerning an ia ■ue relating tn thia agr••••nt, auch party ■u1t fir ■t aaak in gr,nd faith tn r -■nlv• the i ■eua thrnugh negntiatinn nr thrnugh ntJ,or fnrma nf alternative nnn-hlndin9 di ■puta r11nlut1nn. ARTICLE 18 -EFFECTIVE DATE, 'ff>i ■ agrau a nt ■hall take affaet upnn apprnval hy tJ,a Secre tary nf the Army nr hi ■ autJ,nrizad repr111ntat1va, ART I CLE 19 -SECTION 221 CERTIFICATION, '111• Spnn ■nr r ■cngniz11 that it ■Ult maot the require■ant■ nf Slctinn 221 nf the Flr,nd Onntrnl Act nf 1970, 42 U,S,C. 19624-Sh, and In furtherance tharonf, the chief legal nffiear nf the Spnn1nr ha ■ c■=tifiad, 11 Exhihit o, attached haro tn and ■ad ■ a part haronf, that th ■ Spnn ■nr i ■ legally ~~;,~-,F~/IJJr capahla nf perfnraing the nhligatinn ■ nf thia 19r11Hnt. In addition , the chief f inancia l officer of t he Sponsor has certi fied, in Exhibit D-1 attached hereto a nd made a part thereof, that the Sponsor is fi nancially capable ·of per for ming the obligation of t his agreeme nt. 9 IN NI'l'IIUI IIHDIIOP, tile parti•• heratt> have executed tllia a9reuent aa nf tile day and yaar firat ahnva written. TIii UIIITID &TATU or AIIIRICA BY-.,......--.--:----:--:--.-----0,lnnal, 01rp1 nf En9inHn Diatric,t 819inHr Cnntrac,tin9 Officer DATI. ___________ _ APPROYB!h BY. ____________ _ DATt. ___________ _ CITY or EIIGUIIOOD BY.=----,=--=-.,,--..--..---llaynr, City nf En9leV1"1nd DATE. ___________ _ ATTEST, Clerk, City nf En9lewnnd APPROVED AS TO FORM 10 CIIITlFICA'l'I I , ____________ , certify that I u th• _______ nf the City nf En9lew:,n4, O>lnracln, nuecl u th• Cl ty l>erein1 that vl>n ■ivn•cl thi ■ a9r•"•ent M t>el>elf nf the City v11 then __ nf Hid Clty1 that Hid a9reuut vH duly ai9necl fnr and nn l>el>alf nf uicl Cl ty t,y authnri ty nf i ta 9nvernin9 hncly and i ■ vi thin the ■cnpe nf 1 ta enrpnrate pnwr ■• Ill III'l'IIESS lllll!IU!lOF, I t,ava l>er■untn 1ff1x1cl •Y l>•ncl and the seal nf ■aid City "f D19l1vnnd, O>lnracln, thi ■ clay c,f ______ 19_, ( CORPORATI! SEAL) Sirpiecl __________ _ SUBSCRIBED AND SIIORII TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF ____ _ 19_. Signed. ________ _ (Nntary PUl>lic) (SEAL) 0>ami11inn expiratiM elate. ____ _ 11 - - SUMMARY or ESTIIIATIID RlJCR&ATION FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT COSTS Chatfield 11<nm1treu -!!!!:!!.2 I, Acee ■■ and Cireulatinn Unit Cnat ~ !!1!!! ~ !!!!!!! A, Trail, llikin9 (6' nnn-paved) $10/LF 2,500 $25,000 $12,500 $12,500 B, Parkin9 20-car Ace•■• Area 20,000 ea 20,000 10,000 10,000 .c. Bnat/Filhing Pier 10,000 ea 10,000 5,000 5,000 II, Struc:tur11 A, sanitatinn vault Tnilet 15,000 ea 15,000 7,500 7,500 B, Shelter ■ Picnic, v/Tlhle, Grill, Truh 20,000 ea 20,000 10,000 10,000 Ill, Sita Pre2aratlnn , RHtnratinn A, Grading , Land Fnrm 2, 50/CY 5,000 12,500 6,250 6,250 B, TrH , Shruh 5 TUrf w/Manual lrrig fnr !lit 0,50/Sq Ft 80,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 IV, Signe A, Entry Sign 3 ,000 ea 3,000 1 ,500 1,500 8, Infnrmatinn Signs 500 ea 4 2,000 1,000 1,000 Suhtntala $151,500 $75,750 $75,750 !5D, S5A 30,300 15,150 15,150 Tntalo $181,800 $90,900 $90,9001 1NOTE1 'Itl• ■um nf Federal cnntrihutinn■ to recreatirin develnpnant in the ■tructural flood cnntrnl reach cannot exceed 10 percent nf the Federal cnat of tl'le Federal cC'l ■t f nr flnnd cnntrnl imprnvements and cannot exceed SO\ C'lf recreatirin d1v1lnp11ent coat. 