HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Ordinance No. 037e ooonwa NO. JJ. muES OF 1989 BY Al1l'f!ORITY ClXJNCIL BIL!., NO, 43 nmaxx:m BY CXXN:IL MEMBER l(OZN:EI( AN CJU)INJ\NCE APPR<l'Jm, FIRST SUPPLEMENI AL CCtffltl\CT li!TII THE STATE ilEPAR'IMEm' OF HIGHWAYS IN COOJIINCTICN WITH THE SANt'A FF. AND DAR'lM~Jl'I! ~. WIUEAS, by Ordinance No, 3, Series of 1989, City c:ouncil approved a contract between the City of Englewood and the State Departnent of Highway• for rechannelization inprovements on Little Dry Creek adjacent to West oart100uth Avenue and replacing the waterline in West Dartnouth Avenue in conjunction with t.lle Colorado DepartJTent of Highways (CXII) inprovementa to Santa Fe and Dart!Touth Ave; and WKEREAS, in addition to the Dartlrouth and Santa Fe construction project, the COCH has included work enlarging the storm sewer system fran 24" to 36" . inprovements to the storm sewer system at West Hanpden Avenue and Santa Fe during construction of the railroad bridge O\>er Hanpden; and WHEREAS, Public Works has reviewed and found reasonable Clal' s cost of $14,600 to upgrade the storm sewer system and had previously l>Jdgeted this am::runt in the Public Il!provement Fund by Resolution No. 49, Series of 1989; NCM, ~, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OXJNCIL OF THE CI'l"i OF ~. COLCRADO, AS FOLLC'·!S: Section 1. The FIRST SUPPLEMF.Nl'AL COOTRl\CT to Little Dry Creek Channelization -C'C 10-0085-08 is hereby approved. Said Contract provides generally: 1 , The basic contract, unless specifically revised by the First Suppleirental Contract, shall remain in full force and effect with respect to the contractual relationship between the parties. 2. The work under the original ~ontract is changed to include increasing the storm se,,,er line extension beneath Harrpden between South Santa Fe and South Jason fran 24 inches to 36 inches. 3, The City shall pay an arrount not to exceed $14,600 for the storm sewer line extension making the total contribution by the City to the State increase fran $281,045 t.o $295,645. Section 4. The Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign and attest the First SUpplesrental Contract for and oo behalf of the City Council and the City of Engl.....:,od, Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 20th day of Nover1t:>er, 1989. Pu::>lishod u a Bill for an ordinance on the 23rd <Jay of Novs!t)er, 1989. Read 'l:ty title and passed on fina.l reading on the 4th day of Decent,er, 1989. Published 'l:ty title as ordinance No • .f}_J_, Series of 1989, on the 7th <Jay of DecelTl:ler, 1989. ~· ~~4<.;d.~ PatrcaH. Crow, CityCer I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of th<' City of Diglewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the foregoing is a tru,. 00f1Y of the ordinance passed on final reading and ?Jblished 'l:ty title as ordinance No. ':2...J_, Series of 1989. ~~~#-~, Pilica7i. Crow - DATE Novlllber 20, 1989 INirlATED IY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL COIIUUCATION MEll>A ITEII 11 (c) Pub 11 c llr.rks Dep1rt111ent Ke 1 ls Waggoner SUI.JECT Agree11ent wl th CDOH on Santa Fe l1111rov-nts ·council pproval of first supplemental contract with the State Department of Highways . PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION A Ordinance No. 3, Serles of 1989, Contract between the City of Englewood and the -State Department of Highways . STAFF ANALYSIS The existing contract with the State Department of Highways provides that the City will pay up to $250,000 towards the cost of rechannelization Improvements on Little Dry Creek adja cent to llest Dartmouth Avenue; and the City 's Utilities Department will pa_y $)1,045 towards the cost of replacing the waterline in West Dartmouth Avenue . This constr4ction is being done in conjunction with Colorado Department of Highways improvements to Santa Fe and Dartmouth . The contractor is Lawrence Construct ion Company. Construct ion began September, 1989 and this phase of ,-.ork 1s scheduled to be completed about July, 1990. IACIC&ROINI In addition to the improvements at Dartmouth and Santa Fe, COOH's construction project also includes work at West Hllllpden Avenue and Santa Fe. During design, COOH and the City's Public Works Department agreed that h 1provet11ents to the stor111 sewer systo In West Hampden Avenue were warranted and should be done when the railrJad bridge was constructed over H&Jllpden . The 1mprovt111ents consist of increasing the size of the stora sewer in Hampden fr0111 24-inches to 36 -inches fr011 Santa Fe eastward to South Jason Street . The Increased size will provide the capacity to A extend the ston1 sewer system south and east of Jason and Ha mpden in the future, as 9 reco-.ended in the City's 1971 Master Stol'II Drainage Plan. f!.!Mm Public llorks 1111 revlewd CDOH's cost of $14,600 for lnstalll119 36-lnch versus 24-lnch PIP'I 111d has CCJIIPU'ld the difference In capacity between 24-lnch and 36-lnch pipe. This cost 1s r111nnabl1 , especially when you consider what the cost would bt If the stor11 s-r was i11111raded at a liter date, when traffic control and trench shoring would bt •ch 11.011 costly. \_ The cost to the City for the l1111rov-nts Included In this suppl-ntal contract will now total $295,645; a Hxlaum of $250,000 for the rechannelizatlon work on L1ttl1 Dry Creek; $31,045 for the waterline replac-nt in Dartaouth Avenue; and S14,600 for upslztng the stor11 s-r tn Hupden Avenue . Th• $14,600 for upslztng the stor11 s-r tn Hupden Avenue has been previously budgeted tn the Public I1111rov-nt Fund, Resolution No. 49, Serles of 191!9. 1454U cc 10-0085-08 L!TTLE DRY CREEK CHANNELIZATION CONTRACT THIS FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT, made this day of ______ , 19 __ , by and between the State of Colorado for the usa and benefit of THE STATE DEPARTMENT Of HIGHWAYS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, hereinafter referred to as the State, and the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, STATE OF COLORADO, hereinafter referred to as the Local Agency, WHEREAS, authority exists in the Law and Funds have been budgeted, appropriated and otherwise made available, and a sufficient unencumbered balance thereof remains available for payment in Fund Number 2001 , G/L Account Number 52046, Contract Encumbrance Number 88703 ; and WHEREAS, required approval, clearance and coordination has been accomplished from and with appropriate agencies; and WHEREAS, the State and the Local Agency have he retofore entered into & project contract dated February 23, 1969, hereinafter referred to as the basic cont r act , made a part hereof by reference, which by its terms is still in effect, whic ~ provided for Local Agency funding of a portion of the construction of rechannelization of Little Dry Creek and the replacement of 700 linear feet of 12-inch water line beneath Dartmouth Avenue in Englewood, Colorado ; and ; WHEREAS, the basic contract further provides that the Local Agency would contribute funding in t he amount of $261 ,045 to the State f or the work described therein and that the Local Agency cost would be increased only by a written supplement to the basic contract; and WHEREAS, becau,e of subsequent negotiations the parties desire to amend the basic contract to provide for a s i ze increase to a storm sewer extension; and WHEREAS, the project will be completed in conjunction with and is physically adjacent to two State highway _improvement projects, Project Nos. CXFCU(GF) 10-0085-09 and RRS 085-2(44); and WHEREAS, the basic contract provided the cost of replacement of the water line and the cost of the rechannelization of Little Ory Creek shall be shared between the State and Local Agency ; and WHEREAS, the State projects pr ovide for the extension of a 24-inch storm sewer line beneath SH 285 between South Santa Fe Drive and South Jason Street; and WHEREAS , the parties desire the size of the 24-inch storm sewer extension by the State on the State project be increased to a 36-inch storm sewer line ; and WHEREAS , the State and Local Agency consider it to be in their mutual interest to cooperate in accomplishing the project; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend the basic contract to provide for Local Agency funding of the extra costs that are attributable to the increase in size of the proposed storm sewer line , from 24-inch to 36-~nch . NOW , THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed that : 1. The basic contract, unless specificall~ revtsed or amended herein, shall be and remain in full force and effect with respect to the contractual relationship between the parties hereto . 2 . Paragraph 1 . of the basic contract shall be deleted in i ts ent i rety and replaced by the following : -2- "I . Th• work urider this contract shall be : a . Rechannelization of Little Dry Creek . b . Replacement of 700 linear feet of 12-inch water line beneath Dartmouth Avenue, east of South Santa Fe Drive, in Englewoo~. Colorado. Said water line replacement will be by installation of 700 linear feet of 24-inch ,oater line . c . Extension of 24-inch storm sewer line shall be increased to a 36-inch storm sewer line beneath SH 28S (Hampden Avenue) between South Santa Fe Drive and South Jason Street in Englewood, Colorado". 3 . Paragraph 6. of the basic contract shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: "6 . The State and Lv c~l ~gency have estimated the total cost of the water line replacement to be $4S,S3S . The Local Agency shall contribute an amount not to exceed $31 ,04S for its portion of the water line replacement costs, ..,..---.-· unles s such amount is increased by a written supplement to this contract . The Local Agen cy shall contribute an amount not to exceed $14 ,600 for the storm sewer line extension , unl e ss such amount is increased by a written supplement to this contract . Reimbur s ement to the State by the Local Agency shall be a lump sum of $4S ,64S, payabl, within 30 days after completibn and final acceptance of the water line replacement and storm sewer line extens ion by the State". -3- 4 . Paragraph 8 . of the basic contract shall be amended by deleting the figure "$281. 