HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 003ORDINANCE NO. d SERIES OF~ l'1'10 B'i Alm!ORIT'i COONCIL JllLL NO, 47 INTRODUC.ED B'i COONCIL MEMBER CLl\'i'I'OO 9 (g) A."i O!IDINl\.'O SUB11I'lTING TO A VCII'E OF THE QUALIFIED ELErl'O:SS OF THE CIT'i OF ENGLEN:XJD AX THE NEXT SCHEDULED RI.XilJLJ\R MUNICIPAL ELEX:I'ICT'l PRO?OSED l\Mrntt-!Em' TO T'riE OlARTER OF T'r!E CIT'i 0: :::?:GLFJ-mD RELATING TO THE FlliO.."iCII\L IMPORT OF D·lPASS'.i:: ISSu.:S. BE IT O~.•.INID B'i THE CIT'i OJU:ICIL OF THE CIT'i OF ENGLE.1mtl, CCLO.'U\00, THAT: Section 1. There is hereby su:mi tted to the qualified electors of the City of Englewood at the next scheduled regular nunicipal election proposed arrendrent to th.e Charter cf the City of Eilglaw,X>d, as follows: That effecti·;e irm'ed.iately upcn c!p?roval of the qualified electors of t.>ie City of :::igle...,ood, and the certification t!1ereof to the office of the Secretary cf State cf t!-1e State of CClcrado , pursuant to section 9, Article )0(, of t.'1g ColorAdc Ccnstituticn and 5ectior. 31-2-210 CClorado Revised Statutes, A..'1:iclg }..'V c f t.',e Ha:e Rule Charter of the City of Englewood is hereby 11.,ended by adding the following parag?"aph at the end of 137: 6: 137:6 Il-:PASSE RSSOLl,'TlO!l E.'ICH AL'.'.'ERN.Z\.TI\IE sr:ai:: ME.!\SURE C':l THE BI\LLOl' SUB.'llTI'ED ro AN ELEx:TICN .'-S A RE.',ULT JF .::..!l ::2-lPLOYE:: Il•lPl'SSE SH.'ILL n-lCLUDE A STATEMEm' PREPARED B'i T'~:;:; CIT\'' S Fnt'l:lCL?\L DSP!\.R'IHE!\'T S'l:."-TD'IG THE FillANCIAL IMPACT OF EACH AL'I'ER:-l"-'l'l'VE SD!GLE MF.>.sURE FOR 'lliE NEXT ONE Y-UIR. ~cticn 2. 7i,e vi:ting r.achine s and paper callots for said election shall carry the follcwi ng designation wt ,ich s~.all :oe the sul:rnissicn clause: FOR AG.ZUNST Amending the Charter of the City of Englewood relating to Article 'lN "!Ppasse Resolution," by adding a paragraph requiring iul items sul:rnitted to an election as a result of an er.ployee i,rpasse shall include a staterent prepared by the City'• Finance Depart:rent of the financial ilrpact of the proposlls for the next one year. And each elector votbg at said election and desirous of votL,g for or against said airendaent shall indicate his choice by depressing the "PPropriate counter of the voting machine which indicates the word "For" or "Against" or by appropriate marking upon paper ballots where used. Secticn 3. The ;:,r~r officials cf the City of Englewood shall give ncticeofsafclspecial mur.iciptl election, which notice shAll be published in the manner and fer the length cf ti.rre required by law, and the ballots cast at s ,i ch election shall be canvassed and the result ascerttined, cetermined, and certified as required by 1,.-.o1. Intrcduced, read in full, a.-:ended, a.'ld passed as a::l!!nded on the 18th day cf !:Ya>c e:tber, 1989. 1990. 1990. P..Jblished as a 9ill fer an Ordinance en t.'le 21st day of D.!cember, 1989. Re•d by title, ar:ended, and passed as an-ended en t.">e 8th day of January, Published in full as amended on the 18th day of Januart, 1990. Read by title and passed en final reading or, 'che 5th day of February, Published by title as Orc.i.nance No. ~. Series cf 1990, or. the 8th day of February, 1990. ~~~~~ Patricia H. Crew, City Clerk I, Patricia H. Crew, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, COlorado, hereby certify that the