'It\• e ■tiaated total cnat f('lr structural flnnd cnntrnl wnrk1 1a $6,942,000, 'Die ■axl ■um eeti■ated Federal parti cipatinn in recreatinn d e velnp■ent in the atructural flnnd cnntrnl reach ii $694,200 (10\ nf the Hti■atad cnata nf flnnd enntrnl i ■prnve■enta). Eighty -aaven percent nf the 1tructural flnnd cnntrnl Uneal fnntage liH in Reach 2 and 13' in Roach 3, l'lderal participatinn level ■ fnr recreatlnn devalnp■ent are thua Hti■atad aa 87' nf $694,200-,603,954 (Raach 2), and 13' nf $694,200-$90,246 (Reach 3), prnvided that the Spnnanr(a) furnhh Mt leH tl•an 501 nf tntal cnata nf devalnp■ent eligihle fnr cnet-aharing, In Mach 3, the Hti ■ated nnn-redoral ahare, u11111in9 full develnp■ent, wnuld thua t>e $91,554 and th• Federal 1hare wnuld t,e 90,246, 'DleH unwita are Hti ■atal nnly vi th final unwita fnr each 1 tu tn t>e deten.ined hy Qnvernaent audit, EXHIBIT B .: •. ~ OF QHtLLW:2 Wlnl 1HE l&ARMNT OF DEF!mE DIMCrIVE IMDER nnz VI OF 'DIE CIVIL RICffl'S N:f OF 1964 AND SUBS~ ACrS ----..--,--=-=>="""r--------------(h•reinafter called "Appilcant-lieciplant") HER£BY AGREES n!Al' it will COfll)ly with Title VI of the Civil Ri,_,,ta Act of 1964 (42 u.s.c. 2000d) and all requirl!IN"ta impo1ed by or pur■uant to the Directive of the Department of Defenae (32 CPR Part 300, is ■ued u De-partment of Oefen■e Directive S500.11, December 28, 1964 u -,ded) i11ued purauant to thet title, the All• Dlacrlmlnation Act of 191S (42 U.S.C. 6102); and the Rehabllit11tion Act of 1973, u .-ided (29 u.s.c. 794), to the and thet, in eccor<tance with Title VI of that Act, the Directive, the Age Dlscrl111ination Act and the Rehabilitation Act, no per1on in the United States 1hall, on the ~d of race, color, age, ■ex, religion, handicap, or national oril,lin be excluded fron participation in, be denied the benefit ■ of, or be otheNl.1e IIUbjected to di1crl111ination under any progra111 or activity for ~ich the Applicant-Recipient recei ve1 Federal financial ass htance frca the Department of the Arrsrj, and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE l1IAl' it will illlllf!diately take any meuures necessacy to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or 1tructure thereon la provided or i,..,rovecl with the aid of Federal financial uslatance extended to the Applicant-Recipient by thla Depart:Mnt of the ArrrrJ, uaurance a hall obligate the Applicant-Recipient, or in the cue of any tranafer of 1uch property, any tranaferee. for the period duri1111 ~ich the real property or structure ll used for • purpoae for which the Federal financial ull,- tance is extended or for another purpose involvi!lA the prov1.llon of 1llllilar 1ervlca or benefits, If any personal property la 10 provided, this assurance 1hall o',llgate the Applicant-Recipient for the period during 1'\ich it retains <Mner■hip or p011es- alon of the property. In all other cues, thll usurance shall obligate the Appli- cant-Recipient for the period durinR ~ich the Federal financial assistance ii extended to it t,y the Department of the Arrlty, nus ASSURANCE is given in consideration of and for the p.,rpose of obtaini~ any and all F<>.deral grants, loans, contracts, property, dilcounts or other Federal financial assistance eJCtended after the date hereof to the Applicant-Recipient by the Depart- ment, l!!cludill!I install111ent payment, after such date on ac=t of arrqfrDellt for Federal financial assistance 1'\ich were approved before auch date. nie Applicant- Recipient recognizes and agrees that such Federal Financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and ~reements 1111de in thll usurance, and that the