HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 035~[ CRIIIWl::E Ill, ~ Sl!RIES C:, 1989 BY AUDIJU'1'lr ClXH:IL BILL Ill, 39 IlflMXC!D BY <nH:lL IIMlmtaA!'ICII AN (R)DIAICE APPRPRIATOO IOIIES Fell ALL IIJNICIPAL PllRP(m:S m 'fflE cm c:, l!2G.&«:XXl, c:x:r.clU\DO, m mE FISCAL YEAR BJll;ntlOO JmJARY 1, 1990, Mil l!lllOO tl!C!HIIER 31, 1990, 0H!'I'I'1Ul'JN. IIIA1' IS Tl!R!E) mE l\lHJAL APP!a'RIATICII BILL PClt 'l1IE FISCAL XF.AR 1990. t«:M, THEREFCm:, BE IT amAINm BY 'l1IE cm <XXH:IL CF mE cm c:, EIIGLD«XXl • CXLCIIAllO • 1\S FCl.LalS: Section 1. 'l:Mt there be and there hereby is appropriated from the revenue deriving fmn taxation in the City of Englewood, Colorado, fmn collection of lioanae b- and fran all other sources of revenue &lring the year beginning ,Tanuary 1, 1990, and ending llecel1ber 31, 1990, the llmJll!ltB hereinafter eet forth for ·:he object and purpose specified and set opposite thereto, specifically as fol- lows, to wit: Legislation and COunsel !tmicipal Court City Manager Aaninistrati ve services Finance .Public liorks Safety Services Cmml~lty Developnent Ll • • ary /Recreation Operations General Government Total General Fllnd Genm'lll 1'lllld Pd>lic P!EUUWWWJL Pim Const.ruction of Major Capital Projects Dllbt Sl!nimllmd Total Debt Servl.ce PUnd 567,519 372,356 298,023 1,137,723 692,583 4,308,317 8,046,055 682,942 2,300,290 428.287 18.834.095 547.548 llltlllrllltaqlriaflm Total water Enterpriee P'und Total Sewer Enterpriee P\lnd 6 1125 1594 Total Golf Courae !'Jnd 708,097 am.rvatim Truat 11m Total Calsuvation Trust FUnd 60..222 section 2. 'lbe foregoing appropriations sh1' · 1. be cx,nsidered to be appropriations to groups within a program or department within the fund indicated but shall rot be cx,nstrued to be appropriated to line i tems within any groups, even though such line i terns may be set forth as the adopted budget for the fiscal year 1990. section 3. All monies in the hands of the Director of Finance, or to cate into her hands for the fiscal year 1990, may be applied on the outstanding claims now die or to beccl1e due in the said fiscal year of 1990. section 4. All unappropriated ncnies that may care into the hands of the Director of F!nance during the year 1990 may be so distributed am:mg the respective funds herein as the City Council may~ best under such oontrol as is provided by law. section 5. During or at the close of the fiscal year of 1989, any 8W:plua nmey in ,ny of the respective funds, a:''ter all claims for 1989 against the -i-been - paid, may be d ,stributed to any other fund or funds at the diacretion of tile City Council . -2 - ~• read in full, and paaed e11 fint zu4in; e11 the 6th VI of~, 1989. Publiahed u a Bill fc.r an ()rd1nance e11 the 9th VI of Nc,Ylltler, 1989. Read by title and paned Cl\ final reading Cl\ the 20th d6/ of NoYaD-- ber , 1989. Publiahed by title as Qrd1nanCt! 110. J fi. Series of 1989, on the 23rd d6j of Nc,V9lt)el°, 1989. I, Patricia H. craw, ::'.ity Clerk of the City of Dvil-,od, Colorado, t,ereby certify that the foregoing is a true OC1f1't .,f ~£~ paned Cl\ final reading and published by title as Qrd1nanCt! No. .-, series of 1989. './~~,,_ di fA-K "'r Patricia H. craw