04S" and therefor subs ti tu ting figure "$29S ,64S". the - S . The "Special Provisions" attached hereto a rr, hereby ma de a part hereof . -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto haue executed this contract the day and year first above written . ATTEST : Chief Clerk CLIFFORD W. HALL Acting State Controller By--------- ATTEST : By Title STATE OF COLORADO ROY RO~ER , GOVERNOR By Executive Director DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS APPROVED : DUANE WOODARD Attorney General By ==,:--,a--==c-------BARRY 8 . RYAN Assistant Attorney General Natural Resource s Section CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO By Title __________ _ -5- CONTROi.i.D'S APPIIOVAL I. Thlt-lllllllOl"°-"Jld .. Ull1allallha,._.,...,...ibl'U..C-.tllhoS11"t1 Colotadoo,,........,. u ht mar dulJnalc. Thlt P'O'rilloo i, ~ '° .. , _,,.. .,,..,.._ .... ,.,. 111&11&ol-...1~1lhlluta. . . trtlNI> AVAU,AUU,rrY Z. l'inMCial obU--of UM Stile pa7abN aflcr Lha OUtf'Onl fllc1I 1e1r M'C c.-ondnl'fll upon (un&b (o, lhal pv,poM N'-I•~. ~ and .... ,.. .. made ... u.w.. IIOND 'n&QIJlll&IIIKHr 3. Jr 1h11 conulCt IAwolYU lho ,.,mcnl of mor1 lha11 My 11....,_a doll•n r« u .. conaltucl!nn, creel Ion, (JIIN', manu&MII, ot-,.0-,lfflCM ot 1111 bulkli111, road. briqt.. •llcklcl. lUnnol, cau .. uon or uthlr pwhllc wwt1 (111 lhil SlMa. lhl ..._,.ao, shall, blfott .. wtt"l lbt pwf'Ol"IMnca ul any 1~1 wu,k btdlld.d lfl lhll .... U,ct, duly CICCIM ud tWm=, IO Nd me wkb tho offldal whole 1la,lllut1 •l'PCll'I bdow '°' UNI S1110, • twt' and 1uffldcM IIIOIIIII o, o&hrlt ICOCplabk .wroty IO M ippfONd by aald of1'1clal i11 • penal 11,1,n nut tcaa ltwt u,1e , hatr qf lhc 11111 Ul'IOWll pa71bk bJ the luml ollhll COfttrKl. S\td& bond 1111II be duly caoCltlcd bJ a qullllned cotpOfa&o 1utet7,condltblcd for the WC uwJ rakhful pcrl'otmancoofthc conlratl, IOO In addition, 1h1II pn~ lMI U'1hc COMtldof or hil ,ubcont,IQOn fall lo dllly pay for 1n1 lllbor, matcri11II, team hlro, a...acmu~. ltft>. wllions. pnwcadoro, oUlct avppllca UICd OtCONllffiOd by 111Cb conkldof or hl1 subconlraclor ln pcrf'cwmaHcc rl the work con&racwd Lo be doae_ lhc awcty will pay lhc IIIN In In IAIOUIU not c1CCO&lln1 the 111111 llpKIOc:tl hi lhc boftd, IOFlMI wi1II iAICtUI at I.he ra&c of da,hl pot cioil pot annwn. Unlcu auda bond. wbcn M re11ul,... b cacclded, ~ and flied, N cllim in (nor of lhl conlrK&of Wlna under lhla contnct 1h1II be •cN!al, allowed or paid. A ccnutcd otcuhlc,'1 chcuor• bank monoyordu p1y1blc lo lhc TIUltUUoflhe Slllt: 11( Colorado ffllJ bo 1ccc:pted in li eu or I bond. Thb provbion ll In coanpli1nco wilh 31 -26 -106 CM. u --nroiaa!JFICArlON 4, To lhc talent, 11tlhori&Cd by i.w, lho contrlctot &hail Uldomnll'y, 11ft 111d bokl haimdcaa lho Slate, ita cmploJCCI andqoall, qaiaatany and1Udalm1,....,_, UabfUlJ-9 cou11.1wltd& indudi111eo&1.1. c1pcn1u, and ,uomc, rw iocumd • a.-lltl.., 1Ct0tonilaaloo br Ille_.,,., 111 cm,lo,w, aacn11, .. -. Ltacton, or wl_pca punuw to lhc lUml of lhll ~act. DISCIWIIINll:l'ION AND AnlllMAl'IVI!: ACTION S. ThccODLraCtOt..,...tocomJl!1wllhlholcttulftd1plritof1hoCM'116oAnticJbcrimlnatMIActofl9Sl, u ~. and Oltwr -,Hcabto Llw ,upcctjna diKriminatlon and unrair cmpk)7mcnt prldiccl (24 -J4"'60l . CRS 1912 llcplaoamcnl Val.), and u r,quircd br lluculml Order, Equ1I Opjlo<lu nilr and Affimwl,c Actlun, dlttd April 16. 197'. Pu,.1111,., tlltnto, tllt/ollo'llin, prv,Uioru 11!0II IN ttMlointd in oll Stott co111rac11 or Jllt,.toll/fOCII. Durina Ute performance ol lhia contract. lhc contnctot q,ccs u lollowa: (I) Tht conLlldor will DOC discrirninllc qaU'llt 1117 employee or applicanl ror cnplo7rncn1 bcc,au.J, of race, ctetef. colot, national oriim, HZ. muita1 ltatul, rcl{&klo. lnCCltly, mental or pb'fllcal llaadlcap, o, a,p. The contraclOf will tau allirmative action lO inluro 11w applic&nU &re cmpk)7cd, and that cmplo,rcca arc treated durina em,ktymcnt, without