HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 Ordinance No. 017CJIDINANCE NO. I 1 SERIFS OF 199r BY AUTHORITY 10 (c) COONCIL BILL NO. 27 INl'ROOUCID BY axJNCIL MEMBER BULLOCK AN (JU)INANCE APPROVING AN l\GREEMFffl' REXiARDING THE w.IlfflNANCE OF A PARTICULAR W1\S'l'EHATER COLLEX::l'ICN SYSTEM BE:lWEEN THE CITY OF SIIERillAN AND TIIECITYOF~. WHEREAS, the proposed Agreerent between the City of Englewood and the City of Sheridan would be for the maintenance of 1,500 feet of 8" sewer line in the Santa Fe Industrial Park located in the City of Sheridan; and WHERF.AS, the existing 8" sewer line is in close proximity to the Englewood sewer main syFtem; and WHEREAS, the City of Englewood's Wastewater collection Division of the Utilities Department would provide the maintenance service; and WHERF.AS, prior to Englewood initiating maintenance, the proposed maintenance 3.rea will be videotaped at Sheridan's expense to determine the condition of the existing system as well as any necessary repairs, line replacerent, or major manhole repairs which would be at Sheridan's expense; and WHEREAS, the Agreerrent shall be contingent upon Sheridan maintaining the rusponsibilities and obligations set forth in the current Connectors Agreemei1t with the City of Englewood; and WHEREAS, custarers in th, Santa Fe Industrial Park shall have additional fees, which are the same fees levied upon Englewood's custarers, added to their e.xisting wastewater treatlrent bills to cover the costs of this maintenance service; NCM , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY axJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ::NGLEN)QD, COLCI\AOO, AS FOLLCWS : Section l. The Wastewater collection System Maintenance Agreenent between the City of Englewood and the City of Sheridan is hereby approved. Said Wastewater Collection System Maintenance Agreerrent contains generally: l. 1'lat Englewood shall provide maintenance services for the collection system shC7wll in the attachment to the Agreerrent. 2. Custarers on the collection system shall have additional fees added to their existing wastewater treatrrent bills to cover the cost of providing this maintenance service. SUch fees shall be at the rate charged to custarers within the Englewood wastewater collection service area and that anount may be changed fran time to time b1.1t shall remain the same as that charged to custarera who receive maintenance fran the City of Englewood. -l - 3. The City of Sheridan shall continue to o.m the collection systan as well as rights-of-way utilized but would grant Englewood a license to go upon said rights-of-way for maintenance. All direct costs of maintenance for street cuts and pexmi ts shall be separately charged to Sheridan. 4. Prior to Englewood initiating maintenance, the collection system shall be televised and videotaped to detemine the c:ondi tion of the systan with the cost of this procedure being borne by Sheridan and any repair or rehabilitation necessitated by the r eview shall be at the sole expense of Sheridan. All of the above shall be catpleted within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the date of the Agreement. 5. The maintenance activities provided by Englewood shall be limited to cleaning and minor repairs while any repairs requiring contractors services shall be the responsibility of Sheridan. 6. The Agreement is contingent upon Sheridan having a current standard Connectors Agreement with Englewood. If the standard connectors Agree,,ent expires and is not renewed it is at Englewood's option to discontinue maintenance. 7. Either party may discontinue the agreerrent at any tine with written notification six (6) m:,nths prior to the desired ending date. Introduced, read in full, and passed on first reading on the 21st of C May, 1990. Published as a Bill for an Ordinance on the 24th day of May, 1990. Read by title and passed on final reading on the 4th day of June, 1990. Published by title as Ordinance No. / 7, Series of 1990, on the 7th day of June, 1990. -/4/ ~-Lj;,, SU5an Van Dy ~yor ATI'EST: ~~::~y~ I, Patricia H, CrCM, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading and published by title as Ordinance No. L.2., Series of 1990. ~~A-~/.~ -2 - l·~lATER C0LLOCTlo:l SYSID! f.:.;n=t>,r ;cr: AGREl:l·:INI' ;>,n )\GREEMEm', dated this Gay of _____ , 1990 betl.'een the City of Sherican (Sheridan) and the cITy of Engle,,'Ood (Englewood), reg11rding the maintenance of II certain wastewater collection system: 1·:HEREIIS, Shericlan a.ns and CJ9erates II wastewater collection system (Collection System) within Sheric'!an t.l\at serves an area known as the Santa Fe Industrial Park, shcl,,n in Attaclr.ent A; and l·l!ICRE!