HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 031CBDIAA.'lCE ?lO. ~ /
SERIES OF 1989--
MD:BErt O.~'i'i"OO
A.'l O~I!'<J,NCE REPE.;J..ING _;_'li) RE:EN.'CTING C0.APTI;.:;_ 4 OF 'II'l'l.Z S, E:NGI.DroD
1·1.mCIPAL CODE 1985, RELATL'lG ro FOO) Df;i ,r.'~'i Vr:iilCLES /,ND FOOD 'm'IDORS.
\•;:-iE:P.E.1..5 , the present prcvision3 c f Cr.apter 4, Title 5, Engle-~d
Hunicipa.l. Cod'? 1985 prohibit -_,er,dcrs from selling, offering for sale, hawking,
peddling, or 'listri!,uting food products pre;_,ared and processed for ir.rnediate
ccns1~t i on ~J -~ectly tc ci tizc:ns \,~o had :,ct previously ordered sar.e; and
\,"HE"RE.'S, it is cesirct:s to per.nit certa in licer.sed food vendors to sell
s uch i tE:'LS to perso:is while e:1jcying t.h~ faci lit ies of parks and certain
street~ in tl,is City;
~lGLEiroD, COLO!t'-00, T!!.~T:.
Secticn 1. Chapter 4, Title '.i, Engle;,ood 11,1.-ucipal Code 1985, is hereby
·:e~aled and reenacted to read as fol lows:
5-4-1, rr,Xl DF.LIVrn'i •m,rcu:s ~m FOOD VENOORS
,'\. DEF!NITI~S:
1. Vehicle r.ea~s every wheeled device in, upon or by which any
person or property is or rr.a.y be transported or drawn upon the
public streets, irrespective of the scurce fran wllich tl".e per.er
to propel said vehicle :;-.ay co::e a~d irrespective of the nw.ber
of ·.'heels cf said vehicle .
2. Nonvehicle sta."ld reans any nonwheeled stand that is not a
building .
3. Building rreans any structure that is pemanently affixed to real
estate generally used er intended for supporting or sheltering
any use er oc~-up ancy of a nontransi tory nature.
4. Food prod'.lcts prepared and processed for imrediate constmption
does not apply to grocery stores and similar establishr.ents
1,n~re f ood is net prepared or scld routinely fvr i.rmediate
5. Ice confection products reans ice cream, frozen milk, frozen
d,~iry or ice or yogurt products, etc.
6. Other cenfection prcducts ra?an nonalcoholic <!rinks, cancy, g,rn,
etc .
7. Street reans the entire width 1:>?t1,~n the boundary lines of
every way publicly r.-aintained ·.me n any part thereof is o;,en to
tr,e use e.f tlie public fer purposes cf vehicular travel er the
er,tire w~dth cf every way ceclared to be ~ p-Jblic street e r
high·.·ay by &."ly law cf this st~te or any ordinance c f tr.is city.
8. Sidewe.lk er s i de-.-alk area ::eans that pcrtion of a p-Jblicly
"'3.int11i:led or cecla,:-ed to be a p,iblic street er !ugh-.·ay l::y any
law cf this state er MY Engle·.ood crdina.-.ce between the curb
li:les er t.,e latenl li:'les of a rcao.-ay a.-.d the adjacent
pre,perty lbe s i ntended for used by pedestriar.s.
9. For t.'1e pur,;r.se of t.fiis tit le a.'1d chapter only, city parks ~ans
any pll'k owned by this city fer use of citizens, including the
s:al.k-,,-ays and fountain area of the Etlgle.ood Plaza ar1 walkways
and bike pat.fis cf Little Dry Creek Flood Plan.
unla1>'ful f<::r any persons to sell, offer for sale, peddle, ha1,'k, or
distri!,,1te any food products, ice oonfection products c, ether
confection produets pre;;,ared and processed for imrediate oonsim,;,tion
fran \'ehicl~s or nonvehicle stanCS on any street, alley, or ether
pJ.blic place in t.'iis city excer:,t as follo ... 'S:
L Deliveri<?s to a er.celling as t.,e resuJt of a prior order therefor
:rade by t. ,e OCct.?a.-.t e f any dwe 11 ing .
Deliveries l::y licensed businesses of food pr~ts to B71pl cyees
cf CO!!T"ercial establishlrents, construction sites and industrial
FJ>y vendor licensed by this city to sell, offer for sale,
peddle, ha-.,!<, er distribute food products prepared and processed
for iruiediate consunption, including ice confectir. products or
oth< : confection products, from vehicles or nonve .. icle stands.