United States 1hall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of thl1 u1urance, n,11 assurance ii bindill!I on the Appllcant-Reclpbnt, lta aucces,on, transferees, and assl~ees, and the person or persons "1ose algnatures appear bel011 are authorized to eign this usurance on behalf of the Applicant-Recipient, Dated. _________ _ (App llcant-Reclpi mt 1 • Halllng Addreae) Appllcant-Reclplent B'i=-~-~~---~-~----Mayor, ctcy of n,giewoocl EXHIBIT C ·' 221 CERTIFICATE I, RICK DE WITT, as attorney for the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the foregoing agreement, executed by the Mayor of the City of Englewood, is within the scope of her authority to act upon behalf of the City of Englewood, and that in my capacity as attorney for the City of Englewood, I have considere~ the legal effect of Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 (42 U,S.C. 1962d-Sb) and find that the City of Englewood is legally capable of entering into the contractual obligations contained in the foregoing agreement, ~nd that, upon acceptance, it will be legally enforceable. Given under rny hand this __ day of ______ , 1969. Attorney for City of Englewood EXHIBIT D DATE August 7, 1989 INITIATED BY S'!APF SOOP.CE PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION COIJIICIL COllllllllICATION AOINDA ITEi! II (a) Public Work• Department SOIJICT Agreement wl th Corps of Engineers for Partial. Funding for Oxford P . Improvements Kells Waggo·ner, Director of Public Works Information on thia item waa prevloualy submitted by memo and/or news letter . There baa been diacuulon on whether tho City would deed tho area north of Oxford, wost of the Platte River to South Suburban Recreation and Park District . ACTION PROPOSED Passage of Ordinance approving an agreement w!.th the Corps of Engineers for partial funding f or improveme nts to Oxford Avenue Park , STAFF ANALYSIS Would beautify the a rea at the golf course and Platte River. lJould provide better access for more people to enjoy the nature area at the confluence of Bear Creek. BACKGROUND The Ci':.y of Englewood, several years ago, purchased an area north of Oxford, west of the Platte River as an entry to the Bear Ct eek confluence nature area . There have been bike trails completed along the Platte River and there ls a desire for boat launching areas for the river itself . Urban Edges and t11e South Suburban Park Foundat i on ar~ interested in raising money to improve this park area to provide a parking area and other amenities . The Corpa' contract provides a me.ans, through the City, to recoup approximate ly 501 of the cost of the improvements. Total estimated cost la $181,800 , and the Foundation could be reimbursed for $90,246. It la import ant to understand that thA Corps has provided a caveat about these funds, and that reimbursement is not 1001 guaranteed . -The agreement ls a standard one used by t he Corps for all such proj acts . ' -!!!!M!ill!, Slnce Urben Edge ■ end South Suburban Park Foundatlon have agrHd to ralao th• full 1111ount for th• local ■hare I there will not be • coat to the City for conatruction of the faclllty . lie have agreed to deed thla area to the Park Dlatrlct once completed, but that has not been flrmed up to date. If the Cl ty keep• tho area, then we would need to provldo malntenenc• ln tho future . UCOl!IIERDATIOR lie would ncomend paaugo of tho Ordlna·.,ce approvlng tho agrooment wl th the U. S. Corp ■ of Engineer• for b1prove11ent1 to O,ford Avenue P4rk .