rcprd to IN abbvc mentioned characterialics. Such action 1:haU inchM:Sc, but not be limited 10 lhc rollowina: tmplo'fm&nl. uparad ina. demotion, or 1r1mfu, rcuviunccn.;: rccNilmtnl adwc.ttiaina; lay-ol'T) or 1cnnlnallcw; ratta or pay or olhcr fonm ol compcna:11.ofl ; and ,clcc,. lion ror lrainini, lnchM.lina apprc.nticcahlp. Tho con1 rac10t 111rce1 10 post in cona:pic~• places, nailalik IO emplo7cu and •PP'iunU (or c.rnplo1mcnl, nc,t;cc-1 IO be proYidcd b7 lhc co ntractin& officu u:uin, fonh prowi,.O,U ol lhb non-di,criminaliOfl clau1t. (2) The. contraetot will, Ul all 1olici1allons o, advertiacmcnu ror employee, placed by o, on bchalrol1ht CORtractor, auitc that all qullil'icd aPPlicanll will receive considet1tion (or empk)ymcnl wJ•"c,u1 rcaat\110 rxc. creed, color, national oricin, 1C1, marital 1t1tu1, rclia,ion, IMC-Stry, mcotal or ph,sic..11 handicap, or 1,c. (J) The conuac!Of will u:nd lo each labor un ion or rcprucntacivc or workers wi\11 which he Ml colkcti'IC 1w&ainin1 •lft:cment or other contuel or un<kra11ndin&, notice 10 ~ provided by the con1rac1in1 olT.ccr. adviain& the labor union or worters' rcprucnLIUYe' of lhc conlractor'a commiument 11ndcr the Eam.tivc Otdcr, EqualOppoftunll'f anc.' AffinnatlvcAclioa,$111CdAp,il 16, 191.S,ancfo(thc Nks.rcplatkw, and rclcY1111 ()rdcn o( lhc Governor. (4) The oontr1cl0r Md labor uniona wUI fvmilh all lnl'ormllion and ,cpona requited b'f Elcculi .. Order, Equal <>,,onunllr and Affi~"' Ac:ioft ol April la, 197S, Md t 7 lho niks, rqulaliona and Onlua of lho O~Cfflot, or pursvanl 1hcrcl0, and •ill pctmil 1CCC11 IC hll boob, rceotda, Md ICCOlltlU b'f the COfto trlClin& qency and lhc otr.cc of lhc 00'f'Cffl0t 0( his dui&,ncc (or purpolC,I o( in¥Clliplion LO uccrtlil complianu wilh hdl nilcs. R$'11aticM" and cwdctt. (S) A labororpniu1ion will notucludc anylAdiridualod'.UWUCqyallr.ed rromr~mcmbcnbipri&MJ in such labot orpniution, o, e1pcl an7 auch Individual rrom mcmbcnhlp In auch luor o,pniutiun o, ~ cri,n,.;.au •&IINt anr of ha mcmbctt in L.'lc (ull cnJo1mcnl olwott. oppot1un il7, bccauao..,. 1Kc, acal, cotor.1e1,n11 ion1loriJin,otat1Calry. (6) A labof Ck'&a11iutin11, ur tlte cm11kl1ccs or mcmbctt thcr..:11(will 111M aiJ, 1l I, i,~i lc . 1.:um1>i:l •If 1:u,:r.:c the doin, of anr ad defined in lhi1 contrxl lo be dUicrlmiualUf'/ or oh11ruc1 ttr pn:vcnt a1111icnon rmrn compl'flft& -'lh the pro'li,ioNofthia conlracl °' an7onJcri11.J lhcrcun&kr, ur 11IIC1nf", cUherJin:ctl10, indiP:alv. tn Cflfflfflil :,ny •«t dtrffl in lhb contrllCI In hf! llt'11:rirt1inllNV. l9l-Jl.Ql ,10l2 .. ,.,.. I rtf Z . n11r.c1 "~•,;;-.,..--;;;;,;.;-;;:-..;;.~.wi'~ •• ,111u.a1111.~--.. ....... HI whole Ot h, Pit\ Ind the COllltlCIDf' .. , N •dlcl111d lMlla)Wt (or r.l'\M, s, ... «unaracu l,i IROfdMcc wkh proccdura , Mhotiud I• !accltl(•c Order. ~:,al l>,,ponunl11 11Nt Arr11ma1 i,c , .. , ... or April 16, 191l lllld1hchllu,rcplallooa,0t11•dcr, pnllllUlaJ:lld lnocconl1nccu,.,..;,h, .... 1wch uOicr aancdcw 11 '"'•1 be lmpo1td Md f'IMtdkl •• mlf bl ln,o~IW a, pro¥tdcd ift 1iu1:1i111i•• Ordct, l!qu11I Opponu11IIJ :md Afflrmali\'C AcOon of Ap,il 16, 1')7S, n, bJ nilcs, recul~IHJl11 , ur ordc:u prOlmtlC"ICd in 1Ccord11ncc lhctcwilh, o, u ,Ol.huwbc 11toviclcd by hl\'t. (I) The contradot will indlilde 1h• prov/akin, of p11rac,111•h ( I) lhruu"1 (I) in every 111IHu.111:i1:1 :111d ,uhcontr:,c:10, JMlrchAlc ntdcr unlc.u cump(cd by n,lc,, rc;11l111ion1, or ot1lcr1 iuucd '""~1•:ii11 ,., 1!11:c,,t i•( Ordcr, r!f!UII 0/,pUl1t1nhy 1\1\d J\ffln11:it lvc J\ctin11 or Awil IG , :ns. ,o lh:itsni:h 11111•i~i1M1: ,,ill be bi1)tli11 1 upon uch 1ubconlr11ct0tor vendor. The cuutrl\Clor w1ll 1:ikc 1uc:h :ic1ion with 11:Slk.'