1. A :,erscn desiring to conduct business, under Section 5-4-1,
shall rr.a.'ce written application t o t.,e License Officer on forms
provided by the City. Li censes shall be labeled "Food Vendor
License -Streets and Sidewalks."
2. Each license shall expire one year fran the date of issuance and
may be renewed. In addition to the Ten-dollar ($10) application
fee, t.fie fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) will be paid for the
initial license and each renewal thereof.
,' ..
3. E3ch licensee is required to operate in accordance with -
applicable state statutes as aaninistered by the Arapahoe County
Tri-County Health Departr.lent.
4. Licenses grantP.:! under this section are not transferable.
5, Licensees shall net violate any traffic la-.-s or pai:.'<ing laws,
ncr shall they hinder er obstruct ncLr..al business activities in
any gublic place, and shall <=;;>ly . '.th any regulations by the
City ~:anagar ~ler.enting this Title a.~d Olapter.
6. Licensees rray not vend food in city parks.
5-4-3: FOOD \IENDIN".i IN CI'IY l'A.~Y-5 •
• ,. No perso:-i may sell food or other items in any city park without the
pemission of t he City of Englewood,
;J. Frcm tir.e to tir.e, the City Manager IMY issue special penni ts
concerning the sale of food or other items in the City's parks and
facil.ities. 'lhese pennits shall be subject to aaninistrative
proced.n-es of the City of Englewood.
Intre<luced, read in full, and passed on fi,st reading on the 16th day of-
October, 1989.
Pl:blished as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 19th day of October, 1989 . .._
Read by title and passed on final reading on t.'le 6t.'1 day of November,
1989. \
Published by title as Ordinance No. ciJ I, Series of 1989, on the 9th day
o f Ncvern!>er, 1989. -
Attesy: ,W,v~ &~,J
Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk
I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado,
hereby certify that the foregoing is a true cx:,py of the Ordinance passed on
final reading a.id published by title as Ordinance No. &...1-, Series of 1989.
QufcB,vC/. ~ ...
Patrcia H. crow W,
October 16, 1989
11 (a)
Council Member Clayton
Roger Fraser, City Manager
Food Vendor Ordinance
Under the existing Englewood Municipal Code, food ven di ~g or pedd ling is prohibited.
This ordinance will provide for a process to allow for fo od vending in City Parks
and during special events . Proposed action requested is to adopt the proposed
ordinance which establishes t he procedures by which a ro od vendor could recei ve a
-permit to operate within the City of Englewood .
The City Counc i l reviewed this or dina 11 ce at th e Septem bet · 21 , 1989 study session.
This item was originally schedul ed on t hP. Oc.tober 2, 1989 Ag enda, but City Manager
Fraser requested that it be po stponed until the Octob er 16, 1989 meeting so that it
could be reviewed further .
This ordinance would allow for the vending of food in City par•s and at s pecia l
events (a s permitted) within Eng lewood, wh ich is a suh s tantial chang e from the
current Code.
The positive a.spects of this change are many. The City could att ract a large r
nu n:b er of festivals, special events, and acti vi ties. Exi 5t in g s pecial event ~ could
ace r ,·~ greater ,ttendance and profits for their purpo ses. Th -. public may view the
Citr ?,S being more helpful and acconrnodating when working with them on special
act ·•!ties ana events .
Negative aspects are few but could include the fallowing : higher level of attention
to 1·lndor acti ity from City pol ice, parks, and permitting staff; perceived
preferential treatment to certain vendors when a limited number of vendors are
-desired at any specific event and some vendors might be denied a permit.
Though the current Code does not allow for food vending within City parks and at
special events, there have been unlicensed vendors at some activ'lties. In some
cases they have been shut down, in others they have been a 11 owed to remain .
Enforcet11ent of this Code provision has resulted in kn of some desirable activities
in Englewood and seff.s to be fairly stringent in terms of accommodation of special
events .
Direct financial illll)acts to the City are ■ini111al. The increased activity by City
staff tn tending to the permttttng process would be negl tgible, while the
enforcement Hpect ts dt ff1cul t to quantify without having some expert ence to
justify any calculattons . However, should food vending result in inord i nate amounts
of staff effort, a permit fee structure could be implemented in the future to cover
the associated costs .