foregcing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading ar,d published by title as Ordinance r;c,. _..:!,_, Series of 1990. Y~IV-~ Patricia H. crew C B'l l\11l'HORITY A BILL FOR COUNCIL BILL NO, 4 7 IN1'ROllOCED B'l COUNCIL MEMBERCLA'i'rol AN CIIDINANCE SIJBMITl'm:i 'ID A VOi'£ OF 'lllE QUALIFIED ELF.X:'IDRS OF 'lllE CITY OF F2G.EKXlD Kr A SPEX:IAL ELEX:TICll 'ID BE HEID Cl! Jl\NUJ\R'l 30, 1990, PROPOSID AMENMNr 'ID 'lllE CHARTER OF 'lllE CITY OF ENGLENXlD RELATm:i 'ID 'lllE FINANCIAL IMPCRr OF IMPASSE ISSUES AND Dfx:J..ARIN:i AN EMERGENCY, BE IT ORDAINED B'l 'lllE CITY CXIUNCIL OF 'lllE CITY OF FNiIDiOOIJ, C0LaWJ0, THAT: Section 1. There is hereby subnitted to the qualified electors of the City of Engl"""""3 at the special municipal election to be held on January 30, 1990, proposed amenarent to the Charter of the City of Engl"""""3, as follows: 'lllat effective inrrediately upon approval of the qualified electors of the l.lty of Engl""""d, and the certification thereof to the office of the Secretary c t St&~e of the State of Colorado, pursuant to Sa:tion 9, Article XX, of the Color,.do Constitution and Section 31-2-210 Colorado Revised Statutes, Article 'IN of t he Hare Rule Charter of the City of Eng!"""""3 is hereby IJ!l1ended b~• adding the following paragraph at the end of 13,: 6: 137:6 IMPASSE RESOLlll'IOO EACH ALTERNATIVE Sm:iLE MEASURE 00 THE 'fJAlJJJI: SIJBMITl'ED 'ID AN ELEC'".'ICll AS A RESUW~ OF AN EMPLOYEE IMPA'1SE SHALL INCLUDE A STATEMENr PREPARED B'l 'lllE CIT'l' S FINANCIAL DEPARTMENI' STATm:i 'lllE FINANCIAL IMPJ\CT OF F.AC11 ALTERNATIVE Sm:;LE MEASURE FOR 'lllE NEXT OOE YEAR. Section 2. '!be voting machines and paper ballots for "-~ld election shall carry the following designation which shall be the sul:rru.ssion clause: FOR AGAINST AMENtf,!EN'I'N0,3 l\r!l!nding the Charter of the City of Englewood relating to Article 'IN "Drpasse Resolution," by adding a paragraph requiring all items subnitted to an election as a result of an enployee inpasse shall include a s~atEment prepared by the City's Finance llepartnl!nt of the financial irr\lact of the proposals for the next ooe year. And e !!Ch elector voting at said election and desirous of voting for or against said arrenctnent shall indicate his choice by depressing the appropriate counter of the voting machine which indicates the word "For" or "Against" or by ~riate marking upon paper ballots "4lere used. Section 3. '11'1e proper officials of the City of Qigll!W00d shall give notice ofsaid special municipal election, ..tiich notice shall be )?Jbliahed in the manner and for the length of tine required by law, and the ballots cut at such election shall be canvassed and the result ascertained, detennined, and certified as required by law. Section 4. An emergency exists to protect the welfare of the citizens of Qiglewood in that without approval at the next election, the citizens will not have direct infonnation on the .inpact at subsequent elections. Introduced, read in full, arrended, and passed as !lll!nded on the 18th day of Deceti:>er, 1989. I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby cartify that the above and foregoing is a true ccpy of a Bill for an ordinance, introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading m the 18th day of Deceooer, 1989. n ,k:%,;=~k,::c.-:·, <I'-<->.<#'-"-'---~ =--~faH. Crow -2 -