>.S, Shericlan ck>!s not currently own or q,o..rate any wastewater collection mair,tenance equi;::,no..nt; and WIICRE.l\S, Englewood owns and o;,erates maintenance equiµnent for its o,m wastewater collection system located within the City of 'c:nglewood, Na1, TIICREFORE , Sheric'.an and Englewood hereby covenant and agree that: l. Englewood shall provide maintenance services for the Collection Syste:n as sha.n in .;ttachment A. 2. CUstaners on the Collection System shall have additional fees added to their existi.~g wastewater treattent bills to cover the cost of nrovidi.ng this maintenance service. The M'OUJ1t added for maintenance services shall be at the sare rate that is c.iarged to custaners within the Engle,'Ood Wastewater collection service area. '>he a.,v:,unt may be changed fran tirre to time, but the am:,unt shall be the sarre am::runt charged to ot.'1.ers custaners who receive rnaint'!nance fran the City of Cngle,,'OOd. 3 . r.hericlan shall continue to o.n t.ie Collection Syste.'11. ;>,ny rights-of-ways utilized by the collection System shall continue to be held in Shericlan's n111re and shall be main ~ail.ed by Sheridan. Sher 1'3an for the euration of t.iis Agreerrent .;n •ts to Cnglewood a licen:;e to go \J!)On sP.i.C::. rightr; .. -of-ways for maintenance. All direct costs of maintenance for str~·•c cuts and permits shall :,., separately chargee to Sheri can. 4. Prior to En<Jlewooc', ir.itiating t.ie maintenance !or the collection system, the Collection System shall be telev ised and videotaped to determiM the condition of the system. ,'he cost of this ;,roceclure shall be oorne by Shericlan. Any repair or rehabilitation necessitated b!• the revie-.1 of tlie tapes shall be at the sole l!><pellse of S~ridan a~d to all be conpleted within 120 days of date of this .~greerrent . -l - s. The maintenance activities ;,rovided by !:ngle,IOOd shall be limited to cleaning and rai,-.or re:,airs ;,erforrr.ed by I:nglewoo<l personnel. Ml' repairs requiring contractor setvices, such as line replacenent, slip lining, insituforrning, and r.i.ajor rr.anhole repairs shall be t.'le responsibility of S!leric1an and shall !X! at the sola a;,ense of Sheridan. G. This Agreement is contingent oo Sheridan having a current Stanc:'.ard Connectors Agree:rent with Cnglewood. If the Standard Connectors Agrement expires and is not rene-"9d, Englewood has tha q,tion of discontinuing maintenance setvice to the Collection System, and cease collecting fees for the maintenancu service. 7. tither party may discontinue this Agreement at any titre with written notification six rronths prior to the desired ending date. Signatures : City of Sheridan Data City of :::Oglewooci. Date Attest Attest -2 - DATE May 21, 1990 INITJATED BY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL COMMUNICATION AGENDA ITEM 12 (c) SUBJECT Wastewater Collection Maintenance Agreement with Sheridan Eng 1 ewood Water and Sewer Board Stewart Fonda, Director of Utilities The Englewood Water and Sewer Board recorrmended Council approval of the Wastewater Col 1 ect ion System Maintenance Agreement. PREVIOUS COUN CIL ACTION The Sheridan City Council discussed th i s sewer line with the Englewood City Council at the March 26 joint meeting. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed m.in t enance agreement with Sheridan 's Santa Fe Industrial Park would provide an opportunity to examine the advantages ar ' disadvantages of the City of Englewood expanding sewer maintenance agreements to other sanitation districts . \ BACKGROUND The proposed agreement between the City of Englewood and the City of 5he !·idan would be for the main ... enance of 1,500 feet of 8" sewer line in the Santa Fe lndustrhl l'ark, located 1n the City of Sheridan. The existing 8" sewer 1 ine is i n close proximity to the Englewood sewer main system . The City of Englewood's Wastewater Collection Dlvhlon of the Util I ties Deparment would provide the maintenance service. Prior to Englewood Initiating maintenance, the proposed maintenance area will be videotaped , at Sheridan's expense, to determine the condition of the existing system . Any necessary repairs , l lne r eplacement or major manhole repairs will be at Sheridan's expense . The agreement is contingent upon Sheridan maintaining the respons1b11 it1es and obl 1gat ions set forth 1n the current Connector's Agreement 1111 th the C1 ty of Englewood. FINANCIAL Customers 1n t~· •~nta Fe Industrial Park shall have additional fees, which are the same fees lev1 --on Englewood customers , added to their existing wastewater treatment b11 ls to cover the cost this maintenance service.