.Ct 10 11n11vb-conlt11ctinc or purch:uc order u the c:onlrac:tinc 11cc11cy m::ay direc:1, ::a1 a 1nun1 ur i:11l"un:i 11c n,eh 1tr?,i1iui11 , inc:h1din, 1:inc1iona ror non-c01npl i11 ncc ; p,owidcd, however, lh:11 in the c,cut 1hc: cnn• 1t:1c101 becomes in,ot,cd in: or is lhru\cnid with, lili;lllion with tlic 1ubc:ontr11c1or or ,c:,ldor :u :t n:::ult Df ,uch direct ion by 1hc contracti n& t.tcl\CyJ lhc conlractor may request lhc S1:1tc of Color;,<Jo lo c:n\c r inlo 1uch liti,:ilion 10 prOIC:Cl 1hc in\CICll ·,:,l lhc S111tc: or Color11do. COI.ORAOO LAUOR l'llEFERENCE C, :i . rro,i1ion1 nl 1, 17• I 01 &I. I 02 , CllS ror p(crucnco of Color:ido h,bor :i re :i ppl ic ;,blc to lhb cnn1r.u1 ir p11hlie wo,ts wi1hin lhc Slate arc undcna~tn hcrcu111Jcr and -:irc lin;,nccd in whole or in p;,n b)' St;,tc f111'(b:, h. \Vhcn ;, COI\IINCl inn conlt:i CI '°' a r,ublic: proicct• ii 10 be 11w11rdcd 10 I bK.ldc:r, .,· ruit.lci\\ lti~di:r l h:,11 he; :i llo wc d • p,crerence 111:iinst II non•rc:.sidcnt bidder from a sl:llc or f0<c:icn country equal 10 the p,cfc,cncc ,;i,cn 0t ri:1!uircd b)' the 11 :\\c or rorcian c:CM1ntry in which the 'non,ruidcnt bidt.lc, i1 1 ruid c:nt. Ir il i1 dc1cr111 incd by the: nn·,.:cr rcspon1iblc: fur .,,,..ardinc the bid 1h111 c:om1,li11n" with 1hi1 ivb1cc:tion .06 m:iy cause: tlc:ni11I ur fc:tltr ;i l fond, 1'.'hi..:11 would 01hcrwi1c be: 1w1il.1 blc or would 01.hcrwi1c bo: incon,istc:nl with rcquircmc:nlS orrc:dc:ul l~w. lhis 111b- •,c:11io11 shall be: suspended, but ool)' lo the u1cnd ncccsury lo prc"tCnl den ial or lhc: money : or 10 c:l iminale 1hc mcnuiisicnq with (cdcr11I ttf\uire111cn1: (ac:c1lon 1-19-101 :and 102, Cft.S). GENERAL 1, 'J'hc l11w1 of1hc S1:11e of Cu1nr11du :,1111 Nlt.1 11nd ,ccul1tions i:sucd 1M1u1111nl lhc rc to :h:111 he :.111ilit1I in 1hc in1erpr ct11 ion , c:aecution 11nd enro,c:cmc:111 or this con1r11et: Any 1•ro•11ion or lhis tl'lnlrai:t wl1 clhc, I.II' 11111 i,1\:,,,., 111Jt:1lc'1 ltCrcin by 1c(e,c:1Kc: which pro,idu for arbltr:alion by 11117 catr:i•judic:i.il budy or pc:~011 or wlttCh is 11IIK:t• ,..iic in c:onnic t with uid law1, NICJ •nil rccul:ition1 shall be coiuidcn:11 null ::ind ,oitl. Nod1 in,; cu111:ii•1cd i11 :111 1 llr(ll'is ion incorpor11cd herein b)' reference whid• purporu to ncc:ilc this or MJ olhcr 11,ccini ,,,u,..bi un in ,,..11ule or i11 1111n shall be ulid or enfOf'ccablc: 01 ll'11ilable in nnJ action :al l:i w whether by w111 of compl :ai nl , 1lc:frmc uruthtr- "'isc:. Any pro,ision rcndtted null •nd ,oid by the opct11ion o( this pro•ision wilt 1,ot inv:a lid nte the remainder u( 1hi1 contract 10 U,c utcnt lh1l the c:ontr:ict is c:ip11blc . o( ucculion. K. l'\1 11 U lilnu tlurinc the pc:rf'on111nc:c of 1hb Conlr11c1 , the Contraclur 111:dl 11ricll7 11dh1:11: 10 :,U :i 1,1,1ii:11hlc rcdcr::al :and u11e laws , rvlu and rc:cula1 ion1 Iha! hawo been or mn,y hcruncr be ut:iblishd. ?. The aicn:alor ics he reto :111cr 1h::a1 the)' arc ramiliar wilh I B•S-)01 , c:L m1 ., (Oribcry :ind Co,Npl l11ll 11cnccs) :u wl I ft ,ff .•101, cl. !Cfl ,, (Abuse: o( !'ublic Office), Cft.S 1978 llc:11lacc:menl Vol., nn1I lh11t nn •iul:iliun uf:ud, 11111• ¥1 ~,Ullt II 11re1c11I , 1 0. The 1ii;n::a1or iu :iver 1h:it to 1hcir linowlcdce, no state c11111l117ee h111 n pcrsunal or 1,x:;,crici;1I 1111cru1 wli:11 , ,c11c:•cr in the Scl"'liC< °' propcny ducribc:ll herein: Plti Z .......... 11 l ,..